Within an hour of testing this 2-step marketing system, I'll Have you on track to whip up leads that have the money to buy your offer, with an  absolute on point 11-touch  follow up system more effective than you probably dreamed possible - it's EXCITING!

It's so powerful, i affectionately call it the "marlon's hercules system"

But not only is it powerful, it's jack rabbit fast: I'm going to show you how to start promoting your offer within the first FIVE MINUTES you have the product, even if you're only an affiliate.

This offer SHUTS DOWN on 6/21



You missed out!

Closing down on 6/21. Open 48 hours only.  Don't miss out on all these juicy bonuses!

14.  4 moves to scale a business to $128,000 (potentially)

13. This video could make you more money than anything else on the internet

12.  How to create a high converting core product for big profits (30-minute training)

11.  How to start getting leads in the first 5 minutes

10.  JUST ADDED:  16-page workbook / cheat sheet -- This makes a lot simpler and faster to follow the steps. Just follow along in the workbook.

9. NEW LIVE TRAINING:  I'll be doing a live two-step marketing training.  Details to follow. It ALONE will be worth 2x or 3x or 10x the price of this offer.  

8.  NEW BONUS:  The Vampire Upsell Script That Sucks Cash Not Blood (a gem)

7.  NEW BONUS: The advanced self liquidating funnel illustrated and explained 

6. NEW BONUS: This is how she made $8 million in digital product sales

5.  NEW BONUS: One 30 second change on the opt in page brought in big bucks.

4.  NEW BONUS: Digital product upsell GOLDEN ideas.  You won't believe where I got these ideas from.

3. Real world examples from the early 1900's of how to build entire businesses with a free offer and follow up -- for any type of business

2.  5 types of posts that get attention, and how to get your posts seen, watched or read on FB, Instagram, YT and TikTok

1.  How to use opt-ins, popups and funnels to build your list and make sales

From: Marlon Sanders
Helotes, TX
Re:  Your marketing


Marlon here.

In the first 5 minutes of this product, you WILL get promo out to bring you back leads, even if you promote affiliate products.

And within one hour of springing into action on this two-step marketing system, you're going to see leads coming in and be blown away by the 11-touch follow up sequence.

You want leads.  You want sales.  That's what my 2-step marketing system gives you the greatest chance of getting.  

But that's just scratching the surface..

In this information, you'll discover:

✅ What to do if you're attracting people who don't buy

✅  How to turn things around if you're only getting broke people on your list

✅  You're following up with your email list "opt-ins" but you aren't making sales

✅  You know WHAT to do but don't know HOW to do it

✅  The big mistake people make when using two-step marketing

✅ How TJ sold huge amounts of "network marketing" by two-stepping it

✅ The free plugin that combines two-step marketing with your blog get you sales -- automatically.

✅  What I did wrong the very first time I used two-step marketing

✅ The simplest thing you can do tomorrow to start turning more customers into sales.

✅ The secret source where Gary Halbert teaches how to write world class bullet points

✅ The one specific formula for making passive income that's doable

✅ The only types of offers likely to bring you true passive income

But we're NOT done yet!

✅  What to do if you can't build your email lists

✅  7 niches that make $30,000 per sale

✅  How a stay-at-home mom makes $24,000 a month with a blog and free Pinterest traffic

✅  What to do if you don't have a lead magnet?

✅   How to create a lead magnet for affiliate marketing

✅  Fast and easy lead magnet ideas that convert

✅  This lead magnet made $29,428 in 90 days (results not typical)

✅  How to create an opt-in funnel for free

✅  How to write emails using a.i. tools

✅  Get A.I. to write your email sequences for you

✅  The email funnel strategy that works every time

✅  The BEST way you'll likely EVER find to plan your email sequences to make sales


Who Is This Training For?

If you market books on Amazon, coaching, PLR products, Kindle books, info products, ideas, a group or organization, a business, affiliate products,a cause, a city, state or  even a country or political movement, and obviously a product or service, then absolutely THIS TRAINING IS FOR YOU! 

In fact, more than that.  It's vital for your success now and in the next 12 months.

You're going to be getting the kind of nitty gritty training I'm known for.

And you're going to get training you can use IMMEDIATELY to make sales and an instant impact.

why listen to me?

I've been producing, creating, promoting and selling info products since BEFORE the world wide web existed

You can go all the way back to the AOL and Compuserve days. You can go back BEFORE digitally delivered products existed and my garage had manuals and tapes stacked high.

I've created, produced and promoted dozens of products, sent out hundreds, if not thousands, of emails.

Obtained over 250,000 subscribers. 

I've been there and done that. And will share with you how YOU can make the exciting transition from being a learner to a DOER, from consuming to promoting. 


I've found that even experienced marketers don't have the best lead magnets, email sequences, hooks and follow up that brings in automatic sales.

Here are the BIG BENEFITS to my two-step marketing training:

BENEFIT #1 -- Works for all types of products and services:

I don't care what you sell or who you sell it to. This is a time-tested process that will work for you. You'll be able to get started immediately without delay.

BENEFIT #2 -- It works for AFFILIATES, product creators and Info Marketers, Coaches, Authors and everyone else:

If you're an affiliate, I've got you covered.  You're an info marketer?  I've got you covered.  You're a TikTok Creator or Youtube personality.  It'll work for you just the same.

BENEFIT #3 -- You get the type of nitty gritty step-by-step instructions I'm known for, so you know what to do and how to do it:

I know you want to be shown what to do and how to do it step-by-step.  So I've got your back.

BENEFIT #4Here's the best part:

You'll get instant access to the course material, so you can start RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, next week or next month.

Here are THREE good reasons to say yes to getting the real secrets and strategies of two-step marketing

1. Two-step marketing works for all types of business from info products to coaching to affiliate marketing to all types of businesses

What I love about two-step marketing is it works for all types of businesses for all kinds of products and services, whether you have no budget or a big budget.

2. You can uses this method the rest of your life. It has been working since before 1900.

So much of the time people buy trainings that ONLY work for that business.  And may be short lived.  But two-step marketing is something you can use the rest of your life with confidence.

3. You get multiple PDF's plus videos that explain everything for you

I give you both PDF's and videos.  So you can soak up the info however works best for you.

4. You'll have unlimited access to ALL course materials at once.

NO waiting week by week for the lessons to be held. Everything is instantly available 24/7.

You'll get videos, templates and example step-by-step processes that you can use immediately to start producing and promoting!

introducing THE two-step marketing SYSTEM TO  attract the right prospects and get them to give you your money!

I call it the two-stepemarketing system but its nickname is HERCULES because it's so DARNED STRONG

You're going to get everything you need to get rocking and rolling in minimum time.

✅ I'll walk you through what to do, why to do it and how to do it every step of the way.

✅ Complete in-depth video course on how to generate leads that could sell for $495 by itself

✅ The 10-step lead generation system

✅  Do your social media posts, articles or blog posts get little attention or get ignored?  Here are the 5 topics that get attention. Try these and watch the difference.

✅  How to great a great hook

And much more.

Here's how you implement two-step marketing

Even though it's called two-step marketing (and it IS), for the purpose of explanation, I've divided it into multiple steps.


attract the right buyers to start

This is critical.

See, you get to decide WHO you want to attract.  If you don't like your customers, they're broke, they're negative, or whatever the issue is, you have a hiccup in your customer attraction system.



create  the right type of lead magnet that attracts the right people to you

Lead magnets sound common sense and easy.

But if you have people on your list who don't believe in spending money or investing in training (or whatever you sell), it's the fault of your lead magnets.

I give you the right resources and training so you can not only fix this up but make it work for you.


get people onto your email list

I share with you the resources you need to do this.

The money is in the list. So it's essential you get your potential buyers on your emaill list.

Want more money?  You just get more people on your email lists. You can actually reverse engineer your income just by figuring out how many people you need on your email list to get the income youi want.


generate opt ins and leads

I'll help you snag a whole free course that shows you how to do this.

And I'll share with you what works for me.

Don't like ads? No problem. There are pltenty of options.  Like ads?  Well, you can do those too.  I show you options and help you get free training so you can rock it out.

You're going to know exactly, specifically what you needd to do and how in order to generate leads.  This will be the best lead-getting training you've ever gotten.


send a sequence of emails to get sales

One of the most breakthrough thing I'm giving you is a method of creating a sequence of emails to get sales.

I've never seen this taught before.  And it's probably the FIRST thing you've seen that makes sense and is easy to implement.

Once you learn this method, it'll be a game changer for turning your email leads into sales.

Not only that, you can use it for affiliate offers or your own products.

And it works ANYTIME.  NOT just for launches.

Best of all, you do NOT have to write crazy stories or things that only a "writer" can do.

This just makes sense and works.  It's worth 10x the modest price I'm asking for this entire training.

module 1


We start off immediately helping you tackle and solve the main problems that stop people when they try to use two-step marketing.

1.  Your lead magnet is attracting the wrong people

2.  You’re attracting broke people by the words you use

3.  Your email follow up isn’t effective

The big mistakes people make when attempting to use two-step marketing which causes them to attract the WRONG people who don't need or want the product, don't value it or aren't likely to pay for it.

In this module, we'll tackle and solve these problems right off the bat.  You'll get your money's worth and more JUST from this.


the beginner's guide to creating a system that spits out sales

Here are the problems most people experience:

1.  Don't know your niche

2.  Can't build your email lists

3.  Don't have a lead magnet

4.  Have a poor converting lead magnet

5.  Don't have an email list at all

6.  Don't or can't send emails

7.  Don't know what to write or how to write it

8.  Don't have an autoresponder service

9.  Can't convert emails to sales

So let’s tackle them one by one.

So this module is a deep dive.  This is where you'll discover how a stay-at0home mom made $24,000 a month with a blog and Pinterest.  

You'll discover 7 niches that make $30,000 per sale. 

The best converting lead magnets.

How to use A.I. to do everything 10X faster.

The lead magnet that made $29,428 in 90 days.

Of course, the results above are exceptional not typical.  But you're going to learn it all, soak it all up and you can apply as you want.


A New, Super Profitable Way To Plan Your Email Sequences, So You Get The Sales You Deserve On Autopilot

There are a million and one approaches to email marketing, theories and methods.

Some people swear by story telling or story selling.   I think of John Alanis, Daegan Smith, Ben Settle and Matt Furey.

Some people hammer out a new email for a product every day.

Some people do product reviews.

Some send frequent content.

All of these methods have merit to them. And in the end, you’ll find your own style.

But what I want to talk about today IS DIFFERENT.

See, I’m NOT talking about sending “one-off” emails.

I’m talking about sending a SERIES or SEQUENCE of emails designed to help you snag a sale…low ticket, mid ticket, big ticket. It’s all the same idea.


Here’s why.

Let’s say you’re selling a product on how to make a mint selling funky hats through Amazon.

So you send out an email announcing that the product is available.

People buy.

The next day you send out an email, “Hey, you can STILL buy.”

The next day you send out another email “Hey, did you see this?  I SAID you can buy now.”

The next day you send out another email “This is a great value.  I sent you 3 emails. You haven’t bought.  What’s the problem here?”

See, it quickly goes downhill.

Your emails have NO STRATEGY to them.

Some people plan out launches.  And plan on dropping a testimonial, a bonus and then push the price increase.

That works.

But there’s a deeper way to do this.


"how to think and plan in terms of goals and sequences. here's why

Here’s why this is a big deal.

By thinking in terms of goals and sequences, it lets you actually PLAN where you take your customers.  What path do you want to take them through?

For my business, one path I’ve thought about is people buy a product, they get an in-depth survey.  And based on the results of that survey, I direct them to different offers.  And possibly even to a phone call.

I have SOME customers who SHOULD be getting my MMM newsletter.  And the survey could sort out these customers and then present them with the offer.

I have OTHER customers who would be best served by joining Fast Track coaching.

And yet others might want my whole enchilada like the Cash Like Clockwork System.

That’s an example of a path.

But let’s say you sell products as an affiliate.

You might want to take people on a journey that presents product A, B then C.

So you have a sequence of emails for product A.  If they buy, they go out of that sequence and directly into the sequence for product B.

If they buy product B, they go into the sequence for product C.

And likewise, if they go through all the emails for product A and don’t buy, they automatically go into the sequence for product B then product C.

But you could also create a couple different paths for different customers.  I would think no more than 3 paths. Any more than that and it might get horribly complex.

Maybe the division is beginners, intermediate and advanced.  And you have different offers based on how experienced they are.

The sky is the limit how you organize this.

Because if you lump them all together, it’s not optimal.  Advanced people are getting emails aimed at beginners.

And beginners are getting emails aimed at advanced people.



Automate your social media so that you can take 20 weeks off but the posts keep going out -- WITHOUT prescheduling 20 weeks of content which would be a real drag.

See how I'm getting 4.2% clicks on my social posts

Easily organize your social media into buckets so you rotate posts across your vital topics

Have a system easy enough your virtual assistant or outsource can do it for you

Have actual TRACKING on your social media so you know if it's working

This is not for everyone

Listen, if you're broke and desperate, if you've spent thousands and not made anything, if you can't do basic stuff on the computer or if you're powerless and feel you need someone else to make it happen for you, this is NOT for you.

  • I don't want "blood money."
  • I don't want you to go in debt to buy this.
  • I don't want to take food off your table.
  • I don't want to take new clothes away from your kids.
  • I don't need your money.

I don't want you to borrow on your life insurance policy or spend your Social Security money nor steal from your retirement savings.

This is for able, capable people who have some basic computer skills, the ability, desire and willingness to learn and who are proactive in life. 

BONUSES for ordering before the deadline!

Bonus 1

How to use Opt-ins, Popups and Funnels to Build Your List and Make sales

The heart and soul of your business is your list.

People who run their business without building lists will likely pay for it one day.

Your list is with you through thick and thin.

Of course, the question is "How do you build your list?"

And the NUMBER ONE way to build your list is covered in this report.

Bonus 2

5 Types of Posts That Get Attention and How to Get Your posts Seen, Watched or Read on FB, Instagram, YT and tikTok

There are only 2 things in social media that determine how much exposure your post gets:

1.  Does your post stop the scroll more than other posts?

2.  Does it cause people to keep reading or watching?

The reason these two are so important is that social media is in the business of selling ads.

Therefore, they want people to stop scrolling and read or watch whatever you post. This keeps people on their platform.


And that’s why their posts don’t get much exposure.

Bonus 3

Real World Examples From The Early 1900's of How To Build Entire Businesses With a FREE Offer and follow Up -- For ANY Type of Business

I don’t care what business you’re in.

The money is in the list.

Step one:  Get potential buyers or buyers on a list

Step two:  Send out offers

Step three:  Follow up

This formula has worked since 1900 and before.

Of course, the thing people always want to know is HOW do you get people on a list?

Interestingly enough, you do it about the same way as 90-100 years ago. So I thought it’d be interesting this issue to have a show and tell.

Here’s one from the Burroughs corporation, which was a leading manufacturer and seller of typewriters, adding and accounting machines.

The resolution on these images isn’t great.  So I’ve left them at a large size so you can read them.

What I find INTERESTING about this is the large variety of businesses who found SOME WAY to offer:

* free samples

* free proof

* free book

* free trial

* free booklet

It’s amazing how SIMPLE, obvious things can be not so obvious.

It’s OBVIOUS for a copywriter to offer FREE SAMPLES in an ad.

This report will be a HUGE eye opener. And it's based on my extensive old-school research for which I've been paid as much as $5,000.

My Better Than Risk Free substitution guarantee

#1: If for any reason you aren't happy, you get to KEEP the Two-Step Marketing Systemand all the bonuses.

#2: "Better than Risk Free" means I will ALSO give you an additional product of equal or greater value that better meets your needs.

How can I do this? That's how confident I am that this system works!

Just think about it. If this system didn't work, would I be in any position to make an offer like this?

The only reason I make this guarantee is I'm very confident you'll love the training and refer to it for years to come like my other customers do.

start using the two-step marketing SYSTEM today

If you need assistance to place your order or have any questions just go to and we will be happy to assist you.

Best Wishes,

Marlon Sanders 

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