Marlon here.
Last week we had a number of folks participate in the Get It Done challenge for 60 Minute Funnels via the popup Facebook group I set up.
I'm proud of our clients who took action and got their funnel done. Each client below will receive a special report as a celebratory gift. And one grand prize winner will receive a print copy of my unreleased Beastly Profits book.
Here are the funnels these clients created consisting of:
1. 5 day ecourse lessons to use as a lead magnet
2. 5 emails promoting the ecourse lessons
3. report to use as a lead magnet
4. retargeting ads
5. Optional was the creation of an email capture page and/or a page for affiliates
(Note: I'm not personally endorsing any of these products or businesses as I've not and reviewed their funnels and products, although most are long-time customers. I did this as a fun way to encourage participation. And I wantedd to reward the clients who took action and created a funnel. They deserve our applause and appreciation.
Anthony Smith = Rockstar

Anthony is a rockstar in my Fast Track coaching. He's a long time customer. Super bright and talented. Always brings ideas and energy to Fast Track. Get his free 5-day Linked In Lead Machine automation blueprint here.
Pamela James = Rockstar

How to Double Your Productivity To Grow Your Online Business
5 day ecourse
5 emails promoting each lesson of the course
Report: Too much to do? Essential strategies to help new onine marketers get ahead
Pamela did a great job on this. She's wanting to dig deeper into A.I. and she's off to a fantastic start. I predict much more to come on this from Pamela.
James Coe = Rockstar

How use AI to create lead magnets, ecourses, reports, follow up emails and retargeting ads
5 emails promoting each lesson of the course
Report: Harnessing AI: A Step-by-Step Guide to Lead Generation and Ecourse Creation
James is a long time customer and he did a bang up job on this! We have all his outputs in one Google doc for easy viewing. I really like the effort James put into this and expect great things from him in the future. He's a go-getter, and I like that. Here's his website:
It's his 4-tier approach to making sales online.
Donal Fitzsimons = Rockstar

Sales Funnel Mastery: Unlocking Hidden Revenue with Upsells and Offers
5 emails promoting each lesson of the course
Report: Harnessing AI: A Step-by-Step Guide to Lead Generation and Ecourse Creation
I like what Donal did here. He's right. There's a lot of hidden revenue in upsells and offers. Combining that topic with A.I. is a winner. My appreciation to Donal for participating in this challenge!
Kelly Conway = Rockstar

The Retiree's Guide to Creating Passive Income with AI Funnels
5 emails promoting free report lead magnet
7 emails promoting AI funnels course
Report: Unlock the Secret to Earning Online Income in Your Retirement Years
Kelly has a hot topic here for retiree's for sure. He produced a nice, clean-looking report, emails to promote it, retargeting ads and emails to sell an ai funnels course. Great job Kelly. Let's see you take this to the next level.
Stephen E. Boutelle = Rockstar

How to Rejuvenate a Struggling Online Business
5 day ecourse: 5 Key Signs Your Business Needs a Reboot (And How to Fix It
5 emails promoting each lesson of the course
Report: Top 10 Signs Your Business Needs a Reboot
Stephen is a long-time customer. He came up with this nifty angle on how to rejuvenate a struggling online business.
Good report titles and implemenation. Stephen always participates and is a super bright action taker. Expect to see more from Stephen in future "get it done" weeks.
Dr. Rick Allen = Rockstar

Ai In Business: 2025 Trends Report

Opt In Page
5 day ecourse: AI in Business: 2025 Trends
5 emails promoting each lesson of the course
Report: AI in Business 2025: Report -- The Game-Changing Trends You Need To Know
Dr. Rick is very creative and did a really beautiful report for this, complete with an opt-in page, his ecourse, report and ads.
He has a great angle on the 2025 trends. Props to Dr. Allen for his work on this in his busy schedule.
Are you an alpha dog? How AI and ChatGPT can help you gain a competitive edge in 2025. Check it out here.
That page is built mostly with AI!
Dave Clark = Rockstar

Short Report Big Profits
Dave went all out on this one and even had AI do graphics for his ads or posts. They look good! And he has an opt-in page to boot. Dave is a long-time customer and is starting up his own Skool group for marketing. Good success to Dave with this project! And congrats on the action taking.
I have already got another AI funnel up and running all ready. It is all about writing prompts for AI.
It is called “Natural Human Writer”
I purchased the domain about 7:30 am, site was finished and up and running by about 12:30 pm including writing and testing an email writing prompt.
My Skool is free to join.