DISCOVER how i raised myself from failure to success in marketing online

starting from scratch with no experience, skills, contacts, lists, crediblity or affiliates, i found success

YOU CAN SWIPE THE SECRETs, avoid the mistakes and


Marlon here.

If you lived my life, if you saw what I saw, if you heard what I heard, could you be more successful, faster?

If all you did was avoid mistakes I've made, you'd succeed many times faster and easier.

Or if you took advantage of the shortcuts and "hacks" I've discovered, you'd success many times faster and easier.

That's what I want to give you today.

When success comes, it often comes in a flood not in little chunks

When success comes, it often comes quickly.

Most people don't know this.   When it rains, it pours. And before you know it, you could have email lists like this:

Not indicative of average results. Your results will vary.

When money comes in a flood, it's intoxicating.  Overnight bills can be erased.  Burdens can vanish.

While these ARE my results, keep in mind they are NOT INDICATIVE of average results. Your results  will vary.

Here's What i've done to give you shortcuts and make success faster, simpler and easier for you

One time I did a training and for 3 1/2 or 4 hours I spilled out all the secrets I learned in a lifetime.  

But I've never sat down and wrote out the most important ones...until now.

Today I sat down at my keyboard and wrote 25-pages that revealed secrets you haven't heard, and I haven't shared before.

Things that can help you succeed faster, simpler and easier.  I know you've heard that from many people.

So let me give you some examples.

"Here's What I'm revealing"

*  How Mark C. became a millionaire by reading manuals.  (Once you understand this one thing, your confidence will soar.  If you think you lack expertise or credibility this is absolute must reading.)

* Why the secret to success is pages 2 through 10

* How I ran my first ad that worked gangbusters (revealing the power of free offers...use this secret immediately)* The stupid simple thing my dad did to become a powerhouse in the TV repair business in OKC

* Why there really is very little competition in spite of appearances

* The key to networking that got me 120 speaking gigs (This is another secret you can use immediately.  Virtually no one does it)* How I learned copywriting that let me earn up to $10,000 for one letter.

* The huge mistake I made in creating one of my first produts that you absolutely must avoid.

* Why there's always one jerk who will give you negative feedback.  The twisted psychology behind it. How it stops most beginners. And how to move beyond it and not get tripped up by it.

* What do you need to do BEFORE you hit a home run?

* Where did I learn to write sales copy?  And what were the 3 big take aways you can profit from asap?

* Where to get free copywriting training that is top drawer

* What you MUST understand about grammar and sales copy, or you'll struggle endlessly

* What if your webinars or sales letters don't convert?

* I finally tripled my income from an ad but screwed up. Don't do this!

* Why you need to know the "code words" marketers use that let you into the inner circle

* What most people should do instead of writing an ebook (My customer created 48 products this way)

* The "double diamond" mistake that most people make (this one is a huge time waster and you want to avoid it. Just stop it).

* Why people think "traffic" is their problem. When it's really something else. (Here's what it really is)

* The key to self confidence, why it matters and how to get it

* Why I read the Lazy Man's Way To Riches aloud time after time after time. (And what YOU can learn from this and apply instantly)

* What right do YOU have to create info products?

* How I read 30 books in a few hours (EXACTLY how to do it)

* Should you create "front end" products over or under $50?  (Here's something no one has told you that my celebrity friend learned from Dan Kennedy)

* Why you should NOT have a 2-level program. And what you should do instead that sold thousands of products for me personally

* The real secret to auto-piloting your business

* Something Corey Rudl told me that made a huge difference for me and I STILL do to this day

* The secret "underground" and controversial books I love and read often, why I do it, and why they "might" be a game changer for you.

* The 12 steps of my Cash Like Clockwork System in a nutshell

How Much Are These Secrets Worth?

I dont' know how much they're worth to you.I know they're some of the most important things I've learned about marketing in my lifetime.

And literally explain how I raised myself from failure to success in online marketing.I know that there are many things...any one of which could make a massive difference in your success.Only you know how much that's worth to you.  I DO know what I'm charging for it which is way too little.But I plan to raise the price.

But Here's a Little Teaser.
That's a total of 27,047 visitors -- for FREE!

My results aren't average nor typical of average results.
Your results will vary, including the possibility of no results.

how I raised myself from failure to success in online marketing 

Here's what you get

You're going to get roughly 20-pages that explain how I raised myself from failure to success in online marketing.

  • I started with no budget
  • I used FREE traffic
  • I started with no contacts
  • I had no idea how to write sales copy
  • I didn't have ANY friends in the business

When you go ahead right now and take fast action today,
you'll get some awesome bonuses

fast action bonuses 


From $2000 to $20,000

The one change that took me from $2,000 a month for $20,000 a month in 30 days.

If you're looking to have a sales breakthrough, an income breakthroughg, a personal change, here's what worked for me personally.

My results aren't indicative of average ones.


The procrastination cure

There's nothing that steals money from you than procrastination.  Yet we all do it.

Here's the cause and the best, simplest, easiest cure I've found. Get in action today and finish those marketing projects!


how to stand out on social media with awesome graphics that are easy and fun to create

“A firm that delivers only modest value but signals it more effectively may actually command a higher price than a firm that delivers higher value but signals it poorly.”

-- Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage


20-PAGE REPORT- How I raised myself from failure to success in online marketing with secrets and insights NOT revealed elsewhere...many of which you can instantly benefit from.

BONUS 1: How I went from $2,000 a month to $20,000 a month in 30 days

BONUS 2: The procrastination cure

BONUS 3: How to stand out on social media with graphics that are fun and easy to create

money back guarantee

I realize you may have a question or two or just not be 100% CERTAIN this is for you now.

It's ok. I'm giving you a 10-day moneyback guarantee to check it out and take it for a trial spin.

If it's not your cup of tea, I'll give you your money back.

Please remember, all marketing, all business, involves the potential for gain or loss.  My results are not typical, so yours will obviously vary for better or worse.

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