Huge Brain Dump on Making Videos
-- Without YOU Having to Appear
on Video Unless You Want To
Here’s a free tutorial on how to create videos that sell....
And links to the most drop dead resources I’ve found on doing video sales letters, kinetic type sales letters, real videos, hybrid sales videos
The resources in this issue have pretty much blown me away the past few days...mind blowing and mind boggling....really exciting stuff
Marlon here.
Video IS the future.
Facebook has said that in 5 years it will be ALL video.
THE FACEBOOK VIDEO STATISTICS EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW. Source: http://mediakix.com/2016/08/facebook-video-statistics-
For the latest authoritative marketing news, statistics, and trends on social media stars, content creators, and influencer marketing, subscribe to our industry digest newsletter!
The Biggest Facebook Video Statistics Marketers Need To Know For 2017
84% Of Facebook Ad Revenue Is From Mobile, CEO Touts Video Growth
Digital video is booming. Globally, traffic from online videos will constitute over 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020 (Cisco), and eMarketer estimates that U.S. spending on both mobile and desktop video advertising will reach nearly $10 billion in 2016, more than a 23% increase than last year. By 2019, the total U.S. digital video advertising spend is projected to eclipse $14 billion—nearly 50% of that figure ($6.86 billion) is attributed to mobile video.
But what if you don’t want to be on camera, right?
THAT is the PROBLEM I solve in this issue of Marlon’s Marketing Method.
This issue is filled with affiliate links to products. NORMALLY, I don’t do this. BUT video is something FAR beyond my ability to teach you in one newsletter.
And honestly, the resources I’m going to give you are drop dead amazing and way, way, way underpriced. I’m serious. The quality of the products I’m recommending to you is pretty amazing.
Now, I like to make sure you get $50 or $100 value every issue. So right off the bat, without buying anything here is a link to a GREAT video Peter did on how to sell using video.
There is your 100% freebie training and you’ll eat it up BUT read the rest of this newsletter first....
This is a huge brain dump on making videos -- without YOU having to appear on video unless you want to.
This includes the scoop on doing those amazing EXPLAINER videos and KINETIC TYPE videos that look so cool.
A lot of my customers are ago 50, 60, 70 up to age 89 AND may or may not feel comfortable being on video.
That could include you!
The GOOD NEWS is there are MANY ways to use video WITHOUT having to put your mug on video!
Method 1: Traditional TEXT ONLY video sales letters
The weird thing about these are they STILL convert!
This week one of the #1 offers on W+ was a text only video sales letter. No special colors, fonts or anything else.
Method 2: Explainer videos
If you’re not familiar with it, Explainio is pretty neat software. You upload an image to it and it creates one of those videos where a hand with a pen draws out the image.
If you don’t know what that looks like, go here.
It’s a beautiful, tested, proven software that will blow you away. Really, it
will. Andrew Darius outdid himself on that product.
Method 3: Kinetic type
These are cool. You can see one by clicking here.
That’s an ad for an incredibly product called Promo Video Pro. I paid $97 for it. Promo Video Pro is an incredibly detailed product. Now, you need Sony Vegas Home edition (under $100) or Camtasia to use it. And you really need Power Point.
He TEACHES it with Sony Vegas which is cheap enough to buy. BUT as far as I can see, you could do everything he teaches using Camtasia. Or I’m pretty sure you can. I haven’t tried yet.
It’s the ONLY product I know that teaches what it does.
1. It shows you how to set up all those fancy slide animations in Power Point where text zooms on and off the screen like this:

The part with the arrow is an animation that pops onto the screen.

Here’s another one. All the text on these slides are animated.
Method 4: Combo Kinetic Text and Live Video
If you don’t want to be on video, NO PROBLEMO!
You can use stock video footage from sites like videoblocks.com and many others. You can get about any type of stock video you want and REALLY dress up your videos with it.
Now, you might be able to edit these in Camtasia Video now. Peter teaches doing it with Sony Vegas. But I’m pretty sure you can do everything he teaches now just about in Camtasia if you have it.
Go here and watch the video at the top of the page.
One of the things Peter sells is Instant Video templates that are really awesome. You can see some here. You can edit them in Open Office, Powerpoint or Keynote on a Mac.
These sell for $97 each and he has 5 packs. However, as his OTO on hisvideo sales formula, you can buy ALL of them for $37. That is OTO #4. You can see my review of video sales formula and exclusive bonuses here.
One of the other OTO’s is how Peter made $145 k in affiliate commissionsn last year using videos AND what’s awesome is it includes his video on how he outsources 95% of those promotions, although it took him time to get it all set up.
Now, Promo Video Pro teaches you HOW to do kinetic type AND how to do video promos where you ADD IN the live video.
Peter is a MASTER at doing these and I recommend his trainings without any reservations AT ALL. Top, top notch stuff and WAY underpriced.
I joined his Mastermind and it’s a huge bargain. He’s a 7-figure launcher and talks about how he creates and launches software. It’s one of the OTO’s to this offer: http://marlonsnews.com/vidifire
I just joined the Mastermind so I could tell you what the OTO was about. But it’s so awesome, I’m going to stay a member.
How to Know What To Get Or Not Get
1. Creating VSL’s: Vidifire is a FORMULA for creating video sales letters. Really great for that.
This is a SALES formula. Here is one screen cap:

The formula taught is attention, interest, desire, action but as you can see he REALLY breaks down each. I mean,
2. Kinetic type mixed in with stock video:
If you want to go beyond that and do all the fancy kinetic type and even mix in live video (mostly from stock video sites) using Sony Vegas, THENPromo Video Pro is what you want.
3. If you want to shoot your own LIVE VIDEO, then Joey’s Video Induction System below is what you want.
But What If You DO Want To Appear On Video?
I found an incredible course called the Video Induction System.
The reason I say it’s incredible is that it teaches a whole video persuasion system AND everything about shooting videos. Peter Beattie recommended it.
His VSL persuasion framework is fantastic. It’s as good as I’ve seen, other than maybe the Clayton Makepeace formula I have. But that costs $1,000+.
But Joey goes beyond that to LIVE VIDEO and how to you make it enormously persuasive?
If you have the money I recommend the OTO’s. I have them and they are fantastic.
This is an INCREDIBLY well done and thorough course. I had NO IDEA how thorough it was or I would have gotten it the second it came out.
Here is the main system. I can’t even get all the videos in one screen cap:

Again, I REALIZE these are resources you have to buy. But if you want a FREEBIE, go here.
The REASON I’m giving you these resources is they literally have blown me away and sucked up the last couple days watching them and will suck up today.
It’s SPEED LEARNING about the best of the best info available on video sales letters, kinetic type letters, video persuasion.
I really happy I ran across these resources, and I think you might be also.
Best wishes, Marlon Sanders

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