Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate.
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The Hidden Secret of Becoming a Super Affiliate
Able to Rock Out Leaderboards or Contests and
Win Cash and Prizes, Plus Get Big Commissions
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
This includes my products as well as the products of others. I hope you promote my products. But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value. More in a minute.
Here are the BACK ISSUES.
I need YOUR help to spread the word about this newsletter. NO ONE ELSE serves you each week with the sizzling hot affiliate strategies that I do, and especially for less than the price of a small pizza.
Can you do me a favor and spread the word on Facebook, Linked In, wherever you can? Tell your friends. It'll help keep me motivated to bring you great issues like today's.
Today we're talking about the secret of many superaffiliates.
Take a look at this:

These are sales by some of my top affiliates.
What do they almost all have in common?
They have their OWN products they sell to build their list. Then, they sell products as an affiliate TO that list.
The reason this works so well is you develop a list of BUYERS. Whereas if you build your list by giving away a free report, you have a list of people with interest, but not necessarily buyers.
You certainly CAN sell affiliate products without having your own. If you just don't want to create your own product, it's fine. No problem. Read the other issues of my newsletter.
But one of the best paths to becoming a super affiliate is to also have products of your own.
People *think* this takes a lot of time do. Or is really hard.
But actually, it's just not that hard to create info products today and can be done quickly and inexpensively.
What I often do is create a mindmap and/or slides. Then simply record my computer screen as I talk through it. is free.
Here's an example of a mindmap I used:

When you expand a topic, it looks like this:

I used Mindjet Mindmanager version 6 for the above. That's not near the current version. I think it looks good though.
All you do is turn on a screen capture program like .com (free to use), Camtasia, Screen-cast-o-matic, or another program and record while you cover the talking points.
But Marlon, What If I Don't Have any Expertise?
This is a situation I spend quite a bit of time on in different products. But the short version is that in the land of the blind,the one-eyed man is King.
In other words, if you're a step or two ahead of the people you're selling to, tha'ts all that matters.
You don't need earth-shattering information. Just your OWN take on what's working now is good. You can teach the same things as 10 other people.
But a certain subset of customers will prefer YOUR story, YOUR background, YOUR way of teaching or explaining things vs. someone else, even if that person is far more accomplished than you.
Marlon, WHY Have My Own Product?
By having your own product, you can get OTHER affiliates to send YOU customers and buyers. You take advantage of leverage. And you don't have to spend any money upfront to get those buyers as you only a commission AFTER the sale.
Even as a beginner, if you follow a decent launch process, 50, 100, 200 or even 500 sales is very doable. Granted, there IS a learning curve, which is why I produce products on how to do it.
But it's certainly doable and achievable without being a genius.
How Do I Make My Product Available For Download?
On a budget, you can actually deliver your product with Google Docs and put the videos on Youtube as Unlisted! Or even use something like Wix. But it only costs $5 or so a month to buy basic hosting.
How Do I Password Protect It
This isn't particularly hard to do.
But in the beginning, it doesn't even matter. Just put the download page on a URL that isn't easy to guess and leave it unprotected.
One of the big questions, of course, is how you get people to promote the product. This is one advantage of being an affiliate.
If you sell oher people's products, SOME of those people will support you when you launch your own without you even asking. And if you ask, more will support you.
There's a lot more I can teach you about creating and selling your own products. I recommend you start here. It's an inexpensive product that will walk you through a lot of basics.
Or join my MMM and each week I send you an in-depth newsletter about info product creation and marketing.
Want My Next Affiliate Successs Letter?
It's only $1 for a 30-day trial. Then it's $5 a month. The main reason I charge is it allows me to pay you a commission for promoting it. If it's free, I can't pay you a commission.
Sell just 2 and yours is FREE.
Get How To Build Your Own Affiliate Army FREE
When you get only 3 of your affiliate friends to take a $1 trial, you'll get the $27 outstanding PDF for FREE on how to build your OWN affiliate army.
Yup, the best way to become a super affiliate is to have a product or two or your own that you get other affiliates to promote for you.
Once you have 3 people sign up for $1 trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, just post to and give me your name, email, and Warriorplus affiliate name. I'll comp you right away.
Get My Premium Take The Lid Off Your Income Program FREE!
Not only that, you can get my PREMIUM Take the Lid Off Your Income Course FREE also when you get 20 people to take a $1 trial to the Affiliate Success Letter.
As soon as you have 20 people who take a $1 trial, just post to me right here and I'll hook you up with the Basic version of Take the Lid Off Your Income, one of absolute best trainings.
When you get 50 people to take trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, I'll upgrade you to the $200 Plus version of Take the Lid Off.
And when you get 75 on trials, I'll upgrade you to the $400 Premium version.
Get My $2,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded Course FREE
Finally, by selling my products, you can get my $1,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded course for FREE. Just $5,000 in total sales and you get
How To Get Approved As An Affiliate
1. If you're an existing affiliate, register to be an affiliate for the Affiliate Success Letter.
Depending on your stats in Warriorplus as an affiliate, you may be approved. But if you aren't, relax. There are other ways to get approved, as long as your refunds are under 5%. If your refunds are over that, message me on and I'll handle it on a case-by-case basis.
2. Subscribe to the Affiliate Success Letter
I'll approve you on a provisional basis. Your ongoing approval will depend on your percentage of refunds and chargebacks. You need to have refunds under 5% and chargebacks under 1% and continue on at the $5 / month level after 30 days.
3. Are you an owner of anyof my other products?
If so, I take this into heavy consideration when you apply. Be sure to give me your name, the email address you log in with and the products you own.
How To Get My Monthly 25+-Page Newsletter
AND a Monthly Live Training For Only $1.19 a day.
With a $1 Trial To Test It Out

1. If you want to grow, build, improve or enhance your business, the new Milcers private site can make that happen for you.
2. If you need to get money rolling in the door right NOW then you need to get going YESTERDAY and your keywords of the day are going to be "STAT", "FAST", "NOW" and "GET RESULTS". If you need money coming in, if you need to get the cash flowing, if you need to get things rolling along then the new Milcers private membership has got lots of help for you.
Coming Soon!