And the best part is, the traffic I've used is 95% free!
Actual cash deposit generated by my "Rising Tide Promotions"
While I have sold millions online, my results
aren't indicative of average results.
You may make more or nothing at all.
Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: If you promote anything to anyone, give me 60 seconds...
Yes, the screen caps ARE true. Yes, I've sold 39,583 products. Actually, it's far more because I left out NINE years. But you get the idea.
What's more, I did this using 95% FREE TRAFFIC.
And except for a couple years, I've ran my business from home.
What is My Secret Sauce
I call my unique method "Rising Tide Promotions" because a rising tide lifts all ships.
Your ships are your bills, your dreams. The things between you and freedom to be, to do, to have. That which you seek, seeks you. But what it doesn't say is the bridge that gets you there is Rising Tide Promotions.
I should know.
Since "unplugging" I've done 73+ of them, traveled the world and live a life most only dream of in terms of freedom and independence. The best part of Rising Tide Promotions is control. Control over your time. Control over when you go to bed, wake up, who you talk to or don't, when, how and why.
When I Got My Rising Tide Formula Cranking In Style
It Allowed Me to Travel The World
You're Only 60-Seconds
Away From Rising Tide Promotions
Here are just a few of the things you'll discover in Rising Tide Promotions:
I guarantee in writing, you'll find out the following:
- How I had my 263 sales in ONE week -- without buying traffic, doing manual labor or whoring myself out for JV's
- The simple 3-part "APP Formula" that provides a foundation for launching a successful products, promotions, VSL's, Amazon books, email promos r software, and service sales.
- Walk through of one of my successful "Rising Tide" Promotions, revealing what was going on in my head. (Thinking the RIGHT WAY about promotions is a big key)
- 5 examples to take it OUT of the world of theory and INTO the world of "OK, let's do this deal."
- Even if you have a teeny tiny list, what you can do to actually start getting sales (this is how you throw your enthusiasm into high gear and REALLY ramp it up).
- The one key difference between run-of-the-mill promotions and "rising tide" promotions
- How to make sure your promotions are part of the "rsing tide" and not the "rip tide," sucking the life and energy out of you.
- The 3 big mistakes people make that rob them the results.
You Get 6 Powerful Modules
8-Part Formula For Creating Offers That Get Sales Now
The whole key to getting sales and orders today is your offer. Most people are missing 1 or more of these 8 essential elements of offers that bring in dozens, hundreds and even thousand orders.
You'll get the core secrets that you'll us as a checklist every single time you do a Rising Tide Promotion to your list. You'll tape this list by your computer where you can use it as a fast checklist.
11 Bonusing Secrets That Force People To Buy From You
In these 11 bonusing secrets, you'll get core data that show you what to do, where, how and why.
You'll be shown hard core numbers month-by-month of going from scratch to big numbers starting with no list. Of course, you could do better or nothing at all. That is up to you. But the secrets will be revealed.
7 Steps To Promotions That Unlock The Money Door
You'll enter the secretive world of Johnson boxes done right, magical timers, and other trade secrets.
What about dedicated bonus sites? Email only? How do you create scarcity or do you? If you use deadlines, what should be the length? What about separate pages? Al these questions are answered and more.
9 Critical Datum to Using Emails to Reach Out and Get You Your Money -- Today Not Tomorrow!
What time of day do you send emails? What service do you use? Is there a right frequency? How long should emails be? How do you write subject lines that get opened? This is a fast and furious brain dump on my 18 years of email marketing experience full time.
How to Build Your List That Power Rising Tide Promotions
If you have a list, great. I'll show you how to expand it. If you don't, I'll give you the critical "must know" information on how you build your list with Youtube, Instagram, Amazing and affiliate programs.
Hyper Speed Product Creation That Saves You Toms of Wasted Time and Energy
I teach and use a rapid production creation system that prevents you from pouring your time, money and energy down the drain of a product that won't sell! You need this crucial information.
Rising Tide Promotions
Work For ALL Types Of Business

Amazon Sellers

Web Businesses

Info Products Creator

Affiliate Marketers

Video Marketers

Coaches & Consultants
The 10 Commandments of
Always Having Money
You'll want to print this out and post it by your computer or on mirror as a constant reminder.
These commandments summarize all the most important things I've learned about Internet Marketing doing this full time since 1997 and selling millions of dollars online, and training thousands of others how to do what I do.
WARNING: Bonuses Could Be Removed At Any Time! Respond Immediately To Guarantee You Get Them
How Long Will This Price Last?
- This is the first time I've offered anything on JV Zoo. I never sell products this cheap. This is a bold and daring marketing test. I can't guarantee this price will last loner than today. So respond today to make sure you don't pay a lot more.
Special Limited Time Offer
Yes! I want to get this awesome product right now. I understand that I will get all 6 modules listed above and 3 bonuses for a one time payment of just $27.