As crazy as it sounds, i've discovered a secret darwinian bullepen of stoppers where only the absolute best ones survive. They are tested and proven to beat out everything else. i'll show you how to tap into a fresh supply of them daily WITH PERFORMANCE STATS FOR EACH STOPPER. Just add them to your arsenal, kick back and enjoy the results...
just add these stoppers to your email subject lines, social posts, youtube titles, Linked in or x posts, ebook titles, etsy listings, instagram stories, reels and posts -- you will see very fast results! i guarantee it
Bonus #8: -- How to see actual, LIVE performance stats for each Stopper -- plus 6 more new Stoppers you can use
Bonus #7: JUST ADDED - Steal these 5 Stoppers and use them immediately
Bonus #6 - Mind-blowing 1 hour 39- minute presentation on how to raise your prices and that's just the START!
Bonus #5 - How I made $1,443 giving away a free report on my shopping cart (NOT a typical or average result)
Bonus #4 - Video: Fantastic deep-dive 1 hour 20-minute video on creating emails that make sales. HOT STUFF!
Bonus #3 - Video: My 1-hour no-holds-barred conversions training so you can turn those "Stoppers" into SALES and cash
Bonus #2 - Stupid simple opt-in pages that allow you to monetize at the speed of light (in-depth video training by me)
Bonus #1 -- Speed Funnels -- How to Create Funnels WITH SPEED So You Can Cash In On Your Stoppers (video by me)
CORE PRODUCT: 96-page fully illustrated, step-by-step PDF you can put to IMMEDIATE use and see results
Marlon here.
I have an offer for you:
Use my secret source of STOPPERS that have risen to the top of the "Darwinian Bullpen" of attention. Either they work for you like crazy and cause people to STOP, read, watch or listen.
Or I'll give you the product to keep FREE. And bonus you another product of equal or greater value.
That's how freaking confident I am this will work for you in a big way. And virtually immediately.
Not only that, you get to keep 5+ hours of hard-hitting video training that shows you how I personally make sales through email, get opt ins, turn opt ins into sales and much more.
Here's the backstory in why I'm so confident in this product...
You know about Darwin.
He wrote the book about "survival of the fittest" and all that.
But what if there were a secret DARWINIAN BULLPEN of "STOPPERS" where only the absolute best ones survived?
I'm talking an unbeatable arsenal of stoppers that have already whooped up on the competition, trampled them, and risen to the top of the heap.
These STOPPERS are tested and proven to beat out hundreds of thousands of others.
And what if you could tap into a fresh supply daily that's working this very INSTANT?
But I'm so excited, I'm getting ahead of myself...
I haven't even explained what STOPPERS are, how they work, why they work and how they can work for YOU to get your stuff watched, read or listened to. And so you can be at the top of the "attention" heap, not buried at the bottom of the pile.
See, there’s one magic power that determines whether you build your list online, make sales, get people to read your emails, watch your videos or click on your reels.
This is the Magical Power of Stopping
So much of marketing is about the power of GO.
Get people to CLICK or buy.
But here’s the oddity.
There is no GO without STOP.
There’s a board game called GO.
But when have you ever played STOP?
Never, right?
How many emails do you see in your inbox that you never STOP to read?
Hundreds, right?
How many videos do you scroll by on Youtube but never STOP to click and watch?
Hundreds, right?
How many Instagram reels do you see that you never STOP to read and then click?
Hundreds, right?
That’s why the Power of STOPPING is a magical power.
More than ever before in the history of marketing, you have to know how to get people to simply STOP.
Everything you read about, hear and learn is about GO. Get people to click. Get people to buy. Get people to do whatever.
But BEFORE you can get them to GO anywhere, click anything, buy anything, you have to get them to freaking STOP.
BEFORE attention, you have the STOP step. You've got to be able to get people to STOP, read, watch or listen.
But HOW do you get people to stop?
I’ll tell you a story.
One time in Dallas, TX, I was walking down the sidewalk in a tourist area. Tons of people on the sidewalk walking by.
There was a street performer / busker / psychic who caught my attention as I was walking by.
She spoke directly to me and started doing what we call a “cold reading.”
A cold reading is a spiel designed to sound very personal and specific to you. But actually, it’s based on generalizations about people of a certain age.
And an intuitive person also picks up signals the person gives off. What they wear. Who they are with. The gate of their walk. Their facial expressions.
Some cold readers just use a memorized spiel.
Others work quite intuitively.
This person was REALLY good.
I don’t know if the spiel was memorized or intuitive. But wow, she was good. I mean 35 years later or however long it has been, I still remember it.
See, cold readers know that before you pay money for a psychic reading, they have to STOP YOU in your tracks.
Another time I got a piece of direct mail that changed my life.
The mailer had a red headline.
It was a letter from a famous newsletter writer named Howard Ruff. And it said I paid this marketing genius $600,000 because he made me $2 million.
That letter sold a $500 product by Jay Abraham that changed my marketing life. Because back then Jay taught ideas no one had even heard of.
See, the headline on that sales letter made me STOP and read it.
In the old days we taught this as the importance of headlines. And there were headline formulas, many of which sounded the same.
Since then, ideas have evolved and improved a great deal due to the ease of testing things on social media.
And today, what we recognize transcends headlines.
We realize that headlines aren't enough.
You need and must use what I call STOPPERS.
Every single person must learn to use STOPPERS today, or they'll NOT get people to watch, read, listen or pay attention. Regardless of what you sell or who you sell it to, more than ever in history, having an ARSENAL of STOPPERS and knowing when, why and how to use them is absolutely essential.
This is NOT optional. It's essential..
By the way, if you don't know me, my name is Marlon Sanders.
I've been doing this gig full time since 1997 and have created and sold over 70,000 info products. The only reason that matters to you is I know all the tricks, all the shortcuts and how to avoid the big, bad mistakes that can rip your soul out.
Here's a screen cap of some of my clicks to sales offers just since January 1 of this year:

And, of course, if we look at the numbers going back, it's a bigger figure:

But what I'm most excited about is my recent discovery in the past 90 days of a whole new way to find STOPPERS and create a literal ARSENAL of them!
These are NOT theoretical, hypothetical, "CHATGPT" type stoppers. These are stoppers PROVEN to work in the past 90 days. And it's a whole freaking arsenal that you can use within 10 seconds.
Anyone without an iota of experience can use these, even if it's your first day in marketing. These are NOT headlines or lame swipe files.
These are the results of a DARWINIAN BULLPEN of STOPPERS.
Before I tell you more about that, we need to discuss the problems causing us to NEED STOPPERS to begin with.
It's So Freaking Hard to Stand Out
Problem 1: In the old days you have 3 main TV channels, and your biggest problem was getting someone to read your direct mail or ad. But today...
You've got 34 MILLION videos posted each day just on TikTok. That's 272 videos every second, 16,000 every minute, 981 thousand every hour. On Instagram, you have 95 million posts daily.
On Facebook 1 billion stories get shared across Facebook apps daily, according to Facebook's own stats.
Problem 2: Some of the "old" methods and formulas for getting attention don't work as well due to familiarity. For example, "how to" posts and headlines used to work gangbusters. But today, everyone uses them. So new methods are needed.
Problem 3: While you can certainly fire up ChatGPT or Claude and have it spit out some things, these are "theoretical" or just based on blog posts or things in Google. They aren't the result of a Darwinian Bullpen of true, hardcore results.
After DISCOVERING A DARWINIAN BULLPEN OF STOPPERS WHERE THE ONLY BEST OF THE BEST SURVIVE, I'm Revealing Everything You Need to Know In Order To create a full arsenal for Your Pages, posts, reels, videos, Funnels, Sites and Offers
The Secret Darwinian Bullpen of Stoppers
Imagine you had thousands of Stoppers competing with each other.
But only a teeny tiny portion of them make it to the top of the heap.
And what if it was refreshed daily?
Well, in the past 90 days, I FIRST ran across treasure troves of Stoppers that had worked for other people. And I thought I had discovered a true goldmine. (In fact, I had).
But then, I was poking around, experimenting and brainstorming. And all of a sudden, my eyeballs popped and...
Bells rung, cymbals clashed...I FOUND IT!
(For you old timers, that's a shout out to Alan Shawn Feinstein...:)
I had actually found the ultimate Darwinian Bullpen of Stoppers where only the best of the best of the best climb to the top of the heap.
And they're yours for the taking FOR FREE -- but only if you know how to modify, adjust, tweak, change, alter and customize for your product, your service or your situation.
And then, only if you know HOW to use them once you have them in your hands.
For example, how do you spin one up into a full-blown Instagram carousel in only minutes?
How do you spin it up into an incredibly enticing email?
How do you rock it out as a Facebook post?
What about making reels, shorts or TikToks out of it?

These methods are NOT theory. I've started personally using them every day. They work! But more importantly, I've observed them time and time again in the most successful people I know. You'll get new clarity. And be able to take confident action, knowing your methods will stop people in their tracks.
You've NEVER seen a product before that boils down STOPPERS to the TRUE essence like I'm about to do for you.
You'll Be Able To Start using stoppers The Next Morning Without Delay
And Do It With Simple 1, 2, 3 Steps That You Can Do
Clarity and confidence are everything. For maybe the first time in your life, you'll be totally clear on what REALLY works. NOT what people say works.
You'll wake up in the morning. You'll have your 1-2-3 step plan. You'll know what to do. You'll know how to do it. Finally, there's no obstacles between you, using your Stoppers and getting people to stop, watch, read or listen. Freedom at last!

Here Are More Benefits You Get
When You Buy Today
My Sales And Traffic
Are Proof It Works
This is NOT theory. It's battle-tested by my own experience. On Warriorplus alone, I've received 266,357 visitors and turned 5% of 'em into sales. These methods aren't particularly complicated. I believe nearly anyone who wants to can do them.
You Get 7 Special Bonuses
To sweeten the pot, you not only get my 96-page Stoppers step-by-step report, you get 5 bonuses that deep dive for you, so you have everything you need to start implementing the next day. And the member's area is STACKED. I mean it has TONS in it NOT listed on this page.
Here's WHY I'm Selling This Way Too Stinkin' Cheap
It disturbs me when I see my own customers I love and cherish, MY TRIBE, led astray by crap and bonus smoke-and-mirrors methods. I want you to know the truth and actually get REAL results.
So I've assembled this BIG value for you.
Main Product -- Complete Mind Blowing Stoppers Step-By-Step 96-page PDF.
Bonus #1 -- Speed Funnels -- How to Create Funnels WITH SPEED So You Can Cash In On Your Stoppers (video by me)
Bonus #2 - Stupid simple opt-in pages that allow you to monetize at the speed of light (in-depth video training by me)
Bonus #3 - Video: My 1-hour no-holds-barred conversions training so you can turn those "Stoppers" into SALES and cash
Bonus #4 - Video: Fantastic deep-dive 1 hour 20-minute video on creating emails that make sales. HOT STUFF!
Bonus #5 - How I made $1,443 giving away a free report on my shopping cart (NOT a typical or average result)
Bonus #6 - Mind-blowing 1 hour 39- minute presentation on how to raise your prices and that's just the START!
(See below)
If I looked at what similar products sell for, you could easily argue this product should sell for $400-$600. Why? Because you already spend so much money and time in buying and chasing methods that don't work. However, because you're a valued customer, I won't charge you that price. In fact, you won't charge you even for $200 (which is less then a half of the total value).
You only need to pay for $600 $400 $200 (see price below) if you act fast. This price will be limited according to the timer below.
The Substitution Guarantee

If for any reason this product doesn't meet and exceed your expectations, just let me know at getyoursupport.com (Do NOT email).
I'll promptly replace it with a product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.
Getting people to STOP, listen, watch or read is EVERYTHING. And it's going to be very liberating when you make sense of it all. See through the smoke-and-mirrors and are crystal clear how to make people STOP, how to that into emails, posts, carousels, and traffic so you know how to grow any business you want.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders