Marlon Sander's
Inner Sanctum Training
"Today, You Can Discover My Unique 14-Step
“Ideas Into Sales” System For Creating And Selling
Over 42,932 Products and $2,798,022.05 Sales
The Big Promise: You WILL have an EXACT 14-step system to create an info product that is designed every step of the way to sell, sell, sell. No one else has this 14-step system.
The Uniqueness: You’ll discover my unique 14-step system for turning ideas into cash. No one else teaches this 14-step “Ideas Into Cash” system. What’s different about it is I’ll also be teaching my UNIQUE “SECRETS” sales template that works gangbusters.
The Proof: I have a truckload of PROOF at the END of this letter. Feel free to look at it. 42,932 in sales and over $2,798,022.05 in sales. And that’s omitting something like 7 years in sales. I’m in a rush to get this out so I didn’t take time to track down the other order-taking systems, sales and so forth.
The Urgency: This offer may literally be withdrawn at any moment.
First, we’ll look at a little PROOF of what the hay right I have to be talking about this stuff vs. every other Tom, Dick, Harry and Sally you get hammered with emails from:

I have a TRUCKLOAD of PROOF for you at the END of this report. But first, let’s talk about what’s in it for YOU:
Marlon here.
42,932 products sold.
And THOSE numbers don’t include 7 years of sales I didn’t bother to add up because at the last minute I decided to give you an opportunity you won’t have again. The $2,798,022.05 sales don’t include huge amounts of affiliate sales…and omit many years of sales.
Here’s my offer:
It’s my super power 4-week training that is a no-holds-barred blast to get you up to speed FAST on how you turn IDEAS into CASH – without spending an arm and a leg
Here's how this system can help you:
Reason to get it #1: There’s NOTHING else like my Ideas Into Cash System because it takes you STRAIGHT to the money with steps that YOU can follow. Yes, this works for NEWBIES! It’s even designed for you.
Reason to get it #2: I’ll be revealing my SECRETS sales page template that works gangbusters. I don’t recall teaching this anywhere else before. It’s a unique format.
Reason to get it 3: Who else breaks things down this step-by-step with the PROOF that their system works -- WITHOUT making it a "come-on" for their pricey coaching program?
Reason to get it #4: Who else has 42,932+ info product sales and has been doing this full time since 1997? I know a thing or two about this business.
Do You Want To Know THESE Secrets of Making Sales Online?
Is This Training For You?
- Do you want to turn your ideas into cash by “info productizing” them? If you do, it’s for you.
- Have you tried before and failed? If you have, it’s for you
- Do you have problems getting people to buy? If you do, it’s for you.
- Do you get overwhelmed or frustrated by not knowing what to do, what order to do it in, what to focus on, how to get traffic, why people aren’t buying or how you make money? If you do, it’s for you.
- Are you a newbie who wants to shave months or years off your success curve? If so, it’s for you.
- Do you want the INSIDE TRUTHS you don’t hear from others? If so, this is for you.
- Do you want my unique 14-step “Ideas Into Cash” System no one else teaches? If so, it’s for you. I REALLY want you in this training because I KNOW you’ll benefit enormously from it.
But with all the other over-hyped seminars, workshops and offers, I realize YOU haven’t signed up.
But with all the other over-hyped seminars, workshops and offers, I realize YOU haven’t signed up.
- Maybe you don’t believe it’ll work for YOU
- Maybe you don’t believe I have any UNIQUE methods to share
- Maybe you never even SAW the offer
Here’s Why I’m Calling The Training The Inner Sanctum
I’m taking you on the INSIDE of the business and revealing TRUTHS others don’t. I’m giving it to you straight up, real world without varnish or window dressing. The ONLY thing I care about are your REAL WORLD RESULTS.
check out what you'll get Module-By-Module

Module#1: The Step-By-Step Promotion Model That Almost Assures You Of Getting Sales Right Out The Gate
Module #2: How to Actually UNDERSTAND Sales Copy Formulas So You Can Spit Out Copy Off The Top Of Your Head. Create Sales Pages Faster and Easier Than Ever
Module #3: How to Create Your Sales Funnel
Module #4: Almost Effortless Creation and Delivery
Warming! Don’t Buy ANY Internet Marketing Training Unless It Meets These Criteria
- Is it EVERGREEN? How many years has the person been doing it?
- Is there any proof the method you’re learning will be working 6 months, a year or two years from now? If not, you’re sinking money down the drain.
- Has the person ever been paid to be a copywriter? Do they even write their own copy? If they don’t, how are they going to teach YOU to make sales? You need WORDS in order to make sales.
- Is their system built around YOU working your tail end off doing non-stop phone consultations (sales)? Is THAT what you want to do for a living? Are they heavily involved in trading time for dollars?
- What’s your long term reputation going to be if you’re shipping products from China that take 4-5 weeks to reach customers? THIS is why I believe in the info product business.
- Is your traffic source built almost 100% on Facebook ads? Facebook is known to ban people with virtually no explanation and no one to contact.
- Is the method built on BUILDING a LIST? If it isn’t, you’re making a big mistake.
- Does the method rely on being a super salesperson on webinars? Do you want to spend YOUR evenings doing webinars? Are you a good verbal sales person? Yes, this IS something you can do. But do you want to build your whole business on it?
- Is the person’s sales presentation so slick it’s obvious they’ve done it 100 times? If it is, AND they’re telling you they make money with some method OTHER than doing webinars, you might raise an eyebrow or two at it. It’s pretty obvious WHAT is generating their REAL income.
- Are you being taught to sell stuff? If you aren’t, you might really question the marketing model.
- Are big INCOME CLAIMS being made. I don't guarantee or represent you'll make money since I can't guarantee you'll act on what you learn. That's up to you. AVOID people who are guaranteeing you large sums of money or implying it's very easy and fasts and virtually guaranteed to make such sums.

Here Are The Benefits You'll Get From This Training ...
This Offer May Be Withdrawn At Any Time As It's An Experiment I've Never Done Before
This offer is an experiment. I could pull it down at ANY time, so I recommend you act without delay to avoid missing out on this amazing offer.
Don't Delay. Get Instant Access Now
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
Higher Response Marketing Inc.
Overwhelming Proof
my systems work over time
and won't fizzle out tomorrow

Here’s income from a few products:

Here’s income from a few products:

Go back further and I was still doing it. My methods are EVERGREEN. They LAST over time. You won't waste your money learning something goes kaput tomorrow!

Here are lists from my Aweber account.

Here are some of my affiliate sales:

A few recent sales

A recent product showing further prove my system works over time

JV legend Mike Mertz from JV Notify Pro says a fwe nice things.

And here's some more

And a few more....

Regular Price: $497 Today: $197
#1 - It’s my 14-step system for turning your ideas into cash.
#2 - It's in-depth training you won't commonly find elsewhere as it relates to info product creation and marketing..
To my knowledge, no one else teaches my 14-step Ideas Into Cash System. It's proprietary.
Yes. I had newbies on the trainings and break it all down.
It's pretty simple actually