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Affiliate Success Letter
Helping you make more sales and commissions as an affiliate by being 1 step ahead.  

ASL #139 -  Why Do People Love to Buy Secrets?


Marlon here.

This is the Affiliate Success Letter, and its goal is to help you make sales and commissions as an affiliate promoting products from others.

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  • New strategies for fast commission-getting
  • Simple commission-getting methods ANYONE can use
  • Tested, proven strategies you can put to work 
  • Interviews with BIG income-making super affiliates

This includes my products as well as the products of others.  I hope you promote my products.  But I also want you to succeed at the highest level possisble, so that includes promoting products from JVZoo, Clickbank, Warriorplus or stand alone programs.

By being my affiliate, you not only get commissions that increase the more you sell, you also get FREE products from me that go up to $2,000 i value.  More in a minute.

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Why Do People LOVE To Buy Secrets?

Yesterday I was reading a transcript from a video Dan Kennedy did on Mastering sales copy.  It's in the Dan Kennedy No B.S. Diamond Membership Russell Brunson sells.  Russell purchased the Dan Kennedy brand.

So anyway, Dan said something about people loving to discover and buy secrets that I'd never heard.  It made a lot of sense.

If there are SECRETS that have been kept from you by others, and those secrets are the key to success in something, then the REASON you havevn't succeeded at that thing is you didn't have the secrets.

It's NOT because you eat Cheetos and watch TV all the time!

Now, to be fair, there ARE secrets.  There reallyt are.  But they don't work to the exclusion of putting in the time, money, energy and effort.

In any event, people LOVE secrets.

So when I promote a product, I always play up the SECRETS angle, if there are secrets to be learned.

Sometimes I do that by writing bullet points of what they'll discover.

Somethings I list the secrets they'll learn.

Sometimes I just talk about it in general.

But my favorite is bullet points. I like to write bullet points for a bonus and put them in the email. That's an old Ben Settle trick,although he didn't invent it. He probably DID make it famous though.

So remember this:  people LOVE secrets.

They buy secrets.

They want to know secrets.


Here's the text from one such email I sent out:Memo from:  Golden Dragon Ninja of Death Executive CouncilRe:  Rare Volume bonus offer expires at midnightGreetings from the Executive Council,We wish to inform you that the offer of the rare money-getting secrets volume from our archive as a bonus will no longer be available after midnight.All Ninjas and aspiring Ninjas take heed and make haste or your bonus will go to waste.Go here to claim this rare volume.


This "Hallowed" volume contains secrets normally reserved only for the most inner circle of the Golden Dragon Ninja of Death clan.  Here is what it contains:Chapter 1: How to Use Viral Ecourses To Get People On Your List and Make Bux - Page 7 

Chapter 2How to Succeed Wildly As An Affiliate Using The 1-Step Ahead Method - Page 17

Chapter 3How to 10X Your Affiliate Success Via a Method Almost No One Else Uses -- This Is BIG! - Page 29

Chapter 4Deep Dive On How To Promote ON Social Media Plus a Super Affiliate EXCLUSIVE Audio - Page 43

Chapter 5The One Thing That Makes Me The Most Commissions On Affiliate Promos - Page 59

Chapter 6The MAGIC “NESBEE” Message You Can Write Quickly, Simply and Easily That Will Sell Your Affiliate Products - Page 66

Chapter 7The Four Steps To Making Commissions As An Affiliate - Page 71

Chapter 8How to Build Your Audience, So You Can Make Sales On Demand - Page 78

Chapter 9How to Score $1,000 to $50,000 By Winning Affiliate Contests - Page 84

Chapter 10What Does It Mean If Hardly Anyone Is Buying Your Bonus Offers? What Should You Do? - Page 90

Chapter 11How to Use This FREE Facebook Strategy To Get 10-100 Leads and Sales Per Week Beginning This Week - Page 96

Chapter 12I Found a Drop Dead, Very Unique Bonus You Can Create For ANY Type of Affiliate Offer - Page 103

Chapter 13A Simple, Easy Sales Formula - Page 107

Chapter 14Easy 10 Buck Ads Net 1,300 New Subscribers -a Month Like Clockwork  - Page 111

Chapter 15: How to Boost Your Affiliate Sales By Adding a Mini Video Sales Letter That “Pre-Sells” The Offer - Page 118

Chapter 16: How To Get Your Affiliate Emails Delivered For Only Ten Cents - Page 122

Chapter 17: How to Create HOT-Looking Images ForYour Bonus Stacks -  Page 127

Chapter 18: The Hidden Secret of Becoming a Super Affiliate Able to Rock Out Leaderboards Page 133

Chapter 19: 6 Ways to Find $250 to $2500 Affiliate Products To Promote Using Their Autowebinars - Page 138

Chapter 20: How To Boost Response With Eye-Catching Graphics And Save a Bundle With This DIY Method - Page 143

Chapter 21: Secrets of a$300,000 Affiliate Commissions - Page 155

Chapter 22: How to Use The Tip, The Pitch, The Turn, The Jam and the Grind To Promote Affiliate Offers - Page 159

Chapter 23: 6 Ways To Get Higher Sales Using 2-Step Marketing Page 163

Chapter 24: How to Take Photos Using Your Phone That Will Brand You, Your Promotions, Ecovers, FB Posts and So Much More - Page 167

Chapter 25: Turn Your Facebook Profile Into An Affiliate Sales Machine - Page 175

Chapter 26: The 3 Main Ways To Get Traffic and Get Eyeballs On Your Offers And 1 Golden Youtube Channel to Explore - Page 181

Chapter 27: The Trojan Hose Method of Making Affiliate Sales - Page 185

Chapter 28: My Simple Bonus Method That Works Gangbusters - Page 191

Chapter 29: The 1 Odd Thing That Can Double The Response Of Your List - Page 197

Chapter 30: How Mike Makes Up to $35,000 a Month - Page 202: 

Get It Here Before Midnight
The bottom line is, USE SECRETS!

One of the things you can promote is my free daily live streams.  When people click and sign up, they're tagged with your cookie and session id.  They go into my 29 product follow up sequence.  You have the potential to get commissions on all 29 sales.

If you haven't joined the free daily live streams, you can do it here.

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Best wishes,


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