Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate.
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A Simple, Easy Sales Formula And Big Announcement
Issue #11
Marlon here.
This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.
This includes my products as well as the products of others. I hope you promote my products. But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.
By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value. More in a minute.
Today we're going to go through a sales formula for you.
Big Announcement
Exit Bux Secrets Revealed is now available for your promotion as an affiliate. To get approved, give your email address you log in with and your name, so I can verify you're a member.
When you get Exit Bux, by the way, I give you multiple popups to use on different pages you might own that pay you commissions.
It takes some presell to get people to buy it. The sales page alone isn't converting great guns. I'm going to do a vsl on it shortly and see how that does.
The BEST way to sell a product that is a bit of a tough seller is to do a review video on it and post it on Youtube. Then promote it wherever you can.
Now, this works best with hot launches as people are searching for the product title. If it's not a hot launch, you'll need to use your own efforts to promote the video.
There are plenty of videos on Youtube on how to do this.

An Easy To Use Sales Formula You Can
Use On Presell Pages, Emails or For Your Own Offers
Today I'm going to give you a little sales formula you can use to promote affiliates products or your own.
It's a simple little formula.
Very easy to use.
You can use it in emails, or presell pages for your affiliate offers.
It's a very powerful formula. I had a friend who did up to $300k a month with sales pitches based on it, even though it's a simple formula.
Here's an example of how I'd use it for Exit Bux.
1. Time bound promise
Make a promise of something that will happen in x amount of time:
For example:
"You're about to discover how in just 60 minutes from now you can have your own popup ANYONE can put on their website to send you clicks and sales."
2. Point of difference
What's your point of difference or unique selling proposition?
No one else has this. It' sthe ONLY place you can get it.
Here's how it works:
You'll use my template to create a page like this (show pix).
You post this on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, status updates.
Include it in your lead magnets or freebies. Post it on your timeline.
Your promoters will simply copy and paste the text right here (show pix) onto their thank you pages, websites or wherever.
And the magic happens.
When someone comes to one of their web pages like this (show example) and leaves, YOUR page pops up like this (show example).
They send you clicks and get paid. You get qualified visitors or traffic you paid 0 for upfront. All you pay is an affiliate commission after a sale. And that's all automated.
3. Show Proof
Here are 4 examples of mine (show pix)
You can talk about the proof or show pictures or video.
You can also talk about the credibility of the product creator, quote facts and statistics or use other forms of proof.
4. Value Stack
Show 'em everything they're getting for their money.
Here's what you get in my new Exit Bux program:
a. You get my template you use to create your own 1-pager
b. You get step-by-step instructions
c. You get 4 done-for-you popups
d. You also get bonus X and Bonus Y
If it's a VSL you might spend considerable time going through the stack. In an email or presell page, you might keep it short.
You want to make sure every feature is tied to a benefit, which I didn't do above. But in a vsl, I will.
5. Call to action
Tell 'em how to order or get more info.
Want My Next Affiliate Successs Letter?
It's only $1 for a 30-day trial. Then it's $5 a month. The main reason I charge is it allows me to pay you a commission for promoting it. If it's free, I can't pay you a commission.
Sell just 2 and yours is FREE.
Get How To Build Your Own Affiliate Army FREE
When you get only 3 of your affiliate friends to take a $1 trial, you'll get the $27 outstanding PDF for FREE on how to build your OWN affiliate army.
Yup, the best way to become a super affiliate is to have a product or two or your own that you get other affiliates to promote for you.
Once you have 3 people sign up for $1 trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, just post to and give me your name, email, and Warriorplus affiliate name. I'll comp you right away.
Get My Premium Take The Lid Off Your Income Program FREE!
Not only that, you can get my PREMIUM Take the Lid Off Your Income Course FREE also when you get 20 people to take a $1 trial to the Affiliate Success Letter.
As soon as you have 20 people who take a $1 trial, just post to me right here and I'll hook you up with the Basic version of Take the Lid Off Your Income, one of absolute best trainings.
When you get 50 people to take trials to the Affiliate Success Letter, I'll upgrade you to the $200 Plus version of Take the Lid Off.
And when you get 75 on trials, I'll upgrade you to the $400 Premium version.
Get My $2,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded Course FREE
Finally, by selling my products, you can get my $1,000 Amazing Formula Reloaded course for FREE. Just $5,000 in total sales and you get
How To Get Approved As An Affiliate
1. If you're an existing affiliate, register to be an affiliate for the Affiliate Success Letter.
Depending on your stats in Warriorplus as an affiliate, you may be approved. But if you aren't, relax. There are other ways to get approved, as long as your refunds are under 5%. If your refunds are over that, message me on and I'll handle it on a case-by-case basis.
2. Subscribe to the Affiliate Success Letter
I'll approve you on a provisional basis. Your ongoing approval will depend on your percentage of refunds and chargebacks. You need to have refunds under 5% and chargebacks under 1% and continue on at the $5 / month level after 30 days.
3. Are you an owner of anyof my other products?
If so, I take this into heavy consideration when you apply. Be sure to give me your name, the email address you log in with and the products you own.
How To Get My Monthly 25+-Page Newsletter
AND a Monthly Live Training For Only $1.19 a day.
With a $1 Trial To Test It Out

1. If you want to grow, build, improve or enhance your business, the new Milcers private site can make that happen for you.
2. If you need to get money rolling in the door right NOW then you need to get going YESTERDAY and your keywords of the day are going to be "STAT", "FAST", "NOW" and "GET RESULTS". If you need money coming in, if you need to get the cash flowing, if you need to get things rolling along then the new Milcers private membership has got lots of help for you.
Coming Soon!