
Marlon here.

One thing.

Do this one thing, and I believe your business will thrive and prosper.

And you could potentially even open the floodgates to more sales than you imagined. 

And guess what?  You can THEN take those products you have setting dormant on your computer and sell them too!

If you want to find uncommon success in 2024, and avoid frustration, failure or even obliteration of your business, then this truly is the most important letter you’ll read between now and December 31.

You can see the rapid increase in my social impressions.

Listen, today most marketers only sell big tickets on chats on the phone.

They know very little about the info product business or how to promote virtually ANY business online.

That's why I exist. That's why I can help you. This is my jam. It's all I do.   And it's what I'm best at.

If you don't know me, my name is Marlon Sanders. 

I've been doing this gig full time since 1997 and have created and sold over 70,000 info products. The only reason that matters to you is I know all the tricks, all the shortcuts and how to avoid the big, bad mistakes that can rip your soul out.


Huge Shift #1:  The domination and proliferation of A.I.  Man, A.I. is here and it's not going anywhere.  It's CHANGING the info marketing business and, in fact, all businesses. So you have to change, adapt and use it to your favor. And know how to avoid the pitfalls or your business could be downsized, damaged or obliterated. Or your dreams of a start-up could fall by the wayside.

Huge Shift #2:  Gmail changed their filters.  And getting emails delivered and opened is more of a challenge.

You need to get down to the nitty gritty.  And know how to analyze your clicks and your conversions. So if your sales are down, you have the proper analysis of what to fix.  Shockingly, even experienced marketers don't understand how to do this, even though it's simple once you understand it.

Huge Shift #3:  Youtube is now favoring and promoting extremely long form videos.  So this means your customers have more access to information than ever before.

This especially impacts the information marketing business. And means you have to know how to respond and adapt to it.

I found out you could Add One Very Unique Twist To Your Business And Cause It to "Force Feed" Success and Sales!  i found out there is a Master Key That Opens the floodgates.

I’ve done deep, deep, deep research and thinking on this one. I've dug DEEP in my library of 4,000 books.

Holy cowl.

I’ve researched websites and videos till I’m blue in the face (whatever that means).  I've pulled out ALL THE STOPS so you can take this ONE THING -- The Master Key -- and use it to rock your business in 2024 when others struggle, putter along and even die or get obliterated.

Whatever your business is, all you do is PLUG IN THE MASTER KEY TO IT beginning as soon as next week.

And when you do, fears will vanish.  My experience says you'll see new streams or rushes of customers.  Profits will flow your way.

Look At All The Things You're About To Discover

  • Why I believe just plugging in the Marketing Master Key  to ANY business has the power to turn around fortunes, to cancel bad luck, to bring success and prosperity to virtually any sound business endeavor (And without it, your success potential is totally hit or miss)
  • Here's a little step-by-step quick start for using the Master Key beginning next week or sooner.  Amazing! Try it and see it doesn't knock your socks off!
  • Don't tell T.J. Rohleder. But I watched and studied him from the time he ran his first ad all the way up to making $100 million.  (And I discovered his one weekly activity that's responsible for almost all of his success, according to his own admission)
  • How to almost immediately apply the Marketing Master Key to whatever your business or situation is, and I'm convinced you'll see profound results, increased money flow and potentially stunning results in short order. (Whatever your situation, someone else has been there, used the Master Key and blown the doors off their income)
  • When I was a copywriter, my best client was worth $600 million. Here's the shockingly simple but incredibly effective marketing method he used when I knew him (It's a brilliant application of the Marketing Master Key and caused 200 people to attend seminars in his living room for $3,000 a head.)
  • Back in college one summer, I did crime prevention classes that subtly sold tear gas.  One guy down in Houston, TX outsold all the other consultants by a long shot. (Come to find out he was using the Marketing Master Key.  So stupid simple.  Yet a brilliant application).
  • Here's the trick I used to get 30,000 affiliates to promote my products frequently. (And herein in this story is contained the secret of the Marketing Master Key that you can apply and use for your own immediate benefit.)
  • How a financial services advisor developed a 10-step program to double referrals (and rocket sales) by applying the Marketing Master Key. (Anyone selling services could go do the same thing).
  • The writer who got 100 million impressions on his online articles by applying the Marketing Master Key.  (This shows how he used it to beat the game of capturing and getting attention. If you need attention, this is the path)


These methods are NOT theory. I'm personally using them now in my business. I know you'll get new clarity. And be able to take confident action, knowing your traffic plans are sound.

I'm about to save you 6 months of research and frustration, and just boil it all down and give you the good stuff on a silver platter.

  • Main Benefit #1 - You'll see through all the hype and smoke and mirrors of different methods. And be crystal clear on how YOU can grow your marketing YOUR way.
  • Main Benefit #2 - You can spend as little or as much time on it as you want.  You can promote affiliate products or your own.  You can promote groups and organizations. The sky is the limit.
  • Main Benefit #3 - You will feel in control of your marketing. And know what you're doing and why you're doing it. And not feel the need to chase bright and shiny objects.
  • Main Benefit #4 - You can apply it as fast and as soon as you want using my 6-step quick-start guide.  It's designed so you can see actual results fast.
  • Main Benefit #5 - You'll have specific methods and not just theory. And I show you how this works for virtually ANY business, including yours.  NOT just information marketing.

you won't have to pay $120,000 for this advice and these methods.  i'm sharing them with you for a very small price. here's why:

The Marketing Master Key is the Golden Thread that runs through all successful marketing.

As such, you can use it in 20 minutes a day, an hour a day or 5 hours a week.  You can do it just on the weekends.  You can do it morning, afternoon or the middle of the night.

You can scale it up or down to as small or big as you want to be.

Once you are in possession of the Marketing Master Key, you'll never see your business, growth or "leveling up" the same way ever again.

What was a clouded mystery to you before will become plainly evident.

The thing is, my customers are the BADGE of my success. Others have Rolls Royces or exotic vacations.  Mine is the success of my customers.

That's why I'm not charging $1,000 for this as I could.  I want my customers to crush this year while others fall by the wayside and flounder around.

You'll Be Able To Start Your Marketing Master Key The Next Morning Without Delay If You So Desire.  And Do It With a Very Simple 1, 2, 3 system

Clarity and confidence are everything.  For maybe the first time in your life, you'll be totally clear on what REALLY works. NOT what people say works.

You'll wake up in the morning.  You'll have your 1-2-3 step plan.  You'll know what to do. You'll know how to do it. Finally, there's no obstacles between you and your traffic. Freedom at last!

Well, actually my quick start guide has 6 steps not 3. But you get the idea. Now, this is NOT a cookie cutter.  Once you grasp the Marketing Master Key and see my huge number of examples, you can invent your OWN way to apply it to your situation that works for you.

I won't shove you in a box and say you have to do it my way or the highway.

Here Are More Benefits You Get When You Buy Today...

  • Benefit #1 - In 3 hours or less, I'll transfer all the most important secrets, tricks and methods and crazy-good resources from my brain to yours
  • Benefit #2 - You'll get one method you can use in in as little or much time as you want to spend and see real results, potentially.
  • Benefit #3 - I give you inexpensive and free resources to get you going strong. Plus you get my 6-step quick start guide.
  • Benefit #4 - You'll know the critical mistake so many people make in their business -- and how to fix it asap.
  • Benefit #5 - How to see through the smoke and mirrors in business and get to the heart of what makes it succeed or fail so much of the time.
  • Benefit #6 - Get started the next day or as soon as you want with a simple plan of action
  • Benefit #7 - You'll get tons of examples and ideas, so you can find a way to do it your way based on what's succeeded wildly for others.

You Get 11 Special Bonuses For FREE!

To sweeten the pot, you not only get my COMPLETE MARKETING MASTER KEY PROGRAM, you get 11 bonuses that deep dive for you, so you have everything you need to start implementing the next day.  You can see these below.

You Get The In-Depth Video Training, Transcript, Core Training PDF, Quick Start Report, and My Dossier On How to "Force Feed" Your Business Or Idea To Succeed In 2025

It disturbs me when I see my own customers I love and cherish, MY TRIBE, who aren't focused on what they need to do in order to crush 2024, and avoid some dangerous pitfalls. I want you to know the truth and actually get REAL results.

So I've assembled this BIG value for you including the live training recording and transcript.

Module #1: Main Product --
Live Marketing Master Key Training with RECORDING and Transcript

Module #2: 32-page deep dive core training PDF
It reveals what the marketing master key is, why I did a product on it, and why it’s the basis or foundation for all your marketing and promotion – and why you’ll benefit immediately by knowing and using it – plus specifically how to apply it.

Module #3: Step-by-step quick start guide --
Step-by-step fast start implementation guide for the Master Key. Follow this to get results FAST.  Comes with bountiful illustrations and explanations.

Module #4: How to "force feed" your business or idea in 2024 to succeed.  Big changes are upon us in 2024. And you must adapt and change to prosper. Or you'll get crushed by Darwin.

Bonus #1 -- How to Generate Sales Using an Affiliate Army for Info Products

Bonus #2 - You're only 10 days away from a potential sales breakthrough

Bonus #3 - The Law of Ten-Fold Returns In Marketing and How It Works

Bonus #4 - Perhaps the most useful video I've ever made

Bonus #5 - 21-page FREE organic leads system that gets me 50-100 leads almost every time I use it

Bonus #6 - Report -- How to turn your opt-in pages into a money machine -- actual examples 

Bonus #7 - Double your leads (potentially) just by using THESE 3 landing page examples.

Bonus #8 - Man applies the Master Key and makes $20k / mo selling free websites. And it's beginner-friendly. (Note, I don't have proof of his income and results are obviously not typical or average)

Bonus #9 - The most valuable funnel training you may ever see. Guy with 10,000 hours of experience develops one simple funnel that generates hundreds of thousands of leads. 

Bonus #10 - Complete affiliate marketing course for beginners

Bonus #11 - Can you make money per month?  Go through this 2 1/2 entrepreneurship Masterclass and you might shock yourself!

Based on the total values above, you can let them know that you can easily sell this for $400-$600.  Why?  Because you already spend so much money and time in buying and chasing online marketing methods that don't work. However, because you're a valued customer, I won't charge you that price. In fact, you won't charge you even for $200 (which is less then a half of the total value).

You only need to pay for $600 $400 $200 (see price below) if you act fast. This price will be limited according to the timer below.

You Get Instant Access To Everything. No Waiting.

The Substitution Guarantee

If for any reason this product doesn't meet and exceed your expectations, just let me know at getyoursupport.com (Do NOT email).

I'll promptly replace it with a product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your online sales rocking year after year. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.


Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Copyright 2023 Higher Response Marketing Inc  All rights reserved
11844 Bandera Rd.  Sutie 469 Helotes, TX  78023
