"Invisible Funnel Closed Down"
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"Daegan Smith Is One of My Favorite Marketers In The World" -- Russell Brunson
"Daegan Smith Helped Me Make 7 Figures Online" - Vince Reed
Get it now before it shuts down
From: Marlon Sanders
RE: Daegan Smith's Invisible Funnel Seminar
Marlon here.
Holy Cowl!
In 4 hours last night Daegan Smith blew our minds by revealing the Invisible Funnel and reverse selling method that paid off his house in roughly 4 months.
First of all, he explained WHY NO ONE ELSE IS REALLY DOING INVISIBLE FUNNELS, except his friend and King of the Marketing Universe, Russell Brunson.
Russell learned it from Daegan. And now he does incredible numbers with his own version.
After 5 years of retirement, Daegan finally came back in his first seminar to an audience outside his list.
And he showed the stages of the Invisible Funnel and BIG PICTURE no one gets.
Just his leverage formula will blow you away. And this is what no one gets. It's the whole underpinning.
With THIS one thing, you have the key to leverage in your business. The KEY to removing ALL RESISTANCE to people buying from you.
And now you get it STRAIGHT from the horse's mouth.
This leverage formula with the reverse selling system is what enabled Daegan to pay off his house in 4 months.
Then He Showed Step-By-Step How
To Build An Offer People Will Crawl
Over Broken Glass to Buy
There was the impossible to fail twist and others that I LOVED and took notes on.
He spelled out all the crucial secrets.
And after that, he showed the BIG KEY to content that gets people to buy!
And that leads direct into his reverse selling method that was a KEY to paying for his house in 4 months. That and understanding the leverage / resistance equation.
By then it was getting late!
Daegan thought about continuing on another day. But I said, "Heck no, let's hunker down and do story selling!"
So he absolutely NAILED the story selling part.
See, there are 3 parts: A, B AND C.
Only parts A and B are visible. And most people will never see part A.
The real magic is in part C. You see, part C is virtually invisible. What this means to YOU is that your competitors or others in your business or industry, not even employees, will have ANY clue how it really works!
It's like having a "mini-monopoly."
To my knowledge, there's no one else on the planet that truly understands the "invisible" part of the Invisible Funnel.
And that's why I'm SO STOKED Daegan is held a training for MY folks to reveal his secrets.
Here's WhY i believe THis is the easiest and most invisible way to blow up sales -- ever
Big Secret #1: The Invisible Funnel creates fast money -- money in days -- without having to do fancy sales pages or elaborate copy.
I have locked and loaded an Invisible Funnel "Lite" in only a few days and made as much as $12,662. My results aren't typical.
But the SPEED with which the money comes in is mind numbing.
Big Secret #2: It's designed to triple the response and sales, while not breaking a sweat. This is normally extremely difficult to do. The Invisible Funnel changes that.
Normally, tripling sales in under a week is an outrageous, unheard of, virtually impossible claim.
But I'm here to tell you that based on my experience and that of others Daegan trained (for $10,000) this is 100% legit and works. And I'm 100% convinced it's doable by virtually anyone without any freakish skills.
I can't promise it'll work for every campaign. But what's shocking is how many it WILL work for.
Big Secret #3: You have the power to make BIG chunks of money in a few hours
The first time I tried it, I made $1,308.35 in 1 hour and 39 minutes. Not bad. Earlier I told you the Invisible Funnel has parts A, B and C. I only used part B of the system in this one:

The second time I gave it a shot, I did a little better. $3,298 in 2 hours and 54 minutes. Again, I only used part B because I was lazy.

The third time I tried it, I made $12,662.00 in 1 hour and 47 minutes. This time, I added in a bit of part A.

The fourth time I tried it, I made $14,670.00. This time I did a FULL part A and B. You can see how part A added extra income. If I did part C, the results would likely have been jaw dropping.

My results NOT indicative of average results in any way. But they are, in fact, MY results. You could do much better, worse, or nothing at all. But I CAN tell you this:
Like I said. I only used parts A and B of the system. And the big money comes from part C.
I did the above with VERY little time investment. And totally ignored part C. So literally, you could also do much better than me.
I won't show every promotion I've done. But just recently, I've done even more with similar results.
Big Secret #4: You have the potential to make relatively passive income. This is a brand new secret that is my favorite.
Passive income is one of those illusive things everyone wants and most never see. But Daegan discovered a way to take one Invisible Funnel and repeat it over and over on autopilot.
It's about as close to passive income as you'll ever get. Very cool.
Daegan didn't deep dive on this. But suffice it to say, it's a cakewalk to selling anything recurring billing with this. So that money just rolls in every month.
Big Secret #5: Everyone wants multiple streams of income. In Daegan's newest discovery, you can actually spin up your Invisible Funnels into multiple streams of income.
This one blows my mind. You'll see me doing this one shortly. In the member's area, you get a whole 4-part training on how to make bookoos bux monthly by turning passions into interests. NAIL those multiple streams of income!
Big Secret #6: How Daegan Built His Sales To $256,000 a Month
Obviously this isn't indicative of average results. But it IS what he did. So this training in the member's area explains the whole thing soup to nuts.
The Scoop Behind The Return Of The King of the Invisible Funnel
Daegan is one of my best friends.
We first met at a Yanik Silver event. He's just an outstanding marketer.
He built a million dollar ad agency. A network marketing training business. A very successful membership business.
But then he hung it up and retired as he had a load of money stashed away.
I never thought this day would come.
Daegan retired from Internet marketing. He shut everything down because he COULD.
People ask why he did it. And the answer is "because he COULD."
But after 5 years, he'd had enough of retirement. And got the desire to come back all guns blazing.
I never thought I'd see the day. But today is the day!
Here's just a sample of what he'll be unveiling...
The Secrets of the Invisible Funnel Virtually No One Knows
How to Make Money Online Using The New Invisible Funnel
The "Crystal Ball" Answer To Getting Traffic
New Invisible Funnel Twists That Work Gangbusters
Here's What It's NOT
You're probably wondering, "Marlon, if I DO love Daegan's Invisible Funnel training, how much do I pay. So I built a "cost eraser" for you.
Get My Event Free!
I wanted this to be a 100% no-questions-about-it-win. So I'm giving you my cost eraser bonus -- You get 90% commissions on a $47 product I created this year called Reels For Leads and Sales. This product always sells for me. People love it. And it appeals to almost everyone.
Just 2 sales and you've made paid for the event. This is my cost ERASER for you.
30 Days Email Consultation
When you go ahead and let the charge run through the day AFTER the event (you can cancel before then), you'll qualify for 30 days of email consultations. Just post your questions directly related to the Invisible Funnel training at getyoursupport.com, and I'll answer them.
This why, if you have one of those nagging questions that stops you from getting started, you can get it taken care of.
If you don't love it, I'll Replace it with another product of similar or greater value
This is a replacement guarantee. Listen, I have 100+ products. I believe 1 million percent you'll love this. But if you don't, hit me up at getyoursupport.com, tell me what you DO want to learn, and I'll find a training for you.
Invite your spouse and kids at no additional cost
Maybe your spouse, son or daughter could use Invisible Funnel Trainingn. You're welcome to have them view the live stream with you. Yes, the event WILL BE RECORDED.
Here's What People say about daegan
You really can't lose. you get a 100% replacement guarantee
This offer is a one-time event and won't likely be repeated.
Best wishes,
P.S. I'm doing a video tonight where I cover every bullet in this sales letter to make sure NOTHING is left out!