Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate.
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How to Score $1,000 to $50,000
By Winning Affiliate Contests
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
This includes my products as well as the products of others. I hope you promote my products. But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value. More in a minute.
If you missed the first 2 issues, they're here:
1. How to Use Viral Ecourses To Get People On Your List and Make Bux
2. How to Succeed Wildly As An Affiliate Using The 1-Step Ahead Method
$250,000 in Commissions In The Past 2 Weeks
WITHOUT Even Being Top 5. Here's How...
3. How to 10X Your Affiliate Success Via a Method
Almost No One Else Uses -- This Is BIG!
(This Makes You the ONLY Person To Buy From and
Get You Sales With Less Effort)
4. Deep Dive On How To Promote ON Social Media Plus a Super Affiliate EXCLUSIVE Audio
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 in value. More in a minute.
I use my own version of this method with my newsletter and it's amazing how well it works. You'll see it in action in my FB group ever week.
5. The One Thing That Makes Me The Most Commissions On Affiiate Promos
Last issue I talked about how to find and use angles in promos. This week we look at 4 different types of angles you can pull out of an offer.
Today's Success Letter will draw on prior Success Letters and pull it all together in a simple formula you can start using right away.
6. The MAGIC "NESBEE" Message You Can Write
Quickly, Simply and Easily That Will Sell Your Affiliate Products
(This Taps Into The Big 4 Emotions That Cause People To Buy)
7. 4 Steps to Affiliate Commissions
8. How to Build An Audience So You Make Sales On Dmeand
Today we're talking about how to win big cash in affiliate contests.
I don't know know if you realize how much cash is up for grabs every day. $1,000 to $5,000 is common. One of the people in my Fsat Track Coaching won $50,000 recently in a contest.
If you go to and look at the contests for the week, chances are you'll see some big bonuses.
For example, I went there just now and the first launch I saw has these prizes available:

And that's just ONE launch.
Joshua Zamora has DFY Suite launching. It has a 2 day contest like this:

And then it has an overall contest:

Cindy Donovan, Gary Alach and Viktor Grant are launching Soci Jam. Here's the cash:

And that's just a start.
Yes, competition for prizes is sometimes intense. But you should know this.
The "big dogs" usually only mail once. Maybe twice. And they put out a new bonus every day or multiple times a week. So the bonus stack almost never relates to the product AT ALL.
A lot of times it's just PLR.
Stephen Larsen talks about how he won BIG contests using his SMALL, tiny list. (See the discussion below)
I know this is a fact because I saw Connie Ragen Green do the same thing over and over in my contests.
Stephen Larsen used to build funnels for Russell Brunson. So he saw behind the scenes of who won their contests on launches. He also has won a number of contests himself.
You can read Stephen's article on it here. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED reading.
Stephen says swinning affiliate contests is easier than most people think.
Here's the key he gives:
"You need to find a way to OUTVALUE everyone else who’s promoting that same link…"
Stephen suggests that one way to come with ideas is to find the NEW PROBLEM that buying the product will create. Everytime you buy a product, it creates a new problem.
So when someone buys Push Button Letters, they have a problem of how to design the website, how to host the site, how to get traffic to it, how to deliver the product they sell and so forth.
Any one or all of those would be good bonus ideas.
Stephen gives a good example from his own experience.
Other questions that are usesful are "What's missing from the product?" What can make it faster? What can make the results bigger?"
I talk about bonuses in other issues of this newsletter. The MAIN wow I want to get across to you today is you have a great shot of winning IF you have the biggest, best bonus offer for that product. And you do a bang up job of promoting it any way you can.
Maybe it'll inspire you to hear Stephen talk about it himself.
As far as promoting, here are some of the ideas from a prior issue.
Stephen talks sabout how he did just the normal things: Mailed his small list, daily Facebook live streams, and other social media posts.
I talked in a past issue about the daily lives on Facebook. Those can work fantastic for promoting your bonus stacks.
A LOT of people rely on putting the bonus offer on Youtube via a video review of the product. That works great in some cases.
Now here's the advice from a prior issue on traffic, as I know your main concern will be getting eyeballs on your bonus stack.
Remember when I said that using Stewman's method you do 4 or 5 content posts for every pitch?
Guess what? Some of those content posts can be links to great articles! And your popup is right on top of them. Or it can be a ribbon at the top of the page or an exit pop.
The tool I'm recommending is a one-off fee. No recurring billing. You do NOT have to use it. But it's one heck of a tool. This does the same thing more or less but is a recurring fee. While you save money upfront, I'm not a fan of recurring fees when I can avoid them.
5. If you have your OWN product, then create your OWN ecourse, and use your affiliate ecourse as an add-on
This way, you can get other affiliates to promote your ecourse because you can pay them a 90% or 100% commission on YOUR product. You're building your list for free. And you can then feed people into your next ecourse or viral report.
When the main ecourse for your product runs out.
You SHOULD create your own $7 to $10 product if you haven't yet. will help you.
6. If you're a 2-level affiliate, then recruit others to give away the ecourse for a commission
If you don't have your OWN product yet, then you can do the same thing on programs where you're a 2-level affiliate.
Sometimes, if you're a really great affiliate, the program will make you a 2-level affiliate. But probably only if you've proven first that you can bring the heat, which you will if you keep f ollowing my tips in the Affiliate Success Letter.
7. If you have a track record of affiliate sales then when people hit you up to promote their offer, ask them if they will put your free ecourse banner on their bonus page.
They came to you to ask you to promote. So YOU have clout to ask them to do this.
This means you need to have BANNERS offering your ecourse. This is the product I use here to create banners. I use Photoshop but the tempaltes also work with several online programs.
It costs at least $20 a pop to get banners made for you.
Just 10 banners is $200 smackeroos.
How would you like to put that $200 in your pocket and still have banners
that look fantastic?
That's where the Banner King is here to help you.
I've got a PDF here to help you.
8. Ecourse swaps
You can also exchange ecourse promotions with others.
Want My Next Affiliate Successs Letter?
It's only $1 for a 30-day trial. Then it's $5 a month. The main reason I charge is it allows me to pay you a commission for promoting it. If it's free, I can't pay you a commission.
Sell just 2 and yours is FREE.
Get How To Build Your Own Affiliate Army FREE
When you get only 3 of your affiliate friends to take a $1 trial, you'll get the $27 outstanding PDF for FREE on how to build your OWN affiliate army.
Yup, the best way to become a super affiliate is to have a product or two or your own that you get other affiliates to promote for you.
Once you have 3 people sign up for $1 trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, just post to and give me your name, email, and Warriorplus affiliate name. I'll comp you right away.
Get My Premium Take The Lid Off Your Income Program FREE!
Not only that, you can get my PREMIUM Take the Lid Off Your Income Course FREE also when you get 20 people to take a $1 trial to the Affiliate Success Letter.
As soon as you have 20 people who take a $1 trial, just post to me right here and I'll hook you up with the Basic version of Take the Lid Off Your Income, one of absolute best trainings.
When you get 50 people to take trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, I'll upgrade you to the $200 Plus version of Take the Lid Off.
And when you get 75 on trials, I'll upgrade you to the $400 Premium version.
Get My $2,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded Course FREE
Finally, by selling my products, you can get my $1,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded course for FREE. Just $5,000 in total sales and you get
How To Get Approved As An Affiliate
1. If you're an existing affiliate, register to be an affiliate for the Affiliate Success Letter.
Depending on your stats in Warriorplus as an affiliate, you may be approved. But if you aren't, relax. There are other ways to get approved, as long as your refunds are under 5%. If your refunds are over that, message me on and I'll handle it on a case-by-case basis.
2. Subscribe to the Affiliate Success Letter
I'll approve you on a provisional basis. Your ongoing approval will depend on your percentage of refunds and chargebacks. You need to have refunds under 5% and chargebacks under 1% and continue on at the $5 / month level after 30 days.
3. Are you an owner of anyof my other products?
If so, I take this into heavy consideration when you apply. Be sure to give me your name, the email address you log in with and the products you own.
How To Get My Monthly 25+-Page Newsletter
AND a Monthly Live Training For Only $1.19 a day.
With a $1 Trial To Test It Out

1. If you want to grow, build, improve or enhance your business, the new Milcers private site can make that happen for you.
2. If you need to get money rolling in the door right NOW then you need to get going YESTERDAY and your keywords of the day are going to be "STAT", "FAST", "NOW" and "GET RESULTS". If you need money coming in, if you need to get the cash flowing, if you need to get things rolling along then the new Milcers private membership has got lots of help for you.
Coming Soon!