If You Don't Have Your Own Product Yet, Don't Have a Sales Letter or Got No Traffic, Here's Your EZ Peazy Answer
"Only Minutes From Now I Guarantee You'll Know Exactly, Precisely How to Choose Your Niche, Write Your Sales Letter, Create Your Product fast and Get Traffic 4 Ways"
Not only that, I guarantee you'll discover new methods and tricks from jme you've never heard before -- from me or anyone else. And I'll make it faster, simpler, and easier than every before -- or you don't owe me a penny
Marlon here.
Have you struggled to create your first product? Or feel like it has to take a long time? Are you stuck finding your niche or think the only info products selling well are "how to make money?"
If any of that sounds familiar or you simply haven't created your first product yet, written your first sales letter or gotten any real traffic that buys, then all of that will change only 30 minutes from now.
I guarantee it.
If you don't know me, my name is Marlon Sanders.
I've been doing this gig full time since 1997 and have created and sold over 70,000 info products. The only reason that matters to you is I know all the tricks, all the shortcuts and how to avoid the big, bad mistakes that can rip your soul out.
I know how to make things as easy peasy as humanly possible. And I'll do all that for you and more. And if you don't think I delivered on that promise, I'll give you your money back. Just post right here. Don't email.
I Can Create Products In My Sleep But For Me, The Struggle Has Been Teaching My Customers (That Means YOU) To Do The Same
Over the years I tried everything under the sun to help my customers find a niche and create info products. Some of them have told me they bought new houses with what I taught.
Others have succeeded wildly. But many have never done jack. And that keeps me up at night. I want so bad for my customers to be able to experience the joy and exhilaration of money coming in overnight.
I thought I'd tried everything. But then in my Fast Track coaching, I stumbled across a new way to teach it. And boom! Lights turned on for people.
See, there are so many new resources that it blows away former limitations. You do NOT have to go to the library anymore and try to find SRDS. You do NOT have to interview people. You do NOT do many of the things I or others taught in the past.
Not only that, it used to be painful to set up member's areas and affiliate programs. Now, you can have drop dead, amazing member's areas to deliver products in within 15 or 30 minutes. In the old days you had to spend money for Camtasia and other expensive software or services. NOT today! It's a new world.
Here Are The Things That Use To Hold My Customers Back From Creating Products:
By Working Hand-In-Hand With My Fast Track Members, I Was Able to Solve These Problems By Using The Latest Breakthroughs and Technology
See, I meet weekly with my Fast Track members. And they're my sounding board for trying out different ideas and testing approaches and methods.
After trial & error, I systematically was able to solve every single one of the problems and obstacles holding people back.
And now, I've put all these new insights, sleek time-saving methods and break approaches into a method I call *Excalibur*.
As you know, Excalibur was the legendary sword of King Arthur slaying any obstacle that got in the way.
If You Have 100 Minutes On The Weekend, You Can Create Your Own Info Product and Be In The "Catbird Seat"
You're either sitting in the catbird seat or you aren't. The profits come to those who sit in the catbird seat, the enviable place of advantages and benefits.
The Excalibur method gives you the simple, boiled down methods that you can use fast to create your first product. It doesn't need to take any longer than that after you've done a few of the prep steps.
When I taught this method in Fast Track, symbols clashed, lights flashed, people really saw how fast and easy it could be done. And now, Excalibur delivers that same AHA to you also.
Here's All The Benefits ExcalIbur Gives You Within 20 Minutes From Now In My New MMM 33-Page PDF ...
Thousands and Thousands of Sales Prove This Method Works
Not only do I have 70,000 sales to prove I know just a little about how to do this but the "Jeffries Method" I teach created thousands and thousands of sales also. The Excalibur Method is massively tested and proven. All you do is add water.
You Get Special Bonuses For FREE!
As you know, I always like to add some bonuses as your reason for acting now. Scarcity is a powerful motivator. I want you to have the bonuses and I know you don't want to miss out on the goodies. So check out below for your extra "fast action" reward for being a fast action taker.
Here's WHY I'm Selling This Way To Stinkin' Cheap
This is GREAT info. I could easily be charging much more.
Here are examples of what I COULD be charging if I packaged this up a little fancier. Obviously, they don't sell for this. But I'm convinced they could.
Based on the total values above, you can you can easily see I could sell this system for about $135, or more. Why?
Because you could spend so much money and time in trying to figure this stuff out. However, I won't charge you that price, because I know around 80% of buyers will likely purchase OTHER products I have.
For example, you might want to snag my Big Course, Cash Like Clockwork System or Produce Promote.
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