stunning new "invisible shift" gets affiliates to send you traffic -- it changes how you find 'em, get 'em, and motivate them"
my affiliate program got me 2,826,874 million unique visitors. but things changed. now, stunning new discoveries are the second coming of an affiliate program for on for the scoop...
Marlon here.
Boy, do I ever have GREAT NEWS for you today!
It's my biggest discovery since 2012. You'll see why in a minute...
Little did I expect that a 4-hour video I bought on Black Friday and literally forgot about would hold the key to astonishing new breakthroughs for getting affiliates to promote your products.
Holy cowl! Here's just a TASTE of what I uncovered in my latest, most exciting research: The #1 recruiting email you can send right now!
The easiest way to get new affiliates asap
What to do with new affiliates in the first 10 days
Why small affiliates are the key to the kingdom
How to avoid the recip nightmare
How to promote books
How do you avoid affiliate fraud?
What about international affiliates?
What are "private" contests and how do you use 'em?
How do you correctly use "random" bonuses?
How to promote subscription sites / memberships
How many leaderboards? How often to update?
The 30-day, blow-by-blow quickstart plan
How to lay out your daily method of operation
What are the secret sources for affiliate prizes?
14 reasons affiliate programs fail. (How to fix)
Secret checklist for affiliates to follow
How to get inactive affiliates to promote
How to keep affiliates hot to trot
The real secrets of running contests
How to pay per lead (finally explained for real)
What deep leaderboards are and how to use them
Where to get an 8-step formula for affiliate emails
But Marlon, What If I'm An Introvert? What If I Don't Have Time? What If I Don't Know Anyone or Have Any Connections? What if I have no clue who to approach, what to say or what to do if they're interested?
Yes, I hear you. Those things and more are obstacles in your path holding you back. So that's why I'm writing you today. We'll get to those things in a minute.
But first, consider this...
Here's a screen capture that shows you 2,826,874 million unique visitors tracked to my account.

If that's not enough for you, I've got another one that shows 4,010,228 visitors which is an average of 1,924 visitors per day.
That's the POWER you get when affiliates promote you. But there's a fly in the ointment.
Affiliate marketing changed. And affiliates no longer jumped on board just because you had a great product.
Frankly, it became a Gordian knot (that is, a very difficult problem to solve).
It seemed like only a small circle of people just promoted each other in a circle jerk. And unless you promoted products that weren't right for your list, you were out of the circle.
Life isn't fair!
That's why I hunkered down and did hard core research searching for a solution. When all hope seemed lost, by chance I stumbled across a 4-hour training I bought on Black Friday and forgot about..
Then, for whatever reason, I stumbled across the darned thing in my inbox.
I was taking an afternoon siesta and thought, "Well, why not? It looks interesting. Why not give it a listen?"
Maybe by the grace of God, I don't know. Several statements hit me like a the proverbial ton of bricks.
I hopped onto the computer in super hard core research mode.
I downloaded and printed out around 500 pages and stuck all of 'em in 2 gigantic notebooks.
Then I proceeded to read, highlight and underline.
I felt a little stupid. How could I have NOT seen this before?
As plain as day before my eyes were the new secrets of getting affiliates to promote your offers.
I can only call it astonishing.
See, what I didn't know was that ONE THING had shifted. And unless you "GOT" this one thing, the door was shut to you.
But when you "GOT" this one thing -- the floodgates open.
If you don't know me, my name is Marlon Sanders.
I've been doing this gig full time since 1997 and have created and sold over 70,000+ info products. The only reason that matters to you is I know all the tricks, all the shortcuts and how to avoid the big, bad mistakes that can rip your soul out.
I have a God-given gift or talent for researching things. When I was young, I worked as a researcher for a nationally broadcast current events TV talk show.
And I bring the benefits of my research to my customers, so they can spend a fraction of the time I do researching stuff...and just walk about with the stunning discoveries in their hip pocket.
the problem is, there are 9 big obstacles to getting affiliates to promote your offers
Problem 1: In the old days, if you had a great product, affiliates would find it and before you knew it traffic would be flowing in like a raging river.
Today, there are so many options and programs, you're lucky if affiliates discover your offer -- AT ALL. This is a problem.
Problem 2: When you're starting out, you don't have a big list to send reciprocal promotions with.
So what is your hook or angle to get others to promote you when they have a bunch of other options and choices?
Problem 3: "I don't know anyone or have any connections".
This is a HUGE issue for so many. And it's exactly why I'm so freaking excited about my discovery and the resources I've put together for you to answer this and all your other pain points.
Problem 4: "I don't know what to say if I do reach out. What if no one responds or I only get a couple responses?"
That's another huge issue for so many people. And it's exactly why I'm very excited about this discovery. Boy, do I ever have good news for you!
Problem 5: "I don't know why anyone would promote me"
Yep, this is most people. Almost everyone is in the same boat. Which is why I'm stoked and jazzed to be writing to you today.
Problem 6: "I have no freaking idea where I would find potential affiliates for my offer nor what to say"
YES! This is one of the gigantic problems my new discovery solves. You're going to be so excited.
Problem 7: "I'm busy as heck. I don't have time to sit there chit chatting with people all day or spending my whole life in the dm's"
Who has time for that junk? Not me! I need a predictable, efficient method built on a daily method of operation I can live with.
Problem 8: "I'm an introvert. I'm scared or shy to reach out to people"
This is a big obstacle. And it's one I talk about in the discovery.
Problem 9: "I have no idea what to pay in commissions, or anything else. I'm clueless. I don't have a King's ransom to spend on fancy software or services"
These are obstacles for so many people. And all answered in the Discovery.
My new discovery uncovers methods that have gotten over 300,000+ affiliates to promote!
And I'm Revealing Everything You Need to Know In Order To get Started Grabbing your Share of the Pie Literally Starting The Next morning! Where to find affiliates, how to get 'em to promote, How to motivate them, what if they do nothing, how to turn a trickle into a flood ... and much more
HERE'S HOW I CAME TO DISCOVER THE stunning new secrets of getting affiliates to promote your offers -- even if you don't one single person
I don't recall Black Friday real well. But I believe I didn't feel well that day.
I bought 1 or 2 things when I was half asleep. And, of course, proceeded to immediately forget about them.
Then, by luck or the grace of God, I stumbled across the purchase in my inbox. When I was taking an afternoon nap, I thought, "Why not listen to this? It sounds interesting."
And that's when it struck me. OH MY GOSH. This is the one INVISIBLE SHIFT that I flat out missed.
And that one invisible shift changes everything. After this huge insight, I deep dove into hard core research. And what I find was truly flabbergasting.
I can't think of another word. I found out that there's a whole set of methods that have worked to recruit over 300,000 affiliates -- while others type in FB groups that it's too hard and they can't get any affiliates to promote.
The biggest obstacle people have is they don't have connections, don't know any potential affiliates, have no idea who to contact or what to say.
That problem is SOLVED with this new breakthrough affiliate shift and discovery.
Now, I'm sharing the entire revelation, research and real world insights with you. And most importantly, I'm revealing the "big shift" that makes ALL the difference in the entire world.

These methods are NOT theory. I've personally gotten millions of visits from affiliates. But a shift happened. And withhout understanding this shift, your affiliate traffic slows down to a trickle.You'll get new clarity. And be able to take confident action, knowing your traffic plans are sound.
You've NEVER seen a product before that boils down affiliate traffic the TRUE essence like I'm about to do for you.
You'll Be Able To Start Your Affiliate-Getting Plan The Next Morning Without Delay. And Do It With Simple 1, 2, 3 Steps That YOU Can Do
Clarity and confidence are everything. For maybe the first time in your life, you'll be totally clear on what REALLY works. NOT what people say works.
You'll wake up in the morning. You'll have your 1-2-3 step plan. You'll know what to do. You'll know how to do it. Finally, there's no obstacles between you and your traffic. Freedom at last!
You'll have all the exact SWIPES you need. The exact steps. And even the #1 email to start sending immediately.

Here Are More Benefits You Get When You Buy Today...
Disclaimer:The above percentages are based on my research. The source is extremely credible from the absolute very best in the field. But obviously the proof is second-hand research. And I should add that nothing is guaranteed. Your results can and will vary. You could do better, worse or nothing at all.
When The Affiliate Traffic Pours In, It Changes Things Real Fast
This is NOT theory. It's battle-tested by my own experience. On Warriorplus alone, I've received 266,357 visitors and turned 5% of 'em into sales. These methods aren't particularly complicated. I believe nearly anyone who wants to can do them.
Here's what it looked like when I originally unlocked the code to getting affiliate traffic. As you can see, things can change REAL FAST. NOT that it's typical or guaranteed. But it can happen. Typically, you build up affiliate traffic over time.

Results aren't typical. Your results will vary. But it does show how incredibly powerful affiliate traffic can be.
You Get 9 Special Bonuses For FREE!
To sweeten the pot, you get 9 bonuses that deep dive for you, so you have everything you need to start implementing the next day. The member's area is STACKED. I mean it has TONS in it NOT listed on this page.
Here's WHY I'm Selling This Way Too Stinkin' Cheap
It disturbs me when I see my own customers I love and cherish, MY TRIBE, led astray by crap and bonus smoke-and-mirrors traffic methods. I want you to know the truth and actually get REAL results.
Remember those 9 problems I talked about?
Now, they're ALL SOLVED. Period. End of story.
Main Product -- Complete A to Z, Step-By-Step 10-Module Course
Bonus #1 -- How I got 1 out of every 102 people in the world surfing with an English browser to visit my websites
Bonus #2: Video - How to run your affiliate program in 1 hour a day by someone who did and built a million dollar program
Bonus #4: Video - Where to download the report on getting your first 100 affiliates
Bonus #5: Video - How to get a worksheet with an affiliate promo plan for your affiliates
Bonus #6 - How to get affiliates to go all in on your launch
Bonus #7 - What if you don't have the time to recruit affiliates?
Bonus #8 - What if you're an introvert and shy to contact people?
Bonus #9 - What if you're stuck in the analysis of paralysis?
(See below)
Based on the total values above, you can see how I could easily sell this for $400-$600. Why? Because you already spend so much money and time in buying and chasing traffic methods that don't work. However, because you're a valued customer, I won't charge you that price. In fact, you won't charge you even for $200 (which is less then a half of the total value).
You only need to pay for $600 $400 $200 (see price below) if you act fast. This price will be limited according to the timer below.
Substitution Guarantee

If for any reason this product doesn't meet and exceed your expectations, just let me know at (Do NOT email).
I'll replace it with one of equal or greater value.
Getting traffic is everything. And it's going to be very liberating when you make sense of it all. See through the smoke-and-mirrors and are crystal clear how to get traffic, how to scale traffic and how to grow any size business you want.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders