get sales now
Step-by-step from idea to sold and money banked
get sales now
Step-by-step from idea to sold and money banked
Attn: Affiliates, product creators, coaches, online marketers, business owners. if you want to make more sales and more money in 2025, the secret is to put out more offers (your own or affiliate) more buy buttons and more promo. this is how you get it going asap without the fluff and stuff you don't need.
Price increases at 9:30 p.m.
2/7 1 EST: Do this and I believe 100% you WILL get more sales. Period. End of story.
2/8 1 EST: How I built a list of 220,000
2/9 1 EST: The 3 things that predict whether people to buy from you I learned from Procter and Gamble
2/10 to be announced
2/11 to be announced
New Bonus #11: How to make sales as an affiliate (report written personally by me)
New Bonus #10: How to get gold from a small list (report written by me)
New Bonus #9: The secret of building your list (written personally by me)
New Bonus #8: A crash course in making sales using this secret sauce method
Facebook Group: This is a popup Facebook group where I'll be doing daily live streams during the launch.
Bonus #7: New Ways People are Making Big Ticket Sales Easier Than Ever, Writing Books Fast, Becoming a Person Of Influence
Bonus #6: How to Create Your Lead Magnet Ideas, Reports, Lead Magnets, and Ecourse Content and Teaser Ideas In Minutes Using A.I.
Bonus #5: Daily live streams in the Get Sales Now Facebook group (see fast action bonus below)
Bonus #4: The Email Goldmine: How to Use Your Autoresponder To Send Out Emails That Bring Back Money Every Time
Bonus #3: What really Makes Money? No Smoke. No Mirrors. Just the Unvarnished Truth
Bonus #2: Info Marketing Crash Course: Build Your Marketing Machine At Lightning Speed
Bonus #1: What Sales Pages That Sell 25,000 Copies Do Different That Letters That Sell Only 10
Main Product: The Get Sales Now 70+ page powerhouse PDF that gives you a whole new level of knowledge, insight, how to's, resources and understanding.
Marlon here.
Yes, I said it.
Get sales NOW!
I dare you to keep reading. And to take a little teeny, tiny chance that could change your sales and even your life forever
You see, I have a way for you to either START selling products and services.
Or fix your anemic sales.
Here's the deal: You give me the price of a medium pizza, and I'll show you how to get sales rolling in...keep them rolling in...and build a business and a life out of it.
Either that, or you can grab a pizza, drop by Wallmart to snag some anti-acid pills. It's up to you.
It sure as heck has a lot better chance of it than a medium pizza does. You're going to be getting my choice secrets, methods and tactics for the absurd price of 17 cents a page, 20, 25 or 30 cents a page, depending when you buy it.
That's like .0005 per word or some ridiculous amount for the best marketing scoop you'll get all year.
I know you're wondering how much it'll cost, what it'll take, can you do it.
Here's what you need:
You need a brain. You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't.
You need an internet connection. You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have that.
You need some time and hustle. That part only you deep down in your heart of heart now if you have that. But if you do, this is an extremely important letter for you right now...
I know, I've sold 70,000+ products online, most over $60. And I've been doing this longer than some of my customers have probably been alive.
OK. Let's get down to the good stuff. You've got a product or service or have one in mind or you wouldn't be reading this.
The question is, how is the best way for you to sell it?
When I got started in this business, I was bad. I sucked. I ran these little $5 and $10 ads that went nowhere.
My sales letters flopped. It was bad. I had to buy deodorant with all pennies. And I put 30,000 miles on my car trying to sell insurance.
I never dreamed I'd have the life I do today...
the leter said, "go back to school"
Back then, you could run these free classified ads online.
And you'd follow up and either email people your sales letter or send it by mail.
I remember one guy got my letter, wrote back and had the gall to tell me I needed to go back to school. I don't know what he meant.
But I know my feelings were hurt...
I'll tell you what happened in a second...But first...
Do You Feel It's Time You Have a Breakthrough?
Here are testimonials from real, live people who actually exist. These are NOT made up. I understand that any yahoo on the net can type up some testimonials and stick them on a page. But I give you my word of honor that these are legit.

HERE'S HOW I HAD MY BREAKTHROUGH and how i believe you can have yours also
Things changed for me when I invested in myself and my marketing knowledge.
I hunkered down and studied marketing for hours and hours.
Soon, I saw where my letters and ads had gone wrong.
I found out that I had a LOT of the pieces of the puzzle but was missing a few.
I began to understand how all the parts of the puzzle FIT TOGETHER.
It began to make sense to me.
Before I knew it, sales were pouring in. I mean, it was raining sales. And I've been full time ever since.
I saw that not to brag but to impress upon you that this works. And I believe I can help you just as I've helped countless others.
Which is exactly why I created this for YOU...

My wife and I next to my fav money tools -- a yellow pad and a pen! I like to keep it simple silly.
What's different about the Get Sales Now Formula is I break things down so whether you're an affiliate, info marketer, or other online marketer you can make it work for you.
You get my 101-page "Get Sales Now" a to z report.
In a minute you're going to pay 17, 35 or 30 cents a page for my best tactics, secrets and methods. Which is like .0005 a page or a stupid number like that.
And it'll be the best money you may spend all year.
As crazy as it sounds, this report will transform your life. You'll have to read it to believe it. But this is your launchpad to the Info Product Lifestyle.
No one else in the business does deep dive reports on info product creation and selling like I do. You'll refer to this time and time again.
This report will open your eyes, give you exact step-by-step specifics, refer you to the resources you need to implement, turn you onto to new ideas you didn't have before. It's truly a powerhouse.
And yes, I wrote it. Not A.I. Little ol' me with my wrinkled up fingers pounding away on the keyboard.
In this report, you will discover:
It's Like a Crash Course In Building Your Money-Getting Machine At Lightning Speed
I break it down for you to the few steps you have to know and do.
And I illustrate each one so it's NOT theory. You see it in real world action. That way you just follow the steps I give you.
All the nitty gritty details are revealed too. For maybe the first time, you'll see all the puzzle pieces and how they fit together. Which means instead of feeling confused or overwhelmed, you'll be ready to rumble!
Just yesterday, Wayne sent me this comment:

Here's How You'll Benefit When You Snag the Get Sales Now Formula Today
Let's get your questions out of the way. I can read your mind. I already know what you're thinking and asking.
1. Do you have to create products or have your own?
No, you can promote affiliate offers.
2. Do you have to spend $1,000 to implement this?
No. You can keep your arms and legs. You need a brain, the "know how" and hustle.
I'm fixing to give you the know how if you're willing to spend the price of a medium pizza today. Not even one with all the toppings.
3. Does the product have what you need to know in it from a to z? Step-by-step?
Yes, it does.
With that said, this isn't the only product you'll ever need to buy on marketing. I mean, my goodness. It's a medium pizza, not the price of a car. Or even a root canal. Leaders are readers. The average millionaire reads a book a week is what i heard.
4. Is this the most valuable product you'll buy all year?
Yes, I say it very well could be.
5. Do you have to use social media?
No, you don't have to unless you want to. But it is a really useful method when you know HOW to do it correctly.
6. Are there NEW things in the product you don't know and haven't heard before.
Yes, it isn't "a rehash" of the last 10 products you've bought. There is new, fresh, original thinking in it.
7. Are there upsells?
Yes, both add to your ability and knowledge. But no, they aren't necessary to fulfill the promise of this sales page. You better hope I know more than I can stuff into a 100-page report plus extra bonuses. Because I've been doing this full time since 1997. If I haven't learned more than that, it would be pathetic.
8. Will I get results with this?
I believe 100% that if you do what's in my training, you'll get more sales or 100% put the odds of success in your favor. Then again, that happens only if you plan your work and work your plan.
9. Do you show me how to build an email list?
Yes, I show you how to build your list. Yes, I know you don't have a list or it's a tiny one.
10. Do you show me how to create a product if I don't want to go the affiliate route?
Yes, I have a report in there on how to do it if you want to. A darned good report.
12. Does this show me how to get traffic?
Yes, it covers multiple methods of getting traffic or eyeballs on your offers.
13. Am I guaranteed to make money?
No, it won't work if you don't.
14. How much do I need to invest?
You can start with a free autoresponder, your know how, and your time. But I would hope you buy other products from myself or others and keep expanding your knowledge. No one product can teach you everything you need to know. I mean, even college doesn't do that.
15. Is it worth my pizza money?
Yes, it's about 10X more valuable than I'm letting on in this letter. It's worth a bunch of pizzas if you ask me. The large ones with all the toppings, too. But that's only if you value the know how that's in it.
Warning: Do NOT buy any marketing course that does not meet these criteria
There are so many scammers and rip-off artists online, I thought it'd be helpful if I presented a few criteria to help you only invest your dollars in stuff that's going to give you a great big bang for your buck:
1. Only buy from a marketer who is a professional in the field and actually writes the product himself or herself.
As I mentioned, I had a celebrated marketing career prior to ever selling this product. I was a professional copywriter.
Also, I wrote this program with my own keyboard. The information is ALL mine. Did you know that not all "experts" write their own programs? They just use A.I. to do it for them! Rumor? A.I. is an awesome tool for lead magnets, emails and such. But all I know is I wrote Get Sales Now myself. It's my own formula. Not someone else's. Thank you very much.
2. Only buy from marketers who have a background in direct response.
Traditional advertising agencies are clueless about direct response. They only understand image advertising and "branding." Branding is terrific if you're a $100 million dollar corporation. But if you aren't, you better know as a fact that every dollar you spend is coming back to you multiplied. My background is 100% direct response. That's what I do.
3. Do NOT buy packages that promise or imply they'll make you rich virtually overnight or make you X dollars in X time period.
For example, don't buy packages that say they'll make you $1,000 a week, $10,000 a month, $X next year, etc. Those claims are obviously bogus. The person has never met you. For all they know, you're Charles Manson. How can they claim you'll make a dime.
Now, I do have a few friends who sell good products that make claims like this (much to my dismay). But as a general rule, avoid all such offers. I cannot and do not suggest you'll make even a dime with what I offer. I do have a strong moneyback guarantee. But it isn't based on how much money you do or don't make.
By the way, the FTC says that if you make such claims, they have to be representative of what the average person does who buys the product, unless you clearly state otherwise. Well, the truth is, according to Chatgpt, 20% to 40% of people who buy an info product, never read it! 30% to 50% only skim it. So you can see why making claims is dangerous. This is why I usually have a full page of legal disclaimers on my products.
You should also know that the same thing applies to testimonials. You'll notice that if I mention any income, I always state that they aren't meant to represent what the average person does.
4. Similarly, do not buy products that make obviously false claims.
For example, I'll show you how to make $9,000 in only 90 days. Yeah right. I give some pretty dramatic success stories of specific techniques people I know have used. For obvious reasons, that is far different from saying you'll do the same thing -- guaranteed.
Oh, here's another one: Free bonuses with price tags that are way out of whack with reality. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff.
5. Buy based on the ability to obtain results, not the sheer number of resellers who swear the product is great.
Fact: Most products like mine are sold by resellers. Products that pay out a commission on two-levels to resellers (and a commission on all other products sold to that customer) will be the most widely promoted. I pay out a very high one-level commission because my attorney tells me two level programs are considered to be multilevel in the US (More about my reseller program in a minute in the "bonuses" section.)
The real acid test is the ability to actually get results. Read my testimonials and form your own well-reasoned conclusion.
With that said, let's go ahead and check out the bonuses I have for you today because they're goodies...
You're Getting Juicy Bonuses For FREE!
Here are the bonuses you're getting to maximize your sales in less time:
Bonus 1: What Sales Pages That Sell 25,000 Copies Do Different That Letters That Sell Only 10
I'll show you the actual sales pages. And why SOME sell 1,000, 2,000 up to 25,000 copies more than other pages that only sell 10 or 20 products. This is "must know" information.
Bonus 2: Info Marketing Crash Course: Build Your Marketing Machine At Lightning Speed
Joe Vitale said Money Loves Speed. This report is about how you build it out FAST. No long, painful, drawn-out cycles. Get it done. Get it out. Get it sold. Get money banked.
Bonus 3: What really Makes Money? No Smoke. No Mirrors. Just the Unvarnished Truth
This answers the question you occasionally see posted in a FB group from someone about why they've been trying to make money online 5 or 10 years and haven't made diddly.
I don't want you to EVER be in this boat. This is the unvarnished truth that will set you free.
Bonus 4: The Email Goldmine: How to Use Your Autoresponder To Send Out Emails That Bring Back Money Every Time
The money is in the list. Always has been. Always will be. But HOW do you make the money? This is how.
Bonus 5: Daily Live Streams To Answer Questions and Provide New Content
I'll be doing daily live streams in the pop-up Facebook group during the promotion.
Bonus 6: 31-page Deep Dive Report Reveals How to Create Your Lead Magnet Ideas, Reports, Lead Magnets, and Ecourse Content and Teaser Ideas In Minutes Using A.I.
A.I. is amazing. It just keeps getting better and better. This report will open your eyes.
Bonus 7: New Ways People are Making Big Ticket Sales Easier Than Ever, Writing Books Fast, Becoming a Person Of Influence
Amazing 27-page deep dive takes you behind the scenes and reveals newest, latest marketing methods that get leads, make big ticket sales, create books and much more.
Here's Why I'm Selling This Way Too Stinkin' Cheap
By now, you're wondering why I'm selling this way too cheap. And you're right. It IS too cheap. But the thing is, I know that there's a good chance you'll go on to subscribe to my weekly MMM newsletter. You'd be crazy NOT to when you see how powerful these methods are.
Here's Everything You Get Instant Access To:
Main Product: The Get Sales Now 70+ page powerhouse PDF that gives you a whole new level of knowledge, insight, how to's, resources and understanding.
Bonus #1: What Sales Pages That Sell 25,000 Copies Do Different That Letters That Sell Only 10
Bonus #2: Info Marketing Crash Course: Build Your Marketing Machine At Lightning Speed
Bonus #3: What really Makes Money? No Smoke. No Mirrors. Just the Unvarnished Truth
Bonus #4: The Email Goldmine: How to Use Your Autoresponder To Send Out Emails That Bring Back Money Every Time
Bonus #5: Daily live streams in the Get Sales Now Facebook group (see fast action bonus below)
Bonus #6: How to Create Your Lead Magnet Ideas, Reports, Lead Magnets, and Ecourse Content and Teaser Ideas In Minutes Using A.I.
Bonus #7: New Ways People are Making Big Ticket Sales Easier Than Ever, Writing Books Fast, Becoming a Person Of Influence
When you act right now, today, you're also going to get access to a pop-up Facebook group I've created ONLY for owners of this offer.
I'll be doing live streams, answering questions and adding all the value I can.
This is NOT your typical "suck them into a pitch" Facebook group. This is an honest-to-goodness value-added group.
If you've participated in other groups I've done like this, you KNOW how valuable JUST the group is.
The group is worth the purchase price alone.
The REASON I do these groups is to HELP you actually TAKE ACTION on the product, so that I can get a testimonial.
And quite transparently, I actually LIKE helping people and LOVE marketing. I'm not just here to take your money. I'm here to get you actual, real RESULTS.
Because then you tell your friends about me. Then you have success and can afford to buy other products I offer. Because then you give a sizzling testimonial.
That's what is in it for me.
Based on the total values above, you could easily pay $400 - $600 for a product on these topics because of the immense value. However, I won't charge that price. In fact, I won't charge you even $200 (which is less then a half of that).
You only need to pay for $600 $400 $200 $97 (see below) if you act fast. This price may increase at any time. And I close out offers. So act now before it's gone.
Ironclad, You-Can't-Lose Moneyback Guarantee
First of all, you have a full 7-day unconditional moneyback guarantee.
If for any reason or no reason at all you want your money back within 7 days, just post to my support desk at
Do NOT email. I only respond to the support desk. You'll receive your money back.
This is an unconditional, satisfaction guarantee.
I really am in this business to help you succeed and sell your products like never before. So if you don't win, I don't win. If you don't' get results, I lose. If you aren't happy, I'll refund your money. Plain and simple.
Your Order Is Safe, Secure & Risk Free With My 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
As soon as you order, you'll be taken to the member's area where your materials are located. And instructions on joining the challenge group and complete info are located.
Best wishes
,Marlon Sanders
PS: Click here only if you've decided NOT to order now.