Give It Away & Get Paid
Just give away my fill-in-the-blanks sales copy template and
get paid on the upsells and downsells
Upsells: $27 > $48 > $297
Downsell: $27
Create a redirect for your affiliate link
Warriorplus doesn't allow you to paste a W+ link directly.
So create a redirect link for it using the free Pretty Link wordpress plugin or another program.
If you need help creating your redirect link, go here.
Copy and Paste the Magic Message
Now copy and paste the message as a status update on your Facebook timeline, or group or page you own..
Or send it as an email.
Subject line:
Reply to each person on Facebook with the link
Reply to each person who comments on your Facebook post with the link.
BUt do NOT paste the same message to each person. Change it up and always use the person's name:
Hi John, here's the scoop for you. URL
Hey Susan, happy Thursday. Here's the info: URL
Hey Billy, you're gonna love this one. Here you go: URL
Hey Allison, Here's the url for you. Enjoy. URL
If people stop responding to your thread, then post an additional comment on the thread asking if everyone go their access OK.
This gives a bit of a bump to the thread.
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