Promote Marlon's Free Daily Marketing Live Streams
And Get Paid Up To 29 Times
You get paid on OTO's. The clicker gets cookied. And when they opt in, they go into the full email sequence.
2. Promote the free daily live streams using your affiliate link:
Promote it wherever you want.
Here are a couple banners you can use if you want:

(NOTE: The product to add from the drop down list is called FREE DAILY MARKETING LIVE STREAMS. When they sign up for free, the 60-day cookie is SET. Then in the group, I do live streams and warm up the buyers with great info. This results in greater sales for you. And all tracked by W+ so you get credit).
Drop My Magic Email To Your List For Immediate Sales, Commissions On 3 Upsells, and to Get Your Cookies Set
Subject line: New 52-page PDF reveals THESE secrets
In this new 52-page PDF, you'll
-- What to do in as little as 15-30
minutes a day to get sales - pg 2
-- How to expand - pg 2
-- What to do if you hate Facebook,
Instagram and social media- pg 6
-- How to NOT use your face in promos - pg 6
-- If you aren't doing this, it's a huge
mistake. And this will prove it = pg 7
-- The 15 minute a day plan - pg. 8
-- The 5 minutes a day plan - page 8
-- How I got 86 views of my
call to action for free - page 12
-- The secret to monetization - page 33
-- pages 17-19 -- Behind the scenes pictures
-- Advanced book you must buy - pg 34
-- Advanced level technique - pg 39
-- The one thing you must do daily - pg 41
-- Secret inside picture of my stats - pg. 48
If you were my best friend or own brother,
this is what I'd tell you.
And it's all a bonus when you snag this:
After sending the Magic email, select from other High-Converting Emails For Our Products Here
If you don't see an email for the product you want to promote, hit me up at That goes direct to my phone, so my response is usually fast. You can also PM me if we're friends on FB.
Add an email to your autoresponder every
30 days to reset a new cookie, so your sales can be tracked beyond 30 days
Warriorplus cookies last 60 days. But to be safe, add an email in your autoresponder every 30 days.
I recommend you use one of my freebie offers, so you can get the maximum number of cookies set and people in the email sequence. The OTO is a product, so you still make commissions.
Or choose a new "front-end" product to promote from the list.
Add This PS to Emails In Your Autoresponder
or Broadcast Messages
PS: Want to get free daily live streams so you can make more sales, build your list and add multiple income streams? Go here: AFFILIATE LINK
(NOTE: The product to add from the drop down list is called FREE DAILY MARKETING LIVE STREAMS. When they sign up for free, the 60-day cookie is SET. Then in the group, I do live streams and warm up the buyers with great info. This results in greater sales for you. And all tracked by W+ so you get credit). If you need your affiliate link, go here to sign up.
Cash In On Your 404 Error Pages
Place an offer on your 404 page not found error pages. Why not monetize these pages? It's free and easy money.