Ex Dayton Salesperson Discovers Secret "Oddball Chart" That Blew Up Sales From 100 to 734, then to 9,091, 41,343, 83,333 And Up From There!
Give Me 90 Minutes. I'll Explain What This Chart Is, How It Works, Why It Works, and Why I'm Convinced Using It Will Solve Your Thorniest, Moneymaking, Sales and Problem-Solving Challenges -- Live Attendees Said It's Worth Multiples of PRice
From: Marlon Sanders
Helotes, TX 2:31 p.m.
RE: Can This Oddball Chart Send Your Moneymaking Ability To New Levels, Zoom Your Sales and Solve Your Thorniest Problems?
Marlon here.
Can This oddball chart send your moneymaking ability to new levels, zoom your sales and solve your thorniest problems?
If you don't agree the answer is 1,000% heck yeah, then you won't owe me a dime.
That's how incredibly confident I am in this discovery.
Before I tell you how I made this stunning discovery, and the story behind it, allow me to share with you how and why I believe it can make your life, your business and your future almost instantly better.
How and why I believe this oddball chart will make your life, your business and your future almost insantly better
Way #1: Moneymaking is your priority, is it not? This oddball chart holds the key to you quite possibly making bigger, fatter, juicer deposits to your bank -- more often.
Spend just 20 minutes with this oddball chart the way I show you, and I'll be darned if you won't set your moneymaking ability on fire...with greater clarity than you've ever had before.
I know that's quite a claim. But you can prove it to yourself -- without forking over a dime.
Way #2: Making money is tied to your sales. 100%. Lock. Stock and Barrell. And that's the beauty of this "oddball chart." Like never before, you'll find yourself using it every day to increase, expand, grow and multiply your actual, real world sales-getting activity.
It all boils down to sales.
What you're about to discover is an untold sales secret method straight from the horse's mouth?
I mean, you're getting it STRAIGHT from the true source. Read on, and I'll explain what the heck that means.
If you're anything like me, it's a method I'm using every week and as often as every day just like breathing.
The impact, the difference, is almost instant.
Way #3: Everyone has problems, difficulties and challenges. What if there was a way to solve them using this "oddball chart?"
This method can honest-to-goodness be done in 1 hour a day, and probably only 30 minutes...depending on you. I'm convinced this is exceedingly practical and 100% doable.
I used it on several of my challenges and it was like WHOA BOY! The clarity, the insight, the answers. I mean, they were almost instant. And hit like a ton of bricks.
Obviously, you won't solve every problem instantly, or at all. But you might just be shocked or surprised at what you DO solve or make great progress in solving.
I'm saying this from personal experience. This scales up to handling the largest problems...even problems at national, state and local levels.
For example, it became obvious that a massive flood was going to hit Dayton, Ohio within the day.
In under 10 minutes, this oddball chart flew into action. And mobilized thousands of people to spring into action. Boats were deployed. Emergency food, bedding, and hospital suppliers were obtained. Hundreds of lives were saved.
It was practically a miracle. Even a general from the government acknowledged the incredible organization that occurred. And as crazy as it sounds, it was all driven by the "Oddball Chart."
By the way, this is all documented with photos and such. I can prove it all.
Way #4: Becoming 10X more confident in your decisions. And becoming far more decisive in taking actions to the degree others take note. And the impact is felt on your business, personal life and daily actions.
One of the really interesting side effects of the "Oddball Chart" is amping up your confidence in the decisions you make. Lack of confidence in decisions results in weak or less than full force action taking.
Strangely enough, I believe the Oddball Chart has the power to as much as 10x the confidence you feel in your decisions, which means you'll be more decisive. Procrastinate less. And go "all in" on your decisions.
I think you'll agree that if you ONLY do that, it's worth the price of admission. Because confidence is so critical.
Way #5: The ability to spit out sales copy with ease -- no A.I. required
By doing a simple tweak to the "Oddball Chart," you can totally transform the ease with which you create sales copy, social media posts, articles, lead magnets and videos for your products and services.
I was shocked when I first tried it. If you're like me, you'll go WOW, this really DOES work as advertised!
I know I was very surprised. And now I consider it an essential tool. Not even close.
How I Discovered The Secret "Oddball Chart" That Changed The World of Selling Forever -- But Is Now Forgotten For Unknown Reasons
You probably know I love researching marketing and sales far and wide...from the most well-known works to the obscure, and exotic...in all industries.
You probably know I've sold my research for as much as $5,000.
This one I stumbled across when researching the Father of Advertising and Father of Modern Sales Methods.
I dug deep, deep, deep into magazines that were 1,500 pages long. And buried inside I kept finding references to this man, this legend, who was said to be the Father of Advertising and Modern Day Sales Methods.
I kept finding references to this chart method that he used as the very fabric of his company, his thinking, his problem-solving, his decision making, his organization and his sales and marketing.
And almost unbelievably to me, they were able to solve the thorny problems that hold so many back from rocking out their Internet marketing.
But I couldn't find any actual examples of it, only reference after reference. So I dug, dug and dug some more.
Finally, Euraka! Bingo! Ta-Da!
I found the goldmine. Actual references with page numbers to articles about this "Oddball Chart" method.
More digging, digging, digging and discovered not only articles but many examples, such as the picture at the top of this page.
So then I taught a "quick-and-dirty" version of it to my Fast Track Members and here's what one of my members Anthony said about it:

If fact, Anthony is the one who said, "Marlon, you have to make a product on this."
Your wish is my command. So I'm sharing the "oddball chart" method and all the goodies surrounding it I uncovered. It's RICH stuff...
Moneymaking -- Bigger, Fatter, Juicier Profits
More Sales -- Use it every day to increase, expand, grow and multiply your actual, real world sales-getting activity
Unusual Methods to Grow Affiliates or Commission Sales Team
Use The "Oddball Chart" to Solve Challenging Problems
Make Decisions Faster With Far Greater Confidence
Here's What It's NOT
You're probably wondering, "Marlon, if I DO love your "Oddball Chart" training and method, how much do I pay? So I built a "cost eraser" for you.
Get My Event Free!
I wanted this to be a 100% no-questions-about-it-win. So I'm giving you my cost eraser bonus -- You get 75% commissions on selling the product to others. This product always sells for me.
Just 2 sales and you've made paid for the event. This is my cost ERASER for you.
A purchase is not required to become an affiliate. Non purchasers make commissions after their 4th sale... pending approval based on their Warrior Plus rating.
30 Days Email Consultation
When you go ahead and let the charge run through the day AFTER the event (you can cancel before then), you'll qualify for 30 days of email consultations. Just post your questions directly related to the training at getyoursupport.com, and I'll answer them.
This way, if you have one of those nagging questions that stops you from getting started, you can get it taken care of.
Substitution guarantee
If you don't love the event, just let me know, and I'll substitute a product of equal or greater value. But live attendees LOVED this event and so will you!
Invite your spouse and kids at no additional cost
Maybe your spouse, son or daughter could use this powerful method. You're welcome to have them view the live recording with you.
Get registered right now.
This offer is a one-time event and won't likely be repeated.
Best wishes,
P.S. In my research, I found that peaks and valleys in the economy have been predicted correctly for 100 years using this chart. The company used this to predict upswings, downturns and depressions, so they could be prepared for them IN ADVANCE. As a result, they avoided getting wiped out more than once like other companies.
You'll receive an UPDATED chart that predicts EXACTLY where our economy will be in 2026...so you can take ACTION now in preparation for the future. In addition, you'll receive a training with background and history on the chart and my take on the next 2 years. This is not for investing purposes. It's for planning your actions in your business to be prepared for upswings, downswings and recession or depression.
Everyone who guys today, 11/19, will also receive a PDF of the original book by the creator of this prediction chart that explains the psychology behind it.

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