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You know how to write emails.  But here's the gist of the angle.
Subject:  Are you tried of FB and Instagram giving you almost NO distribution on posts?
Harlan here.
Are you freaking sick and tired of FB and Instagram giving you almost no organic distribution?
If I'm LUCKY about 20 people will even SEE my posts on Facebook. And not much better Instagram or Youtube.
It's no bueno.
I'm guessing your posts suffer the same pitiful fate.
Hardly anyone sees them. It's disgusting.
But there IS something I found ON Facebook where instead of 20 views, I get FOUR HUNDRED VIEWS!
I can show YOU how to do this within minutes!
I told a friend how to do it and his first time out he got THREE THOUSAND VIEWS.Not only that.
There's ways to turn those views into leads.
If you're getting your FB posts BURIED in the social media noise JUST like this post, then you might want to try my new BREAK OUT method.
It's fast, simple, easy, fun and FREE to use.
Go here now:
Best wishes,
