read on to discover how his magic wand secret could be the ultimate answer you've been searching for to get your offers seen, your products sold and your bank account fatter than ever...

Price increases at 6:30 p.m. 9/13. Only 11 left to be sold. Closing soon.

9/9 new BONUS -- Vintage Dan Kennedy video where he explains as only he can how to get leads online and offline -- 30+ minute training

9/9 new BONUS -- Awesome video where Dan explains how your personality (or persona) and your stories all make you magnetic to buyers -- 1 hour video

9/9 Dan Kennedy explains how to use the power of presentation to transform an ordinary product into something extraordinary

9/9 new BONUS -- Vintage Dan Kennedy audio where he breaks down five wealth magnets as only he can

9/9 new BONUS -- Awesome video explains how to position your business and brand to be a magnetic attractor of sales by Ally Brown

9/5: Core PDF upgraded from 38 to 87 pages

Module 4 just added (9/5) -- 1 hour 48 minute deep dive seminar with specific, actionable strategies related to the Magic 7, including lead gen, conversions, Instagram ads and much more.

New Bonus 1 (9/5): The silver bullet for growing your business and making more sales

New Bonus 2 (9/5): How to have people lined up to buy from you -- even high tickets

New Bonus 3 (9/5): Easy way to get booked on radio shows, podcasts and virtual summits

New Bonus 4 (9/5): 30 leads in 30 days challenge

New Bonus 5 (9/5): Everything is down stream from lead generation

New Bonus 6 (9/5): How to host your own virtual summit

New Bonus 7 (9/5): How to stay ahead of 97% of people using A.I.

New Bonus 8 (9/5): He made $1 million using this lead gen tool

New Bonus 9 (9/5): How to generate leads: 4 best A.I. Tools and ChatGPT prompts

New Bonus 10 (9/5): Mastering cold emails with A.I.: A 3 step structure for more replies

New Bonus 11 (9/5): How to start a business using only A.I.

New Bonus 12 (9/5): Find The People Who Have Your Money

Module 3: Secrets of the $9,000 follow up letter, and the single greatest thing I've read on follow up.

It contains the $9,000 follow up letter at a cost of $57.08 -- from 1913! My favorite story is the list of 500 prospects culled from competitors that brought in double digits sales every month, month after month.

Another concern sent a letter to 5,000 prospects and made 1,800 sales.  A man in Chicago sent 4 letters to 1500 names and closed $25,080 of sales (in 1913 money). And if ALL you get out of this product is the method in this little report and use it, I believe the results will pay for this product every week, month and year -- over and over.

This booklet is NOT even available in Google books. It's rare and exotic. And a miracle that I was able to locate it.

You get a SECOND report by the same author where I've added my personal comments.  

I'll say it louder for the people in the back:  If ALL you do is what is contained in these 2 works, I fully believe it will have an IMMEDIATE, profound and lasting impact on your business.


Module 2 just added:  How to make sales using this Magic 7 method that works even in tough times on the most skeptical of prospects -- fully illustrated 24-page report will light your mind on fire with ideas


Marlon here.

Have you ever heard of the term Mesmerize?

That comes from Franz Anton Mesmer.

He’s probably the founder of hypnosis.

He lived from 1734 to 1815.

And originally he believed  that magnetic forces had a profound effect on organs in animals and people.

I’m giving you the super short version.

So he’d lay people on magnets in order to properly align the body’s organs in order to heal them.

Well, a bunch of physicians and experts declared he couldn’t do this anymore.  So instead of putting people on magnets, he put a WAND on the magnets and magnetized the wand.

Mesmer held meetings in a robe where he’d touch people with his magnetized wand and they’d fall down and go into convulsions. And miraculous healings occurred.

Later, he came up with this theory of what today we’d call hypnosis. 

Type his name into Google images and you’ll see some awesome illustrations! 


I’d put them here but I have no idea knowing which ones are copyright free.

This is where it gets INTERESTING.

So guess what he did?

Mesmer was NOT a stupid person.

He created this business where rich society women could come to the property, castle, whatever it was (I can’t remember) and they’d have a rose petal filled bath and lots of pampering.

Then if they had any ailments anywhere in their body, Mesmer would touch them there with magnetized wand and heal them.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.


If you think about it, this was the perfect business opportunity.

He created a business opportunity out of it and sold it!  That's what.

The rest of the story is in an incredibly well-researched and fascinating report I've just finished.

You will NOT hear these stories from anyone else in the world. You will only read them in the report you're about to access only minutes from now.

The Biggest Pain In The Neck Today Is Trying To Get Our Message Heard By The People 
We Can Actually Help

Man, it can be challenging today.

It's never been easier to get your message out. And never been more difficult.

You put out a post on Facebook and 20 views if that.

You have a Facebook group and even the crickets don't attend your live stream. (I know, I've been there).

You contact affiliates to promote. And even though you've sold THEIR products in the past and done them right, they never even return your message.

There HAS to be a solution, right?

What Did Jesus, Franz Anton Mesmer, Phineas Quimby, and Mary Baker Eddy Have In Common With The Premium, High-Dollar Car of The Early 1900's -- THE HUDSON -- And Ultimately You Being Able to Get a Lot More People To Buy Your Products?

I know this sounds bizarre.

Just stick with me a moment.

See, the story of Franz Anton Mesmer wasn't the end. It was just the beginning.

He had a student named Phineas P. Quimby.

And guess what Quimby did?

He became a famous healer.  But interestingly enough, he used the SAME IVE PROMOTIONAL METHODS that Mesmer did.

See, he was Mesmer's student.  

And there were FIVE methods they both used.  

I won't take 38-pages here to build out the whole scenario as I did in my special report.

But it gets even more interesting.

See, the same FIVE METHODS were actually methods that Jesus used to become  renowned and famous forever.

But we aren't done.

Guess what?

Quimby had some famous students.  I won't tell all their stories here.  But one of them was named Mary Baker Eddy who went on later to found Christian Science.

And guess what?

She used the same 5 methods.

And get this...

IN APRIL 1883, Mary Baker Eddy began using a method that was used and championed by Benjamin Franklin between 1728 and 1748.


So when we add it on to the 5 methods, it's actually SIX METHODS they used to get their message, seen and heard by VAST NUMBERS!

* No Facebook

* No Instagram
* No TikTok
* No Pinterest
* No email
* No Linked In
* No Internet

It just gets more and more interesting.


I live in San Antonio, Texas. 

And a prosperous Hudson dealer was right here in my city:

And here's what one of these beauties looked like:

The cars were gorgeous.  I'd show you a picture but I don't have a copyright free one.

Hudson Even Rocked Car Sales Through the famous flu pandemic of 1918 (of which Covid was apparently similar).  And through WW1 which went from 1914 to 1921.

The only problem they had was in 1919-1921, they couldn't get enough parts to meet demand due to the war.

Did you know they even had affiliates?

Yeah, it's true. Crazy, eh?

Marlon, Get To The Point. What Does a Freaking Car Company and Franz Anton Mesmer Have To Do With Me Making a Lot More Sales?

Remember those 5 methods Mesmer and his student Quimby used?

And the extra one Mary Baker Eddy tacked on that Benjamin Franklin also used


But I must say, they took ONE of them to an entirely different level

And then they tacked on ONE MORE that may not have been available to Mary Baker Eddy or Quimby

That makes a total of SEVEN PROMO METHODS used to rock out sales.

At their peak in 1929, Hudson and Essex produced a combined 300,000 cars in one year. 

Hudson was the third largest U.S. car maker that year, after Ford Motor Company and Chevrolet.[12]

The difference is THEIR car was THE PREMIUM-PRICED car to have.

By the way, in 1954, Hudson merged with Nash-Kelvinator to form American Motors Corporation (AMC).

The Hudson name was continued through the 1957 model year, after which it was discontinued.

But the legend of Hudson cars was carried on through American Motors Corporation.

These 7 Methods Are Your Lifeline In 2024 to Getting Attention, Getting Eyeballs On Your Offers, And Making Sales -- With or Without The Internet -- EVEN IN TOUGH TIMES

Through the Spanish Flu of 1918, through World War 1, Hudson cars still had big demand and sold.

These same 7 methods are your answer for getting attention, getting your offers seen, convincing people, getting your message out and ultimately making sales.

Even in tough times.  Even if things aren't all easy.  

When you need them the most, they're here for you.

The Reasons Why These 7 Magic Methods Have The Power To Lift Your Sales and Put a Smile On Your Face -- Even In Tough Times

  • You'll be one of a very small handful of marketers who actually "get it" and apply these new methods
  • People won't "get" what you're doing.  They'll just sit back and be amazed at your newfound results
  • It's not about working harder or longer.  It's about knowing WHAT to do right now, today. And how to do it.
  • You'll have a roadmap or a blueprint. You know where you're going and how you'll get there.
  • You'll have deep, profound insight and methods that frankly others won't touch.  
  • I doubt your competition will ever figure out how to do this. Or have the strength and fortitude to set it up.

-- For Making Sales Even In Tough Times --

The Magic 7 Promo Methods shows you how to create sales that can't even be stopped by war or pandemic.

And they'll sell premium high-priced products just as well as any other price points.

So I wrote a 38-page, FULLY ILLUSTRATED, incredibly detailed report for you to show it all and explain it all.

You'll have many epiphanies and giant insights as you read this illuminating report.

  • Main Benefit #1 - The Magic 7 Promo Methods work on or off the Internet.  And they're so powerful that literally the Spanish Flu that killed 500,000 around the world couldn't stop it.  Word War 1 didn't stop demand for the cars.  
  • Main Benefit #2 - These Magic 7 Promo Methods will work for you when you work with them.  Even in resistant, hard-to-sell markets, these methods are so incredibly strong, they break through for you.  
  • Main Benefit #3 - This is real world, real talk.  I'm not here to blow smoke and say this is all hunky dory easy peasy.  It's not. But neither is anything else worth doing.  As I've stated before, what I'm taking about isn't typical nor average.  Pretty much, if you're an entrepreneur, you're a person who believes you defied the odds the day you were a zygote by beating out 10,000 other sperm. So you aren't real concerned about "the odds" or what others do.


I lay out and explain the 7 methods step-by-step with many illustrations.

Rome wasn't built overnight. So all you do is take it one step at a time.

Here’s what I want to emphasize.

Depending on whether you love what you do or not, it’s effort, energy or work to set up all 7 of the Magic 7 Promo Methods.

There's no way to sugar coat it. 

The BEAUTY is this:

These Magic 7 methods work to promote ideas, products, or services in all types of economic environments.

It's gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

I don't speak from theory on this. I speak from a huge amount of practical experience of "doing it."


  • Make sales even when sales are tough to come by - You'll see how Mesmer, Quimby, Mary Baker Eddy, Hudson Motors, Benjamin Franklin and even Jesus did it.
  • Makes sales to a skeptical audience. The one method that Hudson cars specialized in the most works gangbusters on skeptical, not-easy-to-sell audiences. And the good news is see hardly ANYONE using this method.
  • Get attention even if you're not well known - Even if you're a nobody or don't have a list or whatever the reason, these methods have the power to get the sales for you.
  • You'll have definite advantages over others - Truly, people don't understand what you're about to be exposed to.
  • Works with or without the Internet - The Internet is great. I love it. But these methods worked gangbusters before anyone ever dreamed there would be a world wide web.
  • Not a one trick pony ... Some people bet their income on a one trick pony.  Like they sell only this or that. Only high tickets. Only low tickets.  Or they only use Facebook. The problem is, what happens if the one trick pony gets tired and takes the summer off?  You're screwed. That's why we don't rely on a one trick pony.

The Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating

I've been doing this full time since 1997.  One income stream I set up in 2001 still brings me 3 to 4 figures a month. I've sold 70,000+ products online, most for over 450.  This is entirely possible when you activate the Beastly Income Sales Machine on your behalf.  If you work the plan, the plan will work for you.

The Complete Beastly Income Package

Here's what you get:


The Magic 7 Promo Methods
87-Page Fully Illustrated PDF

Instead of taking 20 years of your life and reading 4,000+ books to discover the secrets and 25 years testing them out, why not just jump the curve and get the secrets from this intense 87-page PDF?


How to Make Sales Using This Magic 7 Method That Works Even In Tough Times On The Most Skeptical of Prospects

This fully illustrated, 24-page report will spark your mind with many ideas of how this Magic 7 method can be a game changer for your sales.


This Module Has The Power To Pay For The Whole Course, Every Week, Month, and Year. Period.

I could sell THIS little 61-page booklet by itself, and it'd be worth multiples of the price of this product every year, month and week.

It contains the $8,902 follow up letter at a cost of $57.08 -- from 1913! My favorite story is the list of 500 prospects culled from competitors that brought in double digits sales every month, month after month.

Another concern sent a letter to 5,000 prospects and made 1,800 sales.  A man in Chicago sent 4 letters to 1500 names and closed $25,080 of sales (in 1913 money). And if ALL you get out of this product is the method in this little report and use it, I believe the results will pay for this product every week, month and year -- over and over.

It really is just THAT profound.  It's a report about follow up...the way they did in in 1913.  You'll discover 4 follow up letters that brought in $5,764.00 (in 1913 money).

This booklet is NOT even available in Google books. It's rare and exotic. And a miracle that I was able to locate it.

You get a SECOND report by the same author where I've added my personal comments.  

I'll say it louder for the people in the back:  If ALL you do is what is contained in these 2 works, I fully believe it will have an IMMEDIATE, profound and lasting impact on your business.

You must read BOTH as the second 18-page report contains my personal notes.


One Hour 48-Minute Deep Dive Seminar On Specific, Actionable Implementations, Including Lead Gen, Conversions, And Much, Much More

Last night I did an incredibly epic deep dive surrounding specific, actionable implementation branching off from the Magic 7 ideas.

* Building your business using scorecards
* The real dope on follow up where if you JUST do this, it can have an almost immediate impact on conversions
* Using quizzes for leads
* A specific, actionable way to use supply and demand to totally change the demand for your products and how you sell them.
* So much more I can't even remember it all

Based on the total values above, you can you can easily see I could sell this system for a lot more. Why? Because you could spend so much money and time in buying products and watching videos.

However, I won't charge you that price, because I want to give you a break in these inflationary times. You only need to pay for $300 $192 $100 (see price below) if you act fast. I may totally close this offer down in a few days. So don't delay.

You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!

During the next week, I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top.  These are all supplemental reports I reference in the Magic 7 Promo Methods. It's just assumed you have this knowledge:

My result isn't typical or indicative of average results. But it is possible. I do this full time. Your results will vary.

money back guarantee

Now you can test drive our product for 7 days with NO RISK!

If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money. 

This is a 7-day guarantee and applies to option 1 and 2. Option 3 is backed my substitution guarantee. If you aren't happy for any reason, I'll substitute another product of equal or greater value.


MMM SUBSCRIBERS: This PDF was sent out as a special bonus to MMM Subscribers. So if you're an MMM subscriber, you have the main PDF.  However additional modules and bonuses will be added that are not part of the MMM.  

As a result, if you are a current MMM subscriber, message me here and I'll give you an additional bonus worth the price of the Magic 7 Promo Methods.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your affiliate sales rocking year after year. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.


Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders
"The King of Step-by-Step Marketing"
