Affiliate Domination System

Bonus 9.  52 minute affiliate masterclass

The video provides tips and strategies for starting a profitable affiliate marketing business, including website setup, keyword research, content creation, and joining multiple affiliate programs.

  • 00:00 ? Learn how to start a profitable affiliate marketing business with website setup, AI utilization, monetizable article writing, affiliate program joining, and sustainable income generation.
    • Learn how to start a profitable affiliate marketing business with this course, covering website setup, AI utilization, monetizable article writing, affiliate program joining, and sustainable income generation.
    • Affiliate marketing requires a website to rank for the right keywords and create initial content, which can be a perfect revenue stream and allows for failure without affecting customers.
    • Learn about SEO, on-page SEO, keyword research, link building, affiliate marketing, and monetization by building an affiliate marketing website, which is the first revenue stream of many.
    • Choose a domain name that you won't quit on, personal brand websites are great for ranking content on Google, and using your own name as a domain can be effective for building a digital resume and making money through affiliate articles.
    • Choose a niche and stick to it, but make sure it's broad enough to allow for growth across multiple platforms.
  • 03:58 ? Nexus offers fast and affordable WordPress hosting with SSL, CDN, and image compression, while Cadence WP is a recommended theme for affiliate sites with easy customization options and advanced features.
    • Nexus offers affordable and fast WordPress hosting with features like SSL, CDN, and image compression for maximum site speed and SEO ranking.
    • Choose a plan, enter your information and payment details, install WordPress through your host, and use the simple WordPress dashboard for endless customizations.
    • Choose a theme for your affiliate site in WordPress under appearance themes, with Cadence WP being a recommended option due to its perfect layouts and affiliate blocks, and customize it by clicking on the "customize" option to change colors, fonts, typography, header, footer, and other settings.
    • Cadence blocks in Wordpress make it easy to create blog posts with a similar format and include advanced features like countdowns and Google Maps.
    • Learn how to create simple affiliate content blocks with Cadence and discover essential plugins for blogging, including speed, image optimization, affiliate marketing, and security.
    • Use meta descriptions to optimize your site, Short Pixel for image optimization, Thirsty Affiliates for managing affiliate links, and be cautious of using too many plugins.
  • 09:33 ? Starting a website for affiliate marketing requires a minimum cost of $107 plus monthly hosting fees, with four core pages needed including a lead collection home page, personal about page, blog archive page, and transactional blog posts with high search volume keywords.
    • Use recommended plugins like Mammoth Docx Converter and WP Rocket for speed optimization on WordPress, and Easy Table of Contents for creating a table of contents.
    • The minimum cost to get started with a website for affiliate marketing is about $107 plus $20 to $25 a month for hosting and necessary tools.
    • A home page, an about page, a blog archive page, and a blog template are the four core pages needed for a website, with the home page serving as a lead collection opportunity and a chance to convey the site's purpose in a clear and concise manner.
    • Your about page should capture people's email and tell a personal story, not just list accomplishments like a LinkedIn profile, and should be vulnerable and share yourself with the world.
    • Your blog archive can be accessed through and the layout doesn't matter as much since people will find your articles through Google search.
    • To succeed in affiliate marketing, focus on creating transactional posts with keywords that have high search volume and competition, and use list posts to recommend and compare the best products.
  • 14:03 ? Keyword research is crucial for affiliate marketing success, as it allows you to identify high volume and emerging keywords in your niche that can generate revenue and brand building opportunities.
    • Low volume informational posts with low competition are early wins for affiliate marketing websites starting out with no traffic or domain authority.
    • Tiny house kitchen ideas are a low volume informational niche that can provide early wins for a website's ranking.
    • Affiliate marketing can be successful with high volume informational posts, but high competition transactional posts like antique keywords may be difficult to rank for, while emerging products with medium competition and search volume offer potential.
    • Keyword research is crucial for affiliate marketing success, as it allows you to identify high volume and emerging keywords in your niche that can generate affiliate revenue and brand building opportunities.
    • The keyword "best vacuum cleaners" has high traffic potential but is too competitive, while "best modular sectional" has lower difficulty and good search volume.
    • Low Authority sites on the first page of Google for certain keywords indicate that newer and emerging products are easier to rank for with less competition.
  • 19:33 ? Find high search volume keywords, create content around them, and focus on promoting high-priced products to maximize affiliate revenue potential.
    • Find high search volume keywords and write ideas type of articles for them, using examples like dorm room ideas and birthday party ideas.
    • To rank high in a niche, use seed keywords and filter for low competition keywords such as tricep dumbbell exercises or upper ab workouts.
    • Informational content includes how-to guides and recipes, which can generate ad revenue and affiliate opportunities for niche bloggers.
    • To find transactional affiliate article opportunities, use the keyword "best" with your niche and filter results by maximum keyword difficulty to identify low competition, high monetization potential topics.
    • Find your sweet spot in the middle of newer things and rank for keywords like "best" in any niche to create content and generate affiliate revenue.
    • To maximize affiliate revenue potential, focus on promoting high-priced products with a good commission rate and stay up-to-date on emerging products and keywords.
  • 25:39 ? Finding trends, expertise, and timing are crucial for affiliate marketing success; bloggers should use a content assembly line method, optimize for keywords, and add affiliate content blocks to increase engagement.
    • Finding and spotting trends, having expertise in a certain area, and timing are crucial components in ranking for keywords and finding affiliate marketing opportunities.
    • To maximize efficiency and create high-quality content, bloggers should adopt the content assembly line method and focus on creating articles optimized for keywords.
    • Affiliate marketing is a great business that doesn't require direct input, and creating a replicable process for content creation is important for those with busy schedules.
    • Create a minimum viable post optimized for on-page SEO, update it over time with unique content, and follow a structured article format to improve ranking.
    • Put your target keyword in the URL of your blog post and avoid adding other details like the year, as the URL is the only thing that cannot be changed without affecting links and backlinks, while other elements like the title, content, headings, and meta descriptions can be optimized using tools like Rank Math and Moz.
    • Adding affiliate content blocks to blog posts can increase engagement, dwell time, and clicks on affiliate links, and can be created with tools like Cadence or Specter using a templatized content assembly line method with a targeted title and search intent trigger words.
  • 31:42 ? Create an affiliate list post for on-page SEO with H2 and H3 headings, covering the top three best webinar software options, starting with Livestorm.
    • Odd numbers work better than even numbers for creating a five column across block section.
    • The TLDR is to create an affiliate list post for on-page SEO with H2 and H3 headings, covering the top three best webinar software options, starting with Livestorm.
    • TLDR: This section contains affiliate links and brief reviews for readers who want to learn more about the products.
    • The lecture covers images, features, user experience, pricing, recent updates, and a call to action for six companies, but it's not necessary to use every product in an affiliate list post.
    • Google's Helpful content update in 2022 prioritizes valuable content and copying features from competitor sites is no longer effective.
    • Product reviews are often based on SEO and strategy rather than what's actually the best, and a simple layout with H2, H3, numbered lists, and paragraph text can suffice for beginners.
  • 36:51 ? Combine informational and transactional posts, invest in software for optimization and content creation, join multiple affiliate programs, and focus on long-term goals for successful affiliate marketing.
    • Affiliate marketing can be profitable by combining informational and transactional posts, and AI tools such as Chat GPT, Jasper, and Content at Scale can speed up the content creation process.
    • For successful affiliate marketing, it is recommended to invest in software such as Surfer SEO for on-page optimization and Content Scale for content creation, but starting a business with no money is not advisable.
    • Join affiliate programs once you have traffic to your site, and diversify by signing up for individual programs or networks like ShareASale and Amazon Associates.
    • Adding affiliate links to your website involves different types of links, such as banner ads and text links, and can be easily added to WordPress using Thirsty Affiliates, with optimization involving adding links to the first mention and a call to action sentence.
    • To order affiliate companies in a post, consider the competition, price, commission rates, and conversion rates, and to run a successful affiliate marketing business, create a content assembly line and join multiple affiliate programs.
    • To build a successful affiliate marketing business, it is important to diversify by joining multiple programs, creating a process for adding links and tracking data, and focusing on consistency and long-term goals rather than quick profits.

Bonus 10: 6 hour course on affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a profitable way to earn a passive income by promoting products or services through a website, YouTube, or email marketing, and optimizing SEO and creating evergreen content are key to improving website ranking and attracting visitors.

  • 00:00 ? Affiliate marketing is a profitable way to earn money by promoting products or services through a website, YouTube, or email marketing, with less starting costs and the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
    • Learn how to start your own affiliate marketing business step by step, including market research, website creation, keyword research, traffic generation, and email marketing, with the key to success being persistence and not quitting after temporary defeat.
    • Affiliate marketing requires persistence, hard work, and a burning desire for success, but can lead to exponential growth and financial stability through creating valuable content and promoting affiliate links.
    • Affiliate marketing is a process of earning money by promoting someone else's product or service and driving a sale, with less starting costs, less risk, no waiting time for products to arrive, high commissions, no product creation, no support, and the ability to do it anonymously.
    • Affiliate marketing can be done from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and internet, and can make a big difference in people's lives, with the best ways to promote products being through a website, YouTube, and email marketing.
    • To become successful with affiliate marketing, focus on helping others, be outstanding in everything you do, over deliver, persevere, and keep on improving.
    • Affiliate marketing is a good way to make money by promoting products or services through a niche website that focuses on a specific sub-market.
  • 37:10 ? Create a niche website and promote digital products or services for higher commissions in affiliate marketing to earn a lucrative passive income.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of having a niche website and promoting digital products or services for higher commissions in affiliate marketing.
    • Identify a problem in your life and turn it into a niche by creating videos or blog posts to help others, as problems can become blessings and lead to success.
    • Creating a niche website focused on tools to make money can attract a highly targeted audience, and finding a product to promote should involve having passion for it, ensuring it benefits the buyer, and considering the commissions and search popularity.
    • Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative way to earn money by promoting products or courses in a specific niche, such as learning and development, through blog posts, videos, and referrals to platforms like Teachable or LinkedIn Learning.
    • The speaker discusses how to find a niche for a passive income website, including choosing a submarket, creating a brand name, and identifying the target audience.
    • The speaker discusses how to create a website with blog posts about the best online tools for generating passive income, including ideas for blog post topics and affiliate products to promote, and recommends a web hosting provider for beginners.
  • 01:28:51 ? Learn how to create and customize an affiliate marketing website, optimize blog posts for search results, and grow a passive income stream with Ahrefs and ConvertKit.
    • The speaker guides the audience through the process of purchasing a domain name and web hosting, installing WordPress, and cleaning up the website's backend.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to import a pre-made website for affiliate marketing and customize it, including creating blog posts and adding affiliate links.
    • The speaker discusses how to grow a passive stream of income through affiliate marketing by creating blog posts with high converting keywords and using the Ida model to trigger interest, build desire, and encourage action.
    • Learn how to use Ahrefs to optimize your blog posts for better search results by using the Site Explorer and Keyword Explorer to find backlinks and relevant keywords with low difficulty.
    • Believes that anyone can write a successful blog post with persistence and a good mindset, recommends using the AIDA formula for creating attention-grabbing titles, and emphasizes the importance of overdelivering high-quality content to rank better in search engines.
    • ConvertKit offers a free plan that allows up to 1000 subscribers and broadcast emails, and their pricing starts at $29 per month with good support and low competition.
  • 02:33:24 ? Improve your blog writing skills by using headers, text, tables, and images, and seek feedback to optimize your content.
    • The speaker discusses creating a blog post using headers, text, tables, and a table of contents, and emphasizes the importance of practicing and seeking feedback to improve writing skills.
    • The speaker discusses how to create images for a ConvertKit blog post using Photoshop or a free tool called CloudApp, and emphasizes the importance of optimizing image names for search engine visibility.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to improve blog posts by adding images, categories, tags, and a featured image using tools like Photoshop or Canva.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to optimize a blog post by creating a blog post template, compressing images, adding widgets, and designing a simple logo.
    • The speaker explains how to optimize a website by setting up Google Analytics and Search Console, using RankMath, and blocking personal IP address from being counted as a unique visitor.
    • The speaker sets up RankMath for their personal blog, including creating a sitemap, optimizing SEO, and selecting a focus keyword for their blog post.
  • 03:50:38 ? Optimizing SEO and creating evergreen content are key to improving website ranking and attracting visitors, while creating a ConvertKit email list and personalized call to action buttons can help grow your subscriber base.
    • Evergreen content remains relevant for a long time, with only minor changes to images, and can be accessed by clicking on pillar content posts.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of optimizing SEO title, description, and content, including using focus keywords, internal and external links, and improving readability, to improve website ranking and attract visitors.
    • The speaker discusses finishing a website and creating an email list in two parts, and also covers removing unnecessary elements, optimizing pages for search results, and creating an email address for the domain.
    • The speaker explains how to create a ConvertKit email list by creating a form or landing page, customizing it, and setting up settings such as when and how the form appears, and redirecting subscribers to a download or confirmation page.
    • The video demonstrates how to create a landing page with a free ebook offer, including uploading the ebook, designing the page, setting up a subscription form, and sending confirmation emails.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to create a call to action button and email subscription form using ConvertKit and Elementor, and explains how to personalize and send broadcast emails to subscribers.
  • 04:46:51 ?‍? Ferdy improves his website's appearance and organization, while the speaker shares tips on creating content, optimizing pages, and making money through affiliate marketing.
    • In this module, Ferdy ensures that his website is presentable and appealing to the world by checking all links, removing unnecessary widgets, and adding necessary disclaimers and policies.
    • The speaker discusses how to improve the appearance and organization of a website by adjusting widgets, categories, pages, and menus, and shares their personal journey in creating content.
    • Optimize every page on your website by adding snippets, external and internal links, and creating more content, and use tools like Elementor and ConvertKit to improve the design and functionality.
    • Create a blog post, add more content, and apply for the ConvertKit affiliate program to promote their email marketing services.
    • The speaker discusses how to make money through affiliate marketing by creating valuable content, driving traffic to the website, and promoting affiliate links.
    • The speaker discusses various ways to promote content, including using social media platforms, creating quality backlinks, and improving writing skills.
  • 05:24:25 ? Make money with Google AdSense by having at least 50 visitors per day and avoiding trademark use in Google AdWords, while learning from competitors, turning content creation into a game, and taking courses on YouTube and affiliate marketing.
    • Google AdSense can be a great way to make money from your website, but it's important to have at least 50 visitors per day before applying, and to avoid using trademarks in Google AdWords.
    • Learn from your competitors by analyzing their websites, turn your content creation into a game, combine blog posts and YouTube videos for extra power, and consider taking a course on making money with YouTube and affiliate marketing.
    • The video promotes the use of free and premium tools to improve website optimization and suggests writing more blog posts for increased success, while also providing tips on using Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Ahrefs to gather data and improve website health.
    • To improve website ranking, use tools such as Rank Math, fix missing description tags, and optimize website speed with Name Hero's Lightspeed, and consider investing in Pro Tools to increase revenue.
    • The speaker recommends using a lifetime subscription to Bloxsy Pro to create a permanent affiliate link and multiple sidebars for blog posts, which can increase revenue.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to add a sticky sidebar and create a mega menu using Blushield Pro for a blog page.
  • 05:54:32 ?‍? Customize your website's menu, design, and icons with these tips and tools.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to add links and icons to menu items on a website, using YouTube, blogging, and email marketing as examples.
    • Adjust menu settings and design elements to customize the background and color scheme of various sections on a website.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to add blog posts to a Mega Menu and customize its design in the Block editor.
    • Elementor Pro allows for the creation of popups and specific placements on pages to increase sales, and Block C offers a free cookie consent extension for website visitors.
    • To add an icon to a website, go to the customizer, select site identity, upload a favicon, and publish it.
    • The speaker provides tips on affiliate marketing and encourages viewers to take his course for more information.

Bonus 11: Create a website in 60 seconds with A.I.

Create a website in just one minute with AI-powered tools from 10Web and start an online business or freelance with WordPress.

  • 00:00 ? Learn website creation in 1 minute with AI tools and start an online business with
    • Learn how to create and edit websites in less than one minute using AI tools and turn it into an online business with
  • 01:28 ? Create a WordPress website with 10Web's AI-powered service for free by signing up and entering your site details.
    • Create a blank WordPress website with 10Web's AI-powered service by signing up for free, selecting a site title and subdomain, and entering an admin username and password.
  • 02:14 ? Create a website with AI Builder on WordPress by selecting business type and entering name/description.
    • Enable AI Builder on WordPress website, select business type and enter name/description to generate website.
  • 03:04 ? 10Web generates websites quickly and easily with just a few clicks.
    • Enter a clear description of your skills and services, choose the tone of your content, and wait for 10Web to generate your website.
  • 04:27 ? Penweb is a website builder integrated with Elementor for easy website customization.
    • Penweb is a website builder that is automatically integrated with Elementor, making it easy to edit and customize your website with features such as a menu, call to action button, hero section, about me section, portfolio, client testimonials, and contact page.
  • 05:23 ? Create a website easily with WordPress and customize the logo and menu appearance in a snap.
    • Create a website easily with WordPress and edit the logo and menu appearance with just a few clicks.
  • 06:00 ? 10Web's AI assistant dashboard helps users create and customize website content with ease.
    • 10Web's AI assistant dashboard allows users to customize and generate website content using various tools and plugins.
  • 07:33 ? Create a website with AI tools in 10 web or make money freelancing with WordPress or drop hosting business.
    • Create a website and use powerful AI tools within 10 web, including a 100 page speed score and Cloud velocity and image Optimizer, by pointing your domain and configuring DNS settings.
    • Two ways to make money online: freelancing with WordPress and AI-powered platform 10 web, or creating a drop hosting business targeting clients and offering a Beyond customer package gig.

Bonus 12: $300 a day with Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

The key idea of the video is to follow a 7-step strategy for Pinterest affiliate marketing by promoting relevant products in your niche, sharing honest reviews and tutorials, and regularly tracking and optimizing successful pins to increase clicks and conversions.

  • 00:00 ? Make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing by following a 7-step strategy and promoting relevant products in your niche.
    • Learn how to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing through a seven-step strategy that drives traffic to products or services you're an affiliate of.
    • The speaker shares their affiliate marketing strategy and shows a screenshot of their income from promoting a product.
    • Choose a relevant product in your niche and focus on a few Ophelia products to see a shift in your affiliate income on Pinterest.
  • 02:19 ? Use a product you love, explain why you like it, and ensure demand and commission when promoting online.
    • When promoting a product online, use a product you love, explain why you like it without sounding too salesy, and make sure there is a demand for it and a good commission.
  • 03:16 ? Choose relevant affiliate products with decent commission that you use yourself, but don't expect to make hundreds of dollars a day with Pinterest links.
    • Choose affiliate products that are relevant to your audience, pay decent commission, and are products or services you use yourself.
    • Affiliate links on Pinterest may not be an effective strategy for making hundreds of dollars a day.
  • 04:50 ? Share honest product reviews and helpful tutorials on your blog to boost traffic and affiliate marketing success.
    • Write in-depth reviews of products you know and use, sharing both the good and bad aspects, to drive traffic to your blog from Pinterest.
    • Step-by-step guides and tutorials are effective for affiliate marketing, where sharing personal experiences using a product can help solve problems and bring value without the need to sell.
  • 06:18 ? Amazon is cracking down on fake reviews by suing sellers who use fake reviews to boost their products.
    • Add multiple affiliate links throughout your blog post, including links to text, images, and a call to action button, and always disclose that your post includes affiliate links.
  • 07:42 ? Creating multiple pins and promoting them on Pinterest is crucial for driving traffic to blog posts, with affiliate links being more successful than direct links, and regularly tracking and optimizing successful pins is key to increasing clicks.
    • Creating one to five pins per new blog post on Pinterest and constantly promoting them has led to 80% of traffic for the speaker, with affiliate links leading to blog posts being more successful than direct affiliate links on Pinterest.
    • Creating multiple pins with different designs for the same blog post can help increase traffic, but it takes time and effort to see results.
    • Ranking on Pinterest search is crucial for Europeans to drive traffic to their blog posts, and regularly tracking and optimizing successful pins is key to increasing clicks.
  • 10:36 ? Updating and optimizing your affiliate blog post can double your conversions, and using Pinterest ads can drive even more traffic.
    • Regularly update and check your blog post to ensure it is the ultimate source of information and that affiliate links are working to increase traffic and earnings.
    • Updating and optimizing your post can increase your conversions from 2 out of 10 to 4 out of 10, and using Pinterest ads to promote successful affiliate posts can drive even more traffic to your blog.
  • 12:21 ? Use successful pins for ads in a seven-step Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy, but ensure it's profitable before investing in ads.
    • The speaker shared a seven-step Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy that includes using successful pins for ads, but emphasized the importance of making sure the strategy is working and making sales before investing in ads.

Bonus 13: How me made $1023 in a week with an easy method (full tutorial)

As a new marketer, focus on utilizing email lists and free traffic sources like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to promote profitable online business products with recurring commissions and high ticket offers, while automating email marketing with lead magnets for low effort affiliate commissions.

  • 00:00 ? Utilize email lists and focus on free traffic to earn over $1,000 in affiliate commissions as a new marketer.
    • The speaker earned over $1,000 in affiliate commissions in a week and documented the process, utilizing their email list of over 4,000 contacts.
    • Focus on free traffic instead of spending money on ads to make money online as a new affiliate marketer.
  • 01:13 ? Promote profitable online business products with recurring commissions and high ticket offers, while automating email marketing with lead magnets for low effort affiliate commissions.
    • Choosing a profitable niche and promoting online business products with recurring commission rates and potential for high ticket offers to earn low effort affiliate commissions.
    • Automate email marketing by using lead magnets to offer freebies in exchange for email addresses.
  • 02:57 ? Creating an avatar helps develop products for the target audience.
    • Creating an avatar helps in understanding the target audience and developing products that they will buy.
  • 03:59 ? Offer a free video training and treat email subscribers like people by introducing yourself before promoting your offer.
    • Create content that appeals to your target audience, offer a free video training, and treat email subscribers like people by introducing yourself before promoting your offer.
  • 05:02 ? Focus on creating quality content and utilize free traffic sources like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for maximum reach and cross-platform potential.
    • The speaker discusses the best free traffic sources and advises against shortcuts, emphasizing the importance of creating quality content.
    • The six big options for free traffic sources are YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and a blog, but the speaker chose TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube due to their shorts feature and cross-platform potential.
  • 06:37 ? Plans to create daily videos with proven viral content by experimenting with reaction style content in videos 5, 6, and 7.
    • The speaker noticed a trend on TikTok and plans to apply the same evolution from OG YouTube to create daily videos with proven viral content.
    • Created unique content by taking similar concepts from previous videos and experimenting with reaction style content in videos 5, 6, and 7.
  • 08:07 ? One TikTok video brought success to the speaker's low-effort reaction videos.
    • The speaker created low-effort reaction videos that gained little traction on Instagram and YouTube, but found success on TikTok with one video gaining over 4 million views.
  • 09:24 ? A TikTok user earned over $1,000 in affiliate commissions through viral reaction videos, gaining 4,000 email subscribers and one referral purchasing an upsell for $2,500.
    • The speaker earned over $1,000 in affiliate commissions in a week through viral reaction videos on TikTok.
    • Despite getting 509 referrals and 4 people joining the 15-day business Builder challenge, there were zero sales, but one referral ended up purchasing an upsell for $2,500, resulting in a $1,023 commission and over 4,000 email subscribers gained.
    • Having an existing audience on TikTok can give a slight boost, but anyone can go viral and grow an audience, although refining the video-making process takes time and progress may not be immediate.

Bonus 14: Easy way he makes $1,000 / mo. with affiliate marketing

The video provides a 12-step guide on how to make money through affiliate marketing, with a focus on using Medium as a platform and scaling up to potentially earn $2000 a month.

  • 00:00 ? Learn how to make money through affiliate marketing in 12 steps, working 2 hours a day for 3-6 months, with potential to scale up to $2000 a month.
    • Learn how to turn zero dollars into a thousand dollars in affiliate marketing by following 12 steps and working 2 hours a day for 3-6 months, with the potential to scale up to $2000 a month, through an honest and transparent guide.
    • Learn how to generate income online by choosing a topic you love or know about, with free support and real case studies provided by the speaker.
  • 02:19 ? Create a list of niche-specific blogs, join newsletters, and follow YouTubers in your field to grow on YouTube and organize your marketing work.
    • The video provides free tools and PDF files to implement the strategy discussed, so just listen and understand the idea before downloading and using them.
    • To grow on YouTube, create a list of niche-specific blogs using Google and manage them with Notion.
    • To organize your marketing work, choose a suitable niche, create a list of 5-10 blogs, join 3-5 newsletters, and follow YouTubers in your field to have a bank of ideas to pick from.
  • 06:32 ? Find commission programs in your niche and promote them with referral links to earn commissions in affiliate marketing.
    • Choose a new symbol, create a list, and research commission programs in your niche to find success in affiliate marketing.
    • Search for commission programs in your niche, such as YouTube Affiliate Programs, and promote them using referral links to earn commissions.
  • 08:28 ? Post quality content, engage with readers, and use Medium's distribution system to succeed on the platform.
    • Create a blog on Medium and plan three to five post ideas based on sources for inspiration, such as newsletters and blogs.
    • Focus on three main factors to achieve success on Medium: posting quality content, engaging with readers, and utilizing Medium's built-in distribution system.
  • 10:45 ? Using catchy titles and an AI writing assistant can help attract readers to your articles on Medium.
    • Focus on creating catchy headlines and simple, straight-to-the-point posts with pictures and proof to increase click-through rates on Medium.
    • Medium is a social network where using catchy titles and an AI writing assistant can help attract readers to your articles.
  • 13:00 ? Use affiliate links in Medium posts, but don't overdo it, track clicks and earnings with sub-IDs and
    • Promote affiliate links in your Medium posts, but be cautious and avoid overusing commission links, and follow the example of adding a conclusion and sharing a tool like
    • Add commission links to your Medium posts and use sub-IDs to track clicks and earnings, create 2-3 posts per week and track performance using analytics, and use for free link shortening and tracking.
  • 15:07 ? Complete online service now free, with only 2 steps left: build email list through Medium and scale up to $1000 per month.
    • The online service is now free and has completed step ten, with only two steps remaining.
    • Step 11 is to build an email list and start email marketing, which can be done for free on Medium and exported to other platforms like ConvertKit, and step 12 is to apply strategies to scale up to $1000 per month once you reach $300-$500 per month.
  • 17:11 ? Repurpose content, scale blog with SEO, join more programs, start YouTube channel to grow and reach more people online.
    • Repurpose your content on different platforms, scale your blog with SEO, join more commission programs, and start a YouTube channel to grow and reach more people online.
    • Learn how to create tutorials with Camtasia Studio, use video SEO to rank your videos higher on YouTube, and get free organic views by following step-by-step instructions in the speaker's video.

Bonus 15: What happens when you combine Pinterest + ChatGPT?

The video provides tips on how to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing using Digistore24 and chat GPT in just 10-15 minutes a day by consistently posting clickbaity pins and using free traffic to promote affiliate products.

  • 00:00 ? Make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing using Digistore24 and chat GPT in just 10-15 minutes a day.
    • Learn how to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing using chat GPT in just 10-15 minutes a day and earn up to a couple hundred dollars a day with T1 traffic and direct linking to products.
    • Paid traffic and consistent posting can lead to successful affiliate marketing, but free traffic requires automation and patience, and Digistore24 offers up to 70% commissions on 8,000 products in 44 niches.
    • Choose a niche and product on digistore24, create an account, and search for products by name, sales rank, or popularity to promote on Pinterest.
  • 03:07 ? Use chat GPT to generate niche-specific weight loss tips and create clickbaity titles for Pinterest pins to increase affiliate marketing revenue and post consistently to increase monthly views.
    • Promote the ultimate keto meal plan by clicking on the affiliate link and using chat GPT to create pins on Pinterest.
    • Create a Chat GPT account and start asking for niche-specific weight loss tips to generate a carousel of pins and increase product purchases.
    • Learn how to create pins using a free software by breaking down the options given by chat GPT and creating a spreadsheet with main points and extended descriptions.
    • Use chat GPT to create clickbaity titles for Pinterest pins to increase affiliate marketing revenue, by inputting a topic and receiving multiple options to choose from.
    • Create a Pinterest profile and post consistently to increase monthly views.
  • 07:40 ? Post 3-5 pins daily on Pinterest, use for free templates and consider upgrading for chat GPT feature to create pins instantly.
    • To make consistent money on Pinterest, create and post three to five pins a day and stay consistent with building your following.
    • Use to create Pinterest pins for free with a variety of templates available, including paid Pro pins, and consider upgrading to access the feature of importing information from chat GPT to create pins instantly.
    • Create a Pinterest pin from scratch by selecting an image and adding a shape using the elements section.
    • Create a template with a heading and subheading, adjust transparency and design, and add text for information.
  • 11:14 ? Learn how to import and upload information onto Pinterest pins, add a call to action, and make money with affiliate marketing using free traffic.
    • Learn how to import information from Chat GPT onto different types of pins in Canva by duplicating pages and pasting the copied information.
    • Learn how to upload and add a call to action on all four pre-populated Pinterest pins, including a final pin prompting viewers to click on a link to learn about the ultimate keto meal plan.
    • To increase clicks in affiliate marketing, provide a call to action and download pins as a zip file to share on Pinterest.
    • Learn how to make money with affiliate marketing using free traffic by grabbing the speaker's ultimate affiliate marketing guide for free in the video description.
  • 14:42 ? Learn how to create a Pinterest carousel with multiple pins, rearrange images, calculate macros, and take action.
    • Learn how to add links and download pins on Pinterest by creating a carousel with multiple pins.
    • Rearrange the images by clicking on the left-hand side and then calculate your macros, followed by clicking on "done" and ending with a call to action.
  • 16:20 ? Four keto tips for men to get ripped without the gym, plus a free platform to promote affiliate marketing products.
    • Use GPT to create additional titles for a Pinterest poster and choose one to use, such as "Get ripped with these four keto tips for men - no gym required."
    • Add a destination link to your PIN using a Pinterest-approved link shortener like Linktree to avoid getting your pins removed.
    • Linktree is a free platform that allows you to promote multiple affiliate marketing products and customize your profile to showcase them.
  • 18:47 ? Use Digistore24 to earn commission by sharing affiliate links on your Linktree profile and learn how to promote products on Pinterest.
    • Add a link from digistore24 by importing the URL in the "add" section.
    • Copy and paste your affiliate link, add a description and share it on your Linktree profile to earn commission when people click and purchase.
    • Use a link shortening service like Bitly to promote products from Digistore24 and ensure the link works properly.
    • Learn how to use Pinterest affiliate marketing by creating a board, publishing a pin with your Linktree profile, and adding your Linktree link to your bio.
  • 22:30 ? Create Pinterest account, sign up for ChatGPT and Canva, post 2-3 pins/day to increase traffic for more opportunities to make money with affiliate marketing.
    • Create a Pinterest account, sign up for ChatGPT and Canva, post 2-3 pins a day to increase traffic and clicks for more opportunities to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing.
    • Learn about an effective affiliate marketing strategy by watching the recommended video.

Bonus 16:  14-page REPORT I wrote today on how to double leads and double sales as an affiliate

Bonus 17: How this marketer manages FIFTEEN multiple  streams
of income. If you want multiple streams

The key idea of the video is to diversify your income streams and focus on monetizing one stream at a time to achieve consistency in income and reduce stress.

  • 00:00 ? Kimberly Olson has 15 streams of income, including coaching, bootcamps, network marketing, workshops, and a monthly membership program.
    • Kimberly Olson shares her 15 streams of income, including coaching, bootcamps, network marketing, workshops, and a monthly membership program.
  • 01:33 ? The speaker earns money through various sources such as books, affiliate marketing, podcast sponsorships, products, and events.
    • The speaker earns money through royalties from books, affiliate marketing, podcast sponsorships, physical and evergreen products, and charging for retreats and conferences.
  • 02:33 ? The speaker offers a variety of services including rentals, online events, and coaching.
    • The speaker has 16 different offerings including rental properties, online events, and coaching services.
  • 03:04 ? Focus on monetizing one stream at a time to achieve consistency in income and reduce stress.
    • Focus on monetizing one stream at a time to achieve consistency in income and reduce stress.
  • 03:59 ? People will pay for valuable content, allowing the speaker to not rely solely on network marketing and have money coming in from her Goal Digger content to learn and grow her online presence.
    • The speaker's first workshop opened her eyes to the fact that people will pay for valuable content, allowing her to not rely solely on network marketing and have money coming in from her Goal Digger content to learn and grow her online presence.
  • 04:51 ? Students in Six-Figure Breakthrough program launched virtual assistant services to create multiple streams of income alongside their network marketing.
    • Having a side hustle provides consistent income, helps pay bills, allows for financial freedom, and can serve as a creative outlet.
    • Students in Six-Figure Breakthrough program discovered additional skills and launched virtual assistant services to create multiple streams of income alongside their network marketing.
  • 06:05 ? Diversify your income streams in network marketing for long-term residual income.
    • Learn to diversify your income streams in network marketing to create long-term residual income.
  • 06:53 ? Don't be afraid to try new things and share your ideas.
    • Try something new, even if you think you can't do it or no one will pay for it, and share your ideas in the comments.

Bonus 18: Literally everything you need to know to get started as
an affiliate

Affiliate marketing can be a profitable way to make money online by promoting products through unique links and cookies, creating niche-specific content, and using email and social media marketing to reach a specific audience.

  • 00:00 ? Make money with affiliate marketing by promoting products and earning a commission without spending money on ads.
    • Learn how to make money with affiliate marketing quickly and efficiently without wasting money on unnecessary things.
    • Affiliate marketing is when companies offer a commission to affiliates who bring in customers and make sales without the company having to spend money on ads.
    • Affiliate marketing involves giving affiliates a referral link to promote a product and earn a portion of the profits from any resulting purchases.
  • 02:12 ? Clickfunnels uses affiliate tracking through unique links and cookies to recognize referrals.
    • Clickfunnels uses a unique link structure with an affiliate ID to track referrals.
    • Affiliate tracking works through cookies stored in the browser, allowing for referral recognition even if the affiliate link is not clicked.
  • 03:54 ? Understand how affiliate program cookies work before promoting to avoid promoting incorrectly and choose between high and low ticket options for different commission structures.
    • Affiliate programs use cookies with an expiration period to track referrals and determine which affiliate gets the commission.
    • Understand how affiliate program cookies work before promoting to avoid promoting incorrectly, and most companies have some form of affiliate or referral program with high and low ticket options.
    • Low ticket programs require high volume sales for small commissions, while high ticket programs target high quality leads with larger commissions for fewer sales.
    • Affiliate programs can be self-hosted or broker hosted, with a variety of brands available to apply to, and each program has its own approval process.
  • 06:37 ? Put yourself in the brand's shoes and focus on the three main methods to succeed in affiliate marketing.
    • When applying for affiliate programs, it's important to put yourself in the eyes of the brand and show that you will work at it and not solely their brand.
    • To succeed in affiliate marketing, put yourself in the shoes of the approver and fill out questions in a manner that gives them what they're looking for, and focus on the three main methods to get commissions and clicks on your affiliate links.
    • Combining distinct methods of advertising, such as paid ads, is not effective and can be detrimental to a marketing strategy.
  • 09:02 ? Affiliate links in credit card ads allow affiliates to profit from sign-ups through their link.
    • Affiliate links in credit card ads allow the affiliate to make a profit by getting paid for each sign-up through their link.
  • 10:14 ? Create content for a specific audience, collect their email addresses, and use email marketing to promote affiliate products to make money online.
    • There are two methods for affiliate marketing: testing ads (not recommended for beginners) and audience building (creating content in a specific niche).
    • Create content for a specific audience, provide a link for free training or tools in exchange for their email address to build a marketing audience.
    • Use email marketing to promote affiliate products to a targeted audience interested in making money online.
  • 12:15 ? Create content and make offers through email, social media, and search engine marketing to make money with affiliate marketing, as seen with recommended vacuum cleaners for pet hair on Amazon.
    • The speaker promotes affiliate marketing as a way to make money by creating content and making offers, with the three methods being email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine marketing.
    • The speaker researched the best vacuum cleaner for pet hair on affiliate websites and found recommendations with links to purchase on Amazon.
  • 14:01 ? Affiliate marketing can generate passive income by creating niche-specific content and using affiliate links to recommend products to viewers.
    • Use search engines to find out what people are looking for, create content that helps them make a buying decision, and send them to an affiliate link based on your recommendation.
    • Passive income can be generated through affiliate marketing by creating niche-specific content that continues to attract viewers over time.
    • Affiliate links can generate passive income for years without much effort, making it an appealing option for those seeking a hands-off income stream.
    • Creating "best x for y" and review videos, as well as x versus y comparisons, is a common way for content creators to provide information and recommendations on products.
    • To succeed in affiliate marketing, focus on mastering one traffic source and a few products instead of spreading yourself too thin across multiple platforms.

Bonus 19: This dude built an 85,000 person email list for
affiliate marketing. And explains HOW he did it.

The key idea of the video is to build a powerful email list through valuable giveaways and pre-qualifying subscribers to effectively engage prospects and profit in email marketing as an affiliate marketer.

  • 00:00 ? Build a powerful email list to sell anything online through high-quality email marketing.
    • Most email marketing training for affiliate marketers leads to low-quality subscribers, but this video teaches how to build a powerful email list that buys anything you sell.
    • Build a high-quality email list to make money online through email marketing, which is the best way to sell products and services.
  • 02:05 ? Only a small percentage of visitors become active subscribers on email lists due to fake emails and lack of future benefits.
    • Most affiliates are building email lists with free giveaways, but only 10-20% of subscribers become useful due to fake emails and lack of future benefits.
    • Due to distractions, only a small percentage of visitors will become active subscribers on your email list.
  • 03:48 ? Choose the right giveaway and build a valuable subscriber list to profit in email marketing as an affiliate marketer.
    • To make profits in email marketing as an affiliate marketer, it is important to have valuable subscribers and choose the right giveaway.
  • 05:06 ? Marketers should prioritize concise and valuable content over lengthy PDFs or eBooks to effectively engage prospects.
    • More volume does not equal more value, so marketers should focus on providing valuable content in a concise format rather than overwhelming prospects with lengthy PDFs or eBooks.
  • 06:26 ? Pre-qualify subscribers with their best email address to eliminate fake emails and ensure engaged subscribers on your list.
    • Pre-qualify subscribers by asking for their best email address when building a giveaway page to eliminate fake emails on your list.
    • Using a real email address when subscribing ensures engaged subscribers on your email list and a high open rate on your first email.
  • 08:18 ? Show the value of your giveaway by highlighting the effort or cost it would take elsewhere to make your email marketing more effective.
    • To make your email marketing valuable, justify the value of your giveaway by showing the substantial effort or demonstrating the price it would cost elsewhere.
  • 09:41 ? 35,000 licenses sold for $2M, now available for free through partnerships.
    • 35,000 licenses were sold generating nearly two million dollars in sales, but now the license can be obtained for free through partnerships.
  • 10:24 ? Turn your email list into a money-making machine with just 50 to 100 subscribers by implementing the techniques shared in the video and checking out the free presentation in the description.
    • Learn how to turn your email list into a money-making machine with just 50 to 100 subscribers by implementing the techniques shared in the video and checking out the free presentation in the description.

Bonus 20: How he got his first $10,000 in affiliate marketing
with no audience

The video discusses various methods of affiliate marketing that require no audience and can earn up to $10k/month, including buying Facebook groups, launch jacking, and partnering with content creators.

  • 00:00 ? Learn affiliate marketing methods that require no audience and can earn up to $10k/month, including buying Facebook groups for lead generation and income on autopilot.
    • Learn top affiliate marketing methods that require zero audience to get started and have the ability to make up to ten thousand dollars per month.
    • Buying a Facebook group with a large number of members can generate leads and income on autopilot by asking membership questions.
    • Collect leads from Facebook groups by offering a lead magnet and consider buying a group to increase your reach.
  • 02:33 ? Offer a free keto meal plan recipe guide in your Facebook group's membership question to collect leads and make a full-time income promoting related products.
    • Track the number of members and new members in multiple groups in your niche to determine their growth rate.
    • Offer a free keto meal plan recipe guide in your Facebook group's membership question to collect around 300 leads per day and make a full-time income promoting related products.
  • 04:11 ? Buy a high-engagement Facebook group, collect emails with a lead magnet, and promote related products to those emails.
    • Identify admins and moderators by clicking "see all" and add them as friends to reach out to them.
    • Buy a Facebook group with high engagement and members for a fair price, offer a lead magnet to collect emails, and promote related products to those emails.
  • 05:25 ? Launch jacking ? is a profitable affiliate marketing strategy that involves creating video reviews and ranking for specific keywords.
    • Amazon Inspire is a new traffic source that allows anyone to make videos promoting products on Amazon and earn commissions without needing an audience or followers.
    • The Inspire method is a new and promising way to use Amazon, but starting out may be challenging due to lack of competition.
    • Launch jacking is a method of making video reviews on new products or services and ranking for specific keywords to earn commissions through affiliate marketing.
  • 08:22 ? Create review videos in specific niches with affiliate links to generate sales and build your audience without needing an existing following.
    • Learn how to find good review opportunities and products to review in specific niches by sharing the screen and showing examples.
    • The speaker creates reviews on various meal delivery services and includes affiliate links in the descriptions to generate sales.
    • Make money for months or even years by creating review videos for specific niches, such as software or Amazon products, which can bring in commissions and build your audience without requiring an existing following.
  • 11:01 ? People prefer video product reviews over pictures, and Amazon affiliates can earn a passive income by consistently reviewing products.
    • People watch videos for product reviews, not just look at pictures, as shown by the popularity of regular people's reviews on Craftsman products.
    • Amazon is allowing affiliates to make money by reviewing products, and with consistent effort, it can generate a passive income stream for years to come.
  • 12:49 ? Learn how to make $20K/month with a specific method through free training, or earn up to $10K/month with zero-audience affiliate marketing by partnering with a content creator.
    • Learn how to make a twenty thousand dollar per month profit income from a specific method by watching a free training in the second link in the description below.
    • Partnering or hiring a content creator to make all your content for you can be a zero-audience affiliate marketing method that can earn up to 10K per month.
  • 14:26 ? Hire a content creator for simple TikTok videos at $15-20 per video to generate leads and traffic for affiliate marketing and earn 10K per month without an audience.
    • The speaker owns a TikTok account called "Work from Home" with 42,000 followers that generates decent income.
    • Hiring a content creator to make simple TikTok videos for $15-20 per video can be a profitable strategy for generating leads and traffic.
    • Learn how to convert leads in affiliate marketing and choose one strategy to master for earning 10K per month or more without an audience.

Bonus 21: Create 40+ affiliate blog posts in 1 hour

Learn how to quickly create 40+ affiliate blog posts using a combination of AI technology, workflow tools, and SEO optimization, while balancing efficiency and quality.

  • 00:00 ? Learn how to create 40+ affiliate blog posts in 1 hour by optimizing your time and effort, and balancing between the analytical slow SEO approach and the fast 80/20 rule.
  • 01:02 ? BuzzFeed News shutting down due to social media dependency and AI technology potentially harming content creators.
    • Buzzfeed's sister company, BuzzFeed news, is going out of business and some people are blaming it on chat gbt, but the speaker argues that Buzzfeed's business model is different from most niche and affiliate websites.
    • BuzzFeed News' dependency on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as Google's AI technology like Bard, could potentially take away the livelihood of content creators.
  • 03:01 ? Use AI to create 40+ affiliate blog posts in 1 hour by finding a high-traffic website, filtering top pages by keyword, and generating article names with chat GPT.
    • The speaker discusses using AI in content writing to boost website traffic and shares a strategy for creating 40+ affiliate blog posts in one hour using an Excel spreadsheet, Google Docs, and a free tool called Quick Article Workflow.
    • Using ahrefs, the speaker found a website with a domain rating of nine and 6.6k monthly traffic for bass fishing rigs, filtered the top pages by keyword, and pushed them to a list.
    • Using chat GPT, the speaker generates article names for 11 different articles and drafts them on a website with a low domain rating.
  • 06:28 ? Quickly create 40+ affiliate blog posts by using a workflow tool and copying content from informational websites related to a specific keyword, resulting in a 2500-word article in less than 20 seconds of actual working time.
    • Using the quick article workflow tool, the speaker creates multiple affiliate blog posts of varying styles and lengths in a short amount of time.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to quickly create a monetized blog post by finding informational websites related to a specific keyword and copying their content into a Google sheet, while avoiding direct product-selling companies, resulting in a 2500-word article with meta title and description in less than 20 seconds of actual working time.
  • 09:01 ? Quickly create affiliate blog posts by using a tool to generate article ideas and editing for clarity and personalization, with emphasis on checking your work.
    • The speaker demonstrates how to quickly create affiliate blog posts by using a tool to generate article ideas and then editing them for clarity and personalization.
    • The speaker discusses a tool built upon chat GPT and the importance of checking your work when using it.
  • 10:59 ? Create interlinked columns and use SEO tools to generate multiple affiliate blog posts, but don't overwhelm your website with too many at once.
    • Create a methodical way to build out content by inserting columns to the right and interlinking them for easy editing and interlinking by a content team.
    • Use interlinked articles and tools like the free SEO optimized article generator to create multiple articles for your website, but don't blast your website with too many articles at once.
    • The speaker shares a technique for creating 40+ affiliate blog posts in one hour, emphasizing the importance of gaining traction first and using SEO to quickly ensure headers are in line.
  • 13:37 ? Quickly create affiliate blog posts by varying titles and using a tool to generate ideas, linking to Amazon best sellers, adding stock imagery and FAQs, and creating more product boxes to attract potential customers.
    • The speaker discusses how to create affiliate blog posts quickly by varying the title tag and title of the article to grab more keywords and provides an example of creating a post about bass fishing rigs.
    • The speaker discusses using a tool to generate affiliate blog post ideas and demonstrates how to find and link to Amazon best sellers for gear and fishing line.
    • Adding stock imagery and frequently asked questions to a big article with a lot of keywords can improve its ranking, and creating more product boxes for different items can attract more potential customers.
  • 18:09 ? Push articles to team members to build out with interlinking and conservative approach to cost per article, and consider subscribing to the master class for access to the quick article workflow.

Bonus 22: I Built A Faceless YouTube Channel ONLY Using Ai Tools

Use AI tools to create a unique YouTube channel with voice-over storytelling, ASMR, and poetry to generate ideas and earn money.

  • 00:00 ? Create a faceless YouTube channel with AI tools like AI Coach and Vid IQ with a 98% discount!
    • Attempting to create a faceless YouTube channel using AI, this video will show viewers awesome AI tools and how to make money with YouTube automation.
    • AI tools can help create YouTube channels, such as AI Coach, which is similar to Chat GPT.
    • Vid IQ is a more specific technology than chatgpt for YouTube growth, offering 98% discount to try it out.
  • 02:14 ? Use AI to create a YouTube channel with voice-over storytelling, ASMR, and poetry to generate ideas for solo entrepreneurs.
    • Get access to AI tools to generate ideas for solo entrepreneurs.
    • Using AI, we can create a faceless YouTube channel with voice-over storytelling, ASMR, and poetry.
    • Find keywords with high search volume and low competition to create videos for and rank on YouTube.
  • 04:30 ? Create a unique content idea using AI technology to get more views on YouTube.
    • Searching for a topic with medium competition and high search volume, such as "scary stories", may be difficult to break through with a new YouTube channel.
    • Create a romantic love sleep story using AI technology to get 5,000 views on YouTube.
  • 06:16 ? Jane and Michael embraced as AI technology enabled realistic sounding voices for narration.
    • Jane and Michael passionately embraced as the sun set on the horizon.
    • A romantic love sleep story is written to help people fall asleep and increase views.
    • AI technology has enabled realistic sounding voices for narration, such as whispering, storytelling, and cloning of voices.
  • 08:43 ? Create your own music with an AI music generator and edit it to fit your needs, like making a gentle track for sleep.
    • We can create music from scratch with an AI music generator and edit it to fit our needs.
    • Change the music to low to create a gentle track for listeners to fall asleep.
  • 10:32 ? Mid Journey is an AI image creation tool that can be used to create magical images from scratch, which can be combined with audio to create videos.
    • AI video creation tools can be used to create videos from scripts with stock images and text, but for sleep stories, a still image with audio track is usually sufficient.
    • Mid Journey is an AI image creation tool that creates magical images from scratch using AI, which can be accessed by joining the Beta and sending a message with an image prompt.
    • Using Final Cut Pro, I have overlaid files onto a timeline and exported it as a video.
  • 12:52 ? Create a YouTube video with AI to generate a high click-through rate title and content with no manual input.
    • Create a YouTube channel, upload a video, and use AI to generate a high clickfruit title for the video.
    • AI title recommendations can generate high click-through rate title ideas for keywords, such as "The Most Romantic Sleep Story Ever - Fall Asleep Within Seconds".
    • Using AI technology, a YouTube video with a thumbnail, script, voiceover, and image can be created with no manual input.
  • 15:35 ? Start earning money on YouTube with this secret strategy video!
    • To start earning money from YouTube, upload more videos and check out the secret strategy video to start earning money on day one without 4 hours of watch time.

Bonus 23: He sold blank books on Amazon. Here's the dough he made and how

Selling blank books on Amazon KDP can be a profitable source of passive income by creating niche designs with good search volume and low competition, uploading lots of books, and using tools like Book Bolt and Book Box Design Studio.

  • 00:00 ? You can make money by selling print on demand books with Amazon KDP, which is Amazon's self-publishing book service that allows anyone to upload and sell their books on Amazon without investing in a load of stock up front.
  • 00:50 ? People are making millions selling blank books on Amazon through the KDP business model, where authors can upload a PDF of their book and Amazon will print and ship it to customers.
  • 01:30 ? Creating eye-catching book covers and using tools like Book Bolt to find unsaturated opportunities can help in making passive income by selling blank books on Amazon KDP.
  • 02:24 ? To succeed in selling books on Amazon KDP, it's important to niche down and create designs with good search volume but not too much competition, which can be found by checking out the highest selling notebooks in the cloud section of bookball.
  • 03:35 ? Use the keyword section to find niche keywords with high search volume and low competition, then design books easily.
  • 04:09 ? Using Book Box Design Studio, the speaker designed five blank books with royalty-free images, uploaded them to Amazon with a cheap price, and waited for approval.
  • 04:50 ? Uploading lots of books on Amazon KDP is the key to success and generating daily passive income, so set a challenge to upload three books per day for three months to have over 250 books uploaded.
  • 05:29 ? Sold 54 books on Amazon KDP, making a total of £20.50, which is impressive considering the rushed creation of only five simple books in less than an hour, and plans to focus on this more for potential passive income.

Bonus 24: 0 To 1,000 Subscribers on Youtube FAST (Free A-Z Course)

Using Trello to efficiently organize content and prioritize niche and strategy, creating high demand content with strong video ideas, titles, and thumbnails, and optimizing videos for the algorithm are key steps to quickly grow a YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023.

  • 00:00 ? Identify your niche, target audience, and create a Trello board to efficiently organize content to quickly grow your YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023.
    • The speaker shares the strategies he used to grow his YouTube channel from scratch to over 1,000 subscribers in a few months, with videos getting up to 15,000 views, and offers to help others achieve the same success through affiliate marketing.
    • The speaker's recent videos have been getting a lot of views due to ranking on trading keywords on Weeble.
    • To quickly grow a YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023, it's important to specialize in a certain niche and create videos around it.
    • To grow your YouTube channel, identify your target audience and channel focus, and create a Trello board to organize your content efficiently.
  • 03:22 ? Use Trello to organize resources and follow a process that includes researching keywords and finding topics related to your niche to create YouTube videos with potential to rank.
    • Use Trello to organize resources for your YouTube channel, including competitors for video ideas and any other extra resources you want to use.
    • To create YouTube videos, you need a process that includes coming up with video ideas, researching keywords using tools like TubeBuddy, and finding topics related to your niche.
    • The speaker discusses the search volume and competition of a keyword, with an 84 score indicating the potential to rank with a good video.
  • 05:59 ? Plan and create videos efficiently by finding keywords, brainstorming ideas, creating a Trello board, outlining each video, and having thumbnails ready.
    • To grow your YouTube channel, find keywords in your niche and brainstorm video ideas to create a posting schedule and avoid stress.
    • To plan and create videos efficiently, create a Trello board with columns for videos to produce, give yourself an outline for each video, and have thumbnails ready.
  • 07:38 ? Prioritize niche and strategy, good audio and lighting, and remember that creating the video is only the first step; the thumbnail is just as important and should not be rushed.
    • When creating a video for your YouTube channel, it's important to consider your niche and strategy, prioritize good audio and lighting, and remember that creating the video is only the first step.
    • The video creation process involves filming, editing, reviewing, and creating a thumbnail, with the thumbnail being just as important as the video itself and should not be rushed.
  • 09:23 ? Organize your YouTube channel with a Trello board and optimize your videos for the algorithm to gain traction and rank on keywords.
    • Organize your YouTube channel by creating a Trello board and following the steps of video idea, production, editing, thumbnail, and upload to get content onto your channel and gain traction.
    • To optimize your videos for YouTube, feed the algorithm what it wants to get more views and rank on keywords.
  • 10:48 ? Creating high demand content with a strong video idea, title, and thumbnail is key to increasing views and subscribers on YouTube.
    • The two most important metrics for YouTube success are click-through rate and watch time, with the key to improving click-through rate being a strong video idea and title that resonates with your niche audience.
    • Creating high demand content with a compelling thumbnail and bold, easy-to-see visuals is important for increasing views and subscribers on YouTube.
  • 12:27 ? Focus on achieving a click-through rate above 10 and improving watch time by working on thumbnails, video ideas, and titles to achieve success on YouTube.
    • A video about live trading options on Weibo stood out and got a high click-through rate because it was different and allowed viewers to see the thought process during the trade.
    • To achieve success on YouTube, focus on achieving a click-through rate above 10 and improving watch time by working on thumbnails, video ideas, and titles.
  • 14:09 ? Aim for an average percentage view above 35% and good click-through rate to go viral, follow the steps to get your first 1000 subscribers and implement affiliate marketing to make money.
    • The most important metric for video success is the average percentage view, with a goal of above 35%, and if combined with a good click-through rate, videos can go viral.
    • To get your first thousand subscribers on YouTube, follow the steps listed and be consistent with a posting schedule that you can sustain.
    • To make money from a YouTube channel, implement affiliate marketing by promoting products and making commissions, and to learn how to get started with affiliate marketing, download a free copy of the speaker's guide.

Bonus 25: He makes $100 with affiliate marketing in 24 hours or gets buzz cut

This is great.  Either he makes $100 with affiliate marketing in 24 hours OR he has to get a buzz cut!

Using Trello to efficiently organize content and prioritize niche and strategy, creating high demand content with strong video ideas, titles, and thumbnails, and optimizing videos for the algorithm are key steps to quickly grow a YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023.

  • 00:00 ? Identify your niche, target audience, and create a Trello board to efficiently organize content to quickly grow your YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023.
    • The speaker shares the strategies he used to grow his YouTube channel from scratch to over 1,000 subscribers in a few months, with videos getting up to 15,000 views, and offers to help others achieve the same success through affiliate marketing.
    • The speaker's recent videos have been getting a lot of views due to ranking on trading keywords on Weeble.
    • To quickly grow a YouTube channel to 1,000 subscribers in 2023, it's important to specialize in a certain niche and create videos around it.
    • To grow your YouTube channel, identify your target audience and channel focus, and create a Trello board to organize your content efficiently.
  • 03:22 ? Use Trello to organize resources and follow a process that includes researching keywords and finding topics related to your niche to create YouTube videos with potential to rank.
    • Use Trello to organize resources for your YouTube channel, including competitors for video ideas and any other extra resources you want to use.
    • To create YouTube videos, you need a process that includes coming up with video ideas, researching keywords using tools like TubeBuddy, and finding topics related to your niche.
    • The speaker discusses the search volume and competition of a keyword, with an 84 score indicating the potential to rank with a good video.
  • 05:59 ? Plan and create videos efficiently by finding keywords, brainstorming ideas, creating a Trello board, outlining each video, and having thumbnails ready.
    • To grow your YouTube channel, find keywords in your niche and brainstorm video ideas to create a posting schedule and avoid stress.
    • To plan and create videos efficiently, create a Trello board with columns for videos to produce, give yourself an outline for each video, and have thumbnails ready.
  • 07:38 ? Prioritize niche and strategy, good audio and lighting, and remember that creating the video is only the first step; the thumbnail is just as important and should not be rushed.
    • When creating a video for your YouTube channel, it's important to consider your niche and strategy, prioritize good audio and lighting, and remember that creating the video is only the first step.
    • The video creation process involves filming, editing, reviewing, and creating a thumbnail, with the thumbnail being just as important as the video itself and should not be rushed.
  • 09:23 ? Organize your YouTube channel with a Trello board and optimize your videos for the algorithm to gain traction and rank on keywords.
    • Organize your YouTube channel by creating a Trello board and following the steps of video idea, production, editing, thumbnail, and upload to get content onto your channel and gain traction.
    • To optimize your videos for YouTube, feed the algorithm what it wants to get more views and rank on keywords.
  • 10:48 ? Creating high demand content with a strong video idea, title, and thumbnail is key to increasing views and subscribers on YouTube.
    • The two most important metrics for YouTube success are click-through rate and watch time, with the key to improving click-through rate being a strong video idea and title that resonates with your niche audience.
    • Creating high demand content with a compelling thumbnail and bold, easy-to-see visuals is important for increasing views and subscribers on YouTube.
  • 12:27 ? Focus on achieving a click-through rate above 10 and improving watch time by working on thumbnails, video ideas, and titles to achieve success on YouTube.
    • A video about live trading options on Weibo stood out and got a high click-through rate because it was different and allowed viewers to see the thought process during the trade.
    • To achieve success on YouTube, focus on achieving a click-through rate above 10 and improving watch time by working on thumbnails, video ideas, and titles.
  • 14:09 ? Aim for an average percentage view above 35% and good click-through rate to go viral, follow the steps to get your first 1000 subscribers and implement affiliate marketing to make money.
    • The most important metric for video success is the average percentage view, with a goal of above 35%, and if combined with a good click-through rate, videos can go viral.
    • To get your first thousand subscribers on YouTube, follow the steps listed and be consistent with a posting schedule that you can sustain.
    • To make money from a YouTube channel, implement affiliate marketing by promoting products and making commissions, and to learn how to get started with affiliate marketing, download a free copy of the speaker's guide.