This 1952 secret method for getting new customers has been hidden for over 72 years -- until now
no Ads. no posting on Socials. ban proof.
all the prospects you need automatically.
But not only is it powerful, it eliminates all the b.s. of dealing with ads on social media or filming TikTok videos or spamming people using expensive software
Bonuses and Modules
New bonus 27: (9/22) How to automate your client acquisition
New bonus 26: (9/22) He's an introvert but still closes 80% of sales calls
New bonus 25 Use A.I., automation and sales funnels to get clients
New bonus 24 (9/22) You won't believe the book cover you can make in Canva. This is cool. DIY and save money.
New bonus 23 (9/22) Must watch classic 2 hour video on how to make bookoos bucks by sending emails.
New bonus 22 (9/22) Here's a formula to potentially write video sales letters that sell the lights out (High quality 57-minute training you need)
New bonus 21 (9/22) How to create a free book marketing funnel. And the best part is, it WORKS!
New bonus 20 (9/22) The BEST free automated lead generation strategy in 2024?
New bonus 19 (9/20) How to find the people who have your money
New bonus 18 (9/20) 30 leads in 30 days challenge
New bonus 17 (9/20) How to fill your pipeline with ideal clients
New bonus 16 (9/19) After spending 4,265 hours on Linked In, she discovered 7 Linked In hacks so good they feel Illegal
New bonus 15 (9/19) Cold email masterclass -- he sends 1,500,000 emails per month and share the nitty gritty. Epic video.
New bonus 14 (9/19) He hunkered down and researched 100+ digital products. He says these 7 are the ones that have the possibility of making you rich
New bonus 13 (9/19) No phone closing $1k-$10k / month services with loom videos (this is how you sell premium priced offers without calls)
New bonus 12 (9/19) Want high ticket or premium sales? This 30-minute presentation framework shows you how. It's a goodie.
New bonus 11 (9/19) Think webinars don't work today? Here's the REAL ins and outs of how to use them in funnels (You need to hear this now!)
New bonus 10 (9/17) - How to close 30% of your audience with webinars
New bonus 9 (9/17) -- How this bald dude generates 1083 leads a month with webinars
New bonus 8 (9/17) - One effortless method to create endless HIGH PAYING clients
New bonus 7 (9/17) - Automated webinars, live webinars, vsl -- what's the best funnel?
New bonus 6 (9/17 - How she got new ideal copywriting clients using lumpy mail
New bonus 5 (9/17) - How to use LinkedIn events to fill webinars
New Bonus 4 (9/17) How to fill masterclasses and webinars using Linked In
Bonus 3: The extra little "something-something" that creates a bridge between the lead and the sales presentation, letter, webinar or video -- so that you turn leads into sales more easily with less effort
Bonus 2: Primo videos on how to set up automated marketing oil wells that pump you new customers week in and out. This is NOT the Automated Prospecting Method but it's highly related and will also apply to you.
Bonus 1: How to set up a critical part of the automated prospecting process that would cause most people to stop dead in their tracks and never move beyond it
Module 1:
IN-DEPTH 51-page report that gives you the whole method in all its simplicity
We start off by going back to 1952 and seeing how a genius marketer did automated prospecting way the heck back then. Written by yours truly!
Module 2
This book is like a ghost.
You may know it exists. But you can't see or find it. It's NOT available through Google books or the other rare book finders you probably know about.
I only found ONE SECRET BACKDOOR where you can access the entire digital book online -- legally!
Module 3
Complete 90--minute video deep dive and brainstorm on the Automated Prospecting Method that will light your brain on fire.
Module 4
Second amazing book that includes a chapter with even more details on the original Automated Prospecting method BEFORE the Internet even existed!
From: Marlon Sanders
Helotes, TX
Re: Your marketing
Marlon here.
I told my friend Joe Lee about this.
I gave him only 1/4 of the info you'll get in my top secret manual.
Within 1 minute his brain lit up with ideas. And he got very excited.
He said, "I NEVER thought about this! Why didn't I think of this? It was right there in front of me all the time."
That's why I'm confident to promise you that within the first 5 minutes after reading this report, you brain will also light up with new opportunities you never dreamed of, even if you promote affiliate products.
And within short order of springing into action on this underground marketing system, you're going to see leads coming in and be blown away by these 4 things:
1. Ban proof -- The method is ban proof. Which means you can rely on it day in and out without worries.
2. Consistent flow of new leads from people who WANT to talk to you -- This is the beauty of it. New people will enter your funnel every week.
3. Scale it up or down -- You can use it to get a small amount of leads each week. Or a boatload. It's up to you.
4. You don't need to be "an expert" to make it work for you. It's NOT like FB, Youtube or Google ads where you have to practically become an expert or a genius to get affordable leads without getting banned.
5. Use it with or without the Internet. I think the Internet makes it 100x faster and easier. But if you're old school, you don't even need to use it.
6. Chat GPT can turbo charge it. So while you don't need the Internet, I must say that Chat GPT can make this "duck's soup."
7. No one will ever figure out how you're getting your leads! This is 100% stealth and hidden from the prying eyes of competitors.
You want leads. You want sales. That's what this long ago forgotten underground marketing system gives you the greatest chance of getting.
But we've just scratched the surface..
In this information, you'll discover:
What to do if you're attracting people who don't buy
Virtually unlimited sources of automatic leads limited only by your imagination and creativity
How the creator of this method was recognized for selling a million bucks a year 12 years in a row -- in the 1940's.
How to use this method to get prospects who are in high income brackets
One of the system creator's main source of leads -- and how you can use this same method today
The bizarre place you can get a whole book written on this method by the creator (It's NOT in Google books nor other typical sources. I accidentally stumbled across this one)
The secret to having a continuous flow of new prospects
The odd incentive that increased response to 10%
Actual examples of the "secret sauce" that brings in the leads
Examples of how to follow up on the leads
The simple "workflow" that caused the prospecting to be automated
Tons of examples and ideas for how you can do this in 2024-2025 and beyond
But we're NOT done yet! Why no one else will be prospecting these leads
The law of motion and what it has to do with you getting targeted leads
How to find the person most likely to buy from you
How to combine automatic prospecting with a Scorecard, book or lead magnet
Where to get customized leather journals for only $6.50 (and how to use them if you so desire)
The 3-step automated prospecting method with 2 optional steps
How to potentially have a non-stop flow of prospects in your funnel -- when no one else is contacting them -- a blue ocean
Step-by-step specifics on each of the steps of the method. No stone is left unturned
How to write emails using a.i. tools
Get A.I. to write your email sequences for you
How to increase your response by 40%
Ideas for beginners, intermediate AND advanced marketers -- all spelled out
Who Is This Training For?
If you market books on Amazon, coaching, PLR products, Kindle books, info products, ideas, a group or organization, a business, affiliate products,a cause, a city, state or even a country or political movement, and obviously a product or service, then absolutely THIS TRAINING IS FOR YOU!
In fact, more than that. It's vital for your success now and in the next 12 months.
You're going to be getting the kind of nitty gritty training I'm known for.
And you're going to get training you can use IMMEDIATELY to make sales and an instant impact.
why listen to me?
I've been producing, creating, promoting and selling info products since BEFORE the world wide web existed
You can go all the way back to the AOL and Compuserve days. You can go back BEFORE digitally delivered products existed and my garage had manuals and tapes stacked high.
I've created, produced and promoted dozens of products, sent out hundreds, if not thousands, of emails.
Obtained over 250,000 subscribers.
I've been there and done that. And will share with you how YOU can make the exciting transition from being a learner to a DOER, from consuming to promoting.

Announcing My NEW automated prospecting TRAINING THAT GIVES YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO START automatically filling your pipeline with quality prospects who have the money to buy -- best of all, it's ban proof!
This is a long ago forgotten method that is so powerful. And perfect since Google has cracked clamped down on email delivery with a freaking vice grip.
Here are the BIG BENEFITS to my Automated prospecting training:
BENEFIT #1 -- Works for all types of products and services:
I don't care what you sell or who you sell it to. This is a time-tested process that will work for you. You'll be able to get started immediately without delay.
BENEFIT #2 -- It works for AFFILIATES, product creators and Info Marketers, Coaches, Authors and everyone else:
If you're an affiliate, I've got you covered. You're an info marketer? I've got you covered. You're a TikTok Creator or Youtube personality. It'll work for you just the same.
BENEFIT #3 -- You get the type of nitty gritty step-by-step instructions I'm known for, so you know what to do and how to do it:
I know you want to be shown what to do and how to do it step-by-step. So I've got your back.
BENEFIT #4: Here's the best part:
You'll get instant access to the course material, so you can start RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, next week or next month.
Here are THREE good reasons to say yes to getting the real secrets and strategies of automated prospecting now!
1. Automated Prospecting works for all types of business from info products to coaching to affiliate marketing to all types of businesses
What I love about two-step marketing is it works for all types of businesses for all kinds of products and services, whether you have no budget or a big budget.
2. You can uses this method the rest of your life. It has been working since before 1952.
So much of the time people buy trainings that ONLY work for that business. And may be short lived. But two-step marketing is something you can use the rest of your life with confidence.
3. You get multiple PDF's plus videos that explain everything for you
I give you both PDF's and videos. So you can soak up the info however works best for you.
4. You'll have unlimited access to ALL course materials at once.
NO waiting week by week for the lessons to be held. Everything is instantly available 24/7.
You'll get videos, templates and example step-by-step processes that you can use immediately to start producing and promoting!
introducing THE AUTOMATED PROSPECTING SYSTEM TO attract the right prospects and get them to give you your money!
You've NOT seen, read or heard of this method. Yet, it's incredibly genius and effective

You're going to get everything you need to get rocking and rolling in minimum time. I'll walk you through what to do, why to do it and how to do it every step of the way.
Complete in-depth video training on how to generate leads that will open your mind to the endless possibilities with this method
The 3-step lead generation system with 2 optional steps
Do you have competition or find that it's hard to stand out in all the noise? You'll have a big sigh of relief with the Automated Prospecting Method
How to get a response and what to do when you do get one
And much more.
Here's how you implement AUTOMATED PROSPECTING
This is a simple method with only a few steps
This is critical.
See, you get to decide WHO you want to attract. If you don't like your customers, they're broke, they're negative, or whatever the issue is, you have a hiccup in your customer attraction system.
The secret is it uses an entirely NEW way to do this that no one I've heard of has used since 1942. (Maybe they're out there, but I've sure not heard of them)
and it ban proof
We are NOT contacting the same old, same old tired, worn out people everyone else does. And we aren't doing it the same WAY they do.
This is an entirely fresh and refreshing method that frees you from spamming people, direct messaging like a mad person or paying out the nose for ads that can get you banned just for running them. This is BAN PROOF.
get people TO SEE YOUR OFFER
I share with you the resources you need to do this.
This is where we tap into some new, super cool technology. Or we can go as old school as you want. With or without the Internet, it all works.
You'll get several optional boosters you can add on if you want. These are more advanced and optional. But if you're an advanced marketer, you'll love these.
module 1
IN-DEPTH 51-page report that gives you the whole method in all its simplicity
We start off by going back to 1952 and seeing how a genius marketer did automated prospecting way the heck back then.
After that, we'll dive into the specifics of how to implement it.
And we'll look at the ways you can modernize this for 2024 and 2025. No stone will be left unturned.
This book is like a ghost.
You may know it exists. But you can't see or find it. It's NOT available through Google books or the other rare book finders you probably know about.
I only found ONE SECRET BACKDOOR where you can access the entire digital book online -- legally!
You're going to freak out when you read the genius ideas inside this rare work.
Normally, I'd never make this recording available outside of Fast Track coaching.
But I want you to see the incredible brainstorms and content you've been missing out on. So I'm actually giving you a recording where we DEEP DIVED into this method, brainstormed and applied it to each person's business.
You'll see the wild flow of insights, ideas and takeaways. And as you do, your brain will light on fire with the possibilities and methods you can use for your OWN lead generation.
Turns out this genius marketer didn't write just one book.
He has a SECOND book where he spent a full chapter covering details of his Automatic Prospecting method that weren't covered in the FIRST book!
This is a rare treat. Because the whole book is amazing. But especially the chapter with even more details on his genius Automated Prospecting method!
You'll be one of the ONLY people on the Internet using this incredible method. And you'll know all the nuances of using it.
This is not for everyone
Listen, if you're broke and desperate, if you've spent thousands and not made anything, if you can't do basic stuff on the computer or if you're powerless and feel you need someone else to make it happen for you, this is NOT for you.
- I don't want "blood money."
- I don't want you to go in debt to buy this.
- I don't want to take food off your table.
- I don't want to take new clothes away from your kids.
- I don't need your money.
I don't want you to borrow on your life insurance policy or spend your Social Security money nor steal from your retirement savings.
This is for able, capable people who have some basic computer skills, the ability, desire and willingness to learn and who are proactive in life.
BONUSES for ordering before the deadline!
Bonus 1
How to Set Up a Critical Part of the Automated Prospecting Process
There's part of Automated Prospecting you can do yourself if you want to.
But for it to be hands free, you need to set up this part of the automation.
This report walks you through what it is and how to set it up.
Bonus 2
Primo Videos On How To Set Up Automate Marketing Oil WellsThat Pump You New Customers Week In And Out
You're going to be privy to in-depth videos on how you set up little automated marketing oil wells that just pump in new customers for you. This concept is similar to the Automated Prospecting System but a little different. It might just be your cup of tea.
Bonus 3
The Extra Little "Something-something" That Creates a Bridge Between The Lead and The Sales Presentation, Letter, Webinar or Video - So That Leads Turn Into Sales More Easily With Less Effort
So you have Automated Leads coming in.
But you've still got to make sales.
Often, it seems like there is a gap or a disconnect. Where the leads come in. But you aren't able to CONVERT those leads into sales.
You need that little extra something-something. That's why this report exists.
My Better Than Risk Free substitution guarantee
#1: If for any reason you aren't happy, you get to KEEP the Automatic Prospecting and all the bonuses.
#2: "Better than Risk Free" means I will ALSO give you an additional product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.
How can I do this? That's how confident I am that this system works!
Just think about it. If this system didn't work, would I be in any position to make an offer like this?
The only reason I make this guarantee is I'm very confident you'll love the training and refer to it for years to come like my other customers do. |
start using the automated prospecting SYSTEM today
If you need assistance to place your order or have any questions just go to and we will be happy to assist you.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders
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