Certainly! Here's a simple JavaScript snippet that will print out 5 future dates, each 30 days apart, starting from the current date. You can add this script to a WordPress page or post using a Custom HTML block or a similar widget that allows custom code.
Future Dates
Future Dates
### How to Use:
1. **Copy the Code:** Copy the entire HTML code provided above.
2. **Add to WordPress:**
- **Block Editor (Gutenberg):**
- Go to the page or post where you want to add the script.
- Add a new block and select the "Custom HTML" block.
- Paste the code into the "Custom HTML" block and update or publish the page.
- **Classic Editor:**
- Switch to the "Text" tab (not "Visual") of the post/page editor.
- Paste the code where you want it to appear and update or publish the page.
This script will display a list of 5 dates in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`, each 30 days apart from the last, starting from the current date.