You Get $3788 In Instant Bonuses!
Just For Trying 1 Month
Of Marlon's ATEAM
Dear Friend,
You are personally invited to join my A-Team Club!
I'm going to take you by the hand and show you how to save a boatload of cash AND get your hands on $3788 in valuable bonuses absolutely FREE -- while I personally help you build, grow and live the Internet Lifestyle of YOUR DREAMS!
This is what it's about...

The photos above were taken from various places around the world that I've visited while living the ultimate Internet Marketers lifestyle!
Here are some decent figures that show you I not only know what I'm talking about.... I LIVE IT.

(These figures are what I've Personally Done...
NOT What Average or Typical Results are.)
If The A-TEAM Lifestyle
Is So Great, How Come
Everyone Isn't Living It?
Marlon, if what you say is true and what you've done is true, then how come everyone isn't living the A-Team lifestyle?
There are 3 Reasons Why Everyone is
NOT Living the Ideal Lifestyle:
#1: No Specific Formula
The purpose of a lot of emails that you receive and a lot of products that you read about that are hyped by joint ventures, the purpose of those are to get that next sale or payment, NOT to teach a coherent evergreen formula.
That's reason number one, so you know what people are getting in a lot of membership sites are exciting information and the new things to get you to make that next payment. A lot of people stay 2 or 3 months in a private membership site and if they can get 4 or 5 out of you, they're doing well.
There are some good membership sites but a lot of them are doing what I call "Spaghetti Marketing" which means they're trying a lot of different things just to see what "sticks" and what gets people to keep paying.
#2: What Sells vs. What Works
What sells best may NOT necessarily be in YOUR best interest, but it DOES sell best and that's why certain products get promoted. Not because it's what works best, but because it's what sells best!
That's why everyone is talking about this product or that product, not because it's what works, but because it's what sells best.
There can be a really big difference between the two. So if you had to pick, would you go with what sells best -- or with what WORKS BEST?
#3: How It's Taught
How information is presented to you is makes all the difference in the world.
For example:
- Are the terms being used properly defined?
- Is there a "hands on" aspect to it?
- How much information are you expected to absorb at one time?
When you consider that people are learning from are what we call "spaghetti membership sites" and what they are buying are "spaghetti" offers from their email inbox which are simply offers that sound good, isn't it any wonder that those people may not have yet achieved the Internet Lifestyle?
If you've been unlucky enough to follow the wrong information, is it any wonder you haven't yet attained even the foundation, or the beginnings of the Internet Lifestyle?
If you've been building the wrong things and doing the wrong things, in the wrong order, or in the wrong sequence, it's no wonder you haven't yet attained the information you need to SUCCEED ONLINE!
The 3 Keys To You Living
The Internet Lifestyle!
Now, what then are the 3 keys for you personally for YOU to reach what I call the "Internet Lifestyle" promised land.
These 3 keys are virtually the opposite of what we
just talked about:
#1: A systematic formula vs. spaghetti marketing.
It's really the opposite of what we've looked at. It's a systematic formula versus spaghetti marketing.
#2: Focus on what works, NOT what sells.
The focus needs to be on what works, NOT what the newest, sexiest, and most exciting thing is at that time. You need to go with what works for you right now and what will be working for you in 6 months from now.
#3: A proven learning method.
What you need is a proven learning method, NOT just a bunch of stuff thrown together into a membership site that may or may NOT work for you now, or ever.
Here's another key I found:
Another key I found is that you're able to get a result in a relatively short time span that motivates you to go to the next level.
From there, a system of learning takes you to the NEXT level and the NEXT level after that, until you live the Internet Lifestyle.
So I think they key is that you need to be able to get some kind of result. And there needs to be a system of learning that takes you from getting that first result to the next level and from there to the next level and so on.
In Order To Reach Your Goal,
You've Got Three Options:
#1: Info Products:
I love info-products and chances are that you've bought one from me in the past. But there is a problem with info-products and that is, how do you get your questions answered? The answer is you can't.
Another problem with info-products is that often they only cover one step in the funnel. Or are there things left out that you can ONLY find in the "next product" or "package"?
Now I don't know if you can get to the Internet Lifestyle from info-products alone, as useful and helpful as I feel they are, they may not be able to cover everything that you need to learn.
#2: Coaching Programs:
Are the info-products you've been buying just teasers for expensive coaching programs?
If you've joined a coaching program, you need to re-evaluate it and ask youself if the goal is JUST to keep you in the program as LONG as possible, or to get you RESULTS as FAST as possible?
Are you being given a real formula? Or a bunch of spaghetti marketing tidbits to keep you in the program? Are you being taught what works or what sells?
#3: Membership Sites:
The question you've got to ask is whether there's a difference between your membership site and the spaghetti marketing systems out there.
Is there a specific teaching formula to your membership site? Is there a teaching system? How long do you have to stay a member before you have all the pieces of the puzzle you need, in order to move on? Or are they teaching you a litle bit here and a litle bit there, just enough to keep you a member but not enough to teach you any real marketing techniques?
People will stay 4, 5 or 6 months instead of 2 or 3 because they're getting RESULTS and that's the difference between spaghetti membership sites that are thrown together from a bunch of dripped content.
So, I came up with a new solution...
• It's NOT a membership site.
• It's NOT a coaching program
• It's NOT an info-product
The info-product won't get you living the ultimate lifestyle all on it's own and coaching will cost thousands of dollars a month, PLUS if the object is to keep you paying for months and years to come, or as long as possible while you're learning, then the solution is not any of those.#3: Membership Sites:
The question you've got to ask is whether there's a difference between your membership site and the spaghetti marketing systems out there.
Is there a specific teaching formula to your membership site? Is there a teaching system? How long do you have to stay a member before you have all the pieces of the puzzle you need, in order to move on? Or are they teaching you a litle bit here and a litle bit there, just enough to keep you a member but not enough to teach you any real marketing techniques?
People will stay 4, 5 or 6 months instead of 2 or 3 because they're getting RESULTS and that's the difference between spaghetti membership sites that are thrown together from a bunch of dripped content.
So, I came up with a new solution...
• It's NOT a membership site.
• It's NOT a coaching program
• It's NOT an info-product
The info-product won't get you living the ultimate lifestyle all on it's own and coaching will cost thousands of dollars a month, PLUS if the object is to keep you paying for months and years to come, or as long as possible while you're learning, then the solution is not any of those.
So what is the solution?
It's what I call...
The "A-Team Success Formula"
Instead of throwing spaghetti on the wall and giving you random new stuff just to keep you making payments as long as possible, and instead of charging you $12,000 for a coaching program that may or may not be affordable for you, what if I took you by the hand and showed you EXACTLY what to do and how to do it?
What if I showed you exactly what to focus on and cut out all the fluff and noise?
Best of all, what if I did this LIVE, twice a month, on a series of webinars?
Finally, what if I give you everything you need to get you on the road to living the Internet Lifestyle, all for the lowest possible price I can come up with?
You Get $12,000 in coaching
--Plus tools you need to succeed--
I've assembled an "A-Team" private membership site that contains the help, information and specific hands on tools you need to succeed!
This is a NEW, completely innovative program that nobody has ever thought of before!
Now when someone is just starting out, the one thing they have a lot of are fears, such as:
Can I do this?
- Will I be able to stick with it?
- What if I get stuck?
- How will this work?
- What should I do next?
- How do I avoid being overwhelmed?
- How do I handle the big influx of information?
- Do I do this first, or that?
If I buy this, what other expenses will I have?
All of these questions confront you, and how useful and helpful to you would it be to have somebody who has not only been there once, but been there over and over and over again for a number of years, walk with you down the path, help you avoid the landmines?
Someone to say step here and step here and don’t step there. And be able to lead you down the path that leads you to where it is that you know you want to go. How useful and helpful will that be to you?
Because you may not have success with your Internet Marketing yet. You may have been struggling. You may have been challenged. You may not have all the answers yet... but that's all in the past, because...
Here is your invitation to join me as i personally help you build the lifestyle of your dreams!
Join me as a member of my "A-Team" where you'll get INSTANT 24/7 access to everything inside the private members area, so whether it's day or night, you can get your hands on the tools you need!
Please Note: The Push Button Software is digitally delivered, so in the event you decide you'd rather not continue as a Beta Tester member, you will not be able to continue using the software.
Not only do you get software tools to use whenever you want. You also get access to PDF transcripts of every existing webinar or conference call, all neatly transcribed and uploaded for you to print them out and read them at your own convenience. = $370
DID YOU KNOW --> As NEW transcripts are available, you get those too!

On every single "up to speed" webinar, you can virtually look over my shoulder as I reveal different marketing strategies and tactics you can use to make more sales, get more customers and grow your business!
Here are the 12 webinar topics:
- Discover the In-Depth Analysis of What’s Working on Web Traffic
- Video Makeover Secrets
- How to Get People to Visit your Site
- The Secret Formula on Recession Offset and Compensation System
- How to Put Marketing Funnel on Autopilot
- How to Get Cash Out of Web Pages
- How to Get Started and Do Well in Business
- Secrets On How To Use Video In Your Online Marketing!
- Quick Start for Newbies and How to Create Products With Others
- Secrets of Graphic Design and Updates On Video
- How To Make Virtually Automatic Money
- Kickstart For Internet Marketing Newbies
Below I'm going to recap what you get in the "A-Team", so if you're not yet 100% convinced that it's time YOU started to build the foundation of YOUR successful business, just keep reading...
DID YOU KNOW --> As NEW webinars are available, you get those too!
Here is a recap of what's included:
You get the 24 new modules, the 12 up to speed webinars, plus 10 evergreen secrets PDF's and access to my 4 software programs.
Special One-Time-Offer Price!
What I'm offering right now is access to the A-Team for the low monthly price of only $67. (Of course even the first month is guaranteed, so this is a 100% risk free offer...)
But what if you're not crazy about monthly recurring billing?
Then I'm going to do even better for you...
If you'd rather say "no way!" to recurring billing, you can get the entire A-Team membership for a full year, for a one time single payment of only $871!
Whether you join for one month, or the full year, you get INSTANT ACCESS to the A-Team members area, which includes the $3,788 in INSTANT BONUSES.
Even if all you do is stay one month, that's an offer no-one can refuse!
Here is your immediate $497
instant action bonus!
As an incentive to take action I'm offering the following $497 Instant Action Bonus:
I am throwing in my "Overwhelm Cure" product valued at $497 USD, just for agreeing to try the A-Team.
If you aren't able to Vanquish Overwhelm, Delete Your To Do List, Get Unstuck and Gain Crystal Clarity... All Within 4 Weeks... Then You Don't Owe Me a Dime! It's that simple!
Remember, if you decide for any reason that the "A-Team" is NOT for you, just drop us a note at our help desk, or click to chat with us live and we'll immediately cancel your order!
my personal 100% money-back guarantee! means you can try the "A-Team" membership completely risk free!

That's My Own Personal Guarantee!
Marlon Sanders
"The King of Step-by-Step Marketing"