SECRETS OF THE INCOME LEAP Almost overnight my income leaped from $2500/mo. to $1,000 Up To $7500 A Day
You won't find anyone else anywhere showing you how to create an income leap like this....but I'll show you in incredible detail and exactly how I did it.
(Disclaimer: my results aren't indicative of average but they are my results. but i do reveal the 5 steps i took to make it happen)

These are premium deep dive type bonuses and all referenced in the main Income LEAP report.
6. Secrets of potentially making 6 figures through mini launches (not a typical or average result)
5. How to create candy stick products in your sleep, more or less.
4. How I create and launch products in roughly 6 hours. Do as I do.
3. Crash course in building your marketing machines at lightning speed, so you can ramp up your income anytime you want.
2. Special report revealing the "first autoresponder." This is a brilliant method you can use immediately. And it also covers a "cheat" for doing jaw-dropping product mockups. This makes an immediate impact.
1. What letters that sell 25,000 copies do compared to letters that sell only 10. Based on actual data. This supports you in achieving your income breakthrough
Marlon here.
The income leap.
Income that goes from one level and LEAPS UP to the next or the next above it.
And has the power to turn into non-stop income.
Income that just keeps on keeping in.
That's what we're talking about today.
Can You Really Create An Income Leap?
1. Building a sales system where your income takes a big (or possibly even giant) leap up, and then turns into non-stop income is work.
I won't sugar coat it.
Anyone, in my opinion, who uses the methods I teach can create income. If they follow a simple formula. It's just not that hard.
But creating an income leap from a drizzle or low level to a whole new level is a whole different...well....thing. But here's the truth...
2. When the rain comes, it often pours
Most people create income that putters around, drizzles down or limps along.
But there's something bizarre I've seen happen time and time again.
If they stick with it and do the right things the right way, there's a breakthrough that comes. It's like their time in the sun comes. Sometimes inevitably.
And when it rains, it pours. Their income goes to a whole new level. And starts coming in non-stop. Of course, no one, myself included, can guarantee this. But I've seen the pattern happen time and time gain.
4. You won't find "The Income Leap" method on Youtube, X, Instagram or TikTok.
There are scads of "marketing systems" and "sales machines" on those platforms. They're a dime a dozen. Go buy some if you want. I learn tips and tricks from them.
But they have nothing in common with the Income Leap approach. It's something I've personally seen and observed over the years.
It's something I personally did. I took the leap.
It's not something I see anyone else teach or talk about. It's an entirely different approach that what you see or read.
5. There are several things that make the income leap different from you read, hear or see in other places or from other people.
a. What you focus on
b. Why you focus on it
c. What you actually do
d. How you do it
e. How often you do it
You'll notice the differences in these things between people who have an income leap and those who don't.
Here's a picture of my own income leap:

I'm telling you what 's possible. What I and many others have done.
I'm NOT saying it's average. I have no proof it's realistic for you personally, although honestly, in my heart of hearts, I believe it is if you're willing to do the work.
But by way of complying with the law, I have to tell you it's not indicative of average results nor typical.
Pretty much, if you're an entrepreneur, you're a person who believes you defied the odds the day you were a zygote by beating out 10,000 other sperm.
So you aren't real concerned about "the odds" or what others do. First of all, most of them don't read more than a book a year, can't stick to a project longer than 10 days, and want money without work.
I teach exactly, precisely how to whip up a product in 3 hours, and have it slide right into the sales page like a glove so the whole thing is easy to create.
And how to use a cookie-cutter sales page that just works.
This is like Income Leaping 101.
With a dose of A.I. added, these are duck's soup.
Again, that's my experience and opinion. I don't have some kind of customer-wide survey to prove anyone and anyone can do it.
When It Rains, It Pours
My goal with an Income Leap isn't some drizzly, fizzly income.
I want it where you look at the chart and it's a BIG leap up.
I want it where when you walk in the bank, they do extra checks because they think you're a drug dealer.
I want it where you realize you better deposit that check for $5,000 you got laying around before it expires.
THAT's what an honest-to-goodness income leap can do for you. Yeah, I'm exaggerating, but really, that's how it's possible to happen. This isn't fiction.
It's a fact I've left more than one $5,000 check laying around and not bothered to deposit it until the deadline.
But as I stated, my results aren't typical nor average. Your results will vary. But these ARE my results and the 5-step system I took to get the big leap.
Lesson one is to realize that income isn't caused by working hard.
If it was, nurses, garbage collectors, and construction workers would all be millionaires. God bless 'em for their hard work. Those are tough jobs.
What makes a difference is perceived value.
So you go to an art museum and see this shoe or a toothbrush in its own room on a giant, illuminated canvas.
And people pay homage to it.
It's all about the perceived value.
A Van Gogh hanging on the wall in a grimy bar wouldn't sell for $100, unless people knew it was a Van Gogh.
So the secret is to create perceived value.
You don't know how to create perceived value?
I do.
Are you ready to learn?
Then say to yourself "let's go!"
The World Is Your Oyster When You Learn How To Create Perceived Value And Have An Income Leap
Finally become confident in taking the steps you need so you can have your own income leap
This will help you by seeing the BIG PICTURE.
When you see how all the puzzle pieces snap together to form a super powerful, potent picture, that SHOULD make the light bulbs go on.
So you can SEE down the road.
You have a 5-step roadmap or a blueprint.
You KNOW where you’re ending up and why and how you get there.
When you get there you know what you're doing, how and why.
The 5-Step System To A Big Leap

The 5-step income leap training shows you step-by-step behind my own big income leap.
I break it down and explain the whole system bit-by-bit, so it's easy to understand and apply.
Then I wrote a 46-page training to explain every detail and nuance of it. This is a BRAND NEW product, never before released and NEVER before taught. It's entirely new information, secrets and methods.
I lay out the plan step-by-step. It's 5 steps.
Rome wasn't built overnight. So all you do is take it one step at a time.
Here’s what I want to emphasize.
Depending on whether you love what you do or not, it’s effort, energy or work to take all the steps in the income leap.
There's no way to sugar coat it.
The BEAUTY is this:
Man, once you have an income leap, it's totally worth it!
Not just that, but it takes you to a new level where you normalize THAT income.
And set the stage for your NEXT income leap.
I don't speak from theory on this. I speak from the practical experience of "doing it."

Here's What an income leap can do For You:
The Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating
I've been doing this full time since 1997. One income stream I set up in 2001 still brings me 3 to 4 figures a month. I've sold 70,000+ products online, most for over $50. I don't know how many you will sell. But I do know this: If you work the plan, the plan will work for you.
The Complete Income Leap Package
Here's what you get:
Income Leap PDF
Marlon's Income Leap PDF Revealed For The First Time
Instead of taking 20 years of your life and reading 4,000+ books to discover the secrets and 25 years testing them out, why not just jump the curve and get the secrets from this intense 46-page PDF? This is NEW INFO never before revealed in ANY of my products.
You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!
I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top. These are all supplemental reports that help you get more results from the main Income Leap report. It's just assumed you have this knowledge:
What letters that sell 25,000 copies do compared to letters that sell only 10. Based on actual data. This supports you in achieving your income breakthrough.
Special report revealing the "first autoresponder." This is a brilliant method you can use immediately. And it also covers a "cheat" for doing jaw-dropping product mockups. This makes an immediate impact.
Crash course in building your marketing machines at lightning speed, so you can ramp up your income anytime you want.
How I create and launch products in roughly 6 hours. Do as I do.
How to create candy stick products in your sleep, more or less.
If you aren't happy for any reason, I'll substitute another product of equal or less value from my Kitchen Sink page. Just contact the support desk. Do not email.
Income Leap With 3 Bonuses
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your sales take a big LEAP. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
"The King of Step-by-Step Marketing"