This Free App Dings Every time Someone Hits My Websites

I’m gonna show you step-by-step how to set it all up for FREE (Saves you $100 a month)

You'll know almost instantly what works, what doesn't, if emails are getting delivered, if the social media post is getting hits.

You'll know what country they're from, how long they're on the site, where they were referred from -- and much more

Which means you can STOP burning time and money on things that don't work, and focus on what does

Plus, you can set it all up in 3 minutes for FREE


Marlon here.

Here's what I wrote about this method not too long ago:

Today I show you how to have INSTANT FEEDBACK LOOPS that immediately show you if your marketing is working or not.

Here’s the power of it.

When I woke up this morning, I had made $123 while I slept.  Do that every night and it’s $861 a week.

At the time I'm writing this, it’s 9:23 a.m. right now and I’ve now made:

I realize it can be a little deflating or frustrating if you’re trying to make sales or money and someone flashes money before you.  Not that those are big numbers.

But here’s the thing: The POINT is that the REASON I did that is I could get INSTANT feedback on what was working and what wasn’t.

That lets you do MORE of what is working and LESS of what isn’t.  This is an absolutely CRITICAL feedback loop.

Let’s say you have a Facebook page and make a post.

You can instantly see if that post is bringing you visitors or not.  And you can see what countries they come from and now long they stay on your site.

Let’s say you buy solo ads.  But all the visitors are in countries not known for buying your products.

You know with 100% certainty the value of the traffic

You can see the time on page which helps you identify bot traffic.

I’ll give you an example:

I made a post on my Facebook page and didn’t see 1 click from it.

But I made a post in my Facebook group that did exceptionally well. I’ll repeat the way I did that post.  I used a screen cap of my email capture squeeze page and it worked gangbusters.

Chances are, I never would have known it without this method BECAUSE Facebook doesn’t look favorably on tracking links.

If you place an ad, you’ll be able to watch the traffic LIVE.

You can see the visitors come through when you send out an email and you know if your emails got delivered or black holed.

If an affiliate mails for you, you can see that.

There are so many valuable uses of the program.

And did I mention, it’s FREE.

That's right. What I have TODAY for you is a FREE and totally awesome way to test and improve your offers and it also helps with rolling them out.

What the program does is show you the visitors on your websites LIVE as they come in and leave.

But more than that, it shows you what country they’re from the domain and url they’re on AND the referring site or source if one can be determined.

Here’s an example:

In this screen cap, most of the traffic is from the U.S., as you can see from the U.S. flag.

Here’s a screen cap from last night that I took on my iPhone:

You can see I have visitors from various countries.  I see Singapore, Spain, Philippines, UK and Japan.

The traffic from countries outside the U.S. came in until about 4:00 or 4:30 EST then died off for an or so.

This gives me an idea to have an email go out at 2 a.m. EST. when people outside the U.S. are surfing the web.

Notice I said I took the screen cap on my phone.

The software has an app that goes on your phone, so it’s easy to check your traffic on your phone!

This software also lets you do live chats if you want to.  And you can do those right on your phone as it’ll notify you with a sound that you have a chat.

Very cool.

By the way, the program has EU and other notification and approval mechanisms built into it to comply with various laws.

Last night I noticed I had more visitors than I anticipated to

If that trend continues, I really need to go back to the sales page and modernize it more.

The traffic may have come from a post I made in a Facebook group.  But I’ll know if the traffic continues or not.  It seems to happen with the traffic outside of the U.S. more than in the U.S. or Canada.

THESE are the types of insights you can get.

Are launch partners mailing for you?

Yes, you can see the clicks in W+ or JVZoo.  But it’s quite a different thing to see those visitors live as they flow through your site and OTO’s.

You can see when people log into your member’s area if you put the code on whatever tool you use.  That’s cool because you can see if people are logging in ok and how many are logging into your products.

I have it set so my phone dings every time I have a visitor.  Now, during important launches or promotions, I leave it on at night. You'd think it'd interfere with my sleep but actually it's a comforting sound to hear dings all night long as people visit my sites.

And conversely, if I do NOT hear dings, that I know something is amiss. And I need to check into it in the morning.  I love it when I hear ding, ding, ding, ding!  When it's only an occasional ding, then I know I have to work on my emails or traffic.

How To Save $100 To $200 a Month

In the past I used a fabulous program called Live Person. But it cost me $120 or more per month.

I loved the way it worked.  But for people getting started, they can’t justify the cost.  I don’t know current prices as they aren’t posted on the website.

The program I found is FREE forever.  And I love it.

You can use it to have live chat on your sites which increases conversions in my experience.

One time we researched something like 100 chats and 94 of the people who chatted bought a product. The stats were crazy.

You can hire their chat operators for only $1 per hour.

But you can HIDE the chat if you know how.  It took me several days to figure that part out.

My report tells what the app is, how to set it up and how to avoid gotchas that would normally drive you batty.  It's step-by-step screen caps and text.  It only takes a couple minutes to set up when you KNOW HOW!

My report is FREE when you snag my new non-stop BEASTLY INCOME report here.  When you click the link below, you'll go to the sales page and you can snag the product and get free access to the report in the member's area.

Get The Report FREE
With Beastly Income
