Upgrade to the MMM Weekly Newsletter
And Get Your Affiliate Success Letter
Plus, you'll Get This Entire Course FREE
"The Complete Video Course For Setting Up Your Own Exit Bux System"
you become a Marlon's Marketing Minute member for
only .61 a day before this time:
Click Here To Become a Member For Only $1 On a 14-Day Trial and Get Everything Below For FREE
Marlon here.
When you upgrade to the weekly MMM Newsletter, I'm going to give you Affiliate Success Letter for FREE every week!
Not only that, I'm giving you my Traffic System...and a WHOLE lot more.
This System Hauled In 24,078 Visitors For FREE To My Websites . . . Like Clockwork
Originally, I created this for my own affiliates, as normally you'd need to pay up to $250 a month for an ad network server to do it.
I then planned to sell it as an OTO on this offer. And indeed it's listed at $97 in my catalog. Normally, I'd offer it for $37 to $67 on an upsell or OTO offer like this.
But you know what? How about if I just GIVE it to you? Just for becoming an Marlon's Marketing Method trial member.
You Get Instant Access To Over-The-Shoulder Videos
That Show You Click-By-Click How To Put The
Exit Bux System To Work For You

Intro - What Is Exit Intent?
Duration: 8m 42s
What is exit intent and why is it such a big deal? Can you use regular popups?

Uses For Exits
Duration: 6m 32s
How can you use exit pops to make more sales and get traffic to your pages?

Walk Through A to Z
Duration: FIX TIME
Here's a walk through of the different services that can serve up exit intent popups.

How To Get Free Popups -- So You Start Without Money
Duration: 8m 28s
This is mind blowing. You can get started without money just by using these free popups.

Which Affiliate Software?
Duration: 18m 43 s
In order to get affiliates, JV partners, Ambassadors, customers and Facebook friends to send you traffic, they need to add the exit code to their pages. And that code needs to have YOUR affiliate ID in it. Which means you need affiliate software. Here's the scoop.

How to Get Others to Automatically Put Your Popups On Their Sites
Duration: 6m 34s
This is an important training for all Milcers as it clarifies what you can and can't automate or put on autopilot. You'll discover the real secrets of automation that free you up to live the Internet lifestyle.

How To Set Up Your 1-Pager
Duration: 27m 38s
The end result is you'll have a 1-pager you can give to affiliates, jv partners, FB group members, or spread on Twitter and Instagram.
By following a few simple steps on thhe 1-pager, your people will be able to display your popups on their pages and get paid when there's a sale. It's a win/win for everyone.

How to Set Up The System With Different Free Or Paid Software
Duration: 10m 14s
If you're on a shoestring budget, you can use our free setup method. But if you want the "Lamborgini" of popups setup, we have a video for that also. Whatever your situation, we have it handled.
We make the tech easy for you.

You'll Also Receive The Following MMM Reports To Help You Get Started and Make Sales In The Info Profits Business With Marlon's Marketing Method

NOT indicative of average results.

What's More, You'll Receive The Following Special Reports To Help You Get Started and Make Sales In The Info Profits Business With Marlon's Marketing Method

Create Products In 5 Days With Interview The Expert.

The lack of "credibility" stops a lot of people from getting started. Here's my quick fix.

And, If You Act Right Now, You Get My Rising Tide Promotions
Look-Over-My-Shoulder Video Program

You Get ALL This Just For Upgrading Today To Marlon's Marketing Method Weekly Newsletter
Part One: Weekly MMM Newsletter

The MMM is your direct pipeline to weekly training, inspiration and motivation for succeeding, prospering and dominating using Marlon's Marketing Method.
If you start to lose focus in a week, on Saturday you'll get your MMM to redmind, educate and motivate and get you back on track for the upcoming week.

Part Two: Get Access to the Facebook Community

In my Facebook group, I'll live stream and walk you step-by-step through creating your first product, sales page, order-taking and traffic.
The goal is to gget you your first sales. Or to re-ignite your fire if you've done products before.

I'm blessed to have amazing people like Marlon Sanders coaching and guiding me along the way at wee hours of the morning each day. He's the reason I get to keep growing my knowledge and knowing what new stuff to implement.
-- Imran Md. Ali
Part Three: Access To The MMM Member's Area

As long as you're a member, you'll have exclusive access to our private, members-only area where you'll have access to all the incredibly valuable bonuses listed on this page.
In this content, you'll get step-by-step help to create, sell, deliver and get traffic to your first info product.
If you've done products in the past but fell off the wagon, you'll get inspiration and advice to get it moving again.

Part Four: Priority Profit Alerts
When I need to get a message out to members that is urgent, you'll be on the text alert or voice broadcast list, with your permission. You won't miss out on Priority Profit Alerts, extremely important member's announcements or urgent matters.
You'll find out about certain new opportunities long before anyone else on my list, which gives you an advantage over non-members.

Part Five: "Member's Only" Access to Special Affiliate Tools To Make Commissions

While anyone can register to promote MMM (subject to approval), MMM members are special.
They have access to promotional tools ONLY members can use. This gives you an inside edge on making commissions as affiliate by promoting MMM membership.
Get the member's ONLY newsletters weekly, live streams, private chat community,
text and voice profit alerts, and exclusive affiliate tools
When you upgrade, there are NO REFUNDS for existing Affiliate Success Letter
fees. But you will get it free as long as you're an MMM member from now on.
ONLY $19 PER MONTH -- Less Than $5 Per Issue

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