-- Special Training For Beginners And Experienced Marketers --
"Mr. Sanders, thank you for providing such trremendous
insight in Promo Power Kit. Just the bonuses alone are
worth the price of admission."
-- William Cato -- in FB group post
Priced increases at 10 pm on 1/19
NEW BONUS 23: How to decommoditize your offer using "the stack" so you get paid more
NEW BONUS 22: My EXCLUSIVE method to use the P.S. to bang in more sales
NEW BONUS 21: Cast your bread upon the waters and grow your leads and sales -- QUALITY PDF by me
New Bonus #20: He grew from ZERO TO 100K SUBSCRIBERS in 3 MONTHS (Results NOT in any way typical nor average. Read why here)
New Bonus #19: How She Made $45,375 In 1 Month As A Freelance Copywriter (Results NOT in any way typical. (Read why here.)
New Bonus #18: THIS 2023 email marketing strategy made me over $143,622 (Results NOT in any way typical. (Read why here.)
New Bonus #17: 6X cheaper than a funnel (New twist on funnels)
New Bonus #15: Get more clients in as little as 20 minutes a day by doing THIS
New Bonus #14: Wanna launch asap? This 4-step method is a banger
New Bonus #13: How to bang in those sales with a high converting video sales letter
New Bonus #12: 7 digital products to sell online in 2024
New Bonus #11: 3 prompts to use A.I. for fast market research.
New Bonus #10: Top 30 niches to make money on Youtube without showing your face
New Bonus #9: In-Depth breakdown of a $1.8 million promo for an affiliate product (results are obviously NOT typical, but they ARE possible
New Bonus #8: How to profit from easy peasy breezy opt-in funnels
New Bonus #7: All about how to use reels and stories
New Bonus #6 - How to automate social media lead generation (How I do it)
Bonus #5 - My one, two, three Bang Promo kickoff plan
Bonus #4 - The 1-minute daily promo I do that keeps eyeballs on my offers easy peasy breezy.
Bonus #3 - Copy and paste traffic-getting messages
Bonus #2 - How to turn your new offer into an evergreen promo using a "Power Popup"
Bonus #1 - How to drive push button sales for your Power Promo
Marlon here.
If you'd like to launch 2024 with a BANG PROMOTION, zap in sales and fatten your wallet, then come closer and read what follows...
The beginning of the year is the BEST TIME possible to launch a promotion that hauls in sales for you, based on my years of experience.
1. People are making plans for the new year
2. Just like with fitness clubs, people want to start the year right
3. People have a mindset to invest to reach their new goals for the year
The start of the year is the time to put the pedal to the metal and get that promo OUT!
* Affiliates -- Get out that BANG promotion NOW!
* Online marketers -- Now is the time to promote that special offer with a bang
* Product creators -- The time to get your hard-hitting offer out is NOW
* Coaches -- People are ready to invest NOW
* Digital product sellers -- Don't wait to promote. Promote now and bank the sales!
I've created a whole PROMO POWER KIT to make it as fast, as simple and as easy as I possibly can.
You will get:
* Tremendous offer ideas to promote
* BANG email sequences to get those sales
* New detailed promotion plans that work gangbusters for me
* Step-by-step exact promotion "how to's" for you if you're a beginner, or even an
experienced marketer.
If you're new to my world, I've been doing this full time since 1997. And, unlike most marketers, have created and sold many evergreen products over years, perhaps more than anyone in my industry.
I bought this a book from this get-rich-quick ad in a magazine in 1978. It told a story about direct response and this dude named Gary Halbert.
I got hooked on the dream. But I was HORRIBLE at selling. I put 30,000 miles on my car trying to sell insurance. And in 6 months only sold ONE insurance policy on a wood frame house my company didn't WANT to cover!
I bought every junky "how to" product from ads you can imagine. And a lot of "scams." But eventually, I learned what I was doing. And started created products.
This is what sales looked like when my first "hit" happened in late 1997, early 1998:

The CRAZY thing is, I had 30,000 affiliates many of whom raked it in.
Of course, my results are extraordinary and NOT typical nor average. But it's because of all this experience that I KNOW now is the time to promote at the beginning of the year.
I know you have questions:
* What do I promote?
* What offer can I create that people will buy?
* What's the easiest, fastest way to get eyeballs on my offer?
* How do I make sales now?
And I've assembled my most powerful set of email sequences, offer ideas, copy and paste messages, exact promotion plans and methods spelled out in step one, two, three detail.
I've compiled potent offer ideas, copy-paste messages, email sequences, lead-getting methods, 10-minute lead magnets, and more in concise, step-by-step videos.
I get it.
You don't have a lot of TIME to get ideas, put an offer together and promote.
That's why I created the ultimate time-saving Power Promo Kit for you.
This is the most step-by-step, "make it easy for you" promo kit I've every done.
Now, don't get me wrong. This is not a "done-for-you" promo. You still need to add your brainpower. But my main focus has been how I can lay everything out on a silver platter for you and make it as easy as I can to get your offer out and sold with a BANG.
Not only that, you'll come back to the Power Promo Kit time and time again anytime you want to create a BANG promotion.
You Have Questions. I Have Answers. All On a Silver Platter With a Red Ribbon On It!
A lot of times we put all our energy into creating an offer. And then when it comes to promoting it, we're out of ideas and energy. We scratch our heads and things fall flat.
Think of Promo Power Kit as your injection of ideas, energy and "how to's" to make your promotion get out there with a bang and bring in those sales.

The Promo Power Kit is the first time I've assembled my best-of-the-best ways to get offer ideas, get eyeballs on your offer, get people on your list, follow up with emails and BANG IN those sales.
What I did is break it down into SHORT, STEP-BY-STEP videos to make it easy to watch, easy to follow and easy to put into action.
My goal is to get my best promo stuff in one place, and make it easy to use to save you TIME. Because I know time is your biggest constraint.
That's what makes Promo Power Kit different from my other products and why you need it now, so you can get that offer out NOW. Strike while the iron is hot at the beginning of the year.
This Is How Easy It Is To Use The Promo Power Kit -- Whether You're a Beginner Or You Own Every Product I've Ever Done!
Whether you're new or have a little experience under your belt, the first thing is to go through the easy to consume videos.
Then, to put it all together and get your BANG OFFER launched with power, I'm giving you a step-by-step get 'er done, get 'er promoted video and cheat sheet.
Rome wasn't built overnight. So all you do is take it one step at a time.
Here's what people say about me:

Here's Why The Promo Power Kit, Will Help You Get Out Your Power Offer and Kick Off 2024 With a Big BANG!
Now Is The Time To Get Your Promo Out With a Bang And Get Those Sales To Come In
Don't wait to do a promo, launch an offer, or promote that affiliate product. There's no better time than right now at the beginning of the year. And with the Power Promo Kit, I'm doing everything I can to make it easier, simpler, faster and more profitable than every before.
You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!
I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top:
- My quickstart, one, two, three Bang Promo kickoff plan
- The 1-minute daily promo I do that keeps eyeballs on my offers easy peasy. If you have 1 minute a day, you can get eyeballs on your Bang Promo.
- Copy and paste traffic-getting messages
- How to turn your new offer into an evergreen promo using a "Power Popup" (You'll love this one)
- How to drive push button sales for your affiliate offers
- How to automate social media lead generation (How I do it)
- All about how to use reels and stories
- How to profit from easy peasy breezy opt-in funnels
- In-Depth breakdown of a $1.8 million promo for an affiliate product (results are obviously NOT typical, but they ARE possible
- Top 30 niches to make money on Youtube without showing your face
- 3 prompts to use A.I. for fast market research.
- 7 digital products to sell online in 2024
- How to bang in those sales with a high converting video sales letter
- Wanna launch asap? This 4-step method is a banger
- Get more clients in as little as 20 minutes a day by doing THIS
Here's Why This Product Is So Inexpensive
I want you to have success as an affiliate and give me a testimonial. That way, I can double the price of this product and sell it for more.
Main Product - Short, to-the-point, step-by-step videos to get your offer promoted with a BANG this new year
Bonus #1 - How to drive push button sales for your Power Promo
Bonus #2 - How to turn your new offer into an evergreen promo using a "Power Popup"
Bonus #3 - Copy and paste traffic-getting messages
Bonus #4 - The 1-minute daily promo I do that keeps eyeballs on my offers easy peasy breezy.
Bonus #5 - My one, two, three Bang Promo kickoff plan
In any event, based on the total values above, you can you can easily see I could sell this system for about $279, or more. Why? Because you could spend so much money and time in buying products and watching videos. However, I won't charge you that price, because I want to give youa break in these inflationary times.
You only need to pay for $300 $192 $100 (see price below) if you act fast. I may totally close this offer down in a few days. So don't delay.
BONUS VALUES: Most of the bonuses above have NOT sold separately at those prices. I list those values because I do have SIMILAR products that have sold for those prices. You likely know this is true because you've purchased other similar products from me. I say the main offer is worth $97 because if I did this as one of my try-before-you-buy events, that's what I charge.
Offer A 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Now you can test drive our product for 7 days with NO RISK!
If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having sales from your promotions rocking year after year. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.
Best wishes,
PS: Click here ONLY IF you've decided not to order now.
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