More about each report:
REPORT ONE: Chimpanzee brain makes 79 sales @ $97 each in 8 days
Who woulda ever thunk that a freakin’ Chimpanzee Brain would make someone 79 sales @ $97 each? Yet, today we dive into some Psychology on what this means, how it works and how it can work for YOU if you WORK it!
Have you ever wondered why people do stupid things that don’t make sense or don’t add up? Enter the Chimpanzee brain. Maybe you’ve wondered this about yourself or people in your close circle or family. Well, in the legendary book Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz, he explains that in our brain we have this ancient part that is quite possibly the result of thousands of years of evolution.
In this report, I present a case study of how I applied Eugene's method and soled $7663 in 8 days using it.
REPORT TWO: Plan and predict your income in 2021
The new year is here. When you look at an income goal, it can be quite overwhelming exactly HOW you'll reach the goal. This report breaks down meeting your expenses AND your dream goals (or splurges) for the year into a doable, practical goal. And gives you a simple, practical, doable way to accomplish it. Start the new year with a BANG!
REPORT THREE: Fast, easy way to use CLUBHOUSE to create info products
Clubhouse is a new audio chatroom service. It's all the rage right now. And I've figured out a VERY simple way to use it to create info products. People are going APE over this service, and this gives you a way to take advantage. The upsell will likely be resell rights to the report.
REPORT FOUR: How to create sales when you ain't got any, don't know why, and don't know how to get 'em...then parlay and scale those sales
This is a 15-page meaty report that gives you a doable blueprint with an illustration from my own business. If you're a beginner, you'll appreciate the start from scratch method in this report.All 11 steps are covered with good detail, so you're clear on the basic action steps.