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First of all, thank you for your order.

You'll love the instructions in the product you just bought that make it simple to get started in a flash, just as others already have. That means more potential sales coming in!

However, once you have things running like clockwork, one of the problems you do end up risking is "Overwhelm" and getting bogged down in all the details.

That's why I created the "Overwhelm Cure" that reveals exactly how to vanquish your Internet Marketing overwhelm, delete your "To-Do" list, get unstuck and gain crystal clarity!



As a reward for just having ordered, I'm going to throw in the complete "Overwhelm Cure" for MORE THAN 85% off the regular price!

There are 7 root problems and 6 basic solutions. The goal is to keep the solutions SIMPLE and doable.

Let's go through

each one of these

I've produced a new course that reveals what the causes of overwhelm and lack of money are and how to solve them.


How to create Foghorns that replace your tasks and to do lists. How and why 25-minute Foghorns will change your life within 7 days and cause you to almost effortlessly get more done than EVER before

  • What a Foghorn is.
  • Why a Foghorn is a 10X more productive way to work than to do lists
  • The secret of getting things done using Foghorns
  • How to NEVER get distracted when you're working on a bucket.
  • Why failing to have clear outcomes causes problems and how to form crystal clear outcomes for everything you do.
  • Why not having clear outcomes causes you to run round in circles like a hamster on a wheel. If you feel like you're running harder and harder but getting nowhere, this is the reason.
  • The 3 items you MUST develop clear outcomes for and how to do this quickly, simply and easily.
  • How to develop outcomes for time segments, projects, promotions and products.
  • Develop crystal clear clarity of what you're spending your time on and why.
  • This will make a big impact on your success the FIRST week.
  • The secret of Timeboxing and how it protects you from distractions, interruptions and A.D.D. behavior
  • Why Internet marketers are particularly susceptible to A.D.D. type behavior.
  • The common time thieves that plague Internet marketers.
  • The only practical solution I've found.
  • When to do Foghorns vs. Timeboxes.


The REASON why "to do" lists are likely at the ROOT of your overwhelm problem and how to clean 'em off fast then take a project approach that totally liberates you from the burden of to do lists.

  • How to sort your to do lists into buckets and categories.
  • The difference between a category and a bucket and why you don't mix categories or buckets.
  • Why you feel overwhelmed if you have to do's and NOT buckets.
  • Why you should only focus on one bucket at a time.
  • Why working simultaneously on buckets and categories dooms you to feeling overwhelmed and how to create a prioritized bucket list that totally frees up your mind and gives you your focus back.
  • How to group your buckets together.
  • Why assembling your buckets into priority order will free up your mind.
  • The 7 steps to putting your buckets in priority order.
  • How to become a master manager of your buckets.


How to use my MASTER MATRIX secret to tie together the other sessions and create the most amazing crystal clear clarity you've probably ever had.

  • Why prioritized lists of buckets are NOT enough.
  • How to create a VISUAL matrix that makes your decisions for you.
  • The 7 types of Master Matrixes and when to use each one.
  • Actual examples from my own business.
  • Never feel cloudy or overwhelmed again.
  • The simplest solution focus and how it gets you on the right track


Introduction To The Marlon Sanders' Systems Solution

  • What Systems really are and how to use them to create a business machine that churns out profits with the least amount of involvement by you.
  • The 3 divisions of an Internet business.
  • How to know which of the 3 divisions is the one you need to focus on.
  • The core understanding you must have about this business that puts everything else in perspective.
  • The foundations of an Evergreen business that stands the test of time.
  • Outsourcing and how to do it the right way to triple what you get done.
  • How to decide what to outsource.
  • When to hire and when to outsource.
  • How to start outsourcing.
  • How to do it with even a small budget.
  • Project management secrets.
  • Mistakes I've made along the way. What I've done right. What I'd do differently and how.
  • The next step

While many have sold for $497


Note: price subject to change anytime

After that it'll be too late -- So take action now while you still can.

Just click "Add To Cart" button below, and we'll add "The Overwhelm Cure" to your order. You'll get INSTANT ACCESS, of course!
