Book Download: How I Sold 70,000+ Digital Products Online Using "Free" Advertising

1. In your email, drag my emails to the inbox on Gmail, star or whitelist.
On any provider, star, whitelist and do whatever to make sure my emails don't go to spam. Otherwise, you'll miss out on all the big SCOOPS! I periodically send Inside Scoops to my customers. And you want to get them!
2. Join my email list
You can go to and get a free report. You'll be put on my email list.
Every Saturday I write my MMM newsletter, which is usually 8 to 12 pages of jam-packed how to's, education, motivation and whatever else I got for you that week. It's a shot in the arm EVERY week.
If you missed out on the one time offer for the 20 Minute Seed Marketing Promotion Machine, here's a coupon that will save you $312.00 off the regular "street" price.
1. Read the sales page here
2. On the order page, click Have a coupon code?
3. Enter in SEEED300 and apply
4. This is drop the price in the cart by $312.

If you missed out on the one time offer for the 20 Minute Seed Marketing Promotion Machine, here's a coupon that will save you $312.00 off the regular "street" price.
1. Read the sales page here
2. On the order page, click Have a coupon code?
3. Enter in SEEED300 and apply
4. This is drop the price in the cart by $312.


This is a video from my Rising Tide course. It's on specifics of how to use emails to get sales. You'll get value from watching it.
You qualify for this free 30-day trial of the software. This gives you free autoresponders and broadcast emails, free shopping cart, free ad tracking, and free affiliate software -- all for 30 days.
NOTE: You can use the process below to set up 404 error pages on your own website. And make sales from my 29 product funnel.
Or you can create similar steps for your own site to promote your own products.
Here are the instructions for setting it up using my funnel.
First of all, you'll want to click the button below to sign up as an affiliate. There will be buttons on the page at the bottom.
After you register and are approved, then follow these instructions:
1. Download this plugin and install
For instructions on how to install the plugin, see the video below.
Do this for every wordpress site you have.
2. Insert your video link
3. Enjoy your automatic commissions
Step Three: Drop An Email To Your List For Immediate Sales and to Get Your Cookies Set
Step Four: Add This PS to Emails In Your Autoresponder or At The End Of Broadcast Messages
PS: Want FREE daily marketing live streams to get sales, build your list and autopilot your marketing? Go here: AFFILIATE LINK
(NOTE: The product to add from the drop down list is called FREE DAILY MARKETING LIVE STREAMS. When they sign up for free, the 60-day cookie is SET. AND they're subscribed to the 29+ product email sequence and live stream notifications.
In the group, I do live streams and warm up the buyers with great info. And offer time limited deals to get action. This results in greater sales for you. Let me convert your people for you! And all tracked by W+ so you get credit).
Weekdays during business hours, I offer customer support. Just click the button below. Please use this support desk and do NOT email for customer support. The reason is email goes to spam and sometimes just goes into a black hole. The support desk has proven to be very reliable with customers.