limited time offer
from $100 to $5,000
secrets of creating $37, $65, and $95 products to $,1000 and higher
NOTE: the above aren't indicative of typical or average sales.
Order today before the offer closes
CORE PDF UPDATED TO 70 PAGES so you can build out funnels and a whole business with your price points
Plus you get all these bonuses
Bonus #17 (6/6) - The plan for building a business or making real income using the different price points (new training recorded by Marlon)
New Bonus #16 (6/5) - How I sold 100+ products for $1,000 with a sales page and no phone calls, webbys nor dm's.
New Bonus #15 (6/5) - How i created and launched a product in
2 days behind the scenes
New Bonus #14 (6/5) - Who else wants Unsaturated Digital Product Ideas to Sell in 2024? Here's 8 of 'em.
New Bonus #13 (6/5) - Idea to launch in 7 days written by yours truly
New Bonus #12 (6/4) - Transform your $47 info product (that nobody values) into a $1,000 program that people crave
New Bonus #11 (6/4) - This system sells digital products in 32 minutes. (She sold $828k this way ... (results not average nor typical)
New Bonus #10 (6/4) - Need a niche? Here's 50+ digital product niches for you
New Bonus #9 (6/4) - New type of mid ticket offer called the PEC and how to sell it (easy to deliver and clients love)
New Bonus #8 (6/4) - THE thing that grew her info biz to $100k last year. (Results not typical or average).
New Bonus #7 (6/4) - Why price is NOT the problem, what is and how to fix it
New Bonus #6 (6/4) - This method sells digital products without an audience
** Above 6/4 curated bonuses include exclusive added value commentary by Marlon
New Bonus #5 (6/4) - How I Built a Recuring Billing Membership Site to 500+ Buyers with inside on info on Milcers, Affiliate Success Letter AND the secret to retention with an example of a 5,000+ membership that used it. 14-page illustrated report custom written by Marlon on 6/4.
Bonus #4 - How to avoid the 9 most common mistakes in sales copy
Bonus #3 - What it takes to get people to buy (Really, actually for real)
Bonus #2 - Money finds you --Do this and money will find you
Bonus #1 - Sell The Product BEFORE you even create the product (Profit virtually 100% of the time)"
Marlon here.
Here's what you're about to discover:
* A simple $97 OTO model ANYONE can follow, including YOU! (And you can create in a few hours)
* How I used bullet points to sell a$1,000 product (and the 1 KEY ingredient it had that my lower-priced products don’t)
* A complete A to Z Formula breakdown of a $65 sales page you can model easily.
* The psychology of $5,000+ sales
* The psychology of $100+ sales
* How to generate cash BEFORE you create the product
The REASON I’m writing to you about this is largely so you understand the PSYCHOLOGY, although we’ll get down to specifics also.
Sounds interesting, right?
Well, buckle up and read on...
First, the disclaimer: My results and the sales I've made aren't indicative of typical or average results. Okay?
Most people don’t understand the PSYCHOLOGY between lower priced products and higher priced.
We can sell SECRETS products up to say $100 and even $200 on curiosity. At some point, and there’s no scientific way of knowing, the psychology tends to shift from selling SECRETS to selling time.
That’ll make more sense in a minute.
Now, nothing is black and white.
I know of sales letters that sold $1,000 to $5,000 products based on CURIOSITY. That requires a market where the demand for information greatly exceeds the supply.
For the most part, you’re going to SHIFT your psychology.
I want to share with you the PSYCHOLOGY of money-getting via products from $100 to $1,000. And even $5,000.
And I want to ILLUSTRATE this with practical examples from my OWN sales pages and things I've sold.
Did you know I've sold products all the way up to $2,500 with ONLY a sales page.
I sold over 100 products at $1,000 each using ONLY a sales page. People say it can't be done.
But I'll show you why and how it CAN be done -- once you understand the true Psychology of selling. And the specifics of how you translate this into your sales page.
If you're new to my world, I've been doing this full time since 1997. And, unlike most marketers, have created and sold many evergreen products over years, perhaps more than anyone in my industry.
I bought this a book from this get-rich-quick ad in a magazine in 1978. It told a story about direct response and this dude named Gary Halbert.
I got hooked on the dream. But I was HORRIBLE at selling. I put 30,000 miles on my car trying to sell insurance. And in 6 months only sold ONE insurance policy on a wood frame house my company didn't WANT to cover!
I bought every junky "how to" product from ads you can imagine. And a lot of "scams." But eventually, I learned what I was doing. And started created products.
This is what sales looked like when my first "hit" happened in late 1997, early 1998:

The CRAZY thing is, I had 30,000 affiliates many of whom raked it in. My results are NOT typical nor indicative of average results. Your results will vary. I'm a pro at at this.
It's a new day. And a new world.
But there are
this is the key to being able to play the keyboard of profits across the entire set of keys...and not just play chopsticks with the ones in the middle.
You don't have to play just chopsticks in the info and digital product business.
You don't have to ONLY sell products for 10 bucks or 27 or 50 or 100 -- or whatever.
When you understand the psychology and the tactics, you can sell across the entire spectrum of price points with relative easy.
It's time I share ALL These Secrets With You...
So You Can Prosper In This Business As I Have
what's really exciting about this is you'll understand the psychology of one price point vs. another
Writing the sales page isn't the hard part.
It's understanding WHAT to write on the page to begin with. The Psychology of it to begin with.
Once you understand that, you can whip out pages fast with a little practice.
I'm writing this on a Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. The whole letter will take maybe 2 or 3 hours. Not that long.
Anyway, I don't even have to plan out letters anymore. I just base the letter on something else I've sold at that price point.

The Psychology of Selling From $100 to $1,000 is designed for you to be empowered to play the keys of product pricing across the entire spectrum of prices. And not just be stuck to playing chopsticks on the center keys.
You have the power to sell products at the price point you feel good about and that matches your market positioning.
I created a super powerful report for you like no other that explains, shows and demonstrates the whole spectrum across all the prices, so it's easy to understand and apply.
This Is How Easy It Is To Use The Psychology of Selling From $100 to $1,000
Whether you're new or have a little experience under your belt, the first thing is to go through the main report.
If you're new to all this, you'll then want to go to the bonuses where I have extra resources that go into detail things referenced in the main report.
I give you what you need to know, but don't weigh you down with endless stuff.
Rome wasn't built overnight. So all you do is take it one step at a time.
When You Implement The Psychology of Selling From $100 to $1,000, You'll Enjoy These Benefits:
The Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating
I've made an abundant and prosperous living full time since 1997 using the Psychology of Selling you'll discover.
Of course, my results aren't typical nor average. But I 100% believe this is entirely possible when you activate the Psychology of Selling from $100 to $1,000 on your behalf. Plan your work and work your plan.
You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!
I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top.
First, you get the FOUR CORE modules:
Module 1: Main Product - The Psychology of Selling From $100 to $1,000 -- 30 pages fully illustrated
Module 2: Masterpiece Video Tutorial - on how to craft drop dead bullet points from your content.
Module #3 - Product Ideas Galore! Step-by-step to all the product ideas you need
Module #4 - How I discovered a 12-step formula that makes people buy your product, service or idea - 91 pages
Then you get four super valuable bonuses:
Bonus #1 - Sell The Product BEFORE you even create the product (Profit virtually 100% of the time)"
Bonus #2 - Money finds you --Do this and money will find you
Bonus #3 - What it takes to get people to buy (Really, actually for real)
Bonus #4 - How to avoid the 9 most common mistakes in sales copy
Here's What You Get
As you can see from the chart below, this product is loaded to the gills with value, NOT TO MENTION the OTHER bonuses I'll add over the next 10 days.
Module 1: Main Product - The Psychology of Selling From $100 to $1,000 -- 70 pages fully illustrated
Module 2: Masterpiece Video Tutorial - on how to craft drop dead bullet points from your content.
Module #3 - Product Ideas Galore! Step-by-step to all the product ideas you need
Module #4 - How I discovered a 12-step formula that makes people buy your product, service or idea - 91 pages
Bonus #1 - Sell The Product BEFORE you even create the product (Profit virtually 100% of the time)"
Bonus #2 - Money finds you --Do this and money will find you
Bonus #3 - What it takes to get people to buy (Really, actually for real)
Bonus #4 - How to avoid the 9 most common mistakes in sales copy
The values above are what I've sold similar items for, not actual sales, except the ad copy product has sold many times for $97 by itself. But you can you can easily see I could sell this system for about $326, or more. Why? Because you could spend so much money and time in buying products and watching videos. However, I won't charge you that price, because I want to give youa break in these inflationary times.
You only need to pay for $300 $192 $100 (see price below) if you act fast. I may totally close this offer down in a few days. So don't delay.
Offer A 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Now you can test drive our product for 7 days with NO RISK!
If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your products sell year after year at all price points. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.
Best wishes,