Finally, Answers To Your Most Pressing Challenges and Questions -- 
From Getting Started, Bringing Traffic to Offers, High Ticket Sales, Making Sales -- You Got Challenges? I Got ANSWERS

Announcing My  Biggest Challenges Breakthrough Event

-- And I'll Put My Money Where My Mouth Is

If you don't love it, you don't pay one thin dime -- and you can tell me to shove it where the sun don't shine

Click to play

NEW BONUSES -- Instant Access

These bonuses are all by yours truly.  So not only do you get to ask your questions and have me answer them on the live event, you also get all the goodies below immediately.  

Bonus 3: How to create a whole A to Z marketing system I call the "lockdown sales getter" so you can actually MAKE SALES.

Bonus 2: How to get started making sales

Bonus 3: Ten secrets to unleashing a gusher of sales

Plus, you have the core 7 steps:

Step 1: Follow THIS to INCREASE your income or get it to start with

Step 2:  How to suck down leads from Instagram

Step 3: Deep dive on how I suck out leads from Facebook in MINIMAL time

Step 4: How to set up a simple opt in.  Extremely important if you don't have one

Step 5:  How to set up a traffic feeder system, so you can get traffic 

Step 6: How to get traffic WITHOUT social media

Step 7: How to get sales using email

From: Marlon Sanders

RE: Your Biggest Challenges Answered Seminar



Marlon here.


On Saturday, June 22 at 2 p.m EST I'll be revealing and answering your biggest marketing challenges, questions, problems and sticking points. . 

Either you get 10X your money's worth or you don't pay me one cottin' pickin' dime and you can tell me to shove it where the sun don't shine. 

Recently I did a survey of my customers asking their biggest challenges, problems and sticking points in online marketing and making sales and money online.

As I read through the answers, I realized that it's not only possible but actually practical to solve these challenges, problems and sticking points using these latest, NEW breakthroughs and discoveries, many of which you've never heard of until now.  

And that's why you don't owe  me a dime unless  I can deliver in spades.

As part of this event, you'll be able to submit YOUR own biggest challenge, question, issue or sticking point and get real answers, so you can get on with making sales and money online, ramping up your marketing and reaching your goals.

What Right Do I Have To Answer Your Challenges?

You're on my list so I won't go through the whole thing.  But for new people, here's a quickie overview:

One time I had to pay for deodorant with all pennies. I had a car that smoked like a bomb. Yet, I scraped together every dime and nickel I had to buy books and courses that would give me the secrets of selling. I was determined yet disappointed by some of the things I'd tried that were real stinkers.

Like my first info product How To Avoid TV Repair Ripoff. I made the classic mistake in selecting that product that many newbies make. Can you spot why it was a total zero?

Anyway, I kept keeping on and sooner or later, it paid off. And when I say paid off, let me give you really, hard numbers.

Here are gross sales of the months I had back then, beginning in March of 99.


My numbers are NOT indicative of average results nor a promise you'll do the same.  Period. End of story.

They're simply to show that whatever is holding you back, I've probably had the same issue before and managed to find a way through, over, under or around it.

The numbers above are not too shabby when most people at the time were still trying to figure out what a domain name was. Or, you can go back to 1996. I'm looking at my 7-18 bank statement with deposits of $18,994.35. Or 12-17-1996 deposits of $12,866.38. And so forth.

Now, back then, part of my income was also from speaking and writing. But the point is, I've been making real money on the Internet for longer than most.

And I've doing this business ever since. And most of those years, I did it from my home office with only a few virtual staff.

Pay now and save $20 or use the try before you buy button at the bottom


Answer #1: How do you actually start to really making a repeatable income with limited start up budget?

Getting set up and going can be confusing. What about setting up Stripe payments? Email marketing? Hosting? I'll give straight, simple answers.

Answer #2: How do you focus -- and know exactly what to do and in what order to succeed

What do you focus on?  There are so many ideas, methods and approaches.  What do you focus on in order to succeed?

Answer #3: Finding a way to actually make money so you can avoid spending it without making it?

This is a big one.  You can't keep spending money when you don't have money COMING IN.  The question is, how do you get the money coming in consistently?

Answer #4: How to set up a webserver to sell digital products like apps and courses which you make with AI.  Or using PLR courses?

Yes, setting up a website so you can sell your products is really important.  The good news is it isn't hard nor expensive.  I'll show you how to do it simply and easily.

Answer #5: How do you write an engaging and informative book really quickly without having to spend two years on it?

A book is a really good calling card, because when you see an offer from someone, you often look to see if they have a book.  

Answer #6: How do you get qualified people... with money ... so you can close them?

If you can do this, you can help more people, build a tribe of people who want real, honest solutions, who are like you and have freedom.  You'd be able to do whatever you want, when you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want.

Answer #7: How do you fix websites with products that aren't making any money?

You have websites that aren't producing money.  How do you fix them so they start bringing in sales?

Answer #8: What's your own personal challenge, question or sticking point you need an answer to?

You'll be able to submit your own personal sticking point, challenge, problem or issue, so I can give you the best solution I know based on my newest, latest research and experience.

The Scoop Behind My Latest Seminar

I didn't expect to do this when I did my survey.

I honestly just wanted wanted to know the challenges you were currently facing.

And almost unbelievably to me, I was able to solve the thorny problems that my customers submitted....the things that hold them back from rocking out their Internet marketing.

Here's just a sample of what I'll be unveiling...


How to Get Started Fast and Make Sales

  • How to drive traffic for free to affiliate links (new method)
  • New methods for getting traffic to your website that anyone can do
  • How to build your list starting tomorrow morning, so you start making sales.
  • Case Study: Starting from scratch and making bank spelled out step-by-step

What's Working In 2024 To Get Sales Now?

  • My newest, super fast content methods
  • How to automate getting the leads and following up
  • How to get super qualified leads for big ticket sales
  • What about using A.I. to create your content?  What about mass creating content?
  • Do you need multiple niche avatars in the MMO niche?
  • Case studies of what's actually working now

Which Of THESE Thorny Issues Could You Use a Solution To Right Now, Today?

  • A specific formula for making online income that is doable
  • Actual online marketing case studes with specific number
  • What if you're stuck finding a niche?
  • What if you have products but people aren't buying?
  • What about using safelists?  What if they aren't working?
  • Actual online marketing case studes with specific numbers

Actual Help In Getting Sales

  • The big 3 issues that make the difference between big results and measley ones
  • The problem of getting crickets for response and how to get people to respond
  • How to overcome the 9 blocks to getting leads and making sales
  • How I created and launched a $55 product in 2 days. (over the shoulder view)
  • How to get loads of email opt ins and sales using the TLO Formula starting asap 
  • The beginner's guide to creating a system that spits out sales

Here's What It's NOT

  • This is NOT get-rich-quick. Getting rich takes work, effort and organization
  • This is NOT "sit-on-the-sofa" and make sales. Get off the sofa. That's how you make sales, unless you're writing or editing your sales messages!
  • This is NOT a replacement for proactive marketing like picking up the phone, content marketing or placing ads. It's an ADD-ON. A second engine to add.
  • While the case studies cover specific dollar amounts, they're not indicative of average results.  You may do more or less, depending on many factors.

You're probably wondering, "Marlon, if I DO love your ANSWERS SEMINAR, how much do I pay. So I built a "cost eraser" for you.

Get My Event Free!

I wanted this to be a 100% no-questions-about-it-win. So I'm giving you my cost eraser bonus -- You get 90% commissions on a $47 product I created this year called The One Sheet Persuasion System. This product always sells for me. People love it. And it appeals to almost everyone.

Just 2 sales and you've made paid for the event. This is my cost ERASER for you.

30 Days Email Consultation

When you go ahead and let the charge run through the day AFTER the event (you can cancel before then), you'll qualify for 30 days of email consultations. Just post your questions directly related to the Answers training at, and I'll answer them. 

This way, if you have one of those nagging questions that stops you from getting started, you can get it taken care of.

If you don't love it, you don't pay

Attend the seminar. At the end, I'll give out instructions on how to cancel. So in the unlikely event, you don't feel (in your opinion) that you got 10x the value, just follow the very easy instructions to cancel (no hassles).

Invite your spouse and kids at no additional cost

Maybe your spouse, son or daughter could use some marketing knowledge and answers. You're welcome to have them view the live stream with you. Yes, the event WILL BE RECORDED.

Here's What People are saying



Click the button below and enter your payment info. You will NOT be charged until 1 day AFTER the event. At the end of the event, I'll give you instructions on how NOT to be charged in the unlikely event you feel it wasn't worth your time and money. It's fast and simple to cancel, but you won't want to.


You'll get full access to the complete, unedited mind-blowing event recording.


You will NOT be charged until the the day AFTER the event. You pay ONLY if you feel it was amazing information.


After you pay, you'll have access to 4 weeks of follow up email consultation in case you have a nagging question or two.

You really can't lose. You pay me NOTHING unless you agree it was 100% worth the price and much more!

Get registered right now.

  •  Yes! I want to get this awesome, amazing event.
  • I understand it's $97 -- ONLY if I feel it was worth it
  • I understand I won't be charged until the afternoon the day AFTER the event, so I have time to cancel if I'm so inclined.
  • I will get 90% commissions on Marlon's One Sheet Persuasion System product, so I can pay for the event with only 2 sales
  • After I pay, I get a recording of the event

Register Today and Get Instant Access To A Bucket Load Of Pre-Training

Or, you can pay now and save $20 - only $77

This offer is a one-time event and won't likely be repeated.

Best wishes,


P.S. If you'd just as soon go ahead and pay for the event NOW, you do save $20.  Either way, it's going to be an awesome event. See you there.
