attention ALL marketers and affiliates:

the 4-minute chat gpt stunner

chat gpt "magician" talks to his phone and makes it write sales copy that will stun you -- all within only 4 minutes  




Four new bonuises will be added on 6/5

 (You get the videos with in-depth notes and
time codes for easy reference)

19. How he got his first $10,000 in affiliate marketing
with no audience

18. This dude built an 85,000 person email list for 
affiliate marketing. And explains HOW he did it.
(Great info if you want to build a list)

17. Literally everything you need to know to get started as
an affiliate.

16. How this marketer manages FIFTEEN multiple  streams
of income. If you want multiple streams, this is an awesome

15. 14-page REPORT I wrote today on how
to double leads and double sales as an affiliate. Then

14. What happens when you combine Pinterest + ChatGPT?  
For this dude, the answer was $2100. Tutorial just added.

13. Easy way he makes $1,000 / mo. with affiliate marketing.
Step-by-step instructions

12. How me made $1023 in a week with an easy method (full tutorial))

11.  She makes $300 a day with  Pinterest affiliate marketing.
Great tutorial. (added at 8:11 pm est 6/2)

10.  Create a website in 60 seconds with AI (added 6/2)

9.  6 hour course on affiliate marketing (added 6/2)

8. How to start affiliate marketing with $0

7.  53-minute affiliate marketing masterclass

6. How he makes $28,000 a month with affiliate marketing (tutorial)


5. 1300 optins a month like clockwork using $5-$10 shout outs

4. How Mike makes up to $35,000 a month as an affiliate (results not typical)

3.  How top affiliates do it...the real secrets

2.  6 ways to find $250 to $2500 affiliate products to promote

1.  How to drive push button sales to your offers


Marlon here.

Last night on my Zoom training, we had a real shocker happen.

As I started the call, my friend Joe messages me.

(Backstory: Joe is my secret weapon.  We talk almost daily and he feeds me a non-stop supply of the most mind-boggling, resources, tools and tricks you can fathom).

So I ask Joe if he wants to hop on our training and show us his latest discovery? 

To my surprise, he says YES!I knew right then things were about to get good!Joe never ceases to amaze me. So I knew he'd have something powerful and extremely profitable to share.

So he hops on the call.

Now, my Fast Track is a group of Ninjas.  We have accomplished, super cool people in it.

Well, one of them is Tim and he sells methods of timing stock or option trades using astrology. Truly fascinating stuff.

Every week or so he does a seminar for his list. But this past week, for whatever reason, his email and seminar just wasn't drawing many registrations.

So I said to Joe, "Joe, can you help Tim get registrations?"

To my surprise, he immediately pulls up Chat GPT.  And that's when the fun was about to go down.What Joe did next shocked even me.

See, Joe has these methods of using Chat GPT that are crazy.  I mean, they aren't like what all those "prompt books" tell you to do.


You almost have to see and hear this to believe it!

Now, one of fhis "tricks" he calls "priming the pump."  He does NOT start out giving Chat GPT a prompt like everyone else in the world does.

Not at all.

What he does is the opposite.   He PRIMES THE PUMP.

To put this in perspective, on of our guys on the call was Jim B.  Now Jim is a super high level pro at closing big ticket sales over the phone.

And he uses Chat GPT all the time for sales copy and other things.But he never did it "JOE'S WAY."

See, the way Joe does things with Chat GPT are so different, I call it:
"Joe's Way: Secrets of a Chat GPT Magician"

Let's just start with this:  Joe does NOT type to Chat GPT.

He has this "special app" on his phone none of us had ever heard of. It's the darndest thing. He starts talking to his phone and all of a sudden he's holding a conversation with Chat GPT just like you would with a good friend!


And not only that, he had NEW TITLES for the webinar that were jaw droppers.

I think I speak for everyone when I say it was truly astonishing.

That's why I call it the 4-Minute Stunner!  It really is.  If you're lucky enough to get your hands on this video, you'll see it for yourself.

See, it's easy to get Chat GPT to write headlines. But these were at a whole different level!

And THAT is why I call Joe a Chat GPT Magician.

But it gets better.

Tim is busy with all kinds of stuff going on.  So Joe wanted to really help him out and get people to this webinar.

So Joe talked to his phone again.

And next thing you know, freaking Chat GPT had written an exceptional email! 


Again, know you've probably used Chat GPT before. And it's easy to get it write an email. But this was another level!

It's like, SHAZAM!



Imagine you had the power to instantly write emails that blow people away just by talking to your phone on the fly.

Imagine you could talk to your phone and make people show up to your webinar or the webinar of a friend or client!  

(How would that feel when you pull out your phone, talk to your "virtual copywriter" and have instant copy that blows people away?)

Imagine the surpise on people's faces when you're just chatting with Chat GPT like a friend. They'll be like, "HOW are you doing that?  How are you just talking to your phone and doing all this?"

Imagine if you could talk to your phone and instantly get amazing titles for your Youtube videos loaded with the right keywords.  And full on descriptions to boot.

Imagine being able to whip out your phone and write emails for people that drop their jaw just by talking to the virtual copywriter on your phone (Chat GPT).

Here Are The Benefits You Get Almost Instantly When you Grab "Joe's Way: Secrets of a Chat GPT Magician"

  • You'll add the most amazing app to your phone that lets you talk to Chat GPT without typing a lick
  • People won't "get" what you're doing.  They'll just sit back and be amazed when you talk to Chat GPT and it spits out stunning copy
  • If your emails are getting less response than you want, or even crickets, let Chat GPT write you drop dead subject lines and emails.  Watch the fireworks happen!
  • You'll have the power to whip up awesome affiliate promotions or promos for your own products
  • Youtube video titles and descriptions, tweets, Facebook and Linked in posts, Rumble, Mastadon, Tumblr, text messages. Wherever you post, you can enjoy more response, interaction and clicks!

finally make using chat gapt literally as easy as talking to your phone.  almost instantly, people may swear you're a chat gpt magician!

One of the big obstacles is just feeling like you have value to offer others. And being able to figure out what that is.

When you find your value and know how to offer that value to others, it opens up opportunities everywhere.  Most affiliates struggle with feeling like they don't have value to offer others.  When you turn this around and see the value you offer, it's a real difference maker.


The Affiliate Domination System shows you how to stand out, shine and attract affiliate sales using a simple, doable, practical system.

I recorded a 2 1/2 hour deep dive with a big ticket affiliate and explained the whole system bit-by-bit, so it's easy to understand and apply.

  • Main Benefit #1 - The Affiliate Domination System is designed to solve the problem of no or weak lead flow, low conversions and difficulties selling offers for big profits.
  • Main Benefit #2 - Other products don't address the challenges of the 2023 market...all the noise...the various affiliates...and low lead flow.  But the Affiliate Domination System does.
  • Main Benefit #3 - You'll discover a simple, understandable way to get all the leads you want. You'll see the missing structure in turning those leads into sales.  You'll stand out in the sea of noise.

This Is How Easy It Is To Use The Affiliate Domination System -- No Matter Where You're Starting From

Whether you're new or have a little experience under your belt, the first thing is to go through the video, the transcript and the notes.

Then, all you do is start at step one.  At the end of the video, an action plan that's easy to follow is given.

Rome wasn't built overnight. So all you do is take it one step at a time.

John Doe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Like  Reply  10h

When You Implement The Affiliate Domination System, You'll Enjoy These Benefits:

  • Plenty of Leads - You'll have the leads you need to make the sales you want
  • Commmissions from small or big tickets. You can sell small or large tickets.
  • Know the Missing Link - There's a missing link most affiliates have in getting sales. You'll know what that is and how to fix it
  • Dominate Plain and Simple - You'll dominate your chosen topic or field
  • Be the Obvious Choice - You'll be the obvious choice above all others
  • People Will Gravitate To You - Because of the elements you put in place, people will gravitate to you
  • Enjoy consistent and steady affiliate commissions ... Do as little or as much as you want.  You control your income.

The Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating

I make 4 figures in affiliate commissions most months.  This is entirely possible when you activate the Affiliate Domination System on your behalf.  If you work the plan, the plan will work for you.

You Get a Very Special Extra Bonuses FREE!

I'm giving you special bonuses to make this offer over the top:

1. 1300 opt ins a month like clockwork using $5-$10 shout outs

2. How Mike makes up to $35,000 a month as an affiliate. And 5 ways to get momentum fast.

3. How top affiliates do it. The truth behind the big numbers.

4. 6 Ways to Find $250 to $2500 Affiliate Products To Promote

5. How to drive push button sales for your affiliate offers

Tell Them The Price Of Your Product

First, you can recap what they will get when they purchase by listing your main product and all the bonuses. Give your main product and each bonus a value. Calculate all the values to obtain the total values. For example:

Main Product - 2 1/2 hour
intensive training

Bonus #1 - 1300 opt ins a month like clockwork using $5-$10 shout outs

Bonus #2 - How Mike makes up to $35,000 a month as an affiliate. And 5 ways to get momentum fast.

Bonus #3 - How top affiliates do it. The truth behind the big numbers.

Bonus #4 - 6 Ways to Find $250 to $2500 Affiliate Products To Promote

Bonus #5 - How to drive push button sales for your affiliate offers










Based on the total values above, you can you can easily see I could sell this system for about $279, or more. Why? Because you could spend so much money and time in buying products and watching videos. However, I won't charge you that price, because I want to give youa break in these inflationary times.

You only need to pay for $300 $192 $100 (see price below) if you act fast. I may totally close this offer down in a few days. So don't delay.

Offer A 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Now you can test drive our product for 7 days with NO RISK!

If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money. 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Imagine having your affiliate sales rocking year after year. Go ahead and order now while it's on your mind and you can take advantage immediately.


Best wishes,

