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Affiliate Success Letter
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ASL #38 -- How to Drive Push Button Sales
{The best part is, this can be a Game Changer}
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
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By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value. More in a minute.
Here are the BACK ISSUES.
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If you missed the first 2 issues, they're here:
1. How to Use Viral Ecourses To Get People On Your List and Make Bux
2. How to Succeed Wildly As An Affiliate Using The 1-Step Ahead Method
$250,000 in Commissions In The Past 2 Weeks
WITHOUT Even Being Top 5. Here's How...
3. How to 10X Your Affiliate Success Via a Method
Almost No One Else Uses -- This Is BIG!
(This Makes You the ONLY Person To Buy From and
Get You Sales With Less Effort)
4. Deep Dive On How To Promote ON Social Media Plus a Super Affiliate EXCLUSIVE Audio
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 in value. More in a minute.
I use my own version of this method with my newsletter and it's amazing how well it works. You'll see it in action in my FB group ever week.
5. The One Thing That Makes Me The Most Commissions On Affiiate Promos
In this issue, I want present to you a few GAME CHANGERS for your affiliate efforts. I mean that very literally. New adaptations are required to succeed in business today.
If you’re new, don’t have a business or business idea yet, then this will up your knowledge and help you get off to a fast start.
I’ll also be sharing how to find your UNIQUE SKILL with which to launch your online business.
If you’re not a regular, ongoing to subscriber to the MMM, or you’ve dropped out for whatever reason, I want to encourage you to subscribe or re-subscribe.
You may not get anything out of 4 or 8 issues. But it only takes ONE ISSUE to be a total game changer for you.
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And if you’re really serious, I recommend Fast Track or Inner Circle. Or Milcers. I have many options for every pocketbook.
Let’s jump right in.
I’m going to be giving MULTIPLE meanings of “Push Button Sales” today, some of which will be new ideas to you. And some of which are the tried and proven BUT with new, extremely crucial information.
See, in business, you have to adapt to change. Things are constantly changing.
The fundamentals stay the same. But to make those fundamentals change, you have to ADAPT to a changing environment.
We don’t sell in a vacuum.
There are other players in the Game of making sales.
I want to START at the very beginning.
The Core Moneymaking “First Principle” That Transcends Time
We’ll start with the formula that doesn’t change. Elon Musk uses Physics as a basis for his businesses. And one of the core methods he follows is called “first principles.”
There are a lot of videos on Youtube about his idea of first principles.
Here’s a link to one of the videos.
You’re going to here marketers say stupid things like “The old methods don’t work anymore.”
What they mean is you have to adapt.
But the First Principles always work.
Today there will be many Game Changers for you. If you don’t know about First Principles thinking, that alone can be a huge Game Changer for you.
Elon Musk solves extremely complex problems using First Principles thinking.

Here's a link to one of the videos.
The idea is to start out with the core principles that do not change. That are facts or fundamentals.
And in business, this is a simple formula:
Audience > Offers
You find an audience with a problem or problems you can solve, or a big gap to reach their goals (which is a problem in and of itself).
And you make an OFFER of a product or service that can solve the problem or bridge the gap. Keep in mind, this can be an AFFILIATE OFFER.
Ben Feldman, the world’s greatest life insurance salesman for many years, said that the bigger the problem, the bigger the price tag for the solution.
If you’re not getting paid much money, you’re probably solving small or little problems that just aren’t that important to people.
And what’s important CHANGES over time. Your mission if you decide to accept it is to ADAPT to those changes.
If people are ignoring you, don’t respond to your posts or offers, or don’t give you the time of day, there could be several core problems.
Your positioning and branding may be lacking. Or you may simply be solving a problem that is too small.
You’re fishing for minnows.
Nevertheless, the FIRST PRINCIPLE is this: You make money by making offers to an audience that they are willing to pay money to get.
If they aren’t willing to pay money, you either:
1. Find a new offer
2. Find a new audience
I have talked to some of you on the phone.
Some of you have been trying to make money for years and “it hasn’t worked for me.”
Well you want to ask yourself several questions:
1. Have you built an audience?
We've talked in other ASL issues about different ways you can build an audience.
2. Are you making a number of offers to that audience?
You can do this with email, Twitter, posting videos on Youtube, Facebook posts or FB group posts to name a few.
3. Are your offers solving a problem for the audience that is big enough they want to pay to get it solved?
Sending an email to a solo ad list is NOT building an audience. What you need to know about that is this: Udimi sells solo ads and pays a commission to people you refer there who BUY solo ads.
It’s an affiliate deal.
So when people tell you to go buy solo ads there, they’re making a commission. It's a pretty good product to sell as an affiliate.
You can make money with solo ads. But most people are going to be a lot better off building an audience.
I understand it’s very alluring and easy sounding.
Buy ads. Get them on a list. Send emails.
The fly in the ointment is when you send emails and they don’t buy.
The FIRST PRINCIPLE is “Build An Audience.”
Which means SOLVE A PROBLEM that others are willing to pay money to solve.
You say “Marlon, what problem will I solve?”
This is where you need to find your Unique Skill. We’ll talk about that later. You want to find your unique skill that you can use to solve problems for other people in exchange for their money.
It’s very important you get crystal clear on this First Principle.
People get all confused about how you make money online, why they aren’t making money online and so forth, as though the same method hasn’t been working 1,000 years.
It’s a First Principle.
Build an audience with a problem or a gap.
Offer to solve problem.
Get paid.
Solve problem or bridge gap.
What is it we know if you aren’t making money?
You’re not making a compelling offer to solve the problem or bridge the gap.
You don’t have “altitude” or a position where they believe you can solve it.
Or they just honestly don’t care about solving the problem that much.
I did a survey on why some people on my list hadn’t signed up for Push Button Sales.
One person said, “Because a football game is on.”
What does that tell me?
It tells me I’m not solving a problem for them. Or my positioning and branding isn’t getting their attention.
You’ve got to RAISE your ALTITUDE in the market.
Let’s say you want to START a business.
Where do you look?
1. Who is the AUDIENCE that has a problem or gap you can solve?
2. What is your unique skill you can use to solve that problem?
Which means:
a. You need to know your unique skill
If you sign up for Push Button Sales, I'll spend 15 minutes on the phone with you helping you identify your unique skill.
b. You need to know how your unique skill solves the problem for the audience
c. You need to know what the problem or gap is for the audience
d. You need to know how to build the audience and do it
e. You need to build altitude with the audience so they believe you can solve the problem
Marlon, Where Does The Push Button Sales Come In?
You’ll see that as I walk through the timeline below.
And I’m going to show you many ways to push a button or buttons.
But think about this:
If you have:
a. An audience
b. A known problem that they want to pay to fix
c. An offer to fix the problem for money
d. Enough altitude they believe you can fix the problem
THEN how do you get paid?
You send the message in C to the audience in A.
You can send it by email.
You can send it as a post on Facebook.
You can send it as direct mail.
You can send it as a talk to an audience.
You can send it as a message in a book
You can send it as a sales page
You can send it as a blog post
You can send it as a video sales letter
You can send it as a webinar
You can send it by calling them on the phone and explaining it
You can send it via Twitter
You can send it via a Youtube video
Do you see that?
There are 101 buttons you can push to make that sale, including the buttons on your phone. The button that lets you send out a direct mail piece using an online service.
But more on that to come.
How Business Worked In The Early 1900’s.
In the early 1900’s, the direct marketing business worked like this:
Run Ad >Freebie > Sales people
Sometimes there was direct mail in place of sales people. But usually it was sales people visiting you in person.
Here’s an example:
Or this one:
Or this:
Sometimes the products were sold via direct mail letters, which were an art form then.
And obviously letters were the main form of communication. Selling over the phone was quite expensive back then.
But the biggest method of selling was using sales people.
How The Formula Changed When Internet Marketing Hit
When the early days of Internet marketing hit, the formula changed somewhat:
Collect emails > Write Messages / Emails > Click Send
That was it.
You had software that would find and collect email addresses.
You’d write your email.
Then you’d click send.
It was so simple and easy to collect highly targeted emails.
Later on, for a very brief period of time, similar magic existed on Facebook. You could collect the identities of people in Facebook groups or different places.
Then you could run extremely targeted ads.
It was great while it lasted.
What I want you to see is that this formula is STILL the First Formula.
Build audience > send message
However, you were more “collecting an audience” vs. building. So it was spam.
Today you have to BUILD an AUDIENCE of people who have a PROBLEM or a GAP and want to pay to solve it.
Not every audience wants to PAY to solve their problem.
Some just want to solve it with free videos on Youtube or free Facebook groups.
Those audience are of little use to you.
You want to find people with a BIG ENOUGH problem they’ll pay to solve it.
So like you, I buy coaching from different people. I LOVE learning. That’s why own something like 4,000 books.
Keep in mind. You CAN sell AFFILIATE SOLUTIONS that are higher priced.
You'll find higher priced products on Clickbank if you search. Sometimes you can just strike up a deal with someone directly.
If you like the above info and want to really deep dive into it, go to
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