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after 33 years of combined list building,
david perdew and marlon sanders reveal...
the 11 list building methods that actually work -- and you can start using them 94 minutes from now
Just one free method built a list of 50,353
From: David Perdew and Marlon Sanders
Would you prefer to spend 33 years of your life testing different list building methods?
Or would you rather save 33 years? And just get to the good stuff immediately?
For example's sake, let's say the average person makes $51,480 USD (pounds or whatever your currency is).
That was the average U.S. income in 2021 before all this inflation hit.
Anyway, multiply that times 33 years. And it's a stunning $1,698,840.
But relax. Take a deep breath.
You're not going to pay that for these 11 methods.
Because right here, right now, I'm going to save you over $1 million dollars by giving you the 11 methods that really work...and work right now....for a fraction of that.
Happy you're reading this letter, aren't you?
Well, strap in. It gets every better...
The Single List Building Method That Turned David Perdew From a Wannabe With Hardly Any List To a "Power Player" Only
12 Months Later
Listen....if you haven't heard of David Perdew, it's shocking.
Because David founded the Novice to Advanced Marketing System. Or NAMS for short.
To start with, David had a list of less than 1,000.
No one knew him. Things looked bleak.
Then, maybe it was his lucky day. Because he met Mentor Mark.
And before Mark's time on this earth ran out, he shared with David the one list building secret that changed his life -- to this very day and minute.
Just doing this one thing, a year later he was a Power Player with a cash cow list paying him money every day. Not to mention the admiration and respect of others.
Mark passed on. But his one great list building secret was passed on to his greatest protege...David.
Every week and every year since then, David has used this amazing list building method to enjoy his life.
By the 20th time he used this method, he had a list of 20,000! That's an addition of 1,000 emails to his list every time he used it!
And today? You curious how he's doing TODAY?
Well get this: His list is now more than 50,353 -- all on the back of this ONE method!
Freaking incredible.
So if you want a list of 10,000, it makes sense to use the method 10 times, right? If you want a list of 20,000, guess what? You do it 20 times! That's right. Winner winner chicken dinner.While there are no guarantees, these are David's numbers.
David has generated more than $124,000 since with replays and affiliate commissions from just ONE use of his "secret method" taught to him by Mark.
Last week, he used the method for one hour (another and added 347 people to the list and made more than $12,000.
He used the method 2 more times this year and generated more than $35k from those. And added more than 1200 people to our list.
Let me caution you one more time and emphasize that David's results aren't indicative of average results. But they are his results. And he believes strongly you can succeed greatly with this method just as he has.
Here's Why David Wants To Pass On This Method to You Just As Mentor Mark Passed It On To Him Before His Time Ran Out
Let me remind you.
David started with NO CONNECTIONS.
No book.
No clue.
And how he's sharing this method. He's paying back his mentor for sharing the method with him by passing it on to another generation of marketers.
In short, it's payback time.
See, the other day I (Marlon Sanders) interviewed David on a training where he shared his secret method IN DETAIL.
And explained:
* How it works
* Why it works
* And how to do it
Let me be blunt. If you have a small or medium list, or you're starting from scratch, this method could potentially be your path to a 20,000 list (or more) like David has.
And income that gives you a great lifestyle just like David enjoys.
But Guess What? This Is Only ONE Of The 11 Powerhouse List Building Methods You're About To Discover
After David spilled the beans on his amazing method, Marlon took the stage and couldn't be out done!
You probably know Marlon from The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy, Push Button Letters, The Big Course, Cash Like Clockwork and the Four Step System, to name a few.
Well, Marlon dug into bag of secrets and pulled out his top 10 list-building methods working RIGHT NOW.
And one of them, you can start using 10 minutes.
I'll tell you about this in a minute.
But if you're already ready, then let me introduce you to a powerful offer...
introducing the perdew-sanders
evergreen list building methods

David and I got together on an epic training and spilled the beans about our list-building methods.
Which means you don't need to spend 33 years like we did cherrypicking the best methods that really work.
Instead, all you need to do is click the Add to Cart button right now. And you can have instant acccess. And get started building your list within 10 minutes.
But I know you might be curious about the OTHER 10 methods that Marlon shares. So here's the scoop...
1. The Carnegie Method that opens doors, gets you promoted to lists, and takes you places you never dreamed you could go
I call this one the Carnegie method.
It's my "go-to" method I've used since 1997. The first time I used it, I ended up making $5,000 a week from it (result not typical).
It doesn't cost any money.
But it opens doors for you. Gets people to mail their lists. And so much more.
Use it anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
Best of all, almost no one uses this. Which means it'll easily become your "bread-and-butter" method.
But it doesn't stop there.
2. The Gardyne Method for an endless flow of leads and affiliates
This one made me a great deal of money. Imagine having an endless flow of leads, affiliates and potential buyers.
You only need to do one of these to rake in a small fortune.
3. The Beneteau Method of blowing up an affiliate program
I never expected this one to blow up. But it did.
Best of all, you can implement in a click of your mouse at the right time. It's designed to make your traffic grow without you.
4. The best viral method in the world that requires nothing special
You can implement this one in just a day or two. Then after that you just duplicate it. And swap out a few things.
Oddly enough, this is another one very few people do for whatever reason. Which means you'll be positioned to pick up low hanging fruit.
5. The automated affiliate magnet
Whenever possible, I prefer an automated system to manual labor.
This is an automated system that works like a magnet to attract affiliates who can promote for you.
The way I see it there are 2 choices in list building:
1. You spray and pray and hope you build your list
2. You do the things known to build a list and profits
The final 5 list building secrets that can make your list soar
What's kinda cool about these list building methods is it's like a buffet -- you get to pick and choose the ones that work for YOU
6. The shopping cart freebie trick that works like a charm, sucking up leads AND sales -- almost invisibly
I love this little method. It's an almost invisible way to build your list. But not only that, you make money while you do it! And people will love you for it.
7. The Amazing Freebie Method
I knew a guy named Brian who used this method. On the phone he told me he had to do NO promotion or list building. Because of this method, it all happened automatically.
And he made a ton of sales from it. I've done it too. And I can tell you that once you set it in motion, it can take on a life of its own, building your list for you.
8. The Perdew-Sanders Method
It's the method that caused David and I to collaborate on multiple projects. And, in fact, I've done this multiple times throughout my career. It works great.
Best of all, it doesn't cost you money. It makes you money.
9. The odd method I borrowed from a legendary business down the street.
And it started a whole trend in the industry. But most people don't understand. I explain the real origins. And how you can use it too.
10. The 5-minute promo method
Use this within 5 minutes of getting your hands on it.
I LOVE this method. If fact, I think I'll use it today.
warning: Don't buy any product about list building unless it meets these criteria
Not all that glitters is gold.
Don't buy any product or training about list building unless it meets these criteria:
1. The people teaching the method have the experience to actually know what works and what doesn't.
David and I have a combined 33 years of experience. We won't lead you down blind alleys.
2. Make sure the methods aren't short-term hits that won't work long
I see so many methods like this.
They sound good in theory. But could be here today and almost worthless tomorrow.
David and I teach only long term strategies that are evergreen.
3. Don't buy any product that promises to mass submit stuff to Youtube, Pinterest, Google, or anywhere else.
Time and time again I see these mass, automated submissions programs fail.
What sounds like a timer saver transforms into a huge time waster. Don't go there.
Instead, use tested and proven strategies that are your best chance to build a list that makes you continual sales like a cash cow.
Here's how to get started now with the perdew-sanders list building methods
Step One: Just click add to cart. And purchase.
Step Two: Kick back and watch the training. You'll enjoy because it's non-stop, exciting methods.
Step Three: Then pick which method or methods you want to get started with.
Or just watch the quickstart video on how to get started building your list in the next 10 minutes.
That's how easy it is to get started.
Here Are Just A Few Other benefits of the perdew-sanders list building methods
here's proof it works!
Here's just some of my traffic.

And a nice build up of emails in Aweber. To be fair, I greatly reduced the size of the list to appease the list deliverability gods. But this is proof I know a bit about list building.
The REAL proof is this: I've been doing this gig full time since 1997.
And David is renowned for his NAMS organization.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating!
Take Action Before This Offer Expires And Get 6 ROCKIN' Bonuses!
Here's what you get when you order today:
1. You'll get the home study recording of the training with David and Marlon.
2. You get a TRANSCRIPT of the event you can print out and read wherever you want. Or read it on your phone or table.
3. When you get this offer, you'll be added to BOTH my email list and David's. And get invaluable insights and special offers. (Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time. But you won't want to.
4. You get the following 6 awesome bonuses:
Case Study: How I Got 1 Out Of Every 102 People In The World Surfing With An English Browser To Visit One Of My Websites
You'll get the BONUS book PDF on how I created crushing traffic. I give you an a to z behind-the-scenes breakdown. And pull out all the key points you can apply to your OWN business and traffic. That way, you have the power to build your list bigger and faster than ever before.
David's Implementation Workbook
David Perdew gives you a complete A to Z deep dive implementation training on his method. If you're ready to rolls, David gives you the exact step-by-step "how to's."
How To Get Free Traffic Starting 10 Minutes From Now -- And Build Your List
I get it. You need traffic. And you don't want to pay for ads. I don't blame you.
That's what my specialty is free traffic where you don't pay a dime on advertising. This bonus has the power to unleash the literal floodgates of traffic for you like it did for me.
The great thing is, this method is so simple you can start 10 minutes from now!
List Building Calendar

You get day-by-day, step-by-step guidance for 4 weeks to walk you through building your email list.
List Building Step-By-Step Instructions

You want step-by-step instructions. Here they are for you!
Subscriber List Checklist

This tidy checklist will keep you on the straight and narrow while you get 'er done. Stay on track!
Your Order is 100% Safe, Secure, Risk Free and Fully Guaranteed!
Contrast those to my way of doing business:
Because I'm absolutely, positively so confident in The Perdew-Sanders List Building Mehtods, I'll make this ironclad guarantee.
Get The Perdew-Sanders List Building Methods. Put it to your acid test. If for any reason whatsoever you're dissatisfied with the product, return it within 7 days for a full, 100% refund. No hassles. No problems.
You can post a refund request 24/7 at www.getyoursupport.com
That's how confident I am in this Secret.
To order the Perdew-Sanders List Building Methods just click the ADD TO CART button below. You can pay using any major credit card, e-check, or from your PayPal account balance.
The Perdew-Sanders List Building Methods product is digitally delivered, along with the bonuses so you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to everything you've just read about. Works for both PC and Mac users.
If you need assistance to place your order or have any questions just go to http://www.getyoursupport.com and Tim would be happy to assist you.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders and David Perdew
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