Know Anyone With Problems Getting Approved As An Affiliate?
Send 'em To This Page And Get Paid!


Get Your affiliate link

Click here to get approved

Here's what you'll be sending them to. I'm split testing other versions.

Notice I tell them to BUY the product they want to promote.  And show them how to convert at 10% to 25%.


Send message about getting approved


This will explain to you how you can get approved to promote my products.

Your Affiliate Link

I know it's a challenge when you're starting out.



Collect commissions on 16+ products

Your customers will ge grabbing a $1 trial to the weekly Affiliate Success Letter.

Each week I promote a new product in the newsletter and via a popup. Plus, I'll send follow up emails.

I have 12 products in the funnel and ​4 recurring billing, for a total of 16, and adding more.

I'm split testing sales pages and oto's to optimize conversions.  It's an iterative process.

​This is just one of MANY ways subscribers to the Affiliate Success Letter
are given to profit. Get your $1 trial here.

Marlon Sanders -- Contact or pm on FB.

Copyright 2022 - Higher Response Marketing, Inc.
