Most of what you hear about passive income is smoke and mirrors but this is absolutely true...
"How I Made $854,825.21
In Pure Passive Sales"
It Was NOT Network Marketing, NOT Investments, NOT Stocks, NOT a Business
While I have sold millions online, my results aren't indicative of average results. You may make more or nothing at all
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wanted or dreamed of passive income? But have you also found that most of what is pitched as "passive income" is actually anything but passive?
Well, I've seen and heard every passive income pitch under the sun. And most of them are simply smoke and mirrors at best. At the end of the day, the income is anything but passive.
But listen, ALL income takes work at some point. This was the culmination of other projects I had. There is no something for nothing.
So normally I'd write here about how I struggled and struggled before finding the secret to passive income. But the truth is quite the opposite.
I'd Like To Say I Had Some Genius Invention. But Instead, The Embarrassing Truth Is I Just Stumbled Across This By Accident ..
I did a small favor for a friend by introducing him at a seminar I was speaking at. He said, do you want me to do "XYZ" for you?
I mean, it was no skin off my back. And sounded ok. So I said, "Sure, why not?"
Well, I didn't really think anything about it at the time. But little hinges swing big doors.
I Never Dreamed The Passive Income Would Rack Up Like It Did
The crazy thing is, I didn't even give a thought to how much income it was creating until much later. It just came in like clockwork without me even noticing.
Actually, it was such a hassle depositing the checks every month, I finally requested direct deposits. Now, I found that others had found bits and pieces of what I did. And applied the same basic thing in various versions of purely passive, semi passive, partially passive, and so forth.
It's quite an intriguing thing. So I decided to create a little mind-expander for you to blow your thinking wide open.
Introducing ...
The SHOCKING Passive Income Report
This is NOT likely a passive income method income you've read about. It's certainly NOT one of those push button passive income moneymaking things.
The Great Thing Is, The Money Just Keeps Coming In
I won't say there is pure passive income. That would violate the law of entropy. However, I can tell you I'm NOT the only one who has set up this kind of income system. In fact, a close friend of mind did it.
I have no idea if you can do what I did, although there's no reason you couldn't. It's not exactly rocket science, even if the income you bring in is only a small part of what I have. Here's what I guarantee: My report will show you new angles, methods and ways. Things you probably haven't thought about. And it will expand your thinking and possibilities.
Here Are A Few Of The Things You'll Discover In Shocking Passive Income ...
I've Got 854,825.21 Reasons To Prove This Works
The proof this works is simple. It's the income I've brought in. And I show you others who are using a similar method in varying degrees of effectiveness. The main thing is, it's a simple method. It's something you can actually apply. And the reason it works will be self evident.
How much you do or don't make with it, I don't know. I know the potential is there and I'm living proof of that.
You Get Special Bonuses For FREE!
As you know, I always like to add some bonuses as your reason for acting now. Scarcity is a powerful motivator. I want you to have the bonuses and I know you don't want to miss out on the goodies. So check out below for your extra "fast action" reward for being a fast action taker.
Here's WHY I'm Selling This Way To Stinkin' Cheap
This is GREAT info. I could easily be charging much more. However, I KNOW around 80% of the buyers of this will want to snag a MMM subscription once they see the value in the new MMM newsletter. And it's much cheaper by far to have a subscription than to buy them a newsletter at a time, if they're even available. But whether you do or don't, you get a GREAT value and will love it.
Here are examples of what I COULD be charging if I packaged this up a little fancier. Obviously, they don't sell for this. But I'm convinced they could.
Shocking Passive Income Report
My Brand New Cheat Sheet For Creating and Testing Products In Short Order, So You Don't Get Bogged Down
How to Create Passive Sales Machines
Case Study: $1500/Day Passive Income
How to Get The Alligators Out Of Your Pond
Based on the total values above, you can you can easily see I could sell this system for about $145, or more. Why? Because you could spend so much money and time in trying to figure this stuff out. However, I won't charge you that price, because I know around 80% of buyers will likely want to subscribe to my MMM so they can save money on future newsletters. In fact, I won't charge you even for $95 (which is less then a half of the total value).
You only need to pay $300 $192 $100 (see price below) if you act fast. I can't guarantee how long this offer will be on the table as I sell the above reports or use them in other offers.
Price Today Only $7
100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee
Now you can test drive our product for two months with NO RISK!
If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money. No Question Asked!
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
Higher Response Marketing, Inc.
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