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Affiliate Success Letter
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ASL #98 - Build Your Audience Using Instagram


Marlon here.

This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.

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  • New strategies for fast commission-getting
  • Simple commission-getting methods ANYONE can use
  • Tested, proven strategies you can put to work 
  • Interviews with BIG income-making super affiliates

This includes my products as well as the products of others.  I hope you promote my products.  But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.

By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value.  More in a minute.

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How to Build Your Audience Using Instagram

You want more commissions?

Then you might want to promote on Instagram.

The SECRET to using Instagram is to NOT sell on it directly. Use it as a tool to build your audience and then your list.

Once people are on your list, you can make offers to them.

Instagram gives you many ways to get attention, build your audience and deliver your calls to action.

1.  Stories

Stories are very powerful. They last for 24 hours but get good reach and exposure. And they're easy to do.

You can just go to the Instagram app on your phone, click to post a story, record a short video and you're done.

Or you can get fancy and use Canva to create what's called a Carousel.

Just search this in Youtube:

Create instagram carousel in canva

You'll get a whole bunch of videos to help you.

Basically, a carousel swipes right as many as 10 screens. So you can do a top 10 list. Give 10 tips. Or do a tutorial.

Stories are very powerful.

Every day in the  morning, you can take a couple minutes and do a story.

The SECRET to makinig money with Instagram is the "call to action."  This is where you ask viewers to go to a URL to register for a seminar or get a freebie.

That SIPHONS them to your email list!  

From that point, you can make offers.  And go to town.

2.  Instagram Reels

Reels are videos up to 1-minute in length.

Most reels are people dancing and serve no business  purpose.User name: themrspedersen
(Rachel Pedersen)

She has 1 million followers on tik tok and also does great on Instagram. She posts business topics and they do well. You can check her out.

I love how Rachel does little 1 minute talks on a business topic. Just a fabulous way to build an audience. Anyone can talk for 1 minute.

3.  Instagram TV or IGTV

This is for videos that go over 1 minute.

You could use this for doing product reviews.

4.  Regular posts

I love the way Vanessa Lau posts quotes.

Go here and you'll see her quotes.

She also does amazing carousel posts for her stories.

As you can see, if you get organized with your content, there are a LOT of ways to build your audience using Instagram.

Right now, they seem to give better organic exposure than Facebook.

What I also love about how Vanessa does her Insta posts is every single one has a call to action to get on her webinar or get a freebie on a page that obtains your email address in exchange.

So she uses it to build her list. Very smart.

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Yup, the best way to become a super affiliate is to have a product or two or your own that you get other affiliates to promote for you.  

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As soon as you have 20 people who take a $1 trial, just post to me right here and I'll hook you up with the Basic version of Take the Lid Off Your Income, one of absolute best trainings.  

When you get 50 people to take trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, I'll upgrade you to the $200 Plus version of Take the Lid Off.

And when you get 75 on trials, I'll upgrade you to the $400 Premium version.

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How To Get Approved As An Affiliate

1.  If you're an existing affiliate, register to be an affiliate for the Affiliate Success Letter.

Depending on your stats in Warriorplus as an affiliate, you may be approved. But if you aren't, relax. There are other ways to get approved, as long as your refunds are under 5%.  If your refunds are over that, message me on and I'll handle it on a case-by-case basis.

2.  Subscribe to the Affiliate Success Letter

I'll approve you on a provisional basis.  Your ongoing approval will depend on your percentage of refunds and chargebacks.  You need to have refunds under 5% and chargebacks under 1% and continue on at the $5 / month level after 30 days.

3.  Are you an owner of anyof my other products?

If so, I take this into heavy consideration when you apply.  Be sure to give me your name, the email address you log in with and the products you own.

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