You make up to $1816 on 14 products
Commissions escalate up to 75% commissions on all OTO's AND products sold by email follow up in the funnel.
The more you sell, the higher your commissions.
The product is Exit Bux Secrets Revealed.
If you are not already approved as an affiliate, go here. Tell me your name and the email address you used when you bought the product. You may be approved, depending on multiple factors.
Get Ecourse
Grab your affiliate link using these steps:
1. If you've already bought Exit Bux, then get your link here
2. If you haven't already bought Exit Bux, you can get it here and get approved faster.
3. If you don't want to buy Exit Bux, but want to promote anyway, request approval here if you have an existing Warriorplus affiliate track record.
Click here to get the rebrandable report
Rebrand: To insert your affiliate link right into the PDF, so it's hard coded. Thus, if someone clicks, you get credit for the sale.
Without this, lets say the person clicks your affiliate link then sees any email from someone else with a link. They click it and YOUR cookie is overwritten and you don't get credit for the sale.
If you haven't seen the report, it's here. You'll receive your own copy with your affiliate link embedded.
1. Track sales BEYOND 60 days
Warriorplus cookies last for 60 days. Cookies are the geeky thing that causes you to credit for a sale you refer. But this tracking mechanism only lasts for 60 days from the time a person clicks on your affiliate link.
But lets say John Jones downloads the PDF report and in 30 days clicks on the link in the report. That sets a brand NEW 60 days of tracking in motion.
2. Hard coded tracking
By having your affiliate link inserted right into the PDF, if the person clicks on the link, your cookie overwrites any existing cookies and if they buy before clicking any other link, you get credit for the sale.
Hard coded links are a great way to protect your affiliate commissions and make sure you get paid for what you earned.
When you rebrand, all 5 links in the report will be replaced with YOUR affiliate id.
3. Spread the reports around on Facebook WITHOUT triggering the Facebook ban mechanism.
You can't post Warriorplus or JVZoo links on Facebook. But at the time I'm writing this, you can still link to PDF files. So you can share the PDF knowing that YOUR affiliate link is hard coded into the report.
One way to get good interaction is to post a teaser for the report and ask them to comment if they want a copy. Then you post the link in response. Interestingly enough, people keep commenting even though you publish the same link in response to each person.
4. Put the report in your autoresponder sequence
This is a great way to get passive, automatic sales.
5. Give away the report on your thank you and download pages
This works greast because you're getting it into the hands of someone who just took an action and is more likely to take another one.
6. Give away the branded version of the report in your Popup Cash Ecourse
I give you a free 5-day Popup Cash ecourse to insert your affiliate link into and set up on your autoresponder. The ecourse links to the report. By rebranding the report with your affiliate link you get that extra peace of mind you'll be credited for sales.
Subject: Here's how he funneled $75,122.563 from pages into his account
Can you imagine funneling $75,122.53 from
other people's pages, funnels, websites
or member's areas into your bank account?
Well, that's what Marlon did. He's gonna
show you that and a whole lot more.
So mosey on over to here and get the scoop:
Subject: Traffic Funneling Revealed?
Would you like to know how Marlon
funneled $75,122.53 from other people's
pages into his Warriorplus account?
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Check it out here:
Subject: Give away this 1-pager to funnel traffic to your site
This 1-pager funnels traffic from other people's pages, funnels and download sites to your pages -- legally.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Read more here...