"if you were my best friend, this is exactly how I'd tell you to erase your money worries with no partners, no employees, no fuss and no mess"
My new "4 Step System" Is designed to get
sales every day, uses free traffic
Plus, I'll help you get UP AND RUNNING on
...Get it before the price goes up to $300
Dear Friend,
If you were my close friend, this is EXACTLY what I'd tell you to do.
Last night I sent a text to a very close, very dear friend of mine explaining the ONLY steps he needed to take to erase thousands in debt and get back in the saddle again.
* WITHOUT hiring ANY employees
* WITHOUT nightmare partners
* WITHOUT creating any products at all
* WITHOUT customer service
* WITHOUT hassles or worries
* WITHOUT working day and night
* WITHOUT bugging friends
* WITHOUT reciprocal mailings
* WITHOUT recruiting affiliates
Continued in a second. First, I need to show you I know what I'm talking about if you don't already know that...

I can show you tons and tons of screen caps and proof that I know what I'm talking about. And what I do works. But the 4-Step System is NOT about you becoming me. It's about a new twist on a simple system that's totally flexible to YOU and your life. And you can scale as large or small as you want. I'm a pro so my results aren't indicative of average nor what you'll do. But they ARE my results.
Take a look at what people say about me and my products

"You Sir Are
a Legend"
"Marlon, thank you for ALL the
excellent material you've created
over the past 20 years.
You sir are a legend"

"I Respect and Admire
Your Work"
"Marlon, you're a legend and one off the first 'gurus' I looked up to when I started online. I respect and admire your work, your enthusiasm and your kind words."
So back to the story...
I sent my friend a text.
And as I sent it, I said to myself, "This is SO SIMPLE, I need to teach this to my folks, my tribe, the people on my list I care very much about...many who have been with me for years."
In fact, I immediately screen capped it so I would remember it for you.
See, the reason a lot of people don't implement or get off track is life gets in the way. Stuff happens.
Well, my friend is going through a tough time in life. He doesn't have a lot of time to run his business or create products due to various circumstances.
Not only that, he ran a business in the past and had some bad experiences with employees and partners. They are OUT.
And he doesn't have the focus right now to create products and write sales letters.
So in a flash of INSIGHT, it dawned on me.
ALL you need to do are these 4 things.
I'm like, "Holy cowl, that is SO true and SO profound."
So simple.
So actionable.
But with a NEW TWIST that can make it work powerfully for you.
This is why I'm writing you today.
I want to PERSONALLY teach you this simple system.
Stop wasting tons of money on software, gimmicks, and plans that just flat out don't work, are too hard or are worse than a full-time job.
I call this "The 4-Step System" because there are only 4 steps.
what if you need it simple, free and cheap? what then?
Basically, you really only have to do 4 things. And only 2 of them every day.
If you just do these 2 things daily, you WILL get results, make sales and get paid.
Not indicative of average results. Your results will vary.
You can scale the 4 steps up or down as you want.
I have a friend who wants the big cash -- BUT she has kids.
So she works roughly 4 hours a day on her version of the 4 Step System. That works for her. And it's a tidy income.
Others want less work and less money.
That's OK too.
Listen, I've got all kinds of proof I can show you. It's not particularly relevant except that if I don't include it, honest-to-goodness, some people won't respond to what's in their best interest.
So here you go.

And here are two more examples:

And sometimes you just want a little fun money for this, that or the other:

And, of course, if you hit it right, you can bring in the really big numbers. I won't show THOSE because they aren't realistic for a beginner in most cases, although they're certainly possible to the ambitious man or woman. However, the 4-step system is simpler than what I do. The aim is more consistent income than big income, although you CAN make big income with step 4 if you so desire.
While these ARE my results, keep in mind they are NOT INDICATIVE of average results. Your results will vary. I'm a pro and do this full time.
The 4-step system is FAR SIMPLER. But it IS at the core of what I do. I just do more than you'll probably want to.
here's how you know if the 4-step system is right for you
I'm not going to say the 4-Step System is for everyone.
You can read the benefits below and decide for yourself.
Question 1: Do you need a simple system you can do without being a rocket scientist?
Step 4 does allow you to make "big money." But the system is designed for CONSISTENT money.
Question 2: Do you need a system where you do NOT create products, do customer support or have appointments?
My friend is going through the fire, if you know what I mean.
He just doesn't have the ability to schedule appointments, create products and do support, and all the rest.
If that's you, this is FOR you.
Question 3: Would you benefit from a highly flexible method?
There are only 2 things you MUST do daily. One takes 15 minutes. The other you can do a little or a lot of, depending on your schedule and mood.
Question 4: Do you want to stay free from partners, employees, and headaches?
If you're anything like my friend, he has been there, done that and didn't like it. Wants no part of it.
If that's you, then this system is FOR you.
Question 5: Is money less important than lifestyle?
Step 4 will allow you to make "big money" if you so desire. It's entirely optional. But the focus is on consistency.
Take some time. Do it daily. Be consistent. You'll get your results.
Question 6: Do you want the fast way or the slow way?
The slow way is you try to figure it out yourself. The fast way is you let me share it with you.
the four step system makes so much sense, is so simple and eliminates all the reasons "not" to do it
The truly great thing is you need your brain and not much else.
Once you get the hang of it, it's your ticket to money on demand. Here are the four steps in all their glory:
Step one: Do this daily. It only takes 15 minutes.
Honestly, some days it won't take that. You'd have to work really hard to make it take longer than 15 minutes.
Step two: You can spend 30 minutes, 60 minutes or more a day on this one.
I'm recommending my friend do it daily.
Some days he'll do less. Some days more.
If you're having a sucky day, you can do less. If you're having an on fire day, you can do more.
But the key is consistency. You have to be in this for the long run. You can get started fast. But remember that Rome wasn't built overnight.
Step three: This normally takes only minutes a day after you've done some prep work.
You could spend a few hours on it here and there. I seldom do that. But I know people who do.
Step four: This one is purely OPTIONAL. It's where you can make BIG CHUNKS of money with an absolute minimum of effort.
It works best after you've been doings steps 1-3 awhile.
Here's what you get
You're going to get the same step-by-step system I designed for my close friend.
You'll use FREE traffic, so you don't have to spend a dime on paid ads, unless you want to.
Listen, this is simple and actionable. But I have a NEW TWIST to share with you that make it work faster and better.
Module One
complete in-depth training
I want to personally explain this simple system to you, my new twist, and make sure you understand the ONLY 2 steps you need to do daily.
I'm going to show you what to do and how to do it each day. This is a fun, exciting, power-packed 90 minute training.
Module Two
step-by-step walk through
of step one
Step one only takes 15 minutes (or less) per day.
You're going to enjoy doing it. To me, it's so FUN.
I have a secret TWIST or HACK that makes it so easy. Some people try to make this hard. But I don't. I make it so it's doable and actionable, even if you're a beginner.
Module Three
actual examples on how to do your step two -- easily and simply
Step two is important. While I'll go into it in detail in the live training, in this super in-depth, easy-to-read PDF report, I'll give you ACTUAL EXAMPLES of how people are doing step 2.
In addition, you get a complete training video.
Plus, you get another PDF on an easy way to get fast results.
It's one thing to hear HOW to do something. But it's quite another to have it SHOWN to you in all its beauty. I'll show you the easy peasy simple stuff. And i'll show you people who are doing it "next level."
You can fit in wherever you want.
Module Four
how to get the "big money' using the optional step 4 method
Step four is so exciting!
This is where you can make the big money if you so desire.
I'm giving you an in-depth report and video that walks you step-by-step through your step four.
Plus, another PDF with an awesome way to amp up your cash flow.
This step is entirely optional. But when you see how you do it, you may just decide to jump in and join the excitement!
When you go ahead right now and take fast action today,
you'll get some awesome bonuses
fast action bonuses

This is purely optional. But it's a big money booster if you want to use it.
I've used it before and love it. I'll pull back the curtains and reveal the secrets to you. Then you can decide if you want to plug it in and turn it on or not.

Do you have alligators in your pond? Well, it's time to understand how they got there and how to kick those bad boys and girls out of YOUR pond. Send 'em somewhere else! You get my PDF to help you boot 'em out now!
You want to get off to a fast start. While the 4-Step System is simple, you'll find this special report enormously useful and helpful. You'll read it multiple times and refer to it over and over. It's almost like your map for getting started.

Module 1 - You get the complete in-depth training
Module 2 - Step-by-step walk through of step 1 of the 4-step system
Module 3 - Actual examples of how to do step 2 easily and simply
Module 4 - How to get big money using this optional method
Plus, You Get Bonuses For Acting Today
BONUS 1: Optional booster on how to get money to come in automatically without additional work or effort.
BONUS 2: How to get the alligators out of your pond
BONUS 3: How to get started now made simple
BONUS 4 JUST ADDED: How to blow up your audience building without social media. This will blow your mind.
I realize you may have a question or two or just not be 100% CERTAIN this is for you now.
It's ok. I'm giving you a 10-day replacement guarantee to check it out and take it for a trial spin.
If it's not your cup of tea, I'll swap it out for another product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.
Please remember, all marketing, all business, involves the potential for gain or loss. My results are not typical, so yours will obviously vary for better or worse.