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Welcome Marlon Sanders' Customer

The Fastest, Easiest Traffic I Know Of Requiring No Experience, List or Following?

I'm guessing your posts suffer the same pitiful fate as mine.  Hardly anyone sees them. It's disgusting.

I told a friend how to do this and his first time out the gate, he got 3,000 views.  

You can succeed with it virtually immediately. It's so stinkin' easy.

Read on for more info.

Dear Friend,

No kidding. 

This is the fastest, easiest, simplest traffic I know that you can do literally in minutes and see real traffic from.

You can get opt ins or send clicks to your offers.

You don't need a list, a following or even "credibility" in your niche.

There IS something I found ON Facebook where instead of 20 views, I get FOUR HUNDRED VIEWS!

I can show YOU how to do this within minutes!

I told a friend how to do it and his first time out he got THREE THOUSAND VIEWS.

Not only that.

There's ways to turn those views into leads.

If you're getting your FB posts BURIED in the social media noise JUST like this post, then you might want to try my new BREAK OUT method.

It's fast, simple, easy, fun and FREE.

And it works.  It even works on Instagram and Youtube!

That's what recentlyI want to tell you about in this letter.

Recently, on a LIVE training, I got 1,000 and change views within 10 minutes AND 6 leads. I did the secret method live on the training.  

You can see it with your own eyes.

One of my friends gets 9,000 to 50,000 clicks per month.

The fascinating thing is, almost no one understands HOW to turn social media views into clicks, leads and sales.

Listen, if you already have more quality leads than you know what to do with, this isn't for you.

But if you have 30 minutes or an hour a day, I will show you exactly, precisely how to get the views and leads.

Then turn those views into leads and sales.  

It works on Facebook.

It works on Instagram.

It works on Youtube.

Heck, it even works on TikTok!

Here's Why This Is a Dream Come True

Reason 1: Imagine spending 1 minute a day and having all the leads you can handle!

Reason 2:  The reach on Facebook and Instagram have gone to hades in a handbasket. EXCEPT for this one "loophole" most people have no clue about.

Reason 3: For the first time ever I can truthfully say you can get leads in 1 minute a day


Then you can suck out cash, sales, FB group members, webinar registrations or whatever you want.

Reason 4: This is NOT what I taught in Social Media On Fire, as great and useful as that product is.  

My NEWEST discoveries are the exact things you need to do to make sure your get leads and SALES, cash in your pocket.

And that's not all....

In case you don't me, by way of introduction, here are just a small part of my sales to show you I'm good at what I do.

I can show you tons and tons of screen caps and proof that I know what I'm talking about. And what I do works.  But  this is NOT about you becoming me. It's about new twists that are totally flexible to YOU and your life. And you can scale as large or small as you want.  I'm a pro so my results aren't indicative of average nor what you'll do. But they ARE  my results.

Take a look at what people say about me and my products

"You Sir Are
a Legend"

"Marlon, thank you for ALL the
excellent material you've created
over the past 20 years.
You sir are a legend"



"I Respect and Admire
Your Work"

 "Marlon, you're a legend and one off the first 'gurus' I looked up to when I started online. I respect and admire your work, your enthusiasm and your kind words."



I Want You To SEE Results With My New Method LITERALLY Within Minutes - So I Created This Simple, Easy Training For You

Here's what you're about to discover:

*  The simple marketing system a mum uses to run two million dollar businesses.  And how to add our 1-minute twist to it.

* The secret behind getting videos to go insane with views

*  What times of day to post if you want to get the most people to see your post

*  The ONE action you want to get on your videos that makes all the difference

* Easy peasy checklist to make sure you don't make mistakes and get it right

*  Why you can STILL get tons of followers even if your day-to-day videos aren't blockbusters

* How many hashtags to use

* Why some videos don't get many views and othesr go bonkers

*  How to get started today and keep it simple

*  The incredibly simple method to go from views to sales, or Facebook group members, or webinar registrations, or opt ins.

Here are the views and leads I got in the past 9 days using this method:

* 80 views (and climbing) with 1 lead
* 49 views with 1 lead
* 444 views with 4 leads
* 1489 views with 4 leads
* 3,012 with 48 leads
* 1,007 with 7 leads
* 444 with 4 leads
* 1,618 with 4 leads
* 1,648 with 17 leads
* 635 with 3 leads
* 2,842 with 6 leads

I just started Facebook but it's cranking:

* 309 with 6 leads
* 248 views with 10 leads
* 786 with 37 leads
* 638 views with 31 leads
* 254 with 8 leads

I'm barely scratching the surface.  You can do FAR better than me if you focus on it.  

I've NOT even started cranking Youtube Shorts or TikTok.  I just did a few test videos on TikTok and got 250 to 500 views.

get my  course free!

I wanted this to be a 100% no-questions-about-it-win.


So I'm giving you my cost eraser bonus -- You get 90% commissions on a $47 product I created this year called Social Media On Fire. This product sells for me. People love it. And it appeals to almost everyone.

Just 2 sales and you've made paid for the event. This is my cost ERASER for you

SEE RESULTS super fast

Module  One

A to Z Step-By-Step Training

I want to personally show you live exactly how to do a THIS method in under a minute. And get leads and sales from them.

It's saying the right things to get leads.  And then using the Magic Sauce Method to turn leads into sales.

I'm going to show you what to do and how to do it each day.

I'll show you how to set up your passive list builder, so you have the power to build your list day and night.

I'm going to show you how to get MORE VIEWS asap. And how to pull in the leads and build your list, Facebook group or get sales.

This is a fun, exciting, power-packed hour long training.

Module  TWO

in-depth reports showing how to get views, leads and sales

Videos are great because you can show over-your-shoulder what you're doing and how you're doing it.

But just for absorbing all the nitty gritty details, I like to read.  It's just faster to get all the info you need to start NOW.

And make no mistake. You'll be able to start NOW doing this.  It's NOT some pie-in-the-sky bye-and-bye thing.  It's what have you done for me lately!

That's why I'm giving you these essential reports.

Module  Three

your first reel done and online getting you views and leads -- in under 5 minutes

You don't need to wait to get results.

Or beat around the bush forever.

I'm going to give you a very simple checklist and a short video that will have you doing your first views and leads getter under 5 minutes.

There's more to it than just getting eyeballs and views. You need to know what to say exactly to turn those views into leads.

And before you know it, you'll get leads too! BOOM!  You're in the game.

A friend of mine did this after talking to me and got lots of views his first time out!  It won't surprise me one bit if you do also.

Module  Four

four weeks of live coaching step-by-step and additional "big ticket" secrets revealed

Module four is so exciting!

You'll get access to 4 weeks of free coaching with a 4-week pass to my Fast Track.

I'll not only walk you through all my secrets step-by-step, I'll show you how some people make insane amounts of money using the very methods I'm sharing with you.

I'm revealing my sources. And you can deep dive for more info if you so desire.


Module 1 - A to Z fast results training with q and a
Module 2 - In-depth reports showing how to get views, leads and sales simpler than you imagine
Module 3 - Your first reel done and  online, getting you views and leads -- in under 5 minutes
Module 4 - Four weeks of optional coaching (free pass)


BONUS 1: How to do the pointing text bubble with apeparing and disappearing effect

BONUS 2: How to do the ultra-trendy effect so many popular posts use

BONUS 3: How to set up your magic profile link that gets you leads automatically and tracks your stats -- FOR FREE!

Bonus 4:  Early bird bonus: Act now and get how to get notifications on your phone of super things trending that day -- that you can use with permission in 1 click!

