
Dear Marketer,

You and I will meet each week on the phone for 12 weeks to set up your sales system for marketing your products or services on the internet. We will go over your assignments, we'll chat about marketing and you'll get personal feedback from me.

In addition, each month in the mail for six months you'll receive my in-depth, printed newsletter that you can peruse at your convenience, any place, any time. It goes beyond the 12 weeks and keeps you ON TRACK with the System that I help you set up.

Plus, if you want, you'll also get a monthly audio seminar on CD, so it's just like me and you having a monthly fireside chat about your marketing.

Here's what's NEW in the Marlon Sanders
12 Week Internet Marketing Success System!

Not only do you get the 12 week conference calls, 6 monthly printed newsletters, 7 monthly audio CD's, the "Cash Like Clockwork System" printed manual, "69 Laws of Twister Marketing" Manual, and much more... if you join now you'll also receive:

---->1) You get a 3 month subscription to the "Push Button Survey" Software that you use to conduct your 12 product surveys and find out what people want to buy.
---->2) You get a 3 month subscription to the "Push Button Cash" Software that lets you fill in the blanks and create your marketing system.
---->3) You get a 3 month subscription to the "Push Button Stats" Software that lets you manage your business and sales by a unique statistics method.
---->4) You get a 3 month subscription to our "Push Button Reminders" Software that helps remind you to do the things you need to get done but keep putting off!
---->5) You get a 3 month subscription to the "Push Button Format" Software that lets you format your email promo messages in a flash. You also get a course on writing email that gets responded to, a Hot Sheet on sending HTML email and monthly HTML email templates.
---->6) You get a 3 month subscription to my "Push Button Email" Software. Just fill in the blanks, click a button and out pops a text or html email you can send to your customerssubscribersaffiliatesezine ad promos or joint venture partners.
---->You also get feedback on assignments through Private Members Site, Action PlansProprietary Checklists and a digital Quick Start Manual


As a new bonus you'll also receive a free 90 day trial of my brand new "Push Button Email Software" program.

Just fill in the blanks, click a button and out pops a text or HTML email you can send to your subscriber list, use for ezine advertising, solo mailing ads, joint venture offers, offers for your customers, subscribers or affiliates, and much more.

Here's what the software looks like:

Choose from 9 Email Formula Templates!Just fill in the blanks to create your email!


You'll receive a free 3 month trial of my brand new never before released "Push Button Survey" software that helps you create HTML surveys in a flash that you can send to your customers, subscribers and resellers. Using the software you can survey new product ideas, get feedback from existing customers, find out what people want to buy and more.

Here's what the software looks like:

Main Survey Software Admin ScreenViewing Individual Survey Results


You'll get a 90 day trial of my brand new "Push Button Statsl Software" program that lets you manage your business and sales by a unique statistics method.

You can create custom stats to fit with ANY type of business and track nearly any type of promotions you do. For example you can calculate your dollars per unique visitor, number of sales, view graphs of your daily, weekly or monthly stats. Track associate promotions, ezine ad promotions and more. Just fill in the blanks, click a button and out pop your preformatted stats.

Here's what the software looks like:

What you see is just one example of what you can track. There are endless possibilities because you are in complete control over the type of stats you track and the type of "stat groups" you create.

Once you've set up your groups and you've entered your stats you can view them by day, week or month. The software formats your stats into tidy little charts and graphs so you can see everything at a glance. Use the advanced settings and you can create a "stat guideline" so you're immediately alerted if your sales or visitors falls below your "acceptable level".


During the week (between the regular Tuesday conference calls) you'll be receiving feedback directly from me to you, on your completed and in-progress assignments. We'll be keeping in touch through a private online account if you have any questions and will be regularly posting your bonus "goodies" there for you!


You'll also get my new proprietary checklists and step by step action plans.

Here's a sample checklist:


You get a free 3 month trial account of my Push Button Cash software system that contains your brand new personal 10 day action plan for success.

The Main Admin PageYour 10 Day Action Plan

The Push Button Cash software includes step by step help with:

- Targeting Your Market
- Identifying 12 Customer Problems
- Creating your 12 Product Survey
- Ranking Your 12 Product Ideas
- Your Killer Sales Letter Promo
- Your Associate Program Promo
- Your Ezine Promo
- Your Article Ideas
- Plus, you'll also get your very own "10 Day Action Plan" for success


As a member of the 12 Week course you'll receive access to my "Inner Circle" Discussion Forum where you can post messages with other class members on a wide variety of topics.


In addition to the private members only discussion forum, you'll get access to the 12 Week System private assignment board where you can login, check your assignments and get personal feedback on your progress.

Here's what the assignment board looks like:

When a new assignment is posted or feedback is given, you'll get an email asking you to login to the site.


Finally, you'll receive a full 90 day (that's 3 months) access to the Push Button Format software. Just fill in the blanks with your text, choose your options, click a button and out pops a perfectly formatted email!

You get unlimited use of the software during your 90 day trial, PLUS you'll also receive:

Bonus One: A hot new powerful, results-pulling HTML email template delivered to your inbox every month!

Bonus Two: Marlon's Hot Sheet on "How to Avoid Problems and Pitfalls When Sending Your HTML Email".

Bonus Three: Marlon's exclusive 14 week course called "How to Write Emails That Make People Click, Act and Buy!".

As a member of the Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing 12 Week Success System you'll also be receiving:

1. You get a step-by-step walk through of The Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System

This is brand new and never revealed before.  I'll demo a new software tool that makes the process ten times faster and easier.

2.You will get my complete system for conducting surveys to find out what people want to buy so that you are fishing with bait the fish want to bite.

I have received a ton of questions about how you find people to take your surveys, what software do you use, how do you get people to take the actual surveys and so forth.

You'll get my complete system for doing this, including the software I recommend.

3. You will get a walk through on setting up all your systems using my recommended vendors for autoresponders, credit card processing, surveys, databases, and so forth.

I don't just say "use these people or go here."  That is an insane waste of time.

Do you know how much time and energy you can waste trying to figure out different systems, software programs and so forth.

I totally and completely shortcut your learning curve by weeks or months by walking you through the exact systems I recommend you use.  You will get step-by-step walk through the Systems that get you up and running -- FAST!

What's more, I'm going to save you endless hours in researching vendors.

You know, we have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours searching down vendors, trying out different ones.  It's a truly monumental task to research all the options out there. And then you try a vendor only to find out they weren't a good one.

And if you're taking your advice off of forums from people who aren't making much money or doing any volume, you're in for a rude awakening.  A lot of systems break under heavy use.  And this can be extremely costly to your business.

And then, if you have to switch vendors or Systems, that can be a huge drain on  your time and resources.  It's a royal pain in the you know what. Don't put yourself through that.  Let me guide you to the exact vendors, systems and resources I have tested and proven.

3. You get a complete walk through my formula for creating sales letters and web pages that get people to phone, book appointments, respond, bookmark or buy like crazy.

This is not just an intellectual explanation.  It's hands on.  I will actually walk you through writing a sales letter step-by-step with my Push Button Sales Letters software.  I will show you the thinking process you go through. 

What's more, I will prove to you it can take a lot less time than you may think and than an ordinary person CAN do it. 

And I will help you avoid the 3 killer mistakes in creating sales letters that almost everybody makes.

4. You get a complete dry run of setting up your affiliate program and software that can get a powerful army of people selling your products for you, advertising and promoting your products and services for you, bringing you leads and business around the clock.

I will show you how easy it is to set up an affiliate program so you can have a host of others selling your products and services for you.

5. You get a walk through I have never done before on how to set up an affiliate tools site to give you resellers a virtual tool shed of money-making vehicles they can use. 

Imagine two associate programs.

You sign up for one and there is a little scrawny page with a few banners and links on it. That is the typical associate program.

Now imagine someone signing up for your site and there is this virtual buffet of promotional tools they can use to haul in the cash like crazy.

Which do you think people will promote?

All things being equal, they'll choose the program with the tools.

I'll show you how you get these tools created for you. And how to set up an affiliate tools site.

6. You get a walk through of my testimonials acquisition system.

Testimonials are enormously important online.

Imagine this: You're a customer. You go to one site and it's loaded up with powerful testimonials with photos and even audio. The other web sit has no testimonials, no photos.  No audio.  Which product are you more likely to buy? 

The one with testimonials, right?

That's why you've GOT to have them.  I'll walk you through my System for obtaining testimonials and getting them put on your web sites with a minimum of hassle. 

I'll give you reprint rights to an actual TEMPLATE you can use to get testimonials.

7.  You get a brand new System for turning normal, everyday ads into lead-getting, order-pulling, prospect-attracting giants.

You'll find out how to turn little ads into big response getters.

Whether you use Yellow Page ads, flyers, classified ads, ezine ads, newspaper ads, solo mailings, or pay-per-click advertising, you pay a chunk of change for your advertising.

This new tool I've stumbled across has been demonstrated to increase the response to ads by a factor of 3 to 5 times.  Imagine getting  3 to 5 times the response to your advertising!

I'll tell you what this amazing tool is and show you how you can use it immediately to put a rocket in all your ads.  By the way, this is NOT audio testimonials. It's something completely different.

8.  You get my System for sending out emails that get opened, read and responded to -- even with all the spam filter craziness that is going on.

The spam filters are out of control.  They're like the robots in The Terminator!  But like Arnold, you can fight back and win with my new System.

I'll lay it all out for you.  The difference in response rate can be dramatic.  Let's say you send out 5,000 emails for a $100 product.

If you get a 1% response, that is 50 orders.  But if you double that, you get 100 orders and make $5000 more.

That's why it's imperative that you have my System for getting your emails opened and read. The System comes with actual email templates you can use immediately to supercharge your email communications.

9.  You get a walk through the amazing weekly statistics system I use to run my business.

I've never released this one before.

I'm going to show you exactly how I manage my business by graphing statistics weekly.  I'll give you a list of the statistics and demo software you can use to track your stats just like we do ours.

Whether you are just starting out or already running a business, this will be a big breakthrough for you.  By the way, this has NOTHING whatsoever to do with ad tracking programs like adminder.  It's totally and completely different.

10. You get my systems for combining online marketing with offline

If you sell in the "real world" using Yellow Page ads, newspaper ads, Val Pak, magazine ads, or whatever, I'll reveal the secrets of combining the two for the best of all worlds.

11.  You get a system for bonding with your customers and pouring on the repeat and referral business.

You've GOT to have systems for repeat and referral business.  I'll walk you through what to do and how to do it.

The concept comes to life and you're able to immediately go out and implement it for great results.

You get the tools, systems and strategies you need to get your products really selling.

12.  I will walk you through my steps for finding and using team members who can take the load of you and FREE UP YOUR TIME.

Don't let your business run your life.  You live the life you want by using systems.  I'll give you a walk through how I find people and how I set up systems.

Here are 16 reasons I can help you
sell your products or service:

 Reason Number One:  It took me since 1978 to put this System together.  It didn’t happen overnight.  I have tested, refined, flopped, succeeded, and done everything in between to create it.

Reason Number two:  I personally spend $10,000 to $15,000 per year just on my own marketing education.  So I KNOW all the latest scoop and strategies. 

Reason Number three:  I relentlessly test and try new things in my own business using “split testing” where I test 3 different versions of a web page simultaneously to find out what works and what doesn’t.  Most other people have Systems based on opinions.  Mine is based on testing and proven in the fire of experience.

Reason Number four:  I have taught various parts of my System at over 120, $3,000 one-day seminars.  And that wasn’t my whole System. Just parts of it. I have NEVER taught my entire System in ANY seminar, ebook or course anywhere at any time.  Not even in Cash Like Clockwork.

Reason Number five:  I am highly respected on the Net.  Just ask anyone who has been in this business for any substantial length of time.  You know, I often can’t even order other people’s products because everyone knows who I am.  And they often fear me as a competitor so they blacklist me from ordering. 

Reason Number six: I innovated a number of methods used in this industry. For instance, I was the first person to sell a 100% digitally delivered ebook on marketing that was not followed up by anything in print.

Reason Number seven:  Over 33,970 web sites reference me, my systems and my products.  That’s how good they are.

Reason Number eight:  My web sites are in the top 1% of over 2 million web sites in terms of traffic.

Reason Number nine:  I did not start teaching or become a “guru” yesterday.  I have a LOT of practice at this. So I know how to teach and explain.  I know what I’m doing.

Reason Number ten: I have been paid over $10,000 to write just one sales letter.  There are not many people currently teaching online marketing or even copywriting who can say that.

Reason Number eleven:  I get paid $1,000 per hour for consulting.  I don’t do it that often because I don’t like doing it.  But I do get paid that. Here’s proof.

Reason Number twelve:  I didn’t just start doing this 1 year ago and decide to teach others.  I’ve been at this since before the World Wide Web existed.  Back then, people marketed on the old, text-based Internet where the buzz words were Veronica and Archie.  Before that, I was selling online via AOL and CompuServe.

Reason Number thirteen:  I have not only been a professional freelance direct response copywriter, I also wrote on staff for more than one company as a professional writer.  I know writing.  I know direct response.  I know marketing.  I have been in it for years and years.

Reason Reason Number fourteen:  One of my best writing clients was a legend.  It is rumored he was worth over 400,000,000.  You don’t write sales letters for someone like that unless you know your stuff.

Reason Number fifteen:  I owned a retail business once.  Actually, I failed at a retail business once.  I have a rich history and experience in all sorts of marketing endeavors and businesses.  My friends are often amazed.

Reason Number sixteen:  In the past, I worked at a number of sales jobs.  You know, whatever you’re experiencing or going through, I have probably been there and done that. 

With all due respect to others in this business, most of the courses, seminars, systems, ebooks and so forth that purport to help your business profit from the Internet have one or more of the following fatal flaws...

The 15 Fatal Flaws of Most
"How-To-Do-Internet-Marketing" Programs

Fatal Flaw One:  They are designed for people who sell ebooks or other information products online and not for other types of businesses.

That applies to MOST of the information that is being sold on how to do Internet marketing.

Fatal Flaw Two:  They are so darned theoretical you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to apply the ideas to YOUR business.

My System is practical, relatively simple and implement-able.

Fatal Flaw Three:  They waste dozens or hundreds of pages on complicated methods that change all the time like how to get at the top of the search engines.  You have a business to run.  You don’t have time to play those games.

The Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System doesn’t play games or waste space on complicated endeavors.  It’s down-to-earth and practical.

Fatal Flaw Four:  They cover methods and tactics that are so general they are of little use to you.  (This applies to most ALL the books you will see at any bookstore on the topic.)

You don’t need general advice.  You need specific methods and systems that will work for and apply to YOUR business.

Fatal Flaw Five:  They do NOT incorporate and blend with offline advertising sources like Yellow Page, trade journal or newspaper ads.

My System works synergistically with these methods.

Fatal Flaw Six:  They do NOT walk you step-by-step through the SPECIFIC tools you need to implement the methods to follow up, bond emotionally with customers, upsell-bump-or cross-sell, or ramp up the repeat business and referrals. They give general advice and expect you to pay for personal consultations to get specific recommendations.

I not only discuss these tools, I walk you right through them step-by-step.

Fatal Flaw Seven:  They give you a BUNCH of “might-be-good” “possibly good” resources.

This happens to be one of might pet peeves.  One of the comments I’ve heard about a few products is “It was so great.  It gave me so many resources.”

In my opinion, this is not only a fatal flaw, it’s ridiculous.  You do NOT need a list of unproven, possible, maybe-good resources to try out.  It’s a waste of YOUR time.  You would then have to research each one, try it, test it out and see if it worked or not.

What a stupendous WASTE of your time, energy and effort.

You want my specific recommendation based on my having spent weeks and months investigating resources, trying things out, testing, honing and refining my systems.  I have already done the research, the legwork and so forth.  I tell you:  Use this.  Buy this.  Set this up.

You know, reinventing the wheel should not be your idea of a good time.  You have a business to run.

Fatal Flaw Eight:  They give you business models that work only for “Internet only” businesses – if they even work then.

Another one of my pet peeves is the “content” model of generating traffic and getting customer loyalty.  This no doubt does work for some businesses.  But it also caused a lot of dot com businesses to flop BECAUSE it’s expensive to obtain, provide, and update content. 

And most of all, you do NOT need it to use the Internet as a highly effective marketing weapon and profit tool for your business.

Fatal Flaw Nine:  They do NOT cover the full range of the business profit cycle such as following up, using methods to make sales and appointments “stick,” creating emotional bonding and loyalty with your customers, and getting repeat business and referrals.

Fatal Flaw Ten:  They cover general methods and systems for getting repeat business and referrals. They do not have specific methods, tools and Systems in place.

I’ve spent a lot of time and energy discovering systems, methods and tools to make sales stick, make upsells or add-ons, cross-sells, bonding, creating loyalty and so forth.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  You get my specific tools and strategies.

Fatal Flaw Eleven:  They are books or courses only and do not include any kind of follow up support where you can hear other people’s experiences or ask questions.

The Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System includes 12 weeks of conference calls to help you get it running like a well-oiled machine, PLUS the 7 months of audio CD's with the Gold version, AND 6 months of The Marlon Sanders Marketing Letter printed and delivered to your mailbox.

Fatal Flaw Twelve:  They are authored, taught or created by people who either worked in ad agencies as an employee or in other places where they have no real experience in operating or running a business.  They don’t know what it’s like to be under the gun to raise money to pay your staff or employees.  They have no real world experience in sales and marketing.  It’s all theoretical.

Fatal Flaw Thirteen:  They rely on methods that sound good in theory but don’t pan out in the real world.

There are lots of ideas in this business that sound good in theory but don’t pan out for most businesses.  For example, you’ll hear the term viral marketing tossed about.  You know, it does work for some businesses.  But it’s just one of those things that’s a challenge to do and can be a colossal waste of time.

Rather than concentrate on hard-to-make-work methods, the Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System uses simple, practical, easy-to-make work strategies that are doable and not blue sky stuff.

Fatal Flaw Fourteen:  They publish a lot of good ideas, scattered all over the place amongst newsletters, books, and resources. If you want to keep buying and reading, buying and reading, sooner or later you can cobble together something that will work for you.

But unless cobbling together piece meal your Internet Marketing System is your idea of a good time, then I consider this a fatal flaw. What I do is give you a step-by-step System for success that has been proven to work by businesses in all sorts of industries.  And that includes YOURS.

Fatal Flaw Fifteen:  A lot of seminars that may be conducted in your community on Internet marketing are by vendors – people who have something to sell you. So not only is their advice highly biased, but they have not operated an Internet marketing business.  They know enough to impress newbies. But they really aren’t experts at online marketing.

I have competed online and succeeded since 1996.  I have been in the heat of the battle.  I know the tricks, secrets and methods that work.

Here are 12 Reasons You Should Crawl Over Broken Glass To Get The Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System

OK.  You now have a pretty good overview of what my System can do for you, why you should believe me and how it’s different from everything else out there.

Let’s now chunk down into the 12 specific facts that explain why you’ve got to have the Success System:

Fact one:  The Internet is not going away anytime soon.

In spite of the dot bomb fiasco, the Internet is alive and well and growing. Not only that, business models have been discovered and developed that DO work very profitably.

More and more people are getting Internet access as computers get cheaper and as access itself gets cheaper.  This trend is only going to continue.  You might as well get on board and profit.  If you’re already on board but not profitable, you might as well use it to your advantage and find out how to MALE it profitable.

Fact Two:  Your competitors ARE slowly but surely warming up to the Internet and figuring out how to use it. 

If you don’t meet or exceed what they’re doing, it really is true that you will be left at a competitive disadvantage.

In the early days, I heard that statement and to some degree it was hype. But you know what?  It’s true today.  You not only need to match the skill of your competitors online but you need to exceed it.  You need to be BETTER than they are.

Fact Three:  There ARE proven Systems for getting leads, prospects and sales online as well as developing emotional bonding and obtaining repeat business and referrals

In the early days, again some of these promises were hype.  Not now. In the early days, people were trying to invent the wheel.  Well, times move quickly.  The wheel exists and it rolls like a speed demon if you know what you’re doing.

It’s time you take advantage of the profit opportunities that ARE available for you.

Fact Four:  You do NOT need to become a techie, geek or spend your days chained behind the computer to profit from Internet marketing.

That just isn’t true.  Yes, it does take time.  Some strategies more than others.  But the return on investment and payoff is definitely worth it. Why not let me show you how to do it and shortcut your learning curve immensely.

Fact Five:  Trying to reinvent the wheel yourself is an expensive, time consuming process.

I’ve spent the last 7 years learning.  I spend $10,000 to $15,000 a year just keeping up to date and learning.  It’s costly and time consuming to stay on top of everything.  That’s why I’ve done it for you. So you don’t have to.  I will spoon feed you the cream of the crop.  The best of the best that has passed all my tests and experiments.

Fact Six:  Not all that glitters is gold

There are many slick sales people who will try to sell you an expensive bill of goods you don’t need:  Over priced shopping carts, bloated and unnecessary ecommerce systems, costly schemes that you don’t need.  The list could go on and on.

These things all sound good in theory. But guess what?  You don’t need them.  I’ll help you bypass the fool’s gold and find the real thing 

Fact Seven:  The Internet is only ONE tool for your business

I advocate and incorporate other non-Internet marketing strategies that are proven to work such as consumer awareness hotlines, postcard mailings and so forth.  By getting assistance from someone who has ran more than one business, who understands both online and offline marketing, you get an unbeatable advantage that gives you profit-certain results.

Fact Eight:  You CAN increase your profits of Yellow Page Ads, newspaper, magazine, radio and trade journal ads, Val Pack and Money Mailers by combining the power of the Internet

I will show you successful models of businesses that use the Internet to increase the profits of their ads in the Yellow Pages, magazines, trade journals, newspapers and so forth.  If they can do it, there’s no reason to believe you can’t too.  I’ll give you the secrets of success.

Fact Nine:  The cost of advertising just keeps going up and up.  You need every trick, secret, and tool you can get to suck out more profits from your ad budget.

Advertising ain’t cheap.  The cost just keeps going up and up.  That’s why you’ve GOT to fight back by getting an additional edge that gets you more profits for your money.  The Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System will show you exactly how to do just that.

Fact Ten:  As the younger generation grows up, the Internet is going to become more and important. 

These younger generations are raised on the Internet.  It’s part of their life.  To keep pace with times, you’ve GOT to learn how to incorporate the Internet into what you’re doing.

Fact Eleven:  Direct mail response is going down. 

Like it or not, industry statistics show the readership of and response to direct mail just keeps going down and down.  Why?  Probably because people are relying more and more every day on the Internet for information and communication via email instead of letters.

By becoming a savvy user of targeted, highly profitable Internet marketing strategies, you will not only keep pace, you will find new profits your competitors don’t. That gives you an edge.

Fact Twelve:  Email has become the preferred method of communication. 

The businesses that survive and thrive will use it to communicate, to bond, to build loyalty, to get repeat business and referrals.  Those that don’t will be at a huge disadvantage.

No Guarantees or Promise of Income

I guarantee to get you up, running and selling or you can get your money back if you request it.  I can't promise or represent that you'll make money since that would be an unsubstantiated claim and illegal according to the law.  All business involves the pursuit of profit and the possibility of loss or risk. 

Only Room For 100
On My Conference Call Lines

I have only bought 100 conference call lines on my bridge.  That means, I've only got room for 100 participants at a time.

Right now there are a few spots left but I can't guarantee they'll be available for much longer. So if you don't want to get put on a waiting list, I urge you to join today.

You will begin with the very NEXT call.  The way it works is each session is self contained.  That means you don't have to wait go through the sessions in order. You can start IMMEDIATELY and you'll receive access to a recording of any past calls you've missed.

The calls are each Tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m. CST to 12:30 CST.

It's easy to sign up for your 12-Week "Get-It-Up-And-Running" System. Just click the link below.

Here's What You Get In The
Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing
Success System

The Standard Package:

You get:

One: 12 Weekly Training Calls with Marlon.  Value -- $12,000-$18,000 of my time.

From day one, I'm going to get you setting up your systems, creating and placing your ads, creating your sales letter, tracking your responses, and making adjustments.

These calls walk you step-by-step through what to do and how to do it.  You can ask questions if you want to or just sit back and soak it all in.  But if you do have questions, you'll get plenty of opportunities to ask them.

My consulting time is valued at $1,000 per hour, so arguably you get $18,000 value from the training calls alone!  What you get in the System is conference calls with other participants.  Of course, you can get 1 on 1 training for $1,000 per hour.

Two: 6 months of The Marlon Sanders Marketing Letter PRINTED and delivered to your mailbox.  Value $200-$300

You can take it with you anywhere and read it at your leisure.  You'll see me dissect my systems in detail. You'll get to go deep on the inside and show you how things really work.  You'll get the inside scoop as I test new systems and methods.

Think of it like my showing up at your home or business once a month, sitting down over coffee or tea and walking through my systems, how they work, new developments and so forth.

Emails get lost and set aside. But you'll my Marlon Sanders Marketing Letter staring you right in the face all the time.  There are a LOT of advantages to this. 

There are virtually NO newsletters on Internet marketing.  So really, this is the ONLY thing like it. 

Three: A printed copy of the Quick Start Guide that walks you through the steps to a FAST START. Value -- $100.

You still obviously need to go through the balance of the materials.  But if you're in a hurry to get up and running with the systems, this is the guide for you.

No dilly dallying around.  I want you up, running and potentially making money as quickly as possible.

You'll know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Four:  The Cash Like Clockwork Manual -- Value:  $200-$500

This 158-page manual walks you through the Cash-Like-Clockwork System.  It's basically our Bible for the training calls.

Five: You get the free trial bonuses to my newest software programs!

You get the bonuses mentioned at the top of this website, including the 90 day trial of the Push Button Email Software, the 90 day trial of the Push Button Survey Software PLUS you'll also receive a 3 month trial of my Push Button Cash Software.

You get all the above for only $997.00. 

TRAINING CALLS -- $12,000 Value


FAST START GUIDE (PRINT) -- $100.00 Value


TOTAL VALUE:  $12,600.00

Just the newsletter, fast start guide and manual ALONE are worth $600.  It's like you get $11,000+ of my conference call time -- FREE!

Click here to order the Standard package.

- Split the payments over 3 months!

You can split the payments over a three month period. Pay $349.00 now and the rest in 30 and 60 days.  You save $50 by paying all at once.

The Gold Package:

You get 7 Audio CD's -- $500.00 Value

Imagine me taking a walk with you for 45 minutes each month to talk with you about how you can sell your products like crazy.

Well, now you can.  Each month for 7 months, you'll receive a powerful audio CD where I go in depth into how you can sell your products like crazy.

You can listen to these in the car, at home, at the gym, when you're jogging or whatever is convenient for you. These are created as audio CD's, not data CD's so you can play them anywhere you'd normally listen to a regular store bought CD.

My consulting time is $1,000 per hour. Which makes these CD's about a $6,000 to $7,000 value.  But I'm going to value these at $500.00.

Plus you get the 397-page, gigantic PRINTED NOTEBOOK -- $500.00 Value

It is called The 69 Laws of Twister Marketing that shows you how to suck up cash like a raging Twister!

It's massive 'cause there's a lot in it. But you can lug it around with you and read it anywhere you are, when you're waiting for your kids or spouse, waiting for appointments and so forth.  The manual is broken up into 69 different sections so you don't need to sit and read it all at once. Plus, since it's a printed manual you can highlight important information and make notes in the sidebar. In the past I sold this manual alone for $500.00. 

Combined with the audio CD's, you'll be locked, loaded and ready to learn wherever you are.

Here's a breakdown of what you get:

12 WEEKS OF TRAINING CALLS -- $12,000 Value


FAST START GUIDE (PRINT) -- $100.00 Value


SEVEN AUDIO CD'S -- $500.00 Value


TOTAL VALUE:  $13,600.00


NOTE: The price for the Gold Upgrade package could be raised at anytime so grab it right now for only $1100 -- before it's too late.

Click here to order the Gold Upgrade package for only $1100.

- Split the payments over 3 months!

You can split the payments over a three month period. Pay $383.33 now and the rest in 30 and 60 days.  Total -- $1150.00 . You save $50.00 by choosing the one payment plan.

The Platinum Package:

You not only get everything in GOLD plus the STANDARD systems including ALL new features recently added. I'm adding on the entire Cash Like Clockwork program with the massive collection of 15 CD's, plus the 2 thick printed manuals. 

It's a load.

Here's a breakdown of what you get in the Platinum Package:

TRAINING CALLS -- $12,000 Value


FAST START GUIDE (PRINT) -- $100.00 Value


SEVEN AUDIO CD'S -- $500.00 Value



TOTAL VALUE:  $14,550.00

Your price: $1500.00

In the Platinum system you get everything above PLUS the Cash Like Clockwork program for only $1500.00.

Click here to order the Platinum Marlon Sanders Internet Marketing Success System


If you're an existing owner of "The Cash Like Clockwork System!" you'll get the entire package WITH the 12 weekly training calls, the monthly newsletter (6 issues) AND the 7 monthly Audio CD's for only $495.00

This means you'll get over $12000.00 in value (the 12 weekly training calls PLUS the newsletters and audio cd's) for only a one time payment of $495.00.

Click here to order if you're an existing Cash Like Clockwork owner.

- Split the payments over 3 months!

You can split the payments over a three month period. Pay $165.00 now and the rest in 30 and 60 days. You'll save $50.00 by paying all at once though.

Best Wishes,

Marlon SandersCEO - Higher Response Marketing, Inc.

P.S. We only have 9 manuals left in stock right now so I encourage you to order immediately to avoid any delay in getting your manual. That way, you can get up and running immediately.

P.P.S. This offer expires on September 23rd. No exceptions.
