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The Marketing master key

the key to bringing the sales you want, the way you want in the amount you want

you can scale from a side hustle part time or on a weekend up to the 6 or 7 figure business. It's not always easy, and there are challenges along the way. but the rewards are you have control ovver what you make, how much you make and how you make it

Price Increases at 2:30 pm on 8/27

Main Product - The Marketing Master Key video -- one-hour training complete with numerous show-and-tell items.

NEW QUICKSTART STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE JUST ADDED: I just wrote and added a 31-page step-by-step fast start implementation guide for the Master Key.  Follow this to get results FAST.  Comes with bountiful illustrations and explanations.

CORE TRAINING PDF just added -- You now get a 32-page pdf I personally wrote today that reveals what the marketing master key is, why I did a product on it, and why it’s the basis or foundation for all your marketing and promotion – and why you’ll benefit immediately by knowing and using it – plus specifically how to apply it

Bonus #11 - (Added 8/24) Can you make $10k to $1M per month?  Go through this 2 1/2 entrepreneurship Masterclass and you might shock yourself!

Bonus #10 - (Added 8/24) Complete affiliate marketing course for beginners

Bonus #9 - (Added 8/24) The most valuable funnel training you may ever see. Guy with 10,000 hours of experience develops one simple funnel that generates hundreds of thousands of leads. 

Bonus #8 - (Added 8/24) Man applies the Master Key and makes $20k / mo selling free websites. And it's beginner-friendly. (Note, I don't have proof of his income and results are obviously not typical or average)

Bonus #7 - (Added 8/24) Double your leads (potentially) just by using THESE 3 landing page examples.

Bonus #6 - Four golden lead generation methods that work

Bonus #5 - If you don't have an audience, do this

Bonus #4 - Perhaps the most useful video I've ever made

Bonus #3 - The Law of Ten-Fold Returns In Marketing and How It Works

Bonus #2 - You're only 10 days away from a potential sales breakthrough

Bonus #1: How to Generate Sales Using an Affiliate Army for Info Products


Marlon here.

I call it the Marketing Master Key.

A Master Key opens not just one door but unlocks ALL doors.

There are 1,001 business models and ways to make money. But there's only one Marketing Master Key that unlocks the door to success in whatever business you pursue.

If you want to have control over the income you make, and how you make it, without getting buried in the wide variety of different opinions, then this is a very important letter to read.

Imagine feeling total clarity on what you need to do today, this week and this month to have the life you want,

Well, hold your horses and read on...

Are you ready to ramp up your sales, and step into the life that you want?  Increases of 2x,4x and more are entirely possible when you use just one thing ...

That's a tall order, I know. Just stick with me a second, and it'll make sense.

I want to share with you the Master Marketing Key that applies to all businesses and methods.  It transcends time. It worked last year and 5 years ago.

And it'll still be working 5 years from now when you work with it.

If you're new to my world, I've been doing this full time since 1997. And, unlike most marketers, have created and sold many evergreen products over years, perhaps more than anyone in my industry.

I bought this a book from this get-rich-quick ad in a magazine in 1978.  It told a story about direct response and this dude named Gary Halbert. 

I got hooked on the dream.  But I was HORRIBLE at selling. I put 30,000 miles on my car trying to sell insurance. And in 6 months only sold ONE insurance policy on a wood frame house my company didn't WANT to cover!

I bought every junky "how to" product from ads you can imagine.  And a lot of "scams."  But eventually, I learned what I was doing.  And started created products.

This is what sales looked like when my first "hit" happened in late 1997, early 1998:

The CRAZY thing is, I had 30,000 affiliates many of whom raked it in. My results are NOT typical nor indicative of average results. Your results will vary. I'm a pro at at this.

It's a new day. And a new world.

I've never shared this before.

But I just explained the Marketing Master Key in detail to my elite Fast Track members. 

And now, I'm making it available to you for a limited time.

I Believe You'll Be Able to Begin Using This Method Almost Instantly And Recoup Your Money Many, Many Time Over

And to show you why I believe that, here's a sampling of a few of the secrets you're about to discover:

  • Why the Marketing Master Key has the power to turn around fortunes, to cancel bad luck, to bring success and prosperity to virtually any sound business endeavor (And without it, your success potential is totally hit or miss)
  • Don't tell T.J. Rohleder. But I watched and studied him from the time he ran his first ad all the way up to making $100 million.  (And I discovered his one weekly activity that's responsible for almost all of his success, according to his own admission)
  • How to almost immediately apply the Marketing Master Key to whatever your business or situation is, and see profound results, increased money flow and potentially stunning results in short order. (Whatever your situation, someone else has been there, used the Master Key and blown the doors off their income)
  • When I was a copywriter, my best client was worth $600 million. Here's the shockingly simple but incredibly effective marketing method he used when I knew him (It's a brilliant application of the Marketing Master Key and caused 200 people to attend seminars in his living room for $3,000 a head.)
  • Back in college one summer, I did crime prevention classes that subtly sold tear gas.  One guy down in Houston, TX outsold all the other consultants by a long shot. (Come to find out he was using the Marketing Master Key.  So stupid simple.  Yet a brilliant application).
  • W. Clement Stone is famous for being the biggest supporter of Napoleon Hill.  According to the Chicago Tribune he parlayed a $100 investment into a #2 billion insurance empire with a personal fortune estimated at half a billion dollars (and donated $275 million to charities). His secret was a fascinating application of the Marketing Master Key.
  • One of my friends became a millionaire by age 21 by selling one book for $200 -- without the Internet. (He did it with a clever application of the Marketing Master Key. If there's ever any doubt about whether the Master Key works or can work for you, this should put that rest as it's a perfect example)
  • Here's the trick I used to get 30,000 affiliates to promote my products frequently. (And herein in this story is contained the secret of the Marketing Master Key that you can apply and use for your own immediate benefit.)
  • This person went from total obscurity to name brand -- here's specifically, exactly how he applied the Marketing Master Key to do it. (You can easily scale this up or down as needed to match your income desires)
  • How a financial services advisor developed a 10-step program to double referrals (and rocket sales) by applying the Marketing Master Key. (Anyone selling services could go do the same thing)
  • How a Cutco knives sales person combined the Master Key with a multi-tiered "shock-and-awe" strategy to become #1. (And how this method opened virtually ANY door and got appointments with anyone. No one is out of your reach anymore.)
  • The odd method a book author used to make 3 books #1 best sellers. (And most all his other books best sellers...this isn't something you'll read about on Kindle or see on Youtube)
  • The secret of churches that grow rapidly. And the secret of mega-churches (It has nothing to do with what people think. But this very same idea can be used BY YOU starting tomorrow.  You'll be amazed at how many wrong ideas people have about why churches grow)
  • How the Master Key saved America when the Spanish American war about bankrupted America.  (Then a master marketer swooped in and saved the day.  After that, he used the same methods to make the book Pelmanism a run away best seller)
  • How a consultant used his own version of the Marketing Master Key to get free publicity in almost any media. (This shows "the Golden Thread" that ran through his business and can run through yours. If you need free publicity, this guy showed the way.)
  • The writer who got 100 million impressions on his online articles by applying the Marketing Master Key.  (This shows how he used it to beat the game of capturing and getting attention. If you need attention, this is the path)
  • How a consultant used his own version of the Marketing Master Key to get free publicity in almost any media. (This shows "the Golden Thread" that ran through his business and can run through yours)

what's really exciting about THE MARKETING MASTER KEY is YOU CAN DO IT IN AS LITTLE OR AS MUCH TIME AS YOU WANT. it scales up or down according to your needs.

The Marketing Master Key is the Golden Thread that runs through all successful marketing.

As such, you can use it in 20 minutes a day, an hour a day or 5 hours a week.  You can do it just on the weekends.  You can do it morning, afternoon or the middle of the night.

You can scale it up or down to as small or big as you want to be.

Once you are in possession of the Marketing Master Key, you'll never see your business, growth or "leveling up" the same way ever again.

What was a clouded mystery to you before will become plainly evident.


The Marketing Master Key is designed for you to see the Golden Thread behind all business success.  And all marketing that works.

You can scale it up or down as much as you want. You can use it on a side hustle, for selling products as an affiliate or building your own empire.  It's up to you. You're in the driver's seat.

  • Main Benefit #1 - You'll see through all the hype and smoke and mirrors of different methods. And be crystal clear on how YOU can grow your marketing YOUR way.
  • Main Benefit #2 - You can spend as little or as much time on it as you want.  You can promote affiliate products or your own.  You can promote groups and organizations. The sky is the limit.
  • Main Benefit #3 - You will feel in control of your marketing. And know what you're doing and why you're doing it. And not feel the need to chase bright and shiny objects.

This Is How Easy It Is To Use The Marketing Master Key -- As Much or As Little As You Want, The Way You Want, When You Want

Other marketers and systems put you IN a box.

And maybe you don't like their box.  Or it's not your thing.

My goal is for you to see how the Marketing Master Key is what underlies all business success and marketing that works.

This will let you even create methods and applications of it unique to you and your situation.

Because you're working at a "causation" level and not with surface methods, you're not in a box. You're free to change, adapt, invent and create as you wish.

As long as you're putting "The Golden Thread" to work, you'll know you're on the right path.

Here's What Else Is In Story For You:

  • The hidden secret behind Bob Proctor's success If you're a fan of Bob Proctor like I am, you know his success story starting with Think and Grow Rich.  But you've probably never heard that he had a marketing Golden Thread behind it. I reveal what he almost never talked about.
  • The 1% rule of big ticket sales. Ladies can succeed with this too. And this chill lady discovered an interesting application that has made her a small fortune, starting with small lists.
  • Big university built with the Marketing Master Key - This famous person built an entire university on the back of his method of using the Master Key. I pull back the curtains on his success.
  • Catherine Ponder fans will love this - You may have read her book the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.  Inspiring book. But what people don't know is she built her first Church right here in San Antonio. And I reveal how she used the Master Key to do it.
  • Dominating real estate from scratch in Dallas, TX - Two guys started out selling real estate in Dallas, TX from scratch.  In 7 months they did $2.8 million in sales by using their own spin on the Master Key. Fascinating stuff.
  • How 120,000 bankers use the Master Key to get new highly desirable clients week in and week out - Just a brilliant application of the Master Key.  Simple. Elegant. Incredibly effective.
  • This guy used the Marketing Master Key to help Ronald Reagan get elected ... This guy used the Key to help get Ronald Reagan elected. Without him, it may never have happened.  Here's the inside scoop.

The Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating

I make 3 and 4 figures in affiliate commissions most months. Of course, my results aren't typical nor average.  But I 100% believe this is entirely possible when you activate the Affiliate Power Profits Playbook on your behalf.  Plan your work and work your plan.

You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!

I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top:

1. How to Generate Sales Using an Affiliate Army for Info Products

2. You're only 10 days away from a potential sales breakthrough

3. The Law of Ten-Fold Returns In Marketing and How It Works

4. Perhaps the most useful video I've ever made

5. If you don't have an audience, do this

6.  Four golden lead generation methods that work

Here's What You Get

As you can see from the chart below, this product is loaded to the gills with value, NOT TO MENTION the OTHER bonuses I'll add over the next 10 days.

Main Product - The Marketing Master Key video -- one-hour training complete with numerous show-and-tell items. 

Bonus #1 - How to Generate Sales Using an Affiliate Army for Info Products

Bonus #2 - You're only 10 days away from a potential sales breakthrough

Bonus #3 - The Law of Ten-Fold Returns In Marketing and How It Works

Bonus #4 - Perhaps the most useful video I've ever made

Bonus #5 - If you don't have an audience, do this

Bonus #6 - Four golden lead generation methods that work

Offer A 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Now you can test drive our product for 7 days with NO RISK!

If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money. 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your affiliate sales rocking year after year. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.


Best wishes,

