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fast start system
For connie green readers
"everything you need to crush it in 2023/2024 to promote any business or product for real profits now!"
Whether you don't know your niche, can't build your list, don't have a lead magnet, have a poor converting lead magnet, don't have an email list, don't send emails, can't convert emails to sales, or you can't get traffic to your lead magnet, too much competition, market is saturated -- whatever your sicking point is -- I've got it solved for you at a price that's SINFUL
Bonuses For Connie Green readers
21. New bonus: 11/30 - Create a stunning website in 20 seconds with A.I.
20. New bonus: 11/30 - Watch this to get your first 5 customers
19. New bonus: 11/30 - Attract customers like a magnet: Marketing strategies to grow your business / brand
18. New bonus 11/30 - Free course for beginners on affiliate marketing
17. New bonus 11/29 - How to build an affiliate marketing funnel in 30 minutes
16: New bonus 11/29 - How to build an info empire
15. New bonus 11/29 - How to make virtually automatic income
14. New bonus 11/29 - How to make your first buck online
13. New bonus 11/29- The lack of credibility solution
12. New bonus 11/28 - Extreme speed sales pages
11. New bonus 11/28 - Free course for beginners on affiliate marketing
10. New bonus 11/28 - How to build an affiliate marketing funnel in 30 minutes
9. New bonus 11/28 - How to build an info empire
8. New bonus 11/27: Exactly how to get your ship to come in by doing THIS
7. New bonus 11/27: Cash Like Clockwork Secrets
6. New bonus 11/27: Why opening your "johari window" is the key to big, fat, juicy profits
5. New bonus 11/27: How to use front door offers to build your list and get money
4. 15 highly profitable niches
3. Free courses for beginners on affiliate marketing
2. How to build an affiliate marketing funnel in 30 minutes
1. How to find your customer profile tutorial and worksheets
From: Marlon Sanders
Helotes, TX
Re: Your marketing
Marlon here.
Follow the videos and PDF's in my course.
In short order, you WILL:
* Know your niche or target audience
* Have an email capture page that converts at a high percentage from visitors to subscribers to your email list
* Have a lead magnet that attracts your ideal prospects and buyers to you
* Have emails going out that get responses and sales
* Have a plan for dealing with competition or saturated markets
* Have multiple feeder systems for traffic
* Have traffic methods that really, honest-to-goodness work
Let me ask you a quick question:
What's holding your marketing back from being wildly successful?
Is it not being able to figure out who you're making offers to? We call this the niche or target audience.
Is is not having an email capture page to get them onto your email list?
Is it not having an email capture page that turns enough visitors into email subscribers?
Is it not having a freebie (called a lead magnet) to get them onto your email list?
Is it not having an email list?
Is it not sending or not knowing how to send emails to your list?
Is it not knowing how to quickly and easily write emails that get a response?
If you market affiliate products or you create your own, I have SOLUTIONS to these problems for you.
Whether you market an ebook, product, service, Amazon book, group, Church, organization, idea or concept, these solutions can work for you.
I have a proven formula from someone who has already been there and done that, year after year, and can boil it down to a system you can be up and running with 5 hours from now.
Today it ends.
Today is the day you STOP spending all your money on products that produce poor or no results.
Today is the day you STOP spending money OUT on the latest, greatest things that don't work and get started with the few that are tested and proven....
Who Is This Training For?
If you market books on Amazon, coaching, PLR products, Kindle books, info products, ideas, a group or organization, a business, affiliate products,a cause, a city, state or even a country or political movement, and obviously a product or service, then absolutely THIS TRAINING IS FOR YOU!
In fact, more than that. It's vital for your success now and in the next 12 months.
Would you like to see how you can get off to a Fast Start ...
And have videos and PDF's that show you exactly what to do and how to do it?
And would you like this for a price so low it's sinful?
why listen to me?
I've been producing, creating, promoting and selling info products since BEFORE the world wide web existed
You can go all the way back to the AOL and Compuserve days. You can go back BEFORE digitally delivered products existed and my garage had manuals and tapes stacked high.
I've created, produced and promoted dozens of products, sent out hundreds, if not thousands, of emails.
Obtained over 250,000 subscribers.
I've been there and done that. And will share with you how YOU can make the exciting transition from being a learner to a DOER, from consuming to promoting.

Announcing My Fast Start Training that walks you through finding your niche, creating a high converting lead magnet, setting up a super high converting email capture page, sending emails and getting sales or responses, and dealing with saturated markets and competition
I've had MANY people ask me on the support desk, Marlon, what do have for the beginner to start out with?
And while I have products that are very, very good. I didn't have one that just really nailed that need.
I finally decided to create a course specifically for newbies and/or those who haven't made their first sales online yet.
It's for beginners, of course. But really, it's for ANYONE stuck on any of the points I've pointed out. That includes advanced topics like dealing with saturated markets and hyper competition.
This is veteran, experienced, hardcore, 100% workable, 100% reality-based, no hype training that will get put you the real, true path to success in marketing.
Here's how it works: I've broken it down into five steps called The Fast Start System. Each step has multiple videos (and sometimes pdf's also) that show you exactly what to do and how to do it.
I not only include my best stuff, but also the absolute cream of the crop curated resources I've uncovered for you.
Now, 5 steps cover everything you need to get started immediately.
For this course, an ebook just won't do it. I needed to be able to go in depth into concepts, as well as show things on my computer screen.
And not only that, when you hear my voice, it delivers the proper emotion behind different sentences. And you feel like you're right there with me. Finally, the webinar lets me SHOW YOU the systems. You just can't do this in a PDF.
There are two BIG benefits to the Fast Start System:
BENEFIT #1 -- Works for all types of products and services:
I don't care what you sell or who you sell it to. This is a time-tested process that will work for you. You'll be able to get started immediately without delay.
BENEFIT #2 -- It works for AFFILIATES, product creators and Info Marketers, Coaches, Authors and everyone else:
If you're an affiliate, I've got you covered. You're an info marketer? I've got you covered. You're a TikTok Creator or Youtube personality. It'll work for you just the same.
BENEFIT #2 -- You get step-by-step instructions, so you know what to do and how to do it:
I know you want to be shown what to do and how to do it step-by-step. So I've got your back.
BENEFIT #3 -- I've thought of every objection and possible sticking point and provide solutions:
I've been doing this full time since 1997. So I know where you're coming from. Whatever your obstacle or sticking point, chances are I've got an answer for it in the System.
BENEFIT #4: Here's the best part:
You'll get instant access to the course material, so you can start RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, next week or next month.
Here are five good reasons to say yes to your new and very exciting future as an internet marketer
1. You get step-by-step, "over-the-shoulder" instructions that shows what I've personally done in my own business very successfully
If you act right now, so you get the bonuses, you'll get over-the-shoulder videos that show you what to do and how to do it -- in addition to the 5 steps of the Fast Start System.
2. You get in-depth trainings and PDF's that cover what you must know
Over-the-shoulder videos are great. But you also need the "Big Picture." Most newbies (and sometimes intermediate people) don't have the benefit of experience. This means they can't see the big picture. Which is like being Captain of a Ship without a map or destination. That's why you in-depth videos and trainings by myself and those I've hand picked for you.
3. You get a huge bonus PDF that contains everything I did to sell 70,000 products online
This is a fast immersion in all the basic concepts it's absolutely critical you know as a newbie. This could easily sell ALONE for the small price I'm asking for the Fast Start System.
4. You get the EXACT template this page was created with
Just replace my text with yours. Or use it as a guideline in creating your own page. You'll get a professionally looking page without spending a lot of money on a designer.
After 7 days, you'll receive a short follow-up survey. As my way of saying thanks for taking the survey, you'll get a copy of the exact sales page template you're seeing now.
5. You'll have unlimited access to ALL course materials at once.
NO waiting week by week for the lessons to be held. Everything is instantly available 24/7.
You'll get videos, templates and example step-by-step processes that you can use immediately to start producing and promoting!
introducing THE FAST START SYSTEM TO GET YOU unstuck and get your marketing system nailed down

You're going to get everything you need to get rocking and rolling in minimum time.
I'll walk you through what to do, why to do it and how to do it every step of the way.
Here are the 5 steps NEW to
Fast Start System 2.0.
Grant Cardone always to ask "Who has my money!" It IS the beginning point. You have to figure out who you're going to make offers to. In marketing, we call this a niche or target audience.
* You'll discover 13 proven niches.
* You'll get real life examples of how to choose your niche.
* You'll get my own personal in-depth training on how to find a niche that fits you like a glove.
This step will get you off to a flying start.
You'll get solutions to every obstacle you likely grapple with.
You'll find out how to overcome the "I'm not an expert" objection.
HOW TO create a hook, freebie using a.i. or your own brain - And 200 leads a month lead magnet case study
You're going to need a GREAT HOOK to break through the noise and get the attention you deserve.
And you're going to need a freebie. And possibly a funnel.
You'll discover how to do it with A.I. if you want. (And even create a whole funnel)
You'll get a breakdown of 3 lead magnets that bring in 200 leads per month for free
You'll discover how to create your HOOK with plenty of examples.
You'll see an actual break down in-depth of a $50,000,000 lead magnet.
You'll get irresistible lead magnet ideas.
You'll get my instructions on how to TIE your hook to a great offer.
You'll get my super spiffy freebie creation cheat sheet.
You'll get a tutorial on how to create your lead magnet in Canva for free.
In short, you'll leave this step with your lead magnet ready to roll.
get a simple email capture page
Swipe this very high-converting email capture page with full permission
Case study: 1,136 opt-ins in just 60 days with this list-building secret
7 headline templates to use on your email capture page
How to set up your email capture page step-by-step in Aweber, or Convert Kit
How to grow your email list for free using this method
You'll finish this step with a high-converting email capture page ready to fly into action building your list for you
get free traffic to your capture page
My complete in-depth PDF on how to get free traffic.
How to generate leads when you have little to no traffic
How to create a list-building blitz so you get leads FAST
How to generate up to 10,000 visitors for a new blog
How to potentially rank on Google in 4 minutes -- demonstrated
How to grow your list fast for beginners
4 practical ways to promote your lead magnet
A super practical method to build your list to 100 or 200 emails for free
How to potentially get your first 10,000 visitors
Case study: 319,000 visitors from Quora
Case study: 30,000 visitors a month from Pinterest
Case study: 1 million page views to a blog
How to blog successfully step-by-step
As you can see, this step is loaded. By the end of it, you'll have found a traffic method that works FOR YOU. And be ready to roll with it.
You get my full training on how I write emails to send to my list and make sales.
This is the FUN part.
It's also the easy part.
It's the part where you get paid.
We'll cover autoresponder basics, writing emails and how to create a converting email sequence.
And the 7 best affiliate networks to promote.
By the end of this module, you'll know HOW to set up your email service and send emails that'll make you sales. Goal accomplished.
The first thing you get is all 5 of the ORIGINAL Fast Start System version 1.0. The original modules are more focused on how to create your OWN products and promote them. Whereas the above steps are designed for affiliate products OR your own. But they don't cover how to CREATE info products. So that's the focus of the original modules.
All 5 In-Depth Powerful Full-Length Trainings From Fast Track 1.0
THE INOCULATION Get a baptism by fire in Internet marketing.
Get inoculated against the constant HYPE, come ons, rip offs and the incessant stream of pitches in your email box and Facebook news feed. Can you handle the truth? Find out...
What do I have to say that's DIFFERENT from other trainings?
A LOT of people only care about making a buck. So they're going to sell their soul to the devil in exchange for a fat commission. I hate to say that but it's a fact.
By the same token, MOST newbies courses are by people who are "just over newbie!" They've never sold 1 million online, not to mention 2, 3, 4, 5 and beyond! I pull back the curtain and give you the big picture of how it's done year after year.
Direct Response Marketing Reloaded
Why marketers will try to convince you this module is obsolete, not unique and irrelevant. And why direct response marketing proves them wrong on every count. What it is, why it works, how it works, why it's the key to marketing your product, service, idea, business, group, organization, location, city, state, country or anything else.!
What do I have to say that's DIFFERENT from other trainings?
Oddly enough, you don't really hear people talking about much about direct response marketing any more. People want to tag it as "old hat," "irrelevant," "too basic," or "obsolete."
Yet, the know how to properly execute it is one of the few things you can spend money on today that will virtually be guaranteed to have more value to your life 5 years from now than it does. And I'm the one person coming to you that explains what it is, how it works and how to make it work for you -- right now, today, no matter what you market.
Secrets of creating and communicating winning Value Equations
Day three is where I open up a whole new world to you. I don't care if you're trying to get your son, daughter or friend a job, get a raise, get new members for your group or organization, start an Internet business, grow a business, market a sports team or even run for political office -- your success or failure depends on having a WINNING VALUE EQUATION and communicating it.
What do I have to say that's DIFFERENT from other trainings?
LOL. No one else teaches this in Internet marketing that I know of. My unique combination of Game theory, expectancy theory and the Value Equation is a potent combo that gives you a big advantage.
"Multiple Feeder Systems," list building and getting sales
Day four is where we bring home the bacon, as they say here in Texas.) Whether you're promoting products and services as an affiliate or as the product creator, you've got to build your list and bring in sales. I have a philosophy I've adopted based on years of experience. It's called "Multiple Feeder Systems."
What do I have to say that's DIFFERENT from other trainings?
Having been in this business full time since 1997, I have very different views than some people on this Multiple Feeder Systems issue. My stance on it changed over time. I also have a BIG difference with some marketers about WHAT Feeder Systems to use and which ones to avoid.
Finally, I teach using a marketing database, a word which is foreign to a LOT of marketing courses, if not most. Yet, it's an absolutely important concept to understand, especially as you begin your career in Internet marketing.
The Marlon Sanders Success System
Day five is an exciting day. Because this is where it all comes together. You get a birds-eye view of the "big picture." This causes all the other pieces of the online marketing puzzle to fall into place. All of a sudden you'll have the ability to sort through your inbox with a totally fresh perspective. You'll "get" online marketing. And more specifically, you'll see what you need to do in order to move forward to success.
What do I have to say that's DIFFERENT from other trainings?
You don't have to read be on very many email lists to find out quickly that the vast majority of marketers
This is not for everyone
Listen, if you're broke and desperate, if you've spent thousands and not made anything, if you can't do basic stuff on the computer or if you're powerless and feel you need someone else to make it happen for you, this is NOT for you.
- I don't want "blood money."
- I don't want you to go in debt to buy this.
- I don't want to take food off your table.
- I don't want to take new clothes away from your kids.
- I don't need your money.
I don't want you to borrow on your life insurance policy or spend your Social Security money nor steal from your retirement savings.
This is for able, capable people who have some basic computer skills, the ability, desire and willingness to learn and who are proactive in life.
BONUSES for ordering before the deadline!
Bonus 1

How to Create And Launch a Product In 7 Days
If you want to go the route of creating your own product, then this training is for you.
I do NOT believe in taking a long time to create products when you're starting out. I believe you should do it in 7 days or less. Or you'll probably never get it done.
This training shows you EXACTLY how to do just that.
Bonus 2

Million Dollar Swipe File
Bonus 3

Step-By-Step Walk Through of An Actual Product I Created A to Z
I've personally found that when someone shows me the REAL behind-the-scenes and what it actually looks like, I'm able to then have 100% more confidence in what I'm doing, why and how.
That's my goal for this product. You can follow along what I do on this video. And you'll end up with your OWN product. How about that?
But remember, you do NOT have to create your own product to benefit from the Fast Start System. All 5 of the new steps I've added apply to affiliates as well as product creators, info marketers, coaches, authors or about anyone else selling anything.
Summary of What You Get
1. You get 5 in-depth steps starting from scratch to find your niche, create a high-converting lead magnet using a template, get traffic, set up and send emails for offers. And, in the end, put money in your pocket. These are brand NEW to the Fast Start System 2.0.
2. You get 5 in-depth training videos around 60-minutes each that give you a crash course in "what you need to know." These are from the original Fast Start System 1.0.
3. You get an in-depth training on how to create a product in 7 days. So if you want to create and sell products, this will get you off to a flying start.
4. You get my Million Dollar Swipe File containing "cream-of-the-crop" emails you can model (fast action bonus 2)
5. Step-by-step walk through of a product I created A to Z.
5. Attractive page template you can put up your sales letter with -- After seven days, you'll receive a short follow-up survey. As my way of saying thanks, you'll get a copy of the exact sales page template you're seeing now.
6. My substitution guarantee. If you aren't thrilled with the product, contact my support desk and I'll replace it with a more suitable product of equal or greater value.
7. Instant digital access 24/7
My Better Than Risk Free substitution guarantee
#1: If for any reason you aren't happy, you get to KEEP the Fast Start System and all the bonuses.
#2: "Better than Risk Free" means I will ALSO give you an additional product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.
How can I do this? That's how confident I am that this system works!
Just think about it. If this system didn't work, would I be in any position to make an offer like this?
The only reason I make this guarantee is I'm very confident you'll love the training and refer to it for years to come like my other customers do. |
start using the FAST START SYSTEM today
If you need assistance to place your order or have any questions just go to and we will be happy to assist you.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders
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