Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate.
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What Does It Mean If Hardly Anyone
Is Buying Your Bonus Offers? What Should
You Do?
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
This includes my products as well as the products of others. I hope you promote my products. But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value. More in a minute.
The back issues are here.
Can you imagine making $356,359 in a year by doing affiliate product interviews?
That's the topic today. You will discover:
* The REAL difference between almost no affiliate sales on a promotion and big sales
* How Mike did $356,359 last year just interviewing people about their launches and sticking the interviews on Youtube.
* What should you do if your bonus stacks don't make sales?
Give or take some change, that's exactly what Mike Thomas does.
How do we know?
Because from October 2011 to December, 2019, he published a complete, very detailed income earnings report on his website.
The reason I'm publishing this report is I know it's common for you to bust your tail end to do some bonuses for a launch. Or to interview the creator / vendor.
And it just FALLS FLAT.
Most people think they did something wrong.
Mike From Maine has an answer to this problem in his publicly published sales data.
If you don't Mike From Maine, almost daily he interviews someone about a launch and puts the video on Youtube. And he publishes a review on his blog that includes the video.
He usually includes some bonuses for buying through his link. He gets his bonuses from Resell Rights Weekly (and probably other places).
In November of 2019 he sold $47,541.72 of affiliate products and a launch. What's GREAT is to study Mike's earlier years when he wasn't launching products much.
As his business stands today a significant part of his income each month is from launches.
Still, he made some really nice affiliate commissions in November, so let's look at it.
On a product called Invisible he made $1034.66.
On StorieBot, he made $882.66
From FB Engagr, he made $754
From Revvoicely, he made $742
From VideoSeeder Pro he made $342
Again, you can read the stats for yourself in his Income report here.
Here are his affiliate links if you want t o check any of them out:
Invisible: $1,034.66 from review and interview with Brendon Mace
StorieBot: $882.66 from review and interview with Joshua Johnson
FB Engagr: $754 from review and interview with Seun Ogundele
Revoicely: $742.64 from review and interview with Ali El Majdaoui
VideoSeeder Pro: $342.41 from review and interview with Cyril Gupta
Lead App: $235 from review and interview with Chad Nicely
Speaq: $211 from review and interview with Brad Stephens
VidScratch Agency: $201.96 from review and interview with Ben Murray
MugJam: $189.50 from review and interview with Todd Gross
You might be thinking, WOW! He's killing it on those interviews. And yes, he did great on them.
But if you scroll down the list, what you'll see a LOT of the interviews and product reviews bombed:
nfluencers Hub: $29.50 from review and interview with Jai Sharma
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
AudioFlow: $28.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
InstaZign: $27.28 from review and interview with Brett Ingram
MobiFirst: $25.86 from review and interview with Scotty Carter
Video Marketing Blaster: $23.50 from review and interview with Ali G.
AdReel: $22.20 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
Atomic DFY: $21.74 from review and interview with Brendan Mace
Real Specific: $18.50 from review and interview with Shane Brooks
eCom Pages: $16.45 from review and interview with Mo Aguel
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Vidgeos: $13.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Mapify 360: $13.50 from review and interview with Adrian Isfan
Jvzoo Academy: $11.10 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Software Commission Magic: $7.40 from review and interview with Mario Brown
Shopabot: $5.99 from review and interview with Cindy Donovan
What If You ONLY Did Interviews and Bonuses For The Products On The Bottm Of That List That Only Made $4 to $15 Commissions?
You'd probably think that you sucked and the method sucked.
In reality, it's a numbers game.
Mike's method relies on Youtube for traffic. So, I imagine, some of the videos rank better than others. Or maybe some of them simply have more people searching for that launch product.
This Mentality Applies To ANY Method You're Using
If you Only Do It 5 or 10 Times And Give Up If IT Doesn't Work, You Didn't Give The Chance For The Numbers To Work
You have to give the numbers a chance to work.
Let me point out you do NOT have to do daily interviews like Mike does, unless you want to make something similar to the money he does.
You CAN work at your pace.
Just understand that 1 or 2 out of 10 interviews and/or reviews will probably sell.
And the others will bomb.
At the same time, when Mike started doing the interviews in October of 2012, he STILL got $2000+ in commissions that month. But he'd been working on getting traffic to his site for a year by then.
In other words, you should see SOME commissions if you're d oing a bunch of reviews and interviews with your own bonuses.
Remember, Mike uses PLR for his bonuses. When you're doing as many interviews as he does, you don't have time to do custom bonuses every day.
This Is NOT The Only Way To Promote Affiliate Products
You do NOT have to go do interviews if it isn't your thang.
But whatever you do, you DO need to understand the Law of Numbers and how it works.
I hope this gives you deep insight into what a highly successful affiliate does and what his keys are.
Let's answer the questions:
* The REAL difference between almost no affiliate sales on a promotion and big sales
The difference is NOTHING. Some work and some don't.
* How Mike did $356,359 last year just interviewing people about their launches and sticking the interviews on Youtube.
He interviews a lot of people and does a lot of reviews.
* What should you do if your bonus stacks don't make sales?
Add more numbers to your promotions. Increase your activity.
If you study Mike's reports, you'll see that as it stands today, you'll see not only does he cash in monthly with launch commissisons, not only does he hit winners fairly often, he also gets a good portion of his income is from launches.
What if you could create products faster and easier than you may think? Which would mean that you could end up with multiple products sending you passive sales each month.
What if you could get other affiliates to send you their traffic, so you get sales from their activity, instead of your own?
That means:
1. Others would be promoting YOUR products instead of you ONLY promoting products by others. This gives you relatively passive income.
2. Each month you'd be getting income from 2 sources not just one. So you have the chance to double your income.
3. Your income from your launches grows your lists, which then allows you to make more affiliate commissions.
If that sounds good to you, you'd really enjoy my Take The Lid Off Your Income in 30 days program.
1. You'll discover how to easily and quickly come up with ideas, productize them and roll 'em out in a jiffy
2. You'll get my proven, tested methods which means you won't be trying to reinvent the wheel. Forget trial and error. It's expensive, time consuming and sucks.
3. You'll get my traffic methods, so you cann get eyeballs on your offers.
Here's how Take The Lid Off Your Income works.
It's broken down into 4 modules.
In Module 1, I show you my "go to" method for finding high "hit rate" prdouct ideas almost on demand.
You'll never see the world the same after this module. Which means it'll be like you're wearing money goggles and see income opportunities all around you.
Here's a sample of what's in it:
* Be able to spot "high value" opportunities in an instant
* Know exactly why people will buy your product. Know what the "play" is and the compelling reason why
* Get my step-by-step proven method for banging out your own $10 "bread-and-butter" products
* While others struggle to come up with "high value" Specialized Knowledge" products, you'll be confident in your ideas
* Nail your Facebook posts, ads and emails for why someone will benefit from buying
* The Superfly Research method that gives you t he power to create drop dead Specialized Knowledge products starting with no expertise or credentials
* How to dig out "gold" and "hidden gems" on almost any topic in only a few hours (and have your friends thinking you've been at it for years)
In Module 2, I lay out a very simple paint-by-numbers template for your sales copy using my "Talking Points" method
Most people really struggle with what to say and how to make it all flow together.
That won't be a problem for you because I'll lay it all out.
* How to use my "Talking Points Method" to make creating your pitches, presentations and offers as simple as pie
* How is a $55 sales offer different from a $97 or $197? Even veterans and "old-timers" will find this difference enlightening.
* Special for veterans and "old-timers" like me -- The single best step-by-step webinar pitch and sales psychology training I've ever heard or seen. It's free if you know where to look. Lock down those big ticket sales!
* Have clear "followable" "Talking Points" for the 3 sales
* My "Yes, you can do this" Talking Points that make your confidence soar and fatten your pocketbook
* Feel confident in the "psychology of the sale"
* Why Signals of Value are a game change and how to use 'em like a pro (gets you paid premium prices for your Specialized Knowledge)
Module 3 is Rapid Product Creation -- How to Get Highly Valuable Products Out Fast
Money loves speed. So this is the speed part. You’ve got to be able to create valuable products. But also get them out fast. At least, when you need to.
You know, when push comes to shove, you’ve got to get products out.
Need money? Get products out and promoted. It’s very simple. This isn’t rocket science. We use the Over / Under formula in Module 1 to find opportunity. They are everywhere in any niche.
Then we create sales copy. Then the product. And we get traffic.
* How do you rapidly create products with high perceived value?
* How do you create a machine that churns out products with a minimum of time on your part?
* How to set up your autoresponder email for free
* How to deliver your products at no cost, so you get started on a shoestring budget if that's what you got
* How do you take money?
* What about the shopping cart?
* What about funnels?
* What about Stripe vs. Paypal?
* How to create and deliver your products without spending hardly and money, so youve little or no risk other than your time
* All those nagging questions answered!
* For veterans, the latest scoop that lets you scale faster, simpler and easier.
Module 4 is Free Traffic That Sells
The thing is, to make the money roll in, you need eyeballs on your offers. But when you're starting out, you don't want to spend money to do that.
Paid traffic is a great way to scale. But when you're starting out, you don't want to take risk. So you need free traffic. And I've got free traffic for you in spades!
* How to build an audience and get free traffic using a secret method hardly anyone knows. This really works!
* My "Flywheel Trafffic" method that gives you a clear path to getting traffic on "semi auto pilot"
* How to pour on the free traffic and scale up sales fast
* How to sale up your business to a full-time living using the Master Matrix (You'll be clear on how you make it happen)
* Copy and paste system for getting traffic.
* For veterans and "old-timers", I've got awesome "secret tuts" for you on how to scale up Youtube and Facebook traffic to $20k a day. This is the single best "clear path" to scaling without launches I've seen.
Other products with this sort of high-level information have sold for $2,000, and are worth every penny of it.
Normally, you'd have to buy my own $2,000 Amazing Formula Home Study Course to get access to my deeper secrets like this.
If you were to try to figure this out on your own, you'd likely spend far, far more than $2,000 doing it. Not to mention your time.
That's why you can get this for 3 payments of $300 or save $200 by making one payment of $700.
However, I'm doing one better for you as an Affiliate Success Letter subscriber. If you get this TODAY, I'm willing to give you an even bigger discount of $166/month for 3 months.
Or you can get it on payment for $397, whiich is normally ONLY available as a One Time Offer.
Because I'm so confident you're going to love the secrets in my product that I'm willing to take all the risk by putting my money where my mouth is.
I'm giving you a full 7 day, satisfaction guaranteed, moneyback guarantee.
If for any reason you aren't satisfied with the product, just post to my support desk, and we'll refund your money.
I'm taking all the risk.
That's how confident I am you're going to love this product.
At worst, you get your money back. At best, you discover a new way to make sales, get traffic and ignite your offers or affiliate sales.
In addition, if you get it today, I'm going to give you an amazing bonus: The LITTLEKNOWN, 279-PAGE BOOK ON HOW TO PROFIT FROM REPEAT HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
You can't likely find or buy this at any price, as it's a rare, virtually unkown book from the early 1900's. It's incredibly brilliant and insightful into how to profit from human behavior and predict what people will respond to or buy. There's never been another book like it to my knowledge. You'll get it "from the horse's mouth.".
In addition, you get two live Fast Track trainings where you can actually ask your questions and get straight answers. Normally, you'd have to pay $97 for a month to get access. But I don't even sell 1-month.
Bonus 3 for acting today is on How to Find The Time To Do Your Marketing. I found an incredible video I'll pass along to you that does the best job I've ever seen anywhere of showing how to find the time. If you feel you don't have the time to do marketing, your mind will be on fire after you watch this training. And it'll be all steam ahead!
I can't guarantee this price or bonus will be available later on. I often switch up offers. And this one could change this week.
To recap, you get the complete Take The Lid Off Your Income In 30 Days 4-Module Course, so you can benefit from my system and don't have to reinvent the wheel.
You get the amazing 279-page book on how to profit from repeat human behavior.
You get the video on how to find the time for your marketing. If you struggle with time, this can be a real game changer.
And then you get two live Fast Track trainings so you can get your questions answered, and don't stwe with questions you don't have answers to.
You're protected by my 100% satisfaction guarantee.
But I urge you to act today, as the price or bonuses could change as soon as this week. Click here now.