Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate.
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How to Get Approved As An Affiliate
To Promote WarriorPlus Offers
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
In this issue, I'll explain to you HOW to get approved to promote Warriorplus products.
Every single one of us on Warriorplus selling products was also a beginner at one time. We had the SAME challenges you're having and know how you feel.
That's why I'm writing this letter to help you get approved as an affiliate.
Secret #1: The KEY is to get 20 sales under your belt with under 5% refunds and a conversion rate of 10% to 20%
I'll explain to you HOW to do this.
See, other affiliates looking at promoting a vendor's products look at the product's visitor value. So for every click they send the visitor, how much do they make?

Do you see the column that says visitor value? See how the top affiliates have a visitor value of $3 to $6?
The REASON for those high visitor values is the column in yellow that has the conv rate or conversion rate. That's what percentage of visitors to the sales page buy.
As you can see 7% to 25% is the range.
That means these vendors aren't likely to approve someone with a 0.2% conversion rate! Or even 1% for that matter. It'll kill their conversion rate and their visitor value.
Which then means affiliates won't want to promote the offer. Got it?
Once you PROVE and show you can convert traffic in the 10% to 20% range, and you have 20 or so sales, then you'll find getting approved for offers is a LOT easier.
Not everyone will approve you but many will. And the more sales you get, the higher your affiliate score.
Secret #2: How to Get a High Affiliate Score That Gets You Approved To Promote Almost Every Time
In W+, every affiliate has a score. The more sales you have with a low refund rate and good conversions, the better your score.

This affiliate asked me to approve them.
Can you spot the problem here? Three sales isn't enough but the BIG RED FLAG is the .5% conversion rate.
You need that conversion rate to be in the 10% to 25% range! That's NOT difficult when you know how.
See, the secret between super affiliates and all others is the super affiliates KNOW HOW.
So I'm going to share a little knowledge and wisdom with you right now to attach a rocket to your affiliate success.
You see, I'm going to show you the SECRET of high conversion rates, so you can start getting approved for offers.
Secret #3: The secret to a 10% to 20% conversion rate is NOT to send clicks to the offer. That's right!
What you want to use is what's called a bridge page or a bonus page.
A bridge page is one where you write up a review of the product THEN link to the offer. So the ONLY people clicking are ones LIKELY to buy!
This makes YOUR stats and conversion rate look awesome and vendors will LOVE you.
A lot of people record a Youtube video for the review. They name the video that name of the product. That way people searching Youtube for reviews of that product will see YOUR review.
You put the link to your review page in the comments of the video. Do NOT link directly to the W+ offer. Instead, link to your review page.
A bonus page usually has a review but then offers several bonuses for buying through your affiliate link. You can do these on for FREE, although most people using wordpress.
I personally use Commission Gorilla quite a bit for doing that. Here's a separate report on HOW to use Commission Gorilla to create awesome-looking bonus pages.
But you can also use Wordrpress.
Secret #4: You are far more likely to get approved if you have actually BOUGHT The product you're asking to promote
In Warriorplus, as a vendor, you can SEE who has or has NOT bought the product they're asking to promote. Buying a product does NOT guarantee you approval, although some vendors DO automatically approve buyers.
But what it does do is show the vendor you are a SERIOUS affiliate.
Key: BUY the product you want to promote.
Secret #5: Personalize your affiliate request
Call the vendor by name: "Hi Kevin" or "Hi Mosh" or "High Glenn" or "Hi Brendan" or "Hi Barb" or "Hi Dennis" or "Hi Jono" or "Hi Kam".
Then show them you've bought the product and explain you'll be creating a bonus page, so you will have a HIGH conversion rate.
Do NOT say this unless you're going to actually do it. Vendors can SEE your conversion rate AND your refund rate, so if you're lying they'll know it because of this.

Would YOU approve this affiliate?
Your REFUND rate needs to under 5% as a vendor or it looks bad to affiliates and also to your merchant account.
Remember how I showed you the 10% to 25% conversion rates? This affiliate is converting at .2, so NOT even 1%! IT's a HORRIBLE conversion rate. Just terrible.
That shows you this affiliate is NOT using bonus pages or bridge pages to weed out disinterested prospects before sending the clicks to the vendor.
Here's a sample message:
Hi Kevin,
I bought your product XYZ and went through it. I'm creating a bonus page with 3 bonuses and a product review, so I can send you conversions in the 10% to 25% range via my bonus page.
Do you have an extra bonus or two I can add to the page? Oh, if you can approve me, you'll be my hero! And I promise I'll stay up night and day to convert at 10%+ and keep my refunds under 5% due to my killer bonuses.
Your name
Do NOT copy and paste that message. You won't get apporved if you do. The reason is, vendors get the sames messages over and over and automatically dissaprove them if they're copy and paste.
Write your own unique, sincere and personal message based on the general idea of the above.
Secret 6: You MUST have a refund rate under 5%
This means that when you review the product, you do NOT want to mislead or misrepresent. You also want to promote only products that HAVE a low refund rate.
If you provide several good bonuses, this will increase the satisfaction rate of the buyers.
How do you create bonuses?
Well a lot of people uses PLR. There's a bit of an art to doing that.
I often do little 5 or 10 minute videos that explain something MISSING fromt he product or that the product didn't cover.
By the way, NEVER use negative promotions. You know, you always want to make the vendor look good. But explain that the product didn't cover X topic, so you did a bonus onit.
It's a bit bigger topic than I can covver in this sample edition of the Affiliate Success Letter.
The Affiliate Success Letter is published every Monday by yours truly, Marlon Sanders.
And the goal is help you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate by being "one step ahead" of the crowd of affiliates.
See I've found out that super affiliates are always one step ahead the crowd or the herd. So what I do is show you how to be one step ahead, so you can score more affiliate commissions, faster, simpler and easier.
A trial of the Affiliate Success Letter will only cost you a buck. And after that, it's only $5 a month. That's only $1.25 per issue for the ONLY Affiliate Success Letter published weekly to help you get commissions promoting affiliate products and software through W+, JVZoo, Clickbank and other affiliate networks.
In exchange for subscribing to the Affiliate Success Letter for only $1 on a trial ($1.25 a week after that), I'll give you my 100+ page ebook on secrets of the super affiliates.
Only $1 for 14 days then $1.25 per issue, or $5 per month
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