Click The Above Play Button For an URGENT Message From The Grandmaster of the Golden Dragon Ninja of Death Clan


You missed out!

"It's WAR.  It's time to kill inconsistent, up-and-down income, lack of income, and money woes once and for all!"

Until October 31st, he's giving you a top secret "hallowed" volume from the Golden Dragon Ninja archives  for FREE (details below)



This is a very important memo from the head of Golden Dragon Ninja of Death clan.

By a special declaration from our Golden Dragon Council, we have decleared WAR on up-and-down, inconistent income, LACK of income and all other forms of money problems.

Until midnight October 31st the Golden Dragon Ninja  of Death clan is making available a secret, hallowed volume from the Archives.

Before now, anyone outside of the clan who layed their eyes on this secret volume would be subject to severe consequences.

But now, due to this special declaration, you are able to get access to this special volume FOR FREE.  Yes, you read that right. For FREE. With your purchase of Marketing Heaven, or another procuct. But we at the clan believe you'll agree it's a very fair one considering the big treasure you'll receive shortly.

If you'd like to read the sales page before grabbing this magnficent work, go here to read all about it.

If you already own Marketing Heaven, then you may substitute a purchase of one of the following products.  The delivery of our bonus volume will still be automatic.

ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS (only 1 purchase required to get the bonus)

1.  The Strange Ritual: "I'm giving you the power to create money every morning whether you're starting out or you're already crushing it

2.  The Four Step System - If you were my best friend, this is exactly how I'd tell you to erase your money worries with no partners, employees fuss or mess

3.  Push Button Target Market - Punch in your key word and it spits back product ideas, target markets and back end ideas.

4.  Social Media On Fire - All you do is follow the simple daily method of operation and watch your views, leads and sales rush in

5.  Words Into Cash - If you want to write sales copy that practically forces people to give you their money, this sales copy immersion course will give you a 5-year head start

6.  The Red Factor - Discover how Red Factor Matrix #RF8 Exposes Secret Low-Hanging Fruit In Almost Any Market

The Executive Council says this volume contains the following Secrets to help you get income, stabilize income and grow income using affiliate products (a littleknown stealth income stream of the Black Dragon of Death Ninja Clan).

Chapter 1: How to Use Viral Ecourses To Get People On Your List and Make Bux - Page 7

Chapter 2How to Succeed Wildly As An Affiliate Using The 1-Step Ahead Method - Page 17

Chapter 3How to 10X Your Affiliate Success Via a Method Almost No One Else Uses -- This Is BIG! - Page 29

Chapter 4Deep Dive On How To Promote ON Social Media Plus a Super Affiliate EXCLUSIVE Audio - Page 43

Chapter 5The One Thing That Makes Me The Most Commissions On Affiliate Promos - Page 59

Chapter 6The MAGIC “NESBEE” Message You Can Write Quickly, Simply and Easily That Will Sell Your Affiliate Products - Page 66

Chapter 7The Four Steps To Making Commissions As An Affiliate - Page 71

Chapter 8How to Build Your Audience, So You Can Make Sales On Demand - Page 78

Chapter 9How to Score $1,000 to $50,000 By Winning Affiliate Contests - Page 84

Chapter 10What Does It Mean If Hardly Anyone Is Buying Your Bonus Offers? What Should You Do? - Page 90

Chapter 11How to Use This FREE Facebook Strategy To Get 10-100 Leads and Sales Per Week Beginning This Week - Page 96

Chapter 12I Found a Drop Dead, Very Unique Bonus You Can Create For ANY Type of Affiliate Offer - Page 103

Chapter 13A Simple, Easy Sales Formula - Page 107

Chapter 14Easy 10 Buck Ads Net 1,300 New Subscribers -a Month Like Clockwork  - Page 111

Chapter 15: How to Boost Your Affiliate Sales By Adding a Mini Video Sales Letter That “Pre-Sells” The Offer - Page 118

Chapter 16: How To Get Your Affiliate Emails Delivered For Only Ten Cents - Page 122

Chapter 17: How to Create HOT-Looking Images ForYour Bonus Stacks -  Page 127

Chapter 18: The Hidden Secret of Becoming a Super Affiliate Able to Rock Out Leaderboards Page 133

Chapter 19: 6 Ways to Find $250 to $2500 Affiliate Products To Promote Using Their Autowebinars - Page 138

Chapter 20: How To Boost Response With Eye-Catching Graphics And Save a Bundle With This DIY Method - Page 143

Chapter 21: Secrets of a$300,000 Affiliate Commissions - Page 155

Chapter 22: How to Use The Tip, The Pitch, The Turn, The Jam and the Grind To Promote Affiliate Offers - Page 159

Chapter 23: 6 Ways To Get Higher Sales Using 2-Step Marketing Page 163

Chapter 24: How to Take Photos Using Your Phone That Will Brand You, Your Promotions, Ecovers, FB Posts and So Much More - Page 167

Chapter 25: Turn Your Facebook Profile Into An Affiliate Sales Machine - Page 175

Chapter 26: The 3 Main Ways To Get Traffic and Get Eyeballs On Your Offers And 1 Golden Youtube Channel to Explore - Page 181

Chapter 27: The Trojan Hose Method of Making Affiliate Sales - Page 185

Chapter 28: My Simple Bonus Method That Works Gangbusters - Page 191

Chapter 29: 6The 1 Odd Thing That Can Double The Response Of Your List - Page 197

Chapter 30: HHow Mike Makes Up to $35,000 a Month - Page 202

Best wishes,

The Grandmaster
