Can You Create a Product In 114 Minutes & Sell 6,000 Copies?
Marlon here.
Today I carry through with PART DEUX of a popular article I wrote,
In that article, I explained how Alex Jeffreys sold 6,000 copies of a product that took 114 minutes to create.
Now, first of all, we’ll start with a few explanations to create reasonable expectations:
114 minutes was the time it took to record the product. With practice, you can outline these very quickly. But when you’re starting out, it’ll take you considerably more than 114 minutes for your first few products.
And second, 6,000 sales is exceptional and was only accomplished because of groundwork created on other launches.
Are you OK with taking longer than 114 minutes and selling fewer than 6,000 copies your first time out?
So while those numbers are hard to believe for some, my own story shocks some people.
Here’s what I mean:
In 1982 the oil market had crashed. I was just looking for my first real time job.
People were literally laying off employees. So I worked sales jobs at night and sucked horribly at them. I put 30,000 miles on my car in 6 months and only sold 1 tiny insurance policy on an old wooden house the company didn’t really want to cover – at all!
I sold advertising for 6 months and never made ONE sale!
I even worked "deep nights" while struggling to piece together a business in the daytime. I’d come home at 7:30 a.m. and try to get sleep with the lawn mowers blaring outside, dogs barking up a storm, light coming through the windows.
How I got any sleep at all is a miracle.
I got fired from my last job because they found out I was "moonlighting." Apparently, they preferred employees with no ambition or motivation.
Finally, out of desperation, I spent $5,000 for marketing training. And it was only then, I got some results. $50 to $100 a day started to drip in.
Then, I had my big breakthrough. And my FIRST breakthrough day, I had $1680.70 in sales of 25 products on March 22 of 1999. The next day I had the same.
Then I had days of 1876, 2479, 3215, 4958 and 7035 off of 135 sales in one day and $10,234 off of 41 sales on April 19, 1999.
I went on to have multiple 6-figure years year after year after year while working as little as 30 minutes a day.
And now, I help others who want to have their own breakthrough days via marketing training.
If a guy like me who put 30,000 miles on his car in 6 months and could only sell 1 crummy homeowners insurance policy can do THIS, then I don’t see any reason YOU can’t.
None of this came naturally to me.
My first sales letters and ads totally bombed. I’d probably STILL be struggling if I hadn’t believed in myself enough to invest $5,000 in quality training.
What Skillsets Do You Need So YOU Can Launch YOUR
114 Minutes (more or less) product
There are some ESSENTIAL SKILLSETS you need. Yes, you CAN do products in 114 minutes give or take an hour or so.
But you need to have basic SKILLSETS in place FIRST. Here’s why?
Money is a result of getting paid for VALUE. Value is a result of skillsets that deliver products and services where the demand is greater than the supply.
A lot of people apparently haven’t been taught about the importance of skillsets. They work ate dead-end jobs that don’t increase their SKILLSETS then wonder why they can’t get a raise or a better job.
People in online marketing do NOTHING to improve their skillsets and then can’t understand why “it doesn’t work” for them.
Here are things I consider to be essential skillsets. If you aren’t working right now to improve these, I recommend you DO.
- Ability to create nice looking screen caps
I use snagit by techsmith. Makers of Camtasia. This is what we use to take screen caps for the dashboards. But there are many other programs that do them also. Some may be free or cheaper. Anytime you do a step-by-step tut, you need nice looking screen caps. The ones in design dashboard were done by Lisa and look good.
- The ability to WRITE steps just like I did in the dashboards
A lot of people struggle to write clear step-by-step instructions. This is a SKILL that can be learned.
- The ability to do CLEAR screen capture video with Camtasia AND decent audio.
A Logitech headset can get good enough audio, especially to start.
You need to be able to do this so you can create videos for products.
You want to do the screen caps at the size you'll use them when possible because resizing downgrades the quality.
Nice clear screen caps help. And knowing how to make them the right width...you can zoom in and out on your monitor screen to adjust the size
A logitech headset can get good enough audio, especially to start. You need to be able to do this so you can create videos for products
- Sales Copy
Headlines with the 4 u's like I teach in the Fast Start System and Level One Training.
Unique – Your headline needs to reference something unique
Useful – There has to be a compelling benefit
Ultra specific – Specifics sell
Urgent – Why should people act today?
- The ability to write hot bullet points that create curiosity.
- The ability to write enticing descriptions for your 6 modules.
- The ability to think of and write compelling copy for 3 bonuses.
- The ability to write a great guarantee.
Part of sales copy is being able to come up with hook, angle or big idea to START with. You need something with an element of uniqueness in it (which is why it’s part of the 4 u’s.)
- Ability to do power point or open office or similar SLIDES because most pitches use power point slides.
They aren't difficult but there is some learning to do. I consider the above ESSENTIAL skills
Once you have those skills you can do video sales letters, write sales letters, do tutorials for products.
Usually, your One Time Offers or OTO’s are done with screen capture video and slides. You CAN write a sales letter. But most people are having success using slides.
You need to be able to write your script and pop it quickly into Power Point so you can record your pitch.
Some people record the audio then go back and play the audio while recording, and turn the slides in sync.
I find it easier to record the slides directly.
- Ability to use either Optimize Press, Lead Pages or Clickfunnels. Optimize Press can get you by.
Click Funnels is the elite solution but it's a month fee. To START, Optimize Press on Wordpress is good enough.
Once you have the above abilities, THEN you’re in a position to quickly create a mindmap with 6 branches on it and recording 114 minutes on it, doing around 7-10 minutes for each branch.
This gives you 6 branches which become modules in your sales letter.
Then you’ll have 3 more branches for your 3 bonuses.
6 modules + 3 bonuses + strong sales letter =
potential hot product
You won’t know if it’s a winner or not until you test it.
- Ability to come up with hot product ideas
In Level One I if you have it, reference the part where I teach the next link in the chain method.
If not, then look around at what’s selling hot RIGHT NOW!
What can you do that would play off of it, tie into it naturally or add or COMBINE a missing or more powerful element?
I’m constantly amazed at how much more successful people are when they work off of things that are already proven to work.
- The ability to contact potential affiliates and get them on board your launch
You don’t have to do this. But it has worked for many. If your launch has a great earnings per click, you can get affiliates by word of mouth.
- The ability to sell a BIG TICKET such as coaching or “done for you” services AFTER the launch.
This is critical as it’s where MOST of the money is made.
I find that most people are paying out 100% of the front end offer (usually $10 or less) to affiliates. Then they have some cash and prizes.
They end up NETTING about 30% or 40% of the money that comes in from the one time offers. However, on smaller launches this isn’t a lot. So you NEED bigger tickets on the “back end.”
If you know your 30-day value of a new customer, this is a good start.
Where Are You On These Skillsets?
How are you doing on these skillsets?
Which ones are you weakest on? That’s the first place you start for improving your skillset.
I find that people don’t want to work on skillsets. They buy into all the “magical” pitches about how money rains down overnight.
And it’s true. Money DID rain down overnight. When I “broke through,” I went from $853 sales in February TO $65,690.95 in MARCH and $45,643.15 in April and $26,256.60 in MAY.
HOWEVER, I already had done the groundwork and had most of the SKILLSETS in place.
Not all of them but most. I had to learn a few on the fly which is the slowest and hardest way to do it.
Non Producers Aren’t Willing To Invest In
Acquiring Skillsets
I also find non-producers or low-producers and very average earners aren’t willing to INVEST in themselves and their skillsets.
Evidently, this is because they don’t believe enough in themselves to invest money upgrading their skills.
What’s more, this mindset is FED by marketers who proclaim that it all happens magically without acquiring foundational skillsets.
However, if you examine closely, you’ll usually find THEIR skillsets are HIGHLY refined and more often than not they’ve invested thousands or tens of thousands in acquiring those skillsets.
The King Daddy of Skillsets
The KING DADDY of skillsets is the ability to find out what people WANT to BUY right now – and give them a great reason to buy it from YOU!
This is one of the most important skills.
How much time did you spend last week improving your actual skillsets? I mean, ACTUAL time invested in acquiring a skill?
That number right there will predict your success 6 months from now.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
Here's how to take the next step:
PS: I realize for many of you, $97/mo. for the Fast Track doesn't fit in your budget. So I've come up with a new version of MILCERS (pronounced Milkers as in Milk the Web) -- Marlon's Internet Marketing Lifestyle Club.
Milcers is all about:
1. Create Income Streams
2. Put them on full or semi-auto pilot
3. Live the Internet lifestyle

1. If you want to grow, build, improve or enhance your business, the new Milcers private site can make that happen for you.
2. If you need to get money rolling in the door right NOW then you need to get going YESTERDAY and your keywords of the day are going to be "STAT", "FAST", "NOW" and "GET RESULTS". If you need money coming in, if you need to get the cash flowing, if you need to get things rolling along then the new Milcers private membership has got lots of help for you.
Here's more info on Milcers.
